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Pipe bombs delivered to Democratic operatives 2 weeks before midterms

Pipe bombs delivered to Democratic operatives 2 weeks before midterms

This topic can get its own thread.

This looks like a false flag operation to save the Democrats from losing bigly in the midterms. Twitter is already declaring it a #MAGAbomber and the left is attacking Trump with it.


A series of pipe bombs were sent to several prominent Democrats and CNN's New York newsroom, triggering a nationwide investigation Wednesday and bipartisan condemnation.

The targets included former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and former CIA Director John Brennan, officials and investigators said.

One intercepted package was addressed to Hillary Clinton and discovered on Tuesday near the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York, a suburb of New York City. Another addressed to Obama was intercepted Wednesday in Washington, they said.


Let's see if they "catch" the patsy.

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