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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-28-2016 09:05 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Getting blown up on easter is indeed some awesome first class citizenship status. Fuck off with this. There's plenty of first hand accounts of Christians in even relatively moderate places like Lebanon who actually get heavily discriminated against and face death threats in private. There's always official government policy these muslim countries put up to save face from criticism but what happens behind closed doors and in society is a different matter altogether..

ahh well ok. I am saying they are sharia rules that were implemented during the ottoman empire. Since world war 1 when they were destroyed there has been no country that is implementing sharia rules anymore so lets get that straight. that horse left the cart long time ago. All these countries are run by wierdos and pseudo jews. Even saudi think the king even prays?..its all crap. as far as the christians in lebanon is concerned....yep agree with you. Find out who funds hezbollah .....hmm same ppl who funds ISIS perhaps. same with hamas.

Quote: (03-28-2016 09:05 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Also, the reason why a lot of buildings were protected is that it was wasteful to level them.....

chuckle, yeh good one. wasteful. haha. Go and tell 10 kids that they can knock down a building and tell me if they refuse because it is wasteful.

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