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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I used to think that this stuff had no effect, but my opinion has reversed itself lately.

Asian countries are getting harder by the year and a big factor is the shitty foreigners who fuck it up for us. Japan has gone from full-on pussy paradise to challenging even for well-integrated expats - all that within just 10 years or so.

Even this forum plays a somewhat negative role. There are just too many lurkers who contribute nothing but soak up all the value offered. You'd be amazed how many people have read the Philippines and Colombia threads.

If you find an amazing spot, tell other members about it over beers but don't post a datasheet unless you want to see that town ruined in record time. We could really do with a members-only section in my view.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

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