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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

I remember this stage of game. When I was going on a lot of OKCupid dates, and then randomly approaching women in bars / coffee shops, chatting them up, and asking for digits. Wondering which ones would text me back, if my game was on point, etc.

At some point, you'll bang enough girls and come to a few realizations. Or at least I did. Some random thoughts...

1. There is no logical rhyme and reason to women. It's almost entirely emotion based. They have no master plan, other than to meet a guy they feel a "spark" for.

2. "Game" is simply a way to understand and interact with women - being whose actions are dictated by emotion and not logic. Creating that "spark" is a matter of appealing to emotion rather than logic.

3. Once you understand this, women are relatively predictable. There is no deeper meaning in their texts or thoughts. They don't have some master plan for you. They're simply playing it by ear, going from one emotion to the next.

4. What women truly desire, even though feminism claims otherwise, is to be led. They are a giant ball of emotion, swaying from one direction to the next. What they want is a man who is a steadfast bullwark against this, who can withstand their emotions and lead them. A man who doesn't give into their emotions, who doesn't chase her when she starts acting dramatic, and who doesn't have the need to send a gay text like "Hi Suzie! I really enjoyed our date last night. I can't WAIT to see you again! [Image: smile.gif] ).

5. The point - women want a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. Sitting around wondering why she didn't text you back is feminine. Sending her a text like "Hey, I have a gift for you!" is feminine. Thinking that her brain operates on any sort of logic when it comes to matters of sex is feminine.

You want to get more texts returned? Go to the gym and get big. Start a business and make some money. Go read a book about Sparta and their society. Become a man who truly does not give a fuck if they return your texts, and you'll find you're a guy who a lot of girls are texting.

I can't remember the last time I've cared about whether a girl responded to a text message.

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