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The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

The Panoramic View: Why Black Men Prefer White Women and the So

Quote: (10-22-2011 06:26 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

It is real simple.

Atleast 80% of dark women are not attractive. I rarely see an attractive dark/black sista. At the same token I see many attractive light-skinned women.

Dark skinned women are just not viewed as attractive. Plain and simple. This can be seen in the music videos, movies, ect. And is why you see black women using skin whiteners.

The number of actresses and singers that are considered attractive that have dark/black skin are small.

Almost all the top women of color are mostly light skinned or brown skinned

Dash, what is defined as attractive? For you to say 80% of dark women are not attractive, is this a universal standard or is it your personal opinion?

What is considered attractive is a media construct and nothing that is lead to occur naturally.

All these most beautiful women in the world that we look at on Western media all the time, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, I don't even think I'd enjoy fcuking them.

Judging who is attractive by who is allowed to come on tv is an incorrect measurement of assessing beauty.

TV is a political medium and there is always an agenda for who is allowed to come on tv.

They say black women have more testosterone maybe so but that's because black males have more testosterone than any other race (in GENERAL) and each race is designed to compliment their own (male vs female).

Now excuse me here but this is the theory. I have heard somewhere that Asians have the lowest testosterone levels out of all the races. Please correct me if I am wrong.
So based on this theory if an Asian with this low testosterone level were to couple up with a black woman, she'd ride the shyt out of him and probably dominate him in a relationship.

So therefore, an Asian woman would be created with less testosterone so she can compliment her male counterpart.

In terms of why blacks prefer lighter skinned females, I think there is a correlation between lighter skinned females presumed to be more wealthy and less beat down than darker ones.

In many cultures, the darker you are signifies that you have been outside working in the sun all day. The wealthier people usually take shelter during the fierce sunnier parts of the day and therefore show a distinctively fairer complexion.

That means a fairer woman would most likely to have come from royalty or well to do upbringings and not be worn out by hard labour.

I don't know if it has anything to do with blacks etc..because I used to date an Asian woman and her mum was as light as a Caucasian. She said that her mum was very much sought after in her home country.

It made me wonder whether this has anything to do with just natural selection or if it is Western programming.

But I totally disagree with 80 percent of dark skinned women being unattractive. It has nothing to do with a personal bias, I just think that we have to honestly decide what are the parameters to measure beauty by.





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