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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (08-16-2014 11:18 AM)Ensam Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2014 10:57 AM)Heathree Wrote:  

I am not sure if characteristics remain constant throughout every single person's life. Chances are some of these alphas have become ordinary everyday guys while a few of the school yard nerds have become the alpha dog. Not in the sense of Bill Gates.

I think that's a fairly common arc. People who enjoy success early in life often times become complacent and lose the eye of the tiger later on. People who struggle to find success witness the rise and fall of others and are more likely to stay vigilant if they should ever find themselves on top.

From what I can see around me, this does hold true. The majority of alphas from my elementary and high school day are now train wrecks. They're actually very much like women in this regard - they reached their peak in early to mid 20s, and went downhill from then on.

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