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Fuck buddy getting attached

Fuck buddy getting attached

In my own experience, the best way to deal with CFD (Clingy Fuckbuddy Disorder) is the freeze-out; I have gotten a lot of mileage out of cold-shouldering a casual girl who had designs on becoming a serious girl, example;

Next time you're all together, be a little quieter and more sullen than usual. Eventually, this will happen;

Her: You've been awfully quiet tonight, is everything okay?
You: Yeah, I've just got some stuff on my mind.
Her: What is it? You can tell me.
You: I don't really want to talk about it right now.

I don't really want to talk about it right now...

Great deflector or greatest deflector? Be sure to include the 'right now' in it; it gives her the idea that while you don't want to talk about it right now, you may want to talk about it in the future. Makes the hamster run marathons. Since women are by nature self-absorbed, even if it's not about her, she'll think it is about her and that good feeling of dread will kick in.

9 times out of ten if you keep face, at the end of the night she'll fuck your brains out. Even better that you can just walk away.

If you're prepared to drop this girl, one thing you can (and should) do is alert your boy that's fucking the friend; remember how warlike and prone to building alliances women are. Pull your man aside when you know you're going to end it and say 'Yo Carlos, I'm going to Camille's place tonight and after I fuck her I'm dropping her like a bad habit, she's getting too familiar. This is going to affect your deal with Lindsay in some roundabout way, so plan accordingly.'

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