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Arequipa (Peru) Data

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Summary: With its picturesque colonial streets, opportunities for adventure travel, world-class food & drink, and relative abundance of poosy, Arequipa serves RooshV warriors as Peru’s top alternative to Lima.

The Devil’s Advocate: In reading through the Peru threads, it pains me to see that this forum has developed a general anti-Peru bias. We praise the Phils as a great place for personal development and laying obscene amounts of 6's, yet hypocritically discount Peru simply because there are better looking women in other South American countries. I think this stems from the constant comparisons of Lima to Medellin, Buenos Aires, and Rio. But top shelf is top shelf, and it thus boils down to: with what relative ease can we pull it on a short visit or mid-term stay? When we aim for the best of what South America has to offer, we must navigate through the Argentine bitch-shields, Brazilian obsession with social proof, and ramifications of Colombian sex tourism. Why not check out Peru to avoid it all?

In view of the multiple recent newbie “Where should I go with 2K USD” threads, I will only claim the following: if you are seeking an educated, ambitious Latina with model looks and face time constraints, Peru may very well be your best bet. There is plenty of solid data on Lima, hence I am writing this sheet to make a case for Peru’s second city: Arequipa, both insofar as Lima-based veterans and first-time Lat Am travelers are concerned.

Getting there: From Lima, catch a cheap domestic flight (1.5 hrs). Otherwise, you will most likely be getting in by bus from Cusco (aprox 10 hrs) or Puno (aprox 6 hrs).

Logistics: Arequipa has very well preserved colonial streets and architecture. El Misti volcano provide an extremely pleasant mountainous backdrop. If you stay in the center (highly recommended), you will most likely be living in a structure dating back to the Spanish occupation. Arequipa's Plaza de Armas is among the most impressive I’ve seen to date. Calle San Francisco is the epicenter of Arequipa nightlife; arrange accommodations accordingly. If you’re a light sleeper, I would suggest staying a few blocks away, ideally towards the Plaza.

Adventure travel: Biking down Chachani and/or Misti Volcanoes (highly recommended); whitewater rafting (rio chili); volcano ascents and trekking (Colca Valley). Adventure junkies can stay here for months and not get bored.

Food & Drink: Having visited nearly every country in Latin America, Arequipa’s food & drink scene is in my view top-tier. Zig Zag, Chicha (por Gaston Acurio), and Paladar restaurants provide fine dining and exceptional service at a fraction of first-world costs. The unique Pisco concoctions at Casa del Pisco and Museo del Pisco are mind-blowing. The food & drink venues are so satisfying that you could care less about laying your dinner date.

Work/biz opportunities: There has been a recent regional mining boom, which has caused substantial price hikes across the general local economy, with the city center most affected. According to my sources, high-school educated miners start at about 7k USD monthly, albeit working dangerous roles and long hours. Peruvian-trained engineers, they say, sit around from 9-5 and start at 10k a month. I could only imagine the sort of cash the expat engineers are rolling in here. The tourism sector and associated offerings are hugely disorganized, so I believe there may be some opportunity. Construction/real estate looks quite promising, though the center is all bought up. Do not come here to teach English if you want to bank. Go to Asia or the Middle East.

Las Arequipeñas: You may be surprised to find quite a few fair-skinned, green-eyed beauties roaming Arequipa’s well-kept streets. In colonial times, Arequipa was home to Peru’s largest concentration of Spanish settlers. This left Arequipa with comparatively high white (European) and mestizo populations. As elsewhere in Latin America, there is a rough correlation between fair skin and social class as well as attractiveness. If you’re shooting for top shelf, you’re most likely going to be chasing the European or fairer mestizas.

But you shouldn’t completely discount darker-skinned cholas, who can have tremendous bodies and will almost invariably tear you apart between the sheets. The ROI on cholas is extremely high. I invited one out for a drink. She ordered a gin & tonic, drank it in under a minute, and said, “let’s go do crazy things.”

A girl is a brichera if she is bedding you for the sole purpose of extracting economic benefit and quite often, out of the desire to leave Peru. A girl who loves to lay foreigners is not prima facie brichera. It can be difficult to tell whether a very receptive chola is indeed a brichera, especially since many like to mess around with younger guys and go into full brichera mode when in the presence of an older well-to-do gentleman.

The extreme bricheras are easy tells. They sit around scantily-clad, in groups of 3-5 and overtly eye-fuck any foreigner that walks by. They move in groups, and many have come into Arequipa from Cusco. Several are known to be HIV-positive, but will fuck anyways. Some will put sleeping pills in your drink, lead you to your place, and will then rob it clean. In short, avoid bricheras. If you have a fetish for darker skin, go for the well-intentioned cholas.

Not saying anything novel here: to score top shelf, approach fearlessly, be different, and use social proof to the greatest extent possible. Roll in style to distinguish yourself from the backpacker hordes. The tighter your salsa game the better. When everything about you screams confidence, you’ll make even the bricheras apprehensive.

I rolled with one of my most solid wings, a local and ivy-league trained physician. He focused on European backpacker girls while I chased the locals, and it worked beautifully. If you’re coming in solo, I actually encourage you to be befriend a local brichero to create a similar symbiotic arrangement, whereby you introduce him to the white girls you wouldn’t in a million light years approach and he would give you a hand on a chola or two.

Where to game:

Daytime – I liked to run approaches in the Plaza de Armas, specifically at Calle Mercaderes across McDonald’s, though most of my dates were set up through Tinder. I recommend Capriccio Café on av. Cayma and Cusco Coffee near Plaza de Armas for getting work done and coffee shop game.

Elite girls – The highest concentration of top shelf poosy is at Aura, (weekends) at the top floor of Real Plaza shopping mall, to which you would need to take a cab from the center. If rolling solo, take a place at the bar adjacent to the dance floor. If your salsa game is tight, invite a girl to dance. Otherwise, invite her for a drink. Elite Arequipeñas love to talk about their studies or work, the books they are reading, and on occasion, classical music and art. They love to dance salsa and will commit to you quite strongly once you demonstrate your value.

Salsa game - Latino Salsa Club (Forum), Calle San Francisco. You will find some stunners here Thurs-Sat. Many stand by themselves or dance with their girlfriends in anticipation of being invited for a dance. You will most likely be approached by a promoter with a free entry before midnight pass, if not, seek one out. Within Forum, which is a small nightlife complex on Calle San Francisco there are also some pretty good places to check out, including Zero, a rock bar.

Hail mary – If at 3am you absolutely need to get laid, head to Circus (next to Le Foyer Hostal on Calle San Francisco). As an extreme last resort, check out Déjà Vu, though be forewarned that it is the brichera hot spot.

A brief note on security: Use caution when taking taxis, to Aura or otherwise. There have been numerous instances of express kidnappings, whereby you get into a taxi and another one follows you. Your taxi pulls up in an isolated area and 2-3 delincuentes rush in, rough you up a bit, and strip you of all your possessions. Use the Easy Taxi app to eliminate this risk, and don’t be surprised when a girl asks you to accompany her to her home post-bang. There’s also quite a bit of fighting on the streets, especially in the morning hours. As always, don’t fuck with the locals.

I look forward to a productive discussion of this destination and am happy to answer any in-thread questions or PMs. I’m hoping this data was of interest to some of our Lima-based members, whom I hope to meet in the very near future.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Thank you very much for this thread, I have been looking for infos about Peruvian second tier cities. Awesome!

Also, the concept of bricheras is a bit confusing to me, you shed a bit of light on this. I took a supposed brichera home one night in Lima, but she was very sweet and didn't ask me for anything except for the taxi fare back (which most girls do). So I guess the concept of a brichera is a very fluid one.

Quote: (01-15-2015 01:42 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  

I think this stems from the constant comparisons of Lima to Medellin, Buenos Aires, and Rio.

I have been to all of these cities in the last two months and can guarantee that Lima doesn't have to hide when compared to them! All to the contrary: If you are into the Peruvian type and your trip is only/mainly about PU, Lima is the best spot, hands down!

So Arequipa is on my list now and I will plan to come there fairly soon. Here is my question: Which other cities in Peru besides Lima, Cusco and Arequipa would you recommend?

Failure is caused by unwillingness to adapt!

"If it's not rough, it is not fun!" - Lady Gaga, Philosopher

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:09 PM)Dr Feelgood Wrote:  

Also, the concept of bricheras is a bit confusing to me, you shed a bit of light on this. I took a supposed brichera home one night in Lima, but she was very sweet and didn't ask me for anything except for the taxi fare back (which most girls do). So I guess the concept of a brichera is a very fluid one.

A fluid concept indeed. I used the term extreme brichera to refer to those who operate with the specific intent to inflict harm (e.g., drug + rob you). These are your superbricheras, effectively criminals. Then you have brichera lite (I just invented this term), which we can use to refer to those who want nothing other than economic gain and perhaps a chance to leave the country. Their tactics are not criminal per se; they resort to psychological manipulation.

It sounds like your girl simply wanted to have fun, and didn't have the cash to make it back home. Barring any further info, I wouldn't call her a brichera in the way I understand the term.

The term carries a very negative connotation in Peru, though I jokingly use it with girls to disarm them. The verb brichear means to go out looking foreigners, with the added purpose to extract some sort of economic benefit.

It applies equally to Peruvian males who go after backpacker girls. I think in these cases, however, the brichero(a)-foreigner relationships are much more likely to be voluntary and informed, as I observed many female sex tourists who had moved down to Arequipa specifically to find a brichero.


So Arequipa is on my list now and I will plan to come there fairly soon. Here is my question: Which other cities in Peru besides Lima, Cusco and Arequipa would you recommend?

Cusco is great for the cultural/aesthetic experience, but is known as brichera central. In short, I wouldn't go there for the women.

I would check out Iquitos for the jungle experience. I've been told that women there fight over white tourists.

I've visited the major northern cities, including Trujillo and Chiclayo, but found these to be very rough around the edges, with the women tending more towards the Amerindian look.

If for some reason I had to base up in Peru, I would be back and forth between Lima and Arequipa on the reg.

Have a great trip and keep us posted!

Arequipa (Peru) Data

I lived in Arequipa. Great city. Lima is a nasty shit hole. Advice in this is spot on. Viva la Republica Arequipena!

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:51 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I lived in Arequipa. Great city. Lima is a nasty shit hole. Advice in this is spot on. Viva la Republica Arequipena!
To each their own bro... its comments like this that keeps people from coming to Lima... all of the 6 forum members I have met here love it.. including me so thats at least 7 people who don't think its "A nasty shit hole"

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Appreciate the great data Papi Rico! Always good to see intel on an underreported destination. And after seeing some of the women he met in Arequipa via What's App, Peru is definitely on my list for 2015.

A couple of questions...

What are prices for rent (studio/1 BR in center) running?

Did you by chance gather any intel on Peru surf spots while chatting with the locals?

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:06 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:51 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I lived in Arequipa. Great city. Lima is a nasty shit hole. Advice in this is spot on. Viva la Republica Arequipena!
To each their own bro... its comments like this that keeps people from coming to Lima... all of the 6 forum members I have met here love it.. including me so thats at least 7 people who don't think its "A nasty shit hole"

I could have been nicer about it, I just really don't like Lima. I haven't been to Peru in 3 years though, so maybe next time I go to Arequipa, I'll give Lima another try. The times I was there though, it had horrible weather, no natural beauty, was dirty/dangerous...whereas Arequipa was always welcoming in my mind.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Arequipa (Peru) Data

High status?

[Image: 129236722_4.jpg]

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:30 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:06 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:51 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I lived in Arequipa. Great city. Lima is a nasty shit hole. Advice in this is spot on. Viva la Republica Arequipena!
To each their own bro... its comments like this that keeps people from coming to Lima... all of the 6 forum members I have met here love it.. including me so thats at least 7 people who don't think its "A nasty shit hole"

I could have been nicer about it, I just really don't like Lima. I haven't been to Peru in 3 years though, so maybe next time I go to Arequipa, I'll give Lima another try. The times I was there though, it had horrible weather, no natural beauty, was dirty/dangerous...whereas Arequipa was always welcoming in my mind.

Let me guess - you didn't stay in Miraflores, right?

There are indeed big parts of the city that look like a nasty shithole, but if you stay in Miraflores, it should make you happy.

Failure is caused by unwillingness to adapt!

"If it's not rough, it is not fun!" - Lady Gaga, Philosopher

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:29 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:09 PM)Dr Feelgood Wrote:  

Also, the concept of bricheras is a bit confusing to me, you shed a bit of light on this. I took a supposed brichera home one night in Lima, but she was very sweet and didn't ask me for anything except for the taxi fare back (which most girls do). So I guess the concept of a brichera is a very fluid one.

A fluid concept indeed. I used the term extreme brichera to refer to those who operate with the specific intent to inflict harm (e.g., drug + rob you). These are your superbricheras, effectively criminals. Then you have brichera lite (I just invented this term), which we can use to refer to those who want nothing other than economic gain and perhaps a chance to leave the country. Their tactics are not criminal per se; they resort to psychological manipulation.

It sounds like your girl simply wanted to have fun, and didn't have the cash to make it back home. Barring any further info, I wouldn't call her a brichera in the way I understand the term.

The term carries a very negative connotation in Peru, though I jokingly use it with girls to disarm them. The verb brichear means to go out looking foreigners, with the added purpose to extract some sort of economic benefit.

It applies equally to Peruvian males who go after backpacker girls. I think in these cases, however, the brichero(a)-foreigner relationships are much more likely to be voluntary and informed, as I observed many female sex tourists who had moved down to Arequipa specifically to find a brichero.

He he, yes, let's stick with those terms to explore that brichera concept further in the future.

Failure is caused by unwillingness to adapt!

"If it's not rough, it is not fun!" - Lady Gaga, Philosopher

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:09 PM)MasculineProfiles Wrote:  

Appreciate the great data Papi Rico! Always good to see intel on an underreported destination. And after seeing some of the women he met in Arequipa via What's App, Peru is definitely on my list for 2015.

A couple of questions...

What are prices for rent (studio/1 BR in center) running?

Did you by chance gather any intel on Peru surf spots while chatting with the locals?

Haha, that's right man, a Peruvian siege is in order!

I actually settled for a private room in a hostel for 3 weeks. I ended paying around 25 USD/night, and the location was as good as it could get. Anyone interested, send me a PM.

I inquired in great depth re rentals, but the concept of short-term stays hasn't seem to hit AQP yet. Airbnb is virtually nonexistent there. I was told that renters are treated very favorably under Peruvian law, which is why landlords seem to be hesitant to let someone crash for a month and then have to worry about potential eviction procedures. On adondevivir.com, there are a total of 3 properties for short-term rent in AQP, and none are in the center. Your best bet would be to get there, and immediately negotiate monthly pricing with a hostel or hotel. I'm sure you could get something decent for under 500 USD, up-front in cash. Make sure to be clear on the guest policy. Some hostels are cool with it, some aren't and charge extra.

Re surfing, you've already seen my coordination and could probably guess that I wouldn't make the best surfer. I do know that Peru has a great surf culture, and I often hear Mancora and Huanchaco (on the north coast) being discussed in this respect.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:48 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

High status?

[Image: 129236722_4.jpg]

She is a fair skinned cholita.

Whether she's high status or brichera would depend on the contents of the drink she's trying to pass you.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:51 PM)Dr Feelgood Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:30 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:06 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:51 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I lived in Arequipa. Great city. Lima is a nasty shit hole. Advice in this is spot on. Viva la Republica Arequipena!
To each their own bro... its comments like this that keeps people from coming to Lima... all of the 6 forum members I have met here love it.. including me so thats at least 7 people who don't think its "A nasty shit hole"

I could have been nicer about it, I just really don't like Lima. I haven't been to Peru in 3 years though, so maybe next time I go to Arequipa, I'll give Lima another try. The times I was there though, it had horrible weather, no natural beauty, was dirty/dangerous...whereas Arequipa was always welcoming in my mind.

Let me guess - you didn't stay in Miraflores, right?

There are indeed big parts of the city that look like a nasty shithole, but if you stay in Miraflores, it should make you happy.

You're a sensible dude and are not letting a few negative experiences cloud your judgment. I know it's difficult. My first trip to Bangkok I was robbed in my hotel room by a tranny hooker, ate street food that made me vomit, and got a BJ from who I later discovered to be another tranny. Fast forward 6 trips later and BKK is one of my top 5 cities.

I would also guess you didn't check out Miraflores, which struck me as very livable with great food and nightlife. Would be great to organize a meetup there in the near future.

By way of comparison, however, your point is well understood. Compared to Lima on the whole, Arequipa is more manageable and walkable, aesthetically pleasing, and safe. But of course it doesn't have Lima's variety, sheer numbers of potential targets, proximity to beaches, and direct flights to intl destinations. I also consider AQP's 2400m altitude a disadvantage, provided you're not into the mountain sports/activities.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:30 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:06 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 02:51 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I lived in Arequipa. Great city. Lima is a nasty shit hole. Advice in this is spot on. Viva la Republica Arequipena!
To each their own bro... its comments like this that keeps people from coming to Lima... all of the 6 forum members I have met here love it.. including me so thats at least 7 people who don't think its "A nasty shit hole"

I could have been nicer about it, I just really don't like Lima. I haven't been to Peru in 3 years though, so maybe next time I go to Arequipa, I'll give Lima another try. The times I was there though, it had horrible weather, no natural beauty, was dirty/dangerous...whereas Arequipa was always welcoming in my mind.

I agree with Dr. Feelgood, if you dont stay in Miraflores it could be a nasty shit hole... but Miraflores is first world as it gets. Safe, clean, great places to eat and drink... also at any given time I can go to Parque Kennedy or Larcomar and meet people from all over the world. Certainly enough cute girls around to keep you busy as well.

I do prefer the summer here of course.... I wouldnt want to be here when its muggy and cloudy everday.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 04:12 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  

You're a sensible dude and are not letting a few negative experiences cloud your judgment. I know it's difficult. My first trip to Bangkok I was robbed in my hotel room by a tranny hooker, ate street food that made me vomit, and got a BJ from who I later discovered to be another tranny. Fast forward 6 trips later and BKK is one of my top 5 cities.

I would also guess you didn't check out Miraflores, which struck me as very livable with great food and nightlife. Would be great to organize a meetup there in the near future.

By way of comparison, however, your point is well understood. Compared to Lima on the whole, Arequipa is more manageable and walkable, aesthetically pleasing, and safe. But of course it doesn't have Lima's variety, sheer numbers of potential targets, proximity to beaches, and direct flights to intl destinations. I also consider AQP's 2400m altitude a disadvantage, provided you're not into the mountain sports/activities.

1 short of unlocking the Bangkok tranny trifecta achievement
[Image: Achievement-Unlocked.jpg]

As for Peru, to be fair, my perception of Lima was also colored by how good a situation I had in Arequipa. Great social circle, free house provided by company, etc etc.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Arequipa (Peru) Data


1 short of unlocking the Bangkok tranny trifecta achievement
[Image: Achievement-Unlocked.jpg]

I just finished reading the "fucking your cousin" thread. The third achievement would have to be 3some involving your cousin and a BKK tranny.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

How easy is it to get girls to bang who neither rob or try to extract something out of you?

Is fast escalation the norm as it is in many other South American countries, like kissing/making out within a minute of meeting?

Are there at least a reasonable amount of teenagers out in the nightlife?

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Maybe this goes without saying, but be careful about actually calling a girl a chola/cholita to her face. Latins aren't quite so sensitive about terms of identification, but I definitely got the sense that the chola term was at least slightly derogatory in nature, at least when Colombians used it. Maybe the Peru guys can confirm or deny this.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 06:04 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

How easy is it to get girls to bang who neither rob or try to extract something out of you?

Is fast escalation the norm as it is in many other South American countries, like kissing/making out within a minute of meeting?

Are there at least a reasonable amount of teenagers out in the nightlife?

1. Ease of bang: Manila levels, provided you have a fair complexion. If a white dude can't secure a bang in Peru, I really wouldn't know another destination to suggest. Bricheras compose a relatively small subset of the female population. To avoid them, stick to high-end venues.

2. Escalation as the norm: yes. The downside: just because you make out within a minute of meeting does not mean you will bang that girl on that night.

3. Teenagers: yes. I'm not sure how young you're trying to go, but I don't think you would be disappointed in Peru.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 07:32 PM)Corroncho Wrote:  

Maybe this goes without saying, but be careful about actually calling a girl a chola/cholita to her face. Latins aren't quite so sensitive about terms of identification, but I definitely got the sense that the chola term was at least slightly derogatory in nature, at least when Colombians used it. Maybe the Peru guys can confirm or deny this.

Agreed. It's all about the delivery, and I would only ever use it as a term of endearment, post-bang. If your Spanish is not fluent, avoid it all together.

Indeed some of the darker skinned Peruvian girls have huge inferiority complexes, to the point that they will avoid being seen in public. Securing an association with a white guy can be a life-changing experience for them.

Just look at Joren van der Sloot's wife:
[Image: 1411401174031_Image_galleryImage_South_A...capita.JPG]

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Arequipa seems like a good find. The problem with Peru, in general is that all the positives, about the women, mostly apply to white guys. That is what differentiates it from the Philippines, where it is pussy paradise for everyone.
For darker dudes or non whites, Colombia is way better.
Also, big age differences are not as prevalent as in Colombia (though more so than Ecuador). For those over 35, Colombia is still king.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

My favourite city in Peru.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 04:02 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 03:09 PM)MasculineProfiles Wrote:  

Appreciate the great data Papi Rico! Always good to see intel on an underreported destination. And after seeing some of the women he met in Arequipa via What's App, Peru is definitely on my list for 2015.

A couple of questions...

What are prices for rent (studio/1 BR in center) running?

Did you by chance gather any intel on Peru surf spots while chatting with the locals?

Haha, that's right man, a Peruvian siege is in order!

I actually settled for a private room in a hostel for 3 weeks. I ended paying around 25 USD/night, and the location was as good as it could get. Anyone interested, send me a PM.

I inquired in great depth re rentals, but the concept of short-term stays hasn't seem to hit AQP yet. Airbnb is virtually nonexistent there. I was told that renters are treated very favorably under Peruvian law, which is why landlords seem to be hesitant to let someone crash for a month and then have to worry about potential eviction procedures. On adondevivir.com, there are a total of 3 properties for short-term rent in AQP, and none are in the center. Your best bet would be to get there, and immediately negotiate monthly pricing with a hostel or hotel. I'm sure you could get something decent for under 500 USD, up-front in cash. Make sure to be clear on the guest policy. Some hostels are cool with it, some aren't and charge extra.

Re surfing, you've already seen my coordination and could probably guess that I wouldn't make the best surfer. I do know that Peru has a great surf culture, and I often hear Mancora and Huanchaco (on the north coast) being discussed in this respect.

A siege of somewhere is in order for sometime in 2015!

Sad to here there are no good AirBnb options. $500 for a month at a hotel is quite reasonable though.

As for surf, I'm sure you'd be just fine after a week in the water even with the coordination issues. I've heard conflicting reports of Mancora, which was why I asked.

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Papi Rico

Great datasheet

Do you see age differences ? 15-20 years?

Arequipa (Peru) Data

Quote: (01-15-2015 08:07 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2015 07:32 PM)Corroncho Wrote:  

Maybe this goes without saying, but be careful about actually calling a girl a chola/cholita to her face. Latins aren't quite so sensitive about terms of identification, but I definitely got the sense that the chola term was at least slightly derogatory in nature, at least when Colombians used it. Maybe the Peru guys can confirm or deny this.

Agreed. It's all about the delivery, and I would only ever use it as a term of endearment, post-bang. If your Spanish is not fluent, avoid it all together.

Indeed some of the darker skinned Peruvian girls have huge inferiority complexes, to the point that they will avoid being seen in public. Securing an association with a white guy can be a life-changing experience for them.

Just look at Joren van der Sloot's wife:
[Image: 1411401174031_Image_galleryImage_South_A...capita.JPG]

Is she pregnant?

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

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