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its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

i am a good looking man...height body is good...

but i dont have model like features or you can say i dont have screen beauty that much good.

i met few girls on facebook..i showed them my pic...they gave me normal response.

but when i changed my identity and login with fake id and fake picture of a hot dude model....then those girls got very interested in me.

its all about looks though...if you have tom cruise like look you will get more bangs easily.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

If she likes the way you look initially, the sky is the limit.

If she doesn't like the way you look, your time would be much better spent finding a girl who likes your looks initially then going from there.

Most average and below average looking guys could date much, much higher quality women if they would tighten their image (a nice suit, perhaps?) and then find attractive women who are into their looks initially. A guy who finds lots women who are initially attracted to him, then simply makes her laugh from now until eternity and gives her the chance to jump him will have mad success with women, regardless of game.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-10-2011 04:58 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

i am a good looking man...height body is good...

but i dont have model like features or you can say i dont have screen beauty that much good.

i met few girls on facebook..i showed them my pic...they gave me normal response.

but when i changed my identity and login with fake id and fake picture of a hot dude model....then those girls got very interested in me.

its all about looks though...if you have tom cruise like look you will get more bangs easily.

If you were right, this forum wouldn't exist and every good looking guy I know would be swimming in pussy, but a lot of them aren't. Sure having great looks will get girls attracted to you, but if you have poor game you won't laid anywhere near as much.

It's not about looks or fame (although they certainly help) and its certainly not about money. Its all about confidence. There is no substitute for confidence and an alpha mentality. Looks, fame and cash are merely sources from which some men gather said confidence and use it to get laid.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

An average looking dude that understands attraction and knows how to CLOSE will get laid 3X more than a good looking dude with below average game that doesnt know how to close.

Im living proof. I look considerably better than some of my guy friends and they got LAID WAY more than me! Esp back when I was a pussy and didnt know how to close.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Real Life <> Facebook

Obviously, anyone who tells you that attractiveness is wholly irrelevant is probably crazy, but face-to-face, it matters a lot less than people think it does (at least for guys). On the intarwebs it matters for a lot more because you have fewer other weapons to bring to bear.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know what I'm talking about and my posts are opinion, not advice.

Quote:Gmac Wrote:
your time > her feelings

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

What is the OP doing on this forum? There are plenty of sites for lucky charms and cosmetic surgery.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

People gotta stop the "looks trolling" already. This topic has been discussed a million times on this forum and as well as on many others all over the internet. While it is clearly established that good looks always help in generating initial attraction, it is also true that usually that's only how far they take you. You need game to propel you to the glory of the bang. I have personally experienced this during my noob days and have seen this happen with countless other guys who generate strong initial attraction and then lose the chick due to poor game.

As for your fb experiment: so what if the chicks got really interested in the fake hot model? The fake hot model didn't get laid, right, or did he?

Tell you what, try this experiment if the doubts are still burning you from within: hire a model and put up his pics online, setup dates and give him a headphones and mic for the dates. Tell him to only speak what he hears on the headphones. Spit shitty game through the mic and see the all those very interested girls lose it all in no time.

Game is a necessary evil

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Some of my best male friends were pretty much model level in their early 20s. 5 years later guess whose getting laid by hot chicks, not them.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-10-2011 09:41 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

What is the OP doing on this forum? There are plenty of sites for lucky charms and cosmetic surgery.

[Image: potd.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

I don't believe in luck when it comes to girls outside of chance events such as seeing a mega hottie where they usually don't roll. Its all about confidence. You have to control the situation and it is your skill and knowledge which allows you to eventually close. The concept of luck is for pussies who can't create their own reality.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Online is a different world. I constantly get rejected on it and I would put $500 on the table that I can fuck some of those girls if we met in real life instead.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-10-2011 11:48 AM)houston Wrote:  

Online is a different world. I constantly get rejected on it and I would put $500 on the table that I can fuck some of those girls if we met in real life instead.
I do this all the time. that's just how it is..

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Good looks, for a man, are only useful if you have nuts to actually get out and holla at women. Cause girls could be creaming in their panties for u but won't say shit to u if u don't have the balls to say anything to them.

But even more than looks for a man, status is more important in my opinion. If a chick knows you have status and high value, you don't have to necessarily look like her dream guy for her to be interested in u.

A guy thats a 7 physically but a 9 when it comes to status and value, will win over a guy that's a 9 but lives a regular life and has no real value or status outside of his looks.

And on top of all of that, u gotta be game'd up. Cause u can be cute as hell to chick, but if she considers u to be lame, looks won't overcome that.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-10-2011 12:36 PM)theIVth Wrote:  

Good looks, for a man, are only useful if you have nuts to actually get out and holla at women. Cause girls could be creaming in their panties for u but won't say shit to u if u don't have the balls to say anything to them.

But even more than looks for a man, status is more important in my opinion. If a chick knows you have status and high value, you don't have to necessarily look like her dream guy for her to be interested in u.

A guy thats a 7 physically but a 9 when it comes to status and value, will win over a guy that's a 9 but lives a regular life and has no real value or status outside of his looks.

And on top of all of that, u gotta be game'd up. Cause u can be cute as hell to chick, but if she considers u to be lame, looks won't overcome that.

That's a side order of truth right there! What people forget is that if you don't ask you don't get. TVland would have us believe alpha women have changed the rules,but that's the way the world works.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Style is far more important than looks in terms of visuals.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-11-2011 12:04 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Style is far more important than looks in terms of visuals.

AKA Swag.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-11-2011 02:21 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2011 12:04 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Style is far more important than looks in terms of visuals.

AKA Swag.
Here you actually have to adjust your Swag. If you have very good style the cockblockers go ballistic. You have to fly under the radar and use verbal game and moderate swag.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-10-2011 04:58 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

its all about looks though...if you have tom cruise like look you will get more bangs easily.

Well, of course man. If you're better looking you get better initial responses, that's common sense. The rest of your post title though, 'everything else is luck' is just wrong. I and many others on and off forum will continue to prove that wrong.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

I think your age , and the age of the whores may be a factor as well. Pussy over 30 seem to not care so much about looks, but more about how attentive you are, hence, your looks, is secondary. Young whores, love attention, and therefore, your look is not only an added plus, but contribute to bragging rights to compete with friends.You are treated more like a show piece, just the same as you would treat a young hot whore.

its all about looks ,everything rest is luck.

Quote: (10-11-2011 02:21 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2011 12:04 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Style is far more important than looks in terms of visuals.

AKA Swag.

Yep, I'm gonna be heading to Buffalo soon to swag up for the fall and winter.

This is a great example of what I'd really love to wear-

When you have that sort of style looks really start to matter very little. Like this kid in my class who's fairly short and looks skinny, he has mad swag tho so he has girls surrounding him constantly. Good thing I'm on par with him on game.

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