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What will people miss 50 years from now?

What will people miss 50 years from now?

I do a decent amount of artifact/antique exploring. I may spot a '50s-style hat or a rug from the seventies and think, "If only these things were commonplace today, when I'm alive."

The interesting part is, back in the day, people who owned most of these intriguing items didn't know that they would one day be valuable and worth money/admired by those who have second-hand nostalgia.

I don't have one thing in my house, nor can I think of one thing in existence today, that will be missed by the future generations of the world. I'm sure some concepts from the 90s (when I was born), such as a few TV shows, quirky toys, etc. will be somewhat novel, but it's impossible for me to imagine what will be so interesting in the future...The biggest thing our society has going for it is its creation of new technology. But, technology, like beauty, fades -- and, after a new version comes out -- grows worthless.

What do you think from our society will be "cool" and interesting to future generations? I've been contemplating a lot about how we, especially in the United States, are falling through a downward spiral. Not cynically, but naturally speaking, for a nation thriving on technological and scientific advancements, its people are so detached from each other, engulfed in their cell phones, living in one big paradox.

What do we have of worth?

What will people miss 50 years from now?

If there's anyone around to be missing things.

I think future generations will look back at our time like we do the 1920s or 1970s.. a time when casual sex was rampant and culture was frivolous.

Or, they will look back and do retro kitsch on us for fun.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Probably CDs and cassettes. I also feel that there will be no countryside - just housing developments.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Not an item per say, but unfortunately a lot of nature and animals will most likely be gone in 50 years.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Blockbuster comes to mind. Vehicles have become disposable for the most part, unless you have something high end. Both kind of fit into the replaceable technology category though. An entry level house today is framed with wood and covered in plastic siding(Atleast in my neck of the woods).

It's becoming harder and harder to work on your own vehicle with basic tools. Everything is becoming electronic, pretty well anything mechanical will probably be phased out in the next 50 years.

I can't remember where I heard it but Bic is a good example. Disposable lighters to replace zippos, disposable razors to replace the straight razor, disposable pens to replace old school fountain pens. Why recycle an old item when you could just throw it out and grab a fresh one?

Magazines and newspapers..

Conceived to beat all odds like Las Vegas

What will people miss 50 years from now?

1)Being able to cross red lights and speeding. Future cars will probably be integrated in the common traffic network and will drive mostly by themselves.

2)Having personal space and secrets.


What will people miss 50 years from now?

The U.S.A.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Things that resemble struggle. 50 years from now life is going to be so easy because everything is going to be automated--life won't even be worth living anymore because true happiness comes from overcoming struggle building close bonds with other people. With rampant technological automation, people will be very unhappy. We truly are entering a Brave New World.

All of this is assuming the human race doesn't nuke itself to death, which is looking like more and more of a possibility every day.


What will people miss 50 years from now?

I'm sure that in 50 years time, physical media (printed books, music CDs etc) will no longer be produced, and I think that a lot of people who are my age (mid 20s) or older will miss it.

I think that face-to-face interaction will become less common due to electronic forms of communication becoming ever-increasingly advanced and accessible.

Also, I'm sure that in 50 years time the world will be extremely polluted and people will miss being able to enjoy a natural, untouched, unpolluted space.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Heterosexuals will be sorely missed


What will people miss 50 years from now?

- Cars that you can drive yourself
- Internet anonymity
- Lack of enforcement of trivial laws (in europe)

Mostly not items, but freedoms.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

I don't know the exact odds... but I'd say there's at least a 25% chance I'll miss breathing.

I bet they'll look back on the novelty of actually going to school instead of the online classroom in your home which is so much safer.

Hopefully they'll look back and wonder what the unity was like when we still only lived on earth (I'm hoping for Elon Musk and Mars).

Probably look back and wonder how we lived before the government policed what we said to prevent people being offended or hurt.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Quote: (08-05-2014 02:29 AM)LeBeau Wrote:  

Not an item per say, but unfortunately a lot of nature and animals will most likely be gone in 50 years.

This and as stated above, freedoms.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

I won't miss anything as I think you'll be able to buy anything like you can buy an old Walkman today. I am looking forward to new technology when I can work 2 hours a day and have experience depicted in "Total recall" - virtual reality! Only then women lose all their power when a simple nerd can hook up some wires to his head and have sex with a 10!

What will people miss 50 years from now?

What's with all the people saying that there will be no trees or natural environment in 50 years? I suspect you probably have lived in cities your whole lives and have no idea how vast and resilient the natural world is.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Quote: (08-05-2014 04:10 AM)Wayout Wrote:  

I won't miss anything as I think you'll be able to buy anything like you can buy an old Walkman today. I am looking forward to new technology when I can work 2 hours a day and have experience depicted in "Total recall" - virtual reality! Only then women lose all their power when a simple nerd can hook up some wires to his head and have sex with a 10!

Most of guys here would probably prefer banging a real 6 to a virtual 10, myself included.

However most nerds would indeed prefer what you prefer. You are the losers that drag this world to shit.

You can already masturbate to images of 10's. Does this remove power from your ugly female teachers co-workers and bosses?

Quote: (08-05-2014 04:30 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

What's with all the people saying that there will be no trees or natural environment in 50 years? I suspect you probably have lived in cities your whole lives and have no idea how vast and resilient the natural world is.

Agreed. World still have more wildernesses than cities for centuries to come. The only problem is that very few people will be able to escape society (the big urban prison) and thrive by living close to nature. Most will be suffocating in cities unable to escape the rat-race.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

There are still places left on Earth with feminine women in this age. In 50 years globalization will have destroyed every last outpost.

I think what men miss most from the past is traditional values, times when you could have a fulfilling relationship with a great girl. Now you must put up with bitchy masculine women who will either pump n dump you or fade you out the second you get boring. Love in the West is dead, feminism killed it.

The sad part is that intimacy is a basic human need. So much that we must travel to the most desolate of countries to get it.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Quote: (08-05-2014 03:02 AM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

The U.S.A.

Sure, pal. That's what Germany, Japan and Al Queda thought.

Care to take on some Seals, Rangers, Marines, and Drones? Who do you think can actually fuck with us? Name them.

Who leads in the most advanced technology-- genetics and computers?

Where do the very absolute smartest people in the world go, the BEST geneticist, the MOST BRILLIANT computer scientist?

Maybe Geneva. But mostly America.

Doomsaying is easy, building the most powerful civilization in the history of humankind isn't .

Of course, a meteor the size of Manhattan could end it all in a few weeks I guess.

Come to think of it, what if scientists conquer Whaleism?! Imagine if American girls below the upper middle class were cute again!?? You heard it here first: The obesity epidemic will be reversed in 15 years. They will have shit that will just kill your appetite.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

I think one thing on the way out is privacy and peace and quiet. You will will still be able to find quiet places, but we are more and more programmed to be productive all the time, in all places. So you will never--"just by chance"-- find the time to unplug and get away from Skynet.

My maid who was in premed at the local college is 18, she expressed nostalgia for the 70s. She said even if she goes camping and is out in the woods in a beautiful place she is wondering about who is or is not messaging her on her phone.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Quote: (08-05-2014 06:22 AM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

There are still places left on Earth with feminine women in this age. ....... we must travel to the most desolate of countries to get it.

+1 rep point for capturing the sadness of the loss of femininity. "Most desolate"-- seeing a guy living with his kid on a pedaltrike, the driver sleeping on the floorboards, the kid on the seat, in the Philppines still haunts me.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

iknowexactly: Settle down. I was being somewhat tongue in cheek. Anyway, whatever will eventually destroy the U.S.A. will mostly come from within -- corrupt politicians, growth of the underclass, destruction of the middle class, a debauched currency, loss of civic involvement and faith in institutions, etc. Then again, it might be massive third world immigration.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

I think people will miss Earth and real trees. The new EM engine is going to pave the way for inter-solar colonization.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Dodgeball even when I was a kid that was getting removed from PE because some kids got hurt.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

What will people miss 50 years from now?

1. The greatness of the USA. Its superpower status is dying down and we don't have any countries which can take it again.
2. The era of the nation-state. People will miss being able to go anywhere in a country with just a Visa stamped. Not anymore. Now, you can't even do that is some countries and it will only get worse.
3. Condoms and other means of birth-control (and frivolous sex). People in Europe will definitely see these go as traditional societies replace liberal ones.

I believe we will see a new Golden Age in Asia. But a lot (sentimentally, not materialistically) will be missed in the West.

What will people miss 50 years from now?

Quote: (08-05-2014 02:02 AM)Renberg Wrote:  

What do we have of worth?

Deez nutz

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