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Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I've been a lurker since late last year I've read all sections and couldn't help but notice you constantly refer to the collective IQ of certain groups as 'low.' I've also noticed you use MSM sources,the usual chronicle of 'rapefugees,'criminals and TV memes to support this contention-being closer to 50 than 40 having travelled,though not as much as close fam I've got info totally contradicting this.
I thought long and hard how I could do this-nobody will read a mininovel and frankly an African subforum on economics and politics would be an even harder sell. So,here goes with sources cause I've got totally non MSM info:Yes,Africa is poor,mainly because we were always poor! One would think the colonialists left us Scandinavia-hell no! We were and still are primary producers the prices for which have fallen as much as 50% since the 1980s while oil has more than quintupled since the early 70s.
Also egregious trade agreements screw us sideways in was you wouldn't believe;forget the transfer pricing and under invoicing that robs Africa-I'm talking official state sanctioned impoverishment policies the best example being French Africa.

Few people know it. But there are indeed secret agreements signed between the former French colonies and their former administrative authority, France. These agreements cover many areas, such as military, politics, but especially economic agreements....African countries must deposit their financial reserves with the Banque de France. Thus, France "keeps" the financial reserves of fourteen African countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabo
The poster boy of Western hemisphere 'low IQ' Haiti paid France 17 bn GBP after independence.


But after independence, French slave owners demanded compensation. In 1825 the French monarch Charles X demanded Haiti pay an "independence debt" of 150m gold francs – 10 times the fledgling nation's annual revenue. The original sum was reduced but Haiti still paid 90m gold francs – about €17bn today – to France. It was still paying off this debt in 1947.

What if just 50% of that money went into social spending? Where would Haiti be today? The same thing happened to French Africa-generally its known they're worse off than Anglo Africa. I've seen a write up stating W African money as of 2012 held by Paris was at least 500 bn euros.

As for mental acuity and intellectual achievement let me begin with this:
Go to 5.40mns and see which kids crushed both white and black US and UK kids in motor and mental skills-it wasn't even close!

Ever heard of Adam's Calendar? A set of megalithic ruins in southern Africa estimated to be 70 kya to 250 kya. Who built them? The same people who dug the canals on Northwestern Botswana and Northeastern Namibia thousands of years later.


The entire complex covers an area about equal in size to the State of Arizona in the USA. The canals are an integrated system of apparent irrigation and agricultural (and probably aquaculture) design. The system is about 350 miles in width and about 300 miles in depth. (For the remnants still visible.) This system represents roughly 67 MILLION acres of sustainable agriculture. Given the sophistication of design, it is entirely plausible to assume an above average yield, i.e. feeding well over 90 persons per acre on an annual basis. The system may or may not have provided a sustainable aquaculture (marine farming) environment. I have no reason to suspect that it did not.

Heard of the Xia dynasty who started 1500 bc in China? You'll never guess who they were according to craniometrics,dental morphology and even language though a Chinese scientists put their identity in the MSM 3 years ago.
In March a geochemist prof.Sun Weidong at University of Science and Technology Heifei,Anhui province,eastern China indirectly corroborated many of these research findings when he revealed the ancient Xia dynasty had Egyptian roots.


He also cited several ancient Chinese classics, at one point quoting historian Sima Qian’s description of the topography of the Xia empire — traditionally regarded as China’s founding dynasty, dating from 2070 to 1600 B.C. “Northwards the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers,” wrote Sima Qian in his first century historiography, the Records of the Grand Historian. “Reunited, it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea.”
In other words, “the stream” in question wasn’t China’s famed Yellow River, which flows from west to east. “There is only one major river in the world which flows northwards. Which one is it?” the professor asked. “The Nile,” someone replied. Sun then showed a map of the famed Egyptian river and its delta — with nine of its distributaries flowing into the Mediterranean. This author, a researcher at the same institute, watched as audience members broke into smiles and murmurs, intrigued that these ancient Chinese texts seemed to better agree with the geography of Egypt than that of China.

As a long time history researcher I'd always known ancient Africa/Asia links but my conclusion was a slow multi generational overland migration. The Prof's conclusion strongly suggests a direct journey from Egypt.


He conceived of this connection in the 1990s while performing radiometric dating of ancient Chinese bronzes; to his surprise, their chemical composition more closely resembled those of ancient Egyptian bronzes than native Chinese ores.
You've repeatedly stated we never had a written script:nothing could be further from the truth.Idk if we've any Ethio posters but their ancient script Geez influenced Indian Devanagari.
Here's Geez and Sanskrit/nagari. It was known over a century ago. Sir William Jones discovered the 2 scripts were identical-however it remained hidden in obscure specialist publications known only to an elite few while the public believed Africa had no writing and those better informed believed geez was influenced by nagari. Moreover, it is interesting to note that Sanskrit vowels: a,aa,',I,u,e,o, virama etc., are in the same order as Geez.

Btw,scripts as far as C Europe are based on Geez.

Historical Overview of Ethiopic Writing System's Possible Influence on the Development of the Armenian Alphabet

Makes sense since their Orthodox Christianity has the same origin-I could go on with more indigenous African scripts,ancient architecture/building and global migrations but I'll first await your response.I hope the wider picture of a not so 'low IQ' is finally emerging.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Someone's mad on the internet.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

And you couldn't just send this to him as a PM?

Edit: Is deleting post, even within the one hour window, no longer allowed?

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

...but what have you done for me lately?

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I appreciate the little-known facts about French exploitation of its former colonies, but this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I appreciate the little-known facts about French exploitation of its former colonies, but this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

It appears that way but you see I'm African,Kenyan to be specific and really he's rolled out the IQ thing several times. Obviously he believes it while I have overwhelming evidence to the contrary-imo,this thread may teach one or two things not in the MSM.


Someone's mad on the internet.

If you insist but I've got nothing but sources to allow a debate.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I appreciate the little-known facts about French exploitation of its former colonies, but this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

Corrected for you: little-known imaginary facts about French exploitation [Image: tard.gif] of its former colonies.

Anyway, OP seems to be another young Sub-African trying to steal the past glory of Egypt. As Sarkozy (in the picture above, behind Chirac) used to say, "problem is, Sub-Saharans have not yet entered into History", thus some of them, posing as "new African Historians", borrow other people's glory and past History. Sad, as they should turn to the future.

OP also could explain to us just how it is France's fault that Ivory Coast, rich of Cocoa money (the price of which has absolutely not fallen), devolved into Sub-Saharan hellhole [Image: dodgy.gif] , on its own volition. Is it France's fault that Northern Islamist Ivorians started slaughtering Southern Christian Ivorians, thus ruining the whole country?

Quite the contrary, it is the French Army that stopped the massacres, and saved tens of millions of Sub-saharan lives.

Just like the French Army heroically saves millions of African lives every year in Mali, nowadays, and for no or little reward.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

[Image: KindheartedAdmirableBrocketdeer-size_restricted.gif]

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

If only they had Vibranium.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:43 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

...this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

It appears that way but you see I'm African,Kenyan to be specific and really he's rolled out the IQ thing several times. Obviously he believes it while I have overwhelming evidence to the contrary-imo,this thread may teach one or two things not in the MSM.

My wife is Kenyan but neither of us gets upset over random people on the internet obsessing about her IQ. Jeez, just let it go.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Your post shows a really insecure and confused black man who is trying way too hard to prove something about Africa.

If you were really looking for truth you will just accept that subsaharian Africa has never brought any major contribution to humanity.

Instead look at what Africa has: different people with different cultures, languages, traditions, art, music and food; beautiful nature and landscapes, a rich fauna.
When I look at documentaries about tribes in Africa still living the traditional life like their ancestors did for centuries and centuries, that I find interesting. That is the thing that make me want to visit Africa. So do something to preserve that because that's the Africa I want to see.

And instead of dreaming that black people had a Wakanda before to make you feel less like shit about your continent, be proud of the different african traditions and cultures that you actually have.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:43 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I appreciate the little-known facts about French exploitation of its former colonies, but this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

It appears that way but you see I'm African,Kenyan to be specific and really he's rolled out the IQ thing several times. Obviously he believes it while I have overwhelming evidence to the contrary-imo,this thread may teach one or two things not in the MSM.

Not in the MSM?

I'll tell you what isn't in the MSM.

South Africa and Zimbabwe going down the shitter, a lot of Africa still relying on whiteys food and medical aid and oh yeah, millions of them wanting to migrate into whiteys neighbourhood.

Can you tell me why so many Africans are fleeing their homelands to suck on the welfare tit of Western Europe and the USA?

This isn't a PC topic and even on here people get uppity.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 08:11 AM)nairobian Wrote:  


Just for putting that word in single quotes to mock it. -1

[Image: troll.gif]

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 12:56 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:43 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I appreciate the little-known facts about French exploitation of its former colonies, but this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

It appears that way but you see I'm African,Kenyan to be specific and really he's rolled out the IQ thing several times. Obviously he believes it while I have overwhelming evidence to the contrary-imo,this thread may teach one or two things not in the MSM.

Not in the MSM?

I'll tell you what isn't in the MSM.

South Africa and Zimbabwe going down the shitter, a lot of Africa still relying on whiteys food and medical aid and oh yeah, millions of them wanting to migrate into whiteys neighbourhood.

Can you tell me why so many Africans are fleeing their homelands to suck on the welfare tit of Western Europe and the USA?

This isn't a PC topic and even on here people get uppity.

Blame corrupt and inept leadership for the condition in SA and Zimbabwe, as neither long standing governments have had any interest in nation building and only in consolidating and keeping power.

African aid has diminished and is no longer a central form of how many nations prop up thier fiscal budgets. Many nations use the aid as a political weapon in tandem with the grantours or simply run off with the cash.


Overall the colonialism experience is a double edged sowrd. For some parts it brought stability but nobody can dent that it sounded the natural growth of said controlled countries.

Technology is creating a fast track for development as many middle men that have extorted and exploited the situation will no be needed. An example is bow France for decades raped Africa for satellite access which is no longer the case now that Africa has its own satellite networks.

Next, infrastructure gains made by the deal out in place with the Chinese will produce actual intra-continental trade and transport routes which have not been in place.

OP does not do anyone a service in putting a bear trap out for a thread. Simon is very eager to debate and PM or replying to any of his posts in a more relevant thread would have been sufficient. All this will do is bring out many lurkers and trolls.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 12:56 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:43 AM)nairobian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2019 10:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I appreciate the little-known facts about French exploitation of its former colonies, but this is an unnecessarily trollish/beef-starting thread.

It appears that way but you see I'm African,Kenyan to be specific and really he's rolled out the IQ thing several times. Obviously he believes it while I have overwhelming evidence to the contrary-imo,this thread may teach one or two things not in the MSM.

Not in the MSM?

I'll tell you what isn't in the MSM.

South Africa and Zimbabwe going down the shitter, a lot of Africa still relying on whiteys food and medical aid and oh yeah, millions of them wanting to migrate into whiteys neighbourhood.

Can you tell me why so many Africans are fleeing their homelands to suck on the welfare tit of Western Europe and the USA?

This isn't a PC topic and even on here people get uppity.

FWIW, I've got nothing bad to say about the vast majority of Sub-Saharan African immigrants in the US. If you exclude the Somalians and the father of our previous president (who wasn't even an immigrant, just a visiting student) they're a net positive for sure. Extremely hard-working people and they put tremendous value on family and education. My guess is that having to cross an ocean rather than just hop north self selects for productive members of society....then again a lot of the Africans in Asia are scumbags so who knows.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Africa has negative and positive points.

The lack of correct state organisation has its charm. Obviously it has drawbacks too and some Westerners can't get used to it.

This chaos has made Sub-Saharan Africa resistant to plagues that you can find in more organised societies: degeneracies like feminism and LGBT propaganda for example.

Most of the people in Sub-Saharan Africa are not into radical islam, a fucked up ideology.

Wakanda forever!

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

There is an element of truth in what Nairobian said about the Franc CFA French reserve system, don't dismiss it out of hand. It's not all negative a financial system, as it provides financial stability, like the Euro does, but like the Euro, it's a double-edged sword. The French monetary system has been under the Rothschild thumb since 1973, set up by former Rothschild tool Pompidou, with the help of his successor Giscard.

One of the main reasons France led the coalition to overthrow Gaddhafi was that he was going to set up a new independent gold-backed regional financial system. The effort was led by french neocons like Bernard-Henri Levi, whose family made a huge fortune in the exploitation of west African timber with slave labor and colonial backroom concessions. They went into Benghazi and stole libyan gold and crushed the local economy, leaving the country in chaos, same playbook as in Iraq, where this happened:

[Image: Screen+Shot+2016-10-24+at+11.33.05+PM.png]

And no, GS, France is not saving hundreds of lives in Mali, we are spreading chaos through the local Isis-Boka affiliate, mercenaries backed by the deep state, same playbook as in Syria.

This being said, the colonial heritage is not all bad, there was an infrastructure set up, and devoted missionaries who have done some solid work. The main problem in Africa that guys like Nairobian have to face up to is mostly related to the local cultures.

E. Michael Jones covered some of the issues in post-colonial Africa:

His take is that Africa has failed to transition from a hunter-gatherer culture, a transition that northern Europe achieved over the course of centuries through the work and presence of thousands of mostly Benedictine monasteries across Europe.

the complete EMJ interview with Tim Kelly on his book about third world development is here:

Michel Drac, who is a very sharp woke French vlogger, has done a superb job documenting the cultural shortfalls endemic to Africa in his review and analysis of the new travelogue book of the Poussin family, a French family which has trekked from Capetown to Egypt:

[Image: 62e9432babeee7e9429a0a807f86e931-copie.png]

Drac looked at two issues in this installment, sexual and religious mores across Africa:

(in french, with english subtitles avail - very interesting takes that are worth listening to for non-french speakers interested on the subject)

Most of Africa practices the most extreme forms of sexual promiscuity, those of hetero men are comparable to the sexual promiscuity practiced by homos in places like SF or NYC. For example in Malawi, 70% of 20yr old women have at least 2 children, and the sugar daddy system is endemic, done by poor families.

He also looked at cultural barriers and shortfalls in Africa through the travel observations of the Poussin family here:

Drac's TL;DR : strong traditional cultural barriers against development are endemic to African cultures.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Not a good thread idea. Stay away from politics and beef, life's too short. Stick to the more pleasant/informative parts of the forum whatever that may be for you. Simeon's entitled to his opinion whether you like it or not and I say that as one who totally disagrees with him.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

The IQ issue is hardly up for debate. It's backed up not only by a mountain of empirical data, but also the worldwide diaspora of the different races. Ashkenazis and Chinese perform well wherever they go, blacks don't. A few who score higher do well and that is about it.

The other explanation of all it would be: "Black people cannot perform well becuase of White, Asian, South-American, racism and that explains everything everywhere!"

Nah man - just put the smartest 30 mio. Africans into a country like Nigeria or Botswana and they will do fine. The problem is the selection process.

Even more - if you had taken out 50.000 Africans and put them to Europe or China back 10.000 BC, then the surviving ones would have evolved more for smarts and other skills, they would have likely become lighter-skinned, but that is not correlated to intelligence per se.

But you don't have a beef with me, but with reality and on top of it with the globalists who prefer to lie to you and claim that it's Whitey's fault. I put it once in the South Africa thread, that Botswana had a smart ethical leader and if they were given good advice, then they would have put their diamond cash into a positive eugenics program. Instead they did what the globalist sheisters told them - invest up to 10% of GDP into education and then everything will be fine. They are now as well-off as before, but with my plan - they would be already feeling the improvement on all societal levels. Pay the smarter ones to procreate, pay the less gifted ones to have only 2 kids each - no forced measures. It's simple really. But of course - the globalists are not interested in a smarter population or as the 160-IQ Renegade of Funk (100% black American living in Japan) said, the first country that starts a positive eugenics program will outcompete everyone.

Obviously it serves the globalist elite more to have you running around in circles, blaming taxation, abuse, racism or whatever. But you see - those things don't hold you back everywhere, for centuries, when in reality most Western countries actually give even advantages to "minorities" and they hinder/disadvantage Asians and Whites - and it still isn't enough to "breach the gap".

I feel like the thread is more akin to someone shouting at the world screaming: "Why do I need to learn Game, become more masculine, work out - to get girls?!!! I should be just fat and lazy, look like Michael Moore and the bitches should love me for who I am!" And in this respect the globalists also give you bad feminazi advice, but it's less of a pressing issue for them.

There is also no real issue here in terms of a debate of back-and-forth. The data is out there and has been out there for a long time. It's backed up with a huge gamut of data and performance set in countries like US, UK, France, Brazil. And yes - it also explains Africa where plenty of countries like Senegal or Botswana existed where they had a good head-start with cash, ethical smart black shitlord-presidents - and... nothing.

I feel you - I get it - you want to find a different explanation, one that puts the blame on someone else or something else. And there is no blame there. I am 100% certain that the idea of my 96+ IQ blacks-only country could easily work out. Such a place would quickly become very prosperous and successful equaling Asian or Euro-countries. Unfortunately there is no such country to my knowledge as of this day - you would have to create such a place that would then attract the existing smart diaspora who are out there for sure.

Your explanations don't explain anything - are just regurgitations of the old globalist mantras that deliberately deny the science and data. Meanwhile I am the one who actually likes black folk and would prefer them to do better in this more advanced system that we live in. But hey - maybe you prefer to accept the globalist plan for Africa and wait until they settle 100 mio. Chinese there complete with massive army bases and then have the Chinese and Blasian population rule all countries with an iron hand. Well - to each his own.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 02:43 PM)balybary Wrote:  

Africa has negative and positive points.

The lack of correct state organisation has his charm. Obviously it has drawbacks too and some Westerners can't get used to it.

This chaos has made Sub-Saharan Africa resistant to plague that you can find in more organised societies: degeneracies like feminism and LGBT propaganda for examples.

Most of the people in Sub-Saharan Africa are not into radical Islam, a fucked up ideology.

Wakanda forever!

Yes exactly, that chaotic nature means Africa isn't viewed by the world elites as a threat to their power, so Africa isn't targeted for cultural destruction. On the other hand that makes Africa easy to take advantage of. The Chinese aren't even trying, they promise some shiny new infrastructure so you will hand over all you have, precious resources and land.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

I don't believe the whole thing about high IQ Black's running a successful country. I'm black and I think our problem isn't intelligence as much as psychopathy. I truly believe to some extent we tend to be amoral. Look at Chicago or Baltimore. Our societies aren't bad because there is no running water or electricity. They are bad because there is someone waiting to kill, rape and steal. High IQ Blacks are just as psychopathic as your common criminal e.g Mugabe.

Don't debate me.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

The OP has to realize that most of the people on this forum are American. American blacks are a lot different than Kenyans.

I like blacks because they may be amoral on average like Pride Male said, but once you understand blacks, they are honest, direct, pretty red pilled on average, and almost always down to earth. Even if very rich. Of course I hate the gangbangers and the real trashy ones, but there are those of every race.

Blacks, in my experience, don't have the same cognitive ability as whites or asians, but often times have much higher street smarts. Due to maybe their predilection for crime I think their spidey senses for sniffing out bullshitters and bad situations can be higher than other races.

I'v also been really impressed by some mixed race blacks I've met recenty who have been one quarter or one half black. More down to earth and less introverted than whites, but inheriting the smarts of their white parents.

If there wasn't this Jewish program of blaming whitey, hi IQ neocons ripping off Africa and wanting to exploit Africans, and the gernal discord being spread in western countries to foment division, along with reasonable separation of neighborhoods, with town centers allowing the races to mix voluntarily, I think Europeans would get along fine.

Just look at the sporting enivronment. Blacks get along fine with strong confident whites like Belicheck and Brady in a competitive environment. It's when whites act like condescending two faced liberals and behave all weird with this white guilt complex that relations break down.

Blacks more than any race respect strength. Strong white countries with minority black populations, could have both groups thrive. We just need to kick out the EUROPEAN STYLE SOCIALISTS. lol

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Asia & Europe : 2000 to 4000 years worth of legit civilization.

Africa : at best, 200 to 400 years of legit civilization.

Not that Asia nor Europe are perfect.
While there's still too much tribalism running rampant in Africa; but also, make sure the Tokoloshe doesn't get ya'!

Woke-anda Forever.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 04:13 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

I don't believe the whole thing about high IQ Black's running a successful country. I'm black and I think our problem isn't intelligence as much as psychopathy. I truly believe to some extent we tend to be amoral. Look at Chicago or Baltimore. Our societies aren't bad because there is no running water or electricity. They are bad because there is someone waiting to kill, rape and steal. High IQ Blacks are just as psychopathic as your common criminal e.g Mugabe.

I suspect it's more that the psychopathic high IQ blacks tend to stay in the black community to rule over their lower IQ brethren, eg the Al Sharpton types. The non-psychopathic ones assimilate into the white neighborhoods to get away from the crime.

Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all

Quote: (04-28-2019 04:13 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

I don't believe the whole thing about high IQ Black's running a successful country. I'm black and I think our problem isn't intelligence as much as psychopathy. I truly believe to some extent we tend to be amoral. Look at Chicago or Baltimore. Our societies aren't bad because there is no running water or electricity. They are bad because there is someone waiting to kill, rape and steal. High IQ Blacks are just as psychopathic as your common criminal e.g Mugabe.

I disagree - Chicago and Baltimore - they get certain kind of parasites who are promoted over others. But the issue are the averages. Yes - there is the higher serum-testosterone level, but there are aggressive tribes among Whites as well. It's just under control among the Scots or some Spaniards - and that control is the mind.

There are enough studies and data out that some of the most dangerous ones in a society range from 80-90 in IQ.

We also have the crime and performance data of higher IQ blacks. Guess what? They do a bit more crime than Whites, but the level is hardly meaningful. We Whites do a bit - some 20-40% more crime than Asians, but we can live with that. Instead of 2 murders per 1 mio. you get 3 murders. With high IQ blacks it would be 4-5 murders, but not 50-60 as you have right now. The stats are just off-the charts.

Plus - the smarter population you have the less likely you have a communist being voted in, a psychopath like Mugabe ruling unopposed. The Arab countries have the same problems - just that it's more self-imposed for them since the fuckers marry their cousins non-stop and have their women fast during pregnancy. The rest is done by the religion which fosters a negative mindset. Arabs are not natural psychopaths. The only thing you have is more aggression - Scots, Maori, Zulus etc. But - aggression can be controlled and put to good use.

So no - black folk are not some natural psychopaths, being a bit more prone to violence is nothing. There are also good examples of those - the first blacks who gained their freedom from the US south moved up north. They were certainly higher in intelligence and the funny part is that the White locals quickly saw them act pretty much the same to them - work their jobs, take care of their families, be good Christians. Some neighborhoods back then were 50% mixed with no issues! That was in the 1850s! Then after the civil war the rest with much lower averages moved up north and those peaceful mixed neighborhoods scattered quickly. Thomas Sowell wrote about this phenomenon even if I disagree with his reason for this - he claimed that the other ones brought with them a wild "Southern spirit". But the other ones before them came from the South too and for some strange reason had none of the issues!

Nah - we are not that far apart. Our societies just were bred and evolved for different things, that is all. Black people and a future black society can be as refined, cultured and disciplined as the Japanese or Swiss - you just have to start a different selection process.

Who knows - maybe Nigeria with it's plan for the Eko Atlantic city is one such place:

[Image: 150803133113-eko-atlantic-marina-super-tease.jpg]

The funny part about the future city is that entry will be forbidden for the common Nigerians - you will either have to be skilled, rich or at best an industrious menial worker. The wealthy and the intelligent will live there exclusively - continue this over generations and you might have a separate city-state of people there. No wonder that they plan to really keep out the rest of the Nigerians from even entering the city.

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