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Be Bold

Be Bold

Hello. I'm new here, and this is my first post, although been lurking on and off for a while.

I've swung back and forth between being a traveler and a cubicle slave, and this story is from my earlier days.

Just thought I would share one of my first experiences that proves game works, even though I didn't know it was game at the time.

So, I was studying in Spain on a summer language thing. I was out with a group of people from my school, and there was this one chick from Singapore who had a beautiful face and the nicest rack I have ever seen on an asian.

I definitely wanted to hit that. So, I just sort of winged it, and did what I had done in the past with mixed results...I engaged her in conversation, complimented her, tried to get her to laugh, etc. I thought things were going well, so I made a move to place my hand over hers (don't give me shit, I was just a 19yr old at the time and it was late 1999), and she brushed me away.

I felt my face go red, and thought everyone saw everything. So, to cover my embarrassment, I said to her in a voice loud enough for people close by to hear, oh well, your loss. I then immediately started chatting up this slightly less attractive girl in our group who was into me.

People were dancing, people were drinking, I was making damn sure I kept my back to the hot asian, and let her see me dancing with other girls. No more than 15 minutes later asian tugs on my shirt and asks what was up, I said nothing, just having a good time, and let her stew some more.

A little bit later, I sat down next to her, and said she could buy me a drink if she wanted to smooth things over. She did, and we ended up fucking.

I know I didn't play things perfectly, and I didn't even have a plan, but I remembered that whole interaction for a while, and it gave me insight into how you can manipulate a situation/person.

Be Bold

Nice work. Pick-up perfection is nearly impossible - what matters is whether or not you reach the desired result. You did just that. Now go try your stuff out on a dozen more women.

Be Bold


Hello. I'm new here

No you're not. IP address matches DrWho.

Very subtle troll. He's like a virus that wants to bury deep in the host DNA without triggering the defense.

Be Bold

Wait, so what is DrWho trying to get out of all this?

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