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If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (03-04-2012 07:28 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2012 01:38 PM)Fujiwara Wrote:  

I don't know. I can't say for many other locations you write about, but when you write about Miami, it's easy for me (in Miami) to tell that you know what's up. When I read your "Lion of Lincoln" article, I could easily visualise ME in the story, because the locations and descriptions are so on point. Details and thoroughness, your blog and forum posts are chock-full of 'em.

Perhaps TudoBem just can't wrap his head around some of the realities we might live because he doesn't believe them to be possible for himself.

It's not like you're writing about flying through the air in pantyhose or shooting spider-webs out of your hands or saving Gotham City from the Joker and his crew.

Yeah, I think that is it.

It has always struck me as strange how people doubt what I write about so much. However, it is probably a good idea to take a hard look at the person doubting and see what they have accomplished.

I think of myself as a pretty regular cat. I have friends with a lot more dough. Tons more in fact.

I mean, look at the membership of this site.

Mixx has equal dough to me. Maybe more. Harry Houligan is paid. Thre are a lot of guys on here with cheese. Hell, there is a cat on here that has a private jet.

Do you ever hear me talking about cars? Cribs?

When I have talked about those things, I have talked about them because they are overrated.

There are tons of cats on here that have been to way more countries than I have. Hell, I haven't even been to Asia.

I think people read my stuff and their fantasies get the best of them. When have I ever talked about rolling in a private jet? Even First class?

The truth is, I am a very frugal traveler in a lot of ways. I was the first to diss Bottle Service back in the day.

I don't spend money on stupid things.

Let's just keep it real.

Yeah. But you have mentioned custom suits and other expensive habits while your identity is very much a secret. I know some members were going to meet you at one point, but no one has as of yet. No one even knows what you look like.

I've never cared one way or the other, but I can see how others come to their conclusions. It's not really what you write, but the way you write about it while keeping your identity a mystery. Every other high profile member has an open identity and/or has met with other members. By open identity, I mean we know what they look like. No one is expecting others to reveal their legal names or to give up their SSN. In this day and age, mere talk is cheap. Can't be surprised if others call you out on it.

I know you've explained your position before so no need to go into it again. I'm not making any accusations.

One thing you've mentioned that I'm really curious about was you said you would make a thread about living in Southern California without a car. Unless you use a motorcycle instead, I would be really curious as to how one could make that work. I can't imagine someone in SoCal making moves via public transit.

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