Blue light comes from electric light too. I got a red light for my home office (better to call it computer room) and I like it a lot. Gives me a relaxed feeling in the evening. Now, like kbell said, computer glasses reduce the eyestrain due to staring at a flat screen which is close to your face. I'm wearing one right now.
But if you're balls deep then why care??
But if you're balls deep then why care??
A whore ain't nothing but a trick to a pimp. (Iceberg Slim)
Beauty is in the erection of the beholder. (duedue)
Grab your life by the pussy.
A better question to ask is "What EXACTLY do I want out of life and what EXACTLY am I doing to get EXACTLY that? If you can answer that question truthfully you will be the most Alpha motherfucker you will ever need to be. (PapayaTapper)