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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (10-26-2015 06:36 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2015 02:26 PM)steezyy Wrote:  

Lol mad people offended by the notion of making money, but didn't expect to find so many on this forum.

The point is to leverage your money to maximize dating options, so you get to the point where 8s & 9s come to you, instead of the other way around. Without money/status, no girl is going to be checking for you, which makes your job more difficult. Making money solves those problems, and he is simply giving a baseline as to the exact amounts. Everybody missed the point and thought he meant that you need XYZ amount to pull 8s. Nah. Make XYZ so 8s come to you, through high-end social circles, yacht parties, and entry into exclusive events. All about leverage.

You don't need to be rich to pull this off...

However, you can instantly "get in" but it'll cost you an average of $10,000 a month just to go out 2x a week in the high end scene. If you split it with a wing you can go out 2x a week for $5,000. (What the guy doesn't know is I'm showing up spending $0)

Money doesn't automatically make you AWESOME. Which is why I always say money is for YOU and enhancing your life. My fav venue to "buy your way in" you have to spend $3,000 a night. That's $24,000 a month for 2x a week of going out...

Based on the traveling feedback I've got you can easily go to eastern euro for cheaper and find women on par with "high end" scene. (And can only imagine the high end scene in those cities having even more quality)


All I was saying was money helps change the flow - from you going out and scouting the scene.. to the scene scouting you. Women like you for your lifestyle + status. The people that run these events like you for the women + status you bring. Increases status, reputation, etc. Circle of life.

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