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The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-23-2011 02:19 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

The irony of all this arguing over what skin color is better is that skin color was never even intended to be a marker of beauty in any way. It was just an adaptation to living in an environment with a stronger sun. Just your body's way of stopping you from getting skin cancer. It's really no more complicated than that. Yet we humans have assigned all this social value and worth to it. It's really strange when you sit down and think about it.

If skin color has no correlation to looks than how do you answer/explain the question of why is there FAR more attractive light skinned and brown girls when compared to their dark black counterparts?

And when I say there is far more ect Im referring to the general public's perception of beauty.

So you answer this with simply its an illusion created by social programming? ie We are lead to think a certain "thing" is attractive.

Even with that argument / rebuttal who is to say the REASON for the social programming is simply because THAT IS whats more attractive?

Interesting stuff, no doubt.

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