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Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Why Do Republicans Hate This, But Like This?

Quote: (01-30-2012 02:18 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2012 01:12 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


Sure, he can appoint whoever he wants in his cabinet, but many of those people aren't exactly the kind of folks that get Wall Street leaders excited.

Also, Obama is the commander of the ship. Many people on The Street simply don't like the guy.

His cabinet is pretty Wall Street friendly.

And since early "09, the S&P is up over 50%.

Quote: (01-30-2012 01:00 PM)Brian Wrote:  

The global economy collapsed in 2007/8. Its been 4 years. Its not the governments job to grow the economy, thats the problem. Obama is a huge pro-government president and consistently makes life more difficult for private business when he's not whining about fairness.

You do know he hasn't raised taxes right?

Except some small taxes on things like cigarettes. (Which of course has to get passed by Congress).

He has extended tax cuts.

Look, I don't like Obama, but not for the reasons you guys are giving.

I can see where you're coming from, G. For those who really wanted someone new, fresh, and innovative to change the scene in Washington, they must be truly disappointed--if they're being honest--with Obama. One has to wonder, is Obama even a Democrat?

A strong case can be made that he's actually a moderate Republican or some variation of Republican-lite.

Consider the points G has raised. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts, engaged in new military adventures, gave huge breaks to both Wall Street and the automotive industry, and has done virtually nothing to save ailing homeowners, appease Wall Street "Occupiers," or improve the economic prospects of the middle class. Further, he is the first president in American history to order the killing of a US citizen without a shred of due process (in direct violation of the US Constitution). He even expanded, not just maintained, many of the borderline fascist, if not outright totalitarian, "national security" policies of his predecessor.

This actually drives my point further. If we're going to have a Republican in the White House, why not get a "real one" in there?

Because Romney will extend the Bush tax cuts, engage in new military adventures, continue to give huge breaks to both Wall Street and the automotive industry. Further, he will be the second president in American history to order the killing of a US citizen without a shred of due process (in direct violation of the US Constitution).

And come up with stronger National Defense Authorization Acts.

Obama and Romney are basically the same guy.

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