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Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

The race to the bottom continues.


If you like it then you better put an A on it: Top university offers course in Beyonce that analyzes her music videos and black feminist theory

- Rutgers University offering course called Politicizing Beyonce
- It will examine 'American race, gender, and sexual politics'
- Lecturer Kevin Allred will only assign readings by black feminists

This is him:

[Image: article-2549076-1B17536300000578-553_306x423.jpg]


'She certainly pushes boundaries,' Allred said. 'While other artists are simply releasing music, she’s creating a grand narrative around her life, her career, and her persona.'

[Image: facepalm3.gif]


'I found myself identifying with their writing because racism, sexism, homophobia, and privilege are larger systems under which we all operate,' he added.

I'm not just bashing this course, the whole university sounds fucking crap.


Rutgers also has a class examining the theology of Bruce Springsteen's lyrics.

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I just hope they'll be able to find jobs when they graduate.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I would not hire any person that had this course listed on their transcripts.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I'd take it if it was on offer at my school. Sounds like an easy A.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Quote: (02-01-2014 03:00 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I'd take it if it was on offer at my school. Sounds like an easy A.

I'm sure I could discuss Bruce Springsteen's resemblance to Jesus, sure. Haha

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Just goes to further show the diminishing value of education in this country. Outside of a few majors, college is a joke in the US. I practically sleepwalked through college, tbh.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

That Beyonce course is a load of crap. But this:

Quote: (02-01-2014 02:55 PM)Teedub Wrote:  


Rutgers also has a class examining the theology of Bruce Springsteen's lyrics.

[Image: tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg]

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Great. Is it going to explore how her music executive daddy created, promoted, and managed Destiny' Child? Or how male songwriters wrote her hit "feminist message" songs, like Independent Women?

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

[Image: music%20queen%20vs%20beyonce.jpg]

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

We're rapidly approaching the point where a college degree is actually going to signify that the recipient possesses a lack of intelligence.

The thought will be something like, "Oh ok, so you went tens of thousands of dollars in debt and wasted four years of your life to voluntarily indoctrinate yourself with Marxist brainwashing? I can safely assume you are a fucking moron."

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Expect to see this image again in three days. Promise, just expect it.

[Image: 6c14e726c2a5a771057057992617ed0c22649060...cd4c2b.jpg]

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Quote:scorpion Wrote:

The thought will be something like, "Oh ok, so you went tens of thousands of dollars in debt and wasted four years of your life to voluntarily indoctrinate yourself with Marxist brainwashing? I can safely assume you are a fucking moron."

"You're hired. Your cube is right this way. Don't forget to check your brain and balls at the door--you won't be needing those." [Image: whip.gif]

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Quote: (02-01-2014 05:37 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

[Image: music%20queen%20vs%20beyonce.jpg]

One thing to note about this, is that Bohemian Rhapsody is poetic. It is music as poetry that comes from the musician's heart.

Run the World (Girls) is something completely different. It is carefully designed propaganda created to implant a message into the listener's mind while simultaneously being an easy to listen to song that appeals to the masses.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Quote: (02-01-2014 05:38 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

We're rapidly approaching the point where a college degree is actually going to signify that the recipient possesses a lack of intelligence.

The thought will be something like, "Oh ok, so you went tens of thousands of dollars in debt and wasted four years of your life to voluntarily indoctrinate yourself with Marxist brainwashing? I can safely assume you are a fucking moron."

In the technical trades, this is already getting there. In the late 90's, job description stated you needed a degree, and that was final. Now, you can see how they'll step it down in lieu of experience/certs.

1 four year degree and 0 years experience
1 two year degree and 3 years experience
1 technical diploma and 5 years experience
no education and 8 years of experience

Employers now are realizing how valuable OJT is, particularly from the military, but the biggest obstacle is getting through HR (her). They are the ones with useless liberal arts degrees, and sometimes are straight up butthurt over watching a guy w/ 4 years in the Army starting at $25 hr, which is over DOUBLE a office assistant wage. Then add 84 hrs week with per diem breaks, and the rage kicks in. Plus soldier Joe comes in debt free, unlike Suzy, who is $40k in debt from a B.A. in French Literature, and at best might make it to office manager 10 years from now.

This is why you should jump through your ass to network. Never be at HR's mercy.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Quote: (02-01-2014 05:38 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

We're rapidly approaching the point where a college degree is actually going to signify that the recipient possesses a lack of intelligence.

The thought will be something like, "Oh ok, so you went tens of thousands of dollars in debt and wasted four years of your life to voluntarily indoctrinate yourself with Marxist brainwashing? I can safely assume you are a fucking moron."

No way. I am getting a STEM degree at a public university.

I am getting ready to start job hunting and there are so many solid opportunities out there with the degree that will soon be in my hand it is unbelievable.

Looking at college like it is supposed to give you a job is entitlement. You make college something worthwhile by actively creating social connections, building your resume, building a circle of friends, and putting in an active effort to improve yourself.

If you cannot get a job with a college degree, you were focusing on the wrong things. Point blank.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I took a "Women in Film" class at college because I thought it would be easy. It was. But I will never forget one class we were discussing this film we had watched about women in Muslim countries, in which the women were saying "we're fine here, we like it here."

We all had our desks in a big circle and I was the only guy in the class. The discussion, facilitated by the professor, centered around why these women didn't understand how bad they had it. Completely oblivious, I raised my hand and said something to the effect of "what the fuck are you talking about, we just watched the movie and they all said they were fine."

There was complete silence for about ten seconds while they all stared a hole in my head, and then the discussion continued as if it had never happened.

That was one hell of a strange experience. Needless to say, I didn't bother speaking again that semester.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

He's just doing it to bang female skrillex heads. Clever move.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Quote: (02-01-2014 06:15 PM)deathtofatties Wrote:  

He's just doing it to bang female skrillex heads. Clever move.

That's Hugo Schwyzer game. Tell feminists what they want to hear as you fuck them in the ass.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course


If any musicians deserve to have intellectuals analyze their work, it'd be Jim Morrison, or Bob Dylan.

You don't get there till you get there

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I'm not against studying pop music, but Beyoncé has nothing to say. Here's a better starting point for the gender studies department:


Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Only college classes worth taking about Beyonce would be in Economics or Marketing Psychology.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I took a "sociology of gender" class one time because I thought it would be funny. It was.

We "studied" this chart one time that compared average incomes of different races in America. Blacks were on the bottom, followed by Latinos, and whites were on the top. Of course, they conveniently left off Asians, since they make more than whites.

Another time, we went around the class stating what race we thought we were, and one kid said Aztec. The "professor" could not figure out which of the main race categories that would put him in. I literally had to explain to her why he was a Native American.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Taking BS classes for the easy A is short-term, blue pill thinking. Especially when mom & dad paying $$$ for you at borderline ivy league schools.

I'm all for a freshman/sophomore 2-yr lib arts core curriculum to broaden one's scope, but in this shitty economy, bullshit, easy-A electives that aren't applicable in the real world should be avoided.

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

I can't believe the Big Ten let these fucks in....

Rutgers' gender studies dept offering Beyonce course

Wait, this is from the Onion. It has to be a troll job. Or does the Onion "American Voices" section repost actual news?


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