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Think you found wife material - how to know it's not an act?

Think you found wife material - how to know it's not an act?

I was reading "The Millionaire Mind" today and one of the chapters explains how choosing the right spouse is crucial if one wants to become a millionaire. Interestingly, the vast majority of millionaires are married (presumably happily) to the same spouse for a long time, usually for life. Most millionaires are married, not single or divorced.

The theme that occurred over and over when Millionaires were asked about their spouses and how their spouses contributed to their happiness and, indeed, financial success were that their spouses were:

Honest, Responsible, Loving, Capable and Supportive.

Those four themes occurred over and over amongst the millionaires interviewed.

There was one story about a very successful man who had been happily dating a woman for some time. They got along well, had similar interests, were attracted to each other and by all accounts she seemed a good, honest woman. He had intentions of marrying her. Then, he found out, due to a botched call from a credit company, that she was $ 35,000 in debt with student loans and had not been making any payments on them.

When he confronted her with this she hemmed and hawed at first saying it was no big deal. When he pressed her, she confessed that because she knew how wealthy and successful he was, she was planning on getting him to pay off the loans once they were married. She was going to keep the fact that she had all this debt under wraps under they were hitched. Disgusted by this feeling of dishonesty and betrayal he dumped her. Now single, he vows to vet any woman he is considering for marriage. The man said he would probably also want to do a credit check on any potential spouse in the future and he would be happy to show her his income statements and credit history as well.

So, to sum it up look for a girl who's : Honest, Responsible, Loving, Capable and Supportive. Oh yeah, and who you're attracted to and who is still years away from the wall and who is hopefully not whored out. Much tougher to do here in the West than anytime in history but, hopefully for the diligent and traditional minded man, still doable.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


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