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Datasheet Belgium

Datasheet Belgium

Quote: (07-02-2018 06:32 AM)SpursFan741 Wrote:  

I already wrote a summary of what game is in Belgium here: thread-66812...pid1722282

The country offers so little when it comes to gaming and like mentioned here: ratio's in bars / clubs are the worst I ever encountered. And I'm not even beginning about the attitude from some Flemish girls, they behave like a 8 , 9 while they are maybe a 3 or 4 and they are very close minded ( Most of them just want to stay within 5 KM from their parents house and not move to anywhere) . Almost all Belgian guys date down and their woman decides everything. ( Most of them are very Beta)

Yupp.. good one. It actually pretty much confirms the experiences in this thread.

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