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Dubai DataSheet

Dubai DataSheet

Quote: (07-03-2017 04:56 AM)zatara Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2017 07:42 AM)bumborass Wrote:  

this info is solid, thanks a lot!

yeah I went out one night on a Friday night, wearing jeans, a Polo, and shoes.. pretty much what everyone else was wearing, and got rejected in 5 clubs. Don't remember their names though. All the bouncers denied me offering to pay them extra as well.. they all told me it was "couples only"

but do you think that these locations are pretty jumping throughout the week and the time that I'll be there?

The hotel I'll be staying in allows female guests.. just gotta sign em in though. Had to do that on NYE but the security was cool so they told me their info just stays in their system..

Dubai's door staff are very lax in general, its pretty much unheard of to get refused from most places unless you're in a giant group of lads or absolutely hammered. "couples only" is just them politely giving you a 'go away', its not common at all. The unfortunate problem you're having is most of the Dubai expat bars are very wary of letting any darker skinned customers in. Theres a very real danger of bars getting a rep as a low class place where the Pakistani labourers go if they do so, and so losing all their European/Aus/US white expat clientele.

I'd say try to dress as formal/preppy as you can. And if you've got any white friends to go in with that'll help massively.

yeah I figured as much

I always go to Dubai alone.. so I guess I'll just avoid those racist venues altogether and save my money

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