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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I remember reading about this when it was making the rounds on the internet before.

Apparently they were or are RSD affiliated guys and were going around Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other parts of asia doing their version of spam approaching day game and filming it. They were trying to get into situations where they could get rage clickbait/notoriety going on the vid sites.

They succeeded in getting some notoriety but it just seems like obvious trolling to me like that one RSD guy Julien who did the same thing except more extreme.

I doubt any of these guys would have the balls to go up to guys/girls in situations where it's obvious they couldn't get away with it.

The one (HK?) dude who they snaked the girl(s) from wasn't even a boyfriend but some lame guy they decided to tool in front of the cameras.

No point in having a talk with guys like this at all. It's better to let the locals police them socially. When they push things too far they usually get jumped or end up dead anyways and they'll end up as a blurb in some local tabloid rag with full color photo spreads as another foreigner who got murked.

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