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Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Reading some of the posts on the main forum makes me think of that line from the old "Wear Sunscreen" song: "Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly". There's a long post on the main forum "Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?" As a guy who's not even to double digits, who's stuck in the low single digits, it's kind of deflating. Any other noobs experience this?

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Thats bullshit.

By the same reasoning, you shouldnt be reading posts from the G Manifesto, Tuth, or anyone else in this forum.

But you do, why?

Because you want to feel inspired. To see the world as it is, the world where you could be living. But instead, lets follow bullshit "wear sunscreen" advise and blind orselves to a world on possibilities.

Bullshit toughts like:

"Fat is healthy"

"People should learn to accept and love me for what I am"

"Real men would NEVER hurt a woman"

"If you respect her you will love her and NEVER ask for anything in return"

"Every woman is beautiful just because shes a woman"

"If she cheats its because her man neglected her needs"

"Money is the root of all evil"

"If Im a nice guy and learn to wait, the right woman will come along eventually"

"Love is all you need"

"Imagine a world without war"


Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

As someone else alluded to, there's no such thing as ugly women but lazy ones. I think these magazines should inspire us to get the most of what we've been given not to mention meet our potential. But I suppose it's easier to get fat, pimply, and then cry victim at the success of others.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

What kind of a man remembers a line from a song about beauty magazines?

That's something a fat/ugly feminist would remember, though

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

The truth hurts.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Would you like players to not discuss things like that on a player board because it will hurt you, you delicate snowflake?

germanico is right. You should be reading that and finding high gear, not posting on this forum talking about how other people made it and it makes you sad. You're living with a defeatist attitude, I can tell just by the "who's stuck in the low single digits" language. You're saying you're stuck as if it's not your own fault.

Hit the gym, throw on a suit, and approach like a madman until you're posting threads with titles like "Is 1000+ women banged nothing these days?" No one's stopping you from that but yourself.

I realize the above post was harsh, but I get the feeling you need a kick in the ass to get going. Good luck.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

The person you should most be comparing yourself to is your past self. Is your life better than it was a year ago? Five years ago? Work everyday at being better.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

The OP sounds like something a woman would put in her Facebook status.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Quote: (12-04-2013 04:29 PM)Vaughn Wrote:  

Reading some of the posts on the main forum makes me think of that line from the old "Wear Sunscreen" song: "Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly". There's a long post on the main forum "Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?" As a guy who's not even to double digits, who's stuck in the low single digits, it's kind of deflating. Any other noobs experience this?

Do you and don't worry about what notch numbers anyone else is doing.

Your journey is about YOU. Not some bitch, not some notch count competition, YOU. Up your game. Up your value. Your time will come.

Fuck doubters, fuck haters. Fuck any woman who doesn't follow the program. Doubters and haters don't pay your bills, and there's always cuter bitches to go after.

When following the journey of another focus on the game, not the conquests. Learn from it. Apply it to your own game. Negativity is the game killer. The kid in Jerry McGuire says dogs and bees can smell fear, well bitches can smell desperation and depression.

Take a long view. Expect setbacks, but stay on the path. Your time will come.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

There are two kinds of people in the world that hear about another Man's success.

Type 1: Respects the other Man and gets inspiration to make their life better.

Type 2: Hates, cries, bitches, moans, and doubts.

Which type do you want to be?

The choice is yours.


Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

I like that commencement speech. Funny and to the point.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Quote: (12-04-2013 04:29 PM)Vaughn Wrote:  

Reading some of the posts on the main forum makes me think of that line from the old "Wear Sunscreen" song: "Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly". There's a long post on the main forum "Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?" As a guy who's not even to double digits, who's stuck in the low single digits, it's kind of deflating. Any other noobs experience this?

Something mcqueen (iirc) wrote some time back on RoK really stuck with me. It was to the effect that his message in his crazy stories is basically "if I can do it so can you".

That's how I feel when I learn what guys achieve with game. They put in a lot of work: sharpening outer game, building up inner game, and improving their value as a man by their own effort. They didn't just pop out that way. That proves that it can be done with enough desire and will.

I'm nowhere near the pros but seeing first hand noticeable improvements week by week and looking back after almost a year knowing I consciously made it all happen feels great. It proves to me that with grit, persistence and good judgment I can make good shit happen. Game to me is about controlling your life.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

Quote: (12-04-2013 04:29 PM)Vaughn Wrote:  

Reading some of the posts on the main forum makes me think of that line from the old "Wear Sunscreen" song: "Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly". There's a long post on the main forum "Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?" As a guy who's not even to double digits, who's stuck in the low single digits, it's kind of deflating. Any other noobs experience this?

You can go other places and get a shitload of machismo about "you haven't banged a Colombian stripper in the ass while she makes you a stir fry? GTFO."

However, I think the RVF culture and banners do a good job of keeping the forums about learning and sharing and not about bragging and one-upping.

As long as you're here to learn, you'll find a friendly audience where nobody's judging you.

Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly

If members with triple digit notch counts were harrassing you or making you feel inferior, then it would be a problem. But they do not. It's a fairly egalitarian society that we have going on here, and anyone disparaging other members based on speculations about their success or number of bangs is quickly laughed out. Thus, there is no reason to feel depressed. Instead, read up and inspire yourself for what is possible!

Quote:BadgetHut Wrote:

"you haven't banged a Colombian stripper in the ass while she makes you a stir fry? GTFO."

[Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

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