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Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

If you're in NYC and have great style, advanced game and want to wing me on this drop me a PM.

OK here's a chance to test your game and help me catch models while you're at it. Advice much appreciated. Paging the more creative players of the RVF - here's the scenario:

I'm lending some studio space to a (female) acquaintance of mine who is a casting director. She is casting 40+ models for events this upcoming NY Fashion Week. These are top-flight models so the plan is to run game on all of them. In addition to the obvious opportunity to fuck, just getting hooked into their social circles for fashion week will be worth a lot.

This is how it goes down: the models arrive for their allocated time-slot. They're asked to put on different bits of clothing by the casting director's assistant. Then they follow instructions and do some walking, pose for pictures, etc.

I'm going to be sitting at a desk on my computer in the studio where this is going down. I'll put chairs near my desk as a 'waiting area'.

But there are challenges-
- There will be a lot of girls so the approach needs to be quick.
- Models are sensitive about being hit on when at castings so an indirect approach may be best.
- I can't be up in their shit while casting is in progress.
- Some of the models will be in and out fast so I need a way to catch them even as they're rushing out.

So the questions is -

How should I stop them to build rapport and get their numbers?

Should I catch them as they're leaving or when they're just getting in and still nervous? What pretext should I use to get their number? Should I have a prop on my desk to catch their interest?

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Quote: (01-31-2012 06:50 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

If you're in NYC and have great style, advanced game and want to wing me on this drop me a PM.

OK here's a chance to test your game and help me catch models while you're at it. Advice much appreciated. Paging the more creative players of the RVF - here's the scenario:

I'm lending some studio space to a (female) acquaintance of mine who is a casting director. She is casting 40+ models for events this upcoming NY Fashion Week. These are top-flight models so the plan is to run game on all of them. In addition to the obvious opportunity to fuck, just getting hooked into their social circles for fashion week will be worth a lot.

This is how it goes down: the models arrive for their allocated time-slot. They're asked to put on different bits of clothing by the casting director's assistant. Then they follow instructions and do some walking, pose for pictures, etc.

I'm going to be sitting at a desk on my computer in the studio where this is going down. I'll put chairs near my desk as a 'waiting area'.

But there are challenges-
- There will be a lot of girls so the approach needs to be quick.
- Models are sensitive about being hit on when at castings so an indirect approach may be best.
- I can't be up in their shit while casting is in progress.
- Some of the models will be in and out fast so I need a way to catch them even as they're rushing out.

So the questions is -

How should I stop them to build rapport and get their numbers?

Should I catch them as they're leaving or when they're just getting in and still nervous? What pretext should I use to get their number? Should I have a prop on my desk to catch their interest?

Is there a smoking area outside this place?

When they're on the way out can you just follow and be like "I'm going to smoke" and take it from there?


Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Quote: (01-31-2012 07:27 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Is there a smoking area outside this place?

When they're on the way out can you just follow and be like "I'm going to smoke" and take it from there?


Good call. Would have to get the elevator down and then have a smoke on the street. Solid move, would just have to pick carefully since I couldn't do it on all of them if there's a certain amount of traffic. Stopped smoking but would be worth getting a pack for this.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Here is my two cents, a while back when we would run big parties I'd make sure that the girls knew I was in charge at the beginning, before the event started. In that case it generally involved talking to the body painters authoritatively and looking really rushed. Later on, once the party started and they were drunk, they knew who I was.

I can remember back in my past, in college, sitting at a computer when girls showed up to our house. Its probably the most submissive role you can be in. If some new girl showed up and I was sitting there, shit was pretty much blown. On the flip side, I had parties where I showed up either walking through the front door or down the stairs like I owned the place, and it was as if moses parted the red sea.

I don't know the best way to do your scenario. Just make sure the girls think you are important and not some desk monkey.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Show fucking high status.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Find a way to verbally drop bait that you are part of the casting process and they will be all over you. Especially the not quite incredible ones.

Be careful that the setup you're talking about doesn't seem like you're some kind of lackey assistant type.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Don't you think these chicks will have a high flake factor, seeing as your position isn't exactly that prestigious (no offense)? I would push for a date not just a number. These types of girls give their number out to everyone. I'd invite them to a party or get together of some kind. They might think it's a networking opportunity but it would give you an in. Sounds like fun either way, good luck. Keep it casual.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

I don't even know how a wing will come into play with this. Also, the "waiting room" area that you set up: that's a chat logistic nightmare situation for me. I'd rather focus on one girl at a time *away from the other girls* because if the other girls see you bomb with another girl or they sense you're a drooling dog chasing many of them it's over.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

If I was in the NY area I'd volunteer to kamikaze with my Lapdog Game.

I'd be the beta that sits at the computer acting smart-guy ironic and dorky, and let you strut around, handing out forms or whatever and asking a question about a piece of clothing or two, and commenting on only ONE of them that it's good, implicitly questioning the OTHER piece of clothing. IDK, whatever you alpha guys do to look cool and important.

One good thing about being self-deprecatingly funny is you can be in an inferior position and still get some mileage with rarer "smart" girls who see themselves as kooky and are tired of the oh-so-busy, imperious Alpha Male.

Seriously, though, maybe direct game on one that IOI's you, After establishing a common interest? I haven't dated many models so here are just some ideas about maximizing ROI.

You: Hi, I'm Gmac and helping everyone get ready for the auditions. Nice <pendant, etc> Are you living in the city? Taking advantage of it?

Her: Yes <if you're lucky she'll elaborate> I'm going to the museums.

You: Smart move. <Kismet moment> Just last week I went ....< you get called away by your stooge at desk>

Go back later and talk art. Set up museum date.

Have a list of culture places that are having events that you think are cool ( An Impressionist show at <museum>; an upcoming Jazz concert, and maybe one other thing, maybe a restaurant you like)

Whatever area of life she seems interested in , you have just the event you want to go to.

Can't do it to every chick, I imagine a LOT of them are going to be pretty defended ( in psych terms) and you can just see no pupil dilation, closed body language ( with a big "hire me" smile masking that.) Focus on the IOI chix.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Here what i used to do.

When i first started my company a few years back i shared a office with a music video director(who is now fucking killing it real proud of him) he had casting all the time.

I have been in the situation your describing more than a few times here is what i did.

Went up to the model or models and say:
Hey, I just started my company i need a woman voice on the answering machine , do you mind do the recording -best one
Hey I need a woman's voice for my website can you come by my desk to do a quick voice test/recording . ( I HAD NO WEBSITE)
Make a loud announcement to everyone saying you need there help about 5-10 woman to recored sounds bite for X project.

Most woman came with me and did the recordings when i ask them no problem… Once they got to my side of the office i would run my G with home court advantage tell them what i did boss a few people around etc.

I found asking them to do the sound recording worked best i have no idea why i just worked and i ran with it for years. Hopefully that wil jog something in your mind.

Oh yeah for the sound bites and web recording i had some shiity.. shitty Computer mic no one ever questioned it …...Man i miss those days.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Quote: (02-01-2012 01:13 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

If I was in the NY area I'd volunteer to kamikaze with my Lapdog Game.

Whatever area of life she seems interested in , you have just the event you want to go to.

Can't do it to every chick, I imagine a LOT of them are going to be pretty defended ( in psych terms) and you can just see no pupil dilation, closed body language ( with a big "hire me" smile masking that.) Focus on the IOI chix.

I find partying/Dinner dropping works best during fashion week.
" your going to _________ thank you dinner at ______ restaurant ? "
" your going to _________ Party at ______ event space ?"

It works all year long too.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

To get the initial in and build rapport, I'd ask them about their shoes. They're obsessed with shoes plus you know they spent like 45 minutes picking them out for the casting.

You: "Beautiful shoes, what are they?"
Her: Blah Blah, louboutin, Blah
You: (disinterested) "Yeah, they're hot now, but in a few years? I have an opportunity to invest in a company that refines leather, but don't know much about it. It seems to change fast....I have no idea how to keep up..."

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Quote: (02-01-2012 12:06 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

Don't you think these chicks will have a high flake factor, seeing as your position isn't exactly that prestigious (no offense)? I would push for a date not just a number. These types of girls give their number out to everyone. I'd invite them to a party or get together of some kind. They might think it's a networking opportunity but it would give you an in. Sounds like fun either way, good luck. Keep it casual.

Because of a business I'm involved in I do have some level of prestige in that world. Party invitation would be good bait. I also have a credible reason why I would get in touch with them professionally but don't want to pigeon hole myself as a business contact from the beginning.

@Intl_Rasta, you suggestion is great - might get weird after the first couple of tries. Asking if they're going to a specific party is a great way to lead into inviting them to it or at least getting their details to invite them to something.

@IKE - not bad, but I want to avoid being the 'guy who's helping out' at all costs and be more like the boss.

@Enfant_Terrible - you're right, I guess that's why smoking with them or being on the fringes is best, it would let me isolate and not be overheard by the others present.

@Fisto - good looking out about not ending up being seen as a lackey. I'll be going around doing my own thing and not pay too much attention to what's going on with the casting. There will be at least one assistant who can fetch me drinks, who I can ask to bring the girls drinks, etc.

@46 - shoe opener is always solid, especially on fashion girls!

Thanks all for the input.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

shit I'd love to join in since I'm there during the weekend but I gots some final skewlwork to take care of.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Using the cigarette line to help you isolate.

Also noticing something the model is wearing and comment on it.

I think the most important thing is just isolate, so all of them don't see you hitting on each one of them.

Also Super Bowl is coming up. Maybe some will be fans, you could organize a party off of that and invite a group of girls.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Similar to iknowexactly, I'd probably go with semi-direct game on any girl that gives the slightest IOI (real or perceived). Over forty girls moving back and forth, changing clothes and waiting around means there's a lot of opportunities. Smoking is a good idea too; I've found that the "time constraint" of a cigarette helps (much like when you say "I only have a minute..." as you sit down next to a girl). Of course, you can't be smoking every ten minutes, so deploy the cigarette break when it really matters.

This is interesting. I've sent you a PM.

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Color me curious as to how this turns out. It's quite the tightrope as far as balancing indirectness and isolation/# closes.

It seems like having 3-4 stratagems on rotation would be best. Each on a different girl. IE:

(from above)
1) smoke break move
2) voice casting ploy
3) clothing comment/ramble

If that takes 15-20 mins, then by the time you've gone through 3 girls, you're back to #1, and the first girl you did that move with is probably long gone. This keeps you from getting "caught" with your routine. (And from going up and down the elevator to smoke every 5 minutes.)

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Superman has been running his own "online fashion magazine" kind of deal where he posts ads for models and gets them to come to shoots that he hosts. Although I don't think he has banged any of them yet. You should be able to gain something from reading through his stories here: supermanpua . blogspot . com

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Quote: (01-31-2012 06:50 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

I'm lending some studio space to a (female) acquaintance of mine who is a casting director.

Would this chick be willing to help out with some subtle comments/actions throughout the day that make you look good?

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

I don't do cocaine but I heard it can be good for situations like this..

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Be introduced as the "Venue Sponsor" and have an assistant or sidekick next to you, who you can introduce as the person
who is available to take care of things while they are at your venue. So, if there's anything they need or find they can ask you.

Basically, it points out & makes clear that you are the FRIEND of the LADY who's doing the casting. Some way that you can get that out, and you're the one they will value.

Then, the logistics of how you cross paths with each individual model or small sub groups of them will be upto you and how the traffic movement gets organized.

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Hey can you tell us how you approached the situation, and your analysis of results?

Should be useful info on high value chix


Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

I'm curious how you approached this. Even if you didn't close with a girl, getting a few good contacts for Fashion Week is worth it. Care to do a write-up?

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

OK audition was this morning / early afternoon. I was hung-over but not incapacitated. Overall it was disappointing but not without some number crunching and lessons learned. Over forty models were cast, I talked to seven or eight girls and got 2 numbers. Most of the approaches fizzled out as they were called in or I just got the deer in the headlights vibe from them. Much of the time I just sat working on my computer ready to head out and talk to them outside if I liked their vibe and there weren't other people around.

There's a foyer outside the studio where the models waited before going in. A lot of the time there were two or three of them standing around waiting for their turn. Some of them brought their mothers, friends or boyfriends. The two boyfriends I saw looked beta (hipster style) to be dating such hotties. So that shrunk the pool a little bit. When they arrived they were told by the assistant to take off their coats and put on their heels. They then went in, handed over their face card (agency contact info and picture), did a short walk and were finally photographed against the wall front and profile, mugshot style. They were in and out in a couple of minutes in most cases with some of the more interesting ones chatting for a while.

The girls were tall (minumum 5'9''), add five-inch heels and if you're 5'10'' like me I was looking up at them which I found off-putting. Unless they were sitting down outside changing shoes, that is. They were from all over the world. A lot of Scandinavian, Brazilian and Eastern European (Polish / Czech / Baltic) girls with a handful of American (mostly Mid-West or Southern), Chinese and African (or Carribean) girls thrown in. Being high fashion models they were all rail-thin with almost no curves - but all very pretty.

I only chatted girls who were in the foyer waiting their turn alone. I was too risk-averse, concerned about not making them uncomfortable (mistake) and didn't want chatter about attempted pickups to get back to the agencies. In hindsight with my indirect approach it shouldn't have been a problem. Am usually comfortable being direct, but the professional setting cramped my style.

After hearing the casting director commenting on a girl's shoes saying she'd seen another girl wearing the same pair earlier that day I got the idea for the opener I used. When the girls were outside waiting to go in I went out there and asked "hey this is the third time I see those shoes today. Where are they from?" Then I more or less followed Roosh's Day Bang framework, asking whether they could walk comfortably in them, if they got noticed a lot, etc. Figured indirect was the way to go. Then I segued into asking "where are you from?" That usually led to at least a few minutes of pleasant chit chat. But I found it tricky to transition into more personal mode since they were either on their way in to be cast or on their way out, sometimes heading to other auditions.

Talking about fashion week many of them weren't hung up on partying. They're mostly 21 or under, out of their comfort zone in a city where they know few people. The good ones work most days during FW.

Some spoke very bad English or gave monosyllabic answers.

I mostly spoke to Scandinavians after they'd done their audition, figuring they'd be more self-assured - also having spent a good deal of time in Scandinavia I have common ground with them. The one I had the best rapport with was a Swedish brunette, I spoke a bit of Swedish to her and had a smoke with her outside. I opened her as she was changing out of her heels and into combat boots. Used the shoe opener, rambled about NYC, Stockholm, what she thought about living here, whether she'd want to live in Sweden again, etc. Then said I had to go back in, would be very busy during FW, but that we should hang out sometime after, I'd love to show her around and got her number.

The other number was from a London girl who is only in town for a couple of weeks before going back to London to work fashion week there. Played it the same way, shoe opener, elderly chat and the kind of game that's likely to land me in the friend zone.

Not a roaring success, but I did get some party hookups from the people working on the casting so I'll be going to some extra parties next week.

@Iknowexactly - not many lessons here. The most interesting thing was that they varied hugely in how mature they were. One 18 year old girl could be very outgoing, introducing herself cheerfully (I was there when the caster talked to them) and another one could be very insecure, not too good at following directions and all over the place. Very high value (by objective beauty standards) girls do not always fully believe in their powers at that age, especially when faced with someone older and more experienced. I'm 26 but appear older.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Speed pickup on fashion models this weekend

Caligula, I was under the impression that you were bi/multilingual? did you try speaking to them in a different language? (if they spoke one of your other languages?) I've often found that's a good icebreaker.

I agree i'd like to see you do a write up/data sheet about gaming chicks during fashion week (esp for the ones in that industry).

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