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3d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Cody W is in trouble because a) girl is 16, and AOC is 17 in Texas, and b) he paid the bitch, and a prostitute/sex worker has to be 18 or over.

[Image: attachment.jpg40119]   

AOC are listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_co...ted_States

Blue: 16
Olive: 17
Light Green: 18

(AOC is 16 across Canada.)

The best defense against statutory rape seems to deny that any sex occurred, and obviously emphasize the girl lied about her age.

Make sure she won't get pregnant, and claim you didn't even touch her intimate parts and that she didn't touch yours either.

Note: I'm not a lawyer, I just googled stuff.

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