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The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So


Out of those 10 women only 3 are what I would consider black skinned. And out of the 3 black skinned only 1 id consider dark black skinned.

The dark black skinned chick (chick #4) is attractive (cant see her hair, and outfit are hindering me giving a proper complete rating) Notice she has nice big eyes, stream lined chin and facial features. Nose is alil wide and could be pointier but nothing too major.

Let me rate these women right quick so you can see my rating style.

Chick 1 - hb8
Chick 2 - hb7.5
Chick 3 - hb5.5 (eye brow bones are way to dominant and her nose is big, could possibly be a hb6 if she fixes those eye brows)
Chick 4 - hb7.5 (looks skinny. would give her an hb8 if her body was on point)
Chick 5 - hb6.5 (jawline is too masculine)
Chick 6 - hb5.5
Chick 7 - hb8.5
Chick 8 - hb8.5
Chick 9 - hb9 (is this the same girl as Chick 8?)
Chick 10 - hb8 (would like to see her with her hair down and less makeup)


Well then what explains why some cultures find it attractive for a woman's neck to be stretched a foot long or why some consider it attractive to have a giant plate in your lip? I think people find attractive whatever their culture raises them to find attractive. Most of us in the forum for example don't find those short, indigenous Bolivian women with the bowler hats attractive, but apparently Bolivian men have no problem with them. Maybe I'd like them too if I was raised in a small Andean village.

I have already explained this. Different cultures/races/religions have different Universal Traits/Standards of beauty. Like I told another poster, an example I see on a daily basis here in Korea is Koreans think that paleness/whiteness is beautiful where as in America people view paleness/whiteness as unattractive.

TheWolfHawls sums up the true answer for why black men prefer lighter skinned women with this quote which is SPOT on.

Quote: (10-22-2011 02:36 PM)TheWolfHowls Wrote:  

1) Attractive Black Girls are less plentiful. I've seen many more attractive girls in other races than black girls.

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