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Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

Sweden to distribute feminist propaganda to every 16 year old

The article didn't really stand out to me in an "oh look, Sweden is becoming an even more feminist country way". I agree they have much bigger things to worry about. To me it's just really disturbing that they're doing this to kids. It started in universities, now high schools. How long until not just Sweden but other countries in the West start indoctrinating five year olds? In Canada I think it's in 7th grade now that kids are being taught that their are six genders. I said above that at 16, most kids still tend to believe everything they're taught at school with minimal questioning. In 7th grade and below, when most kids hear something from an authority figure, it almost becomes solid fact in the kids head. I assume the men on this forum are the type who would have doubted the propaganda, but most aren't like us. We're looking at a generation that's going to grow up being poisoned with liberal beliefs.

And why stop with feminism? The next step will be forcing these kids to learn about how awful white people are, or how we need to let thousands of Muslims into our countries and bend to their will. It's disgusting.

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