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Billionaire's Boys Club

Billionaire's Boys Club

I agree you don't need to have expensive things to attract chicks but what helps a lot is having a sense of personal style

This can be done for much less money than most guys imagine.

Most important thing for a suit-or any clothing really- is the fit. A good tailor is essential.

As for watches I have a reasonably priced Movado that has gotten compliments-even once that it was "sexy". But i agree women don't know anything about watches.

I drive a 90's SUV and I don't think it's ever lost me any bangs.

One item that is worth investing in however is shoes-this is a huge deal with women and they will judge you by your shoes.

Excellent shoes make a silent statement about you that women will notice

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

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