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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

>>Women's SMV is dictated by men and vice versa to a certain extent.

Not "to a certain extent" but rather 100% the value of the product is determined by the buyer. Which is why we can settle the question of which sex is hurt more by being fat very easily. Do you see more lean guys with fat women or fat guys with lean women? (Ignore the other possibilities: fat+fat, lean+ lean.)

Where I am now (bumblefuck, USA), among wealthier married couples, dad bod or disgustingly big pot-bellied men with lean women is very common, and lean men with fat women uncommon. Among less wealthy, it's the opposite.

Which gets back to hypergamy. If you're an top 10% man in all respects except being overweight, you are overwhelmed with sexual choice, and the women know that, so they have to keep up their looks to keep you. If you are not in the top 10%, you are fighting for scraps with the other bottom 90% of men and so you are the one who has to stay lean to get a woman.

For both men and women, sexual market value is clearly determined by more than weight: face, personality, fame, youth, health, money, etc. But most people agree that youth and beauty count as bigger factors for women than men. So yes, being fat hurts women more in that sense. However, any decline in an individual woman's SMV due to fatness can be overwhelmed by an overall decline in the SMV of all non-elite men, as has clearly happened where I live in the USA, as shown by all the lean non-elite guys having to settle for land whales.

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