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Pretty decent data sheet actually.

Some things to add:

From Tijuana to Ensenada you will find arguably the sickest waves on the west coast. Many are secret spots. People don't tell. I know them, don't ask me. There is minimal info on the internet on this as well. My advice? Go explore. No one will tell you.

Tijuana has some beautiful upper class girls. I have dated plenty.

But if you think you are going to roll into TJ and start swooping, well, lets just say your efforts are better placed elsewhere. This is a triple black diamond type city. Not even Mystery or Neil Strauss is pulling this off. Ha.

This is Manifesto only turf.

Also, keep in mind, there is a heavy drug war going on here:

I have written on the subject a lot. Refer to The Manifesto if interested.

Not for the faint of heart.

In addition, I should be rolling to Guadalajara this year with some heavies, so hopefully I will have some info soon for you guys.

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