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How not to become a misogynist?

How not to become a misogynist?

I never wanted to become a misogynist. I've always loved women for the other worldly (guffaw) creatures that I before believed them to be.

However, the more numbers that I rack up, the more contempt I feel for women. The more women you sleep with, the more you get to know the species as a whole...Their behavior, on the whole, is abhorrent to me... I mean, I think most women put most men to shame in terms of their dishonesty and self interest. They're just better at disguising it. Not that I don't expect these things, but a little (or a lot) of character once in a while would do well to help my perception of them..

I didn't ever want to feel contempt for women... I always wanted to give each individual her fair chance. But I feel that I can cut out a lot of time and headache by just assuming every single one has no real character ... and treat her accordingly. However, this is a sad way to exist...

Whats your perspective?
Whats the solution?

How not to become a misogynist?

See "Superman" by Eminem; even at his level, he has the same problems you just mentioned. Maybe you'll distill a solution from his lyrics and succeed where I've failed.

How not to become a misogynist?

Live happy in illusion, or sad in reality. Your choice.

How not to become a misogynist?

you should see my other thread where I was talking about how jadded I am now... its sad really, once that viel has been lifted. I actually got burned out for a while and really didnt want to even talk to girls no matter how hot. I was borderline disgusted with the whole situation, much less disenfranchised with the whole notion of having a good girl, because IME they are soooo few and far in between. I mean, a good girl, that doesnt play games, that is still HOT, and DOESNT have kids.... fuck you, me and everyone in between. I have even been traveling to other countries, its so hard to find.

I was just thinking that if I ever had a serious girl friend, I would have to go series psycho spy on her, planting bugs and tracking devices to see if she was honest, but they are SUCH good damn liars and cheats. Yeah, I have been a bit blah as of late, because I would actually like to find one nice girl, not that I want to get married tomorrow, but I do like having someone for more then fucking.

ahhh ignorance truely is bliss.

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-17-2010 10:42 AM)clr Wrote:  

Yeah, I have been a bit blah as of late, because I would actually like to find one nice girl, not that I want to get married tomorrow, but I do like having someone for more then fucking.

Solution: LESBIANS! - You see, a lesbian girl is like the ideal best friend every man should have. It should be someone you are not trying to fuck, and truly is 100% lesbian and not bi-curious and still likes men - because you'll end up bangin and it will mess things up completely and she is now just another dishonest bitch. Women have gay guy friends, and they love 'em! Women already know the advantages of having a gay friend to be a tampon of emotions for them w/o the pressure of sex.

The advantage is that you will do with her the many things you would love to do with a woman besides fucking...they are great for sporting events, social events and anything that does not involve fucking - even chasing girls!! You never have to worry about being betrayed by a lesbian friend, because they are truly very respectful of you if you ever get to have one as a cool buddy.Lesbians friends do not envy you, lie to you or bullshit you...indeed I've had 2 lesbians girls that I hang out with more than guy friends...you have no idea how happy I am - and when I want to fuck..I go release my energy on a girl I expect nothing more than to be a fuck buddy.

How not to become a misogynist?

LMAO!!!!! I have a lesbian friend, the problem is she is a gorgous model and I want to have sex with her. [Image: smile.gif] Funny SHE was posting on my facebook about how men are dogs and dont cheat blah blah, we have the same views on everything, damn lesbians! she would be perfect for me. hahaha I tried to post a pic, but you cant be friends with her.... wait till I am on my computer... darn hebrew computers.... cant read shit [Image: smile.gif]

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-17-2010 11:18 AM)clr Wrote:  

wait till I am on my computer... darn hebrew computers.... cant read shit [Image: smile.gif]

I need to get myself a lesbian friend. I met a lot of fake lesbians though. They normally say they are lesbians for guys not harrassing them. Aske me how I know[Image: smile.gif]

How not to become a misogynist?

hydrogonian and clr,

Don't be jaded.

Honestly the best advice I can give on this one is stop looking for male bonding type relationships with women. Lighten up on the whole thing. Accept women for what they are.

What they are is: a swoop partner, someone to have on your arm to turn peoples heads and get you pro-bono drinks and apps at a restaurant, and/or the person that will help raise your kids.

A girl is not someone to debate the Ali VS Frazier trilogy.

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-17-2010 08:27 AM)mybestshot Wrote:  

See "Superman" by Eminem; even at his level, he has the same problems you just mentioned. Maybe you'll distill a solution from his lyrics and succeed where I've failed.

I loved the lyrics and the video...here's the link...


clr, burned out is where I am right now, no doubt about it... and I fully intend to do some serious sleuthing if I ever see a real long potential in a girl..its the only way...an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Until then, I have no love to give...

However, at this point, I'm pretty good at picking up subtle personality traits in any woman that spell long term trouble...Women are good, but they also share a lot of common traits that give them away a lot of the time...and its not just cheating...but their real motivation in being in the relationship. If its anything but for the right reason...they'll abandon you and be looking to cheat at the first sign of hardship...but they might not necessarily cheat until that point...

The question is, is it worth it to be with one of the very few, but often very boring good girls. Or to continue to go with whats exciting but what has lead me to the point where I am now... I mean I could call a girl right now that bores the pants off of me, but she's hot and I know she would be loyal to the death...

G, your right. And I know that in my heart... but Im trying to get to a place where I don't hate them, for what they are, at the same time that I'm dating them...because I dont want to be that guy who treats them like a guy who has contempt in my heart. what they are are opportunists, attention whores and stimulation junkies...but I guess thats the game.

Pepini, I think that your choice is what it boils down to. Not much of a choice though...I wonder if I could delude myself into not disliking them while living in the illusion... time will tell...

How not to become a misogynist?

G, I dont look for a sports buddy, just a hot girl I have a connection with that is honest. They are a weird species!

funny story, I was at a bar, being opportunistic, everytime a girl came close to met, I chatted her up, about 4 girls invited me to the back where they said they were having a party. I was chilling but after about 45 I rolled back there turns out all 4 were party of the same girl only party of 7-8. Cool. I sit down, say something to the girl on my right while touching her shoulder, she FREAKS!!, "DONT YOU TOUCH ME" curls away like I was a serial rapist,(Im thinking WTF freak with no outwardly expression) her friend said, "no, relax, he's gay", complete 180, shes says "oh my god I am soooooo sorry" while grabbing my arm.

I made it a point to touch her all over from then on, arm legs everywhere but the no no spots. About an hour or so later she looks at me and says, "you arent gay are you?" I grin nice and big and say, "nope", I got her number and 1 other when I left to meet up with friends. [Image: smile.gif]

Ok gotta run, party in Eilat! SHIT its hot here.

How not to become a misogynist?

I don't dislike women at all. My mother is a woman and if it weren't for her sacrifices I wouldn't be here. I just recognize women for what they are: capricious, emotionally-driven creatures that make decisions based on whatever their emotional state happens to at the moment. They aren't inferior to men, just different.

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-17-2010 01:54 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I don't dislike women at all. My mother is a woman and if it weren't for her sacrifices I wouldn't be here. I just recognize women for what they are: capricious, emotionally-driven creatures that make decisions based on whatever their emotional state happens to at the moment. They aren't inferior to men, just different.

Of course women are not inferior. Whoever defends that are idiots/losers. With all their faults there´s no other spice that can put a sun on a rainy day and that alone is enough.

Btw I´ve just sent a message to a girl saying: "Girl you can take your seatbelt off even if we crash I will be next to you". Go easy on me boys. I have no doubts that she´s a fucked up bitch who will want me to treat her like shit after some time. But I want to live in the ilusion for a while.

How not to become a misogynist?

Like G said, it's needing to realize that women are good for what they're good for; banging, arm candy and giving you kids that she'll help raise.

A misogynist is someone that hates women and thinks they're inferior. A white knight is someone who loves women more than anything and thinks they're superior. What do you call a guy who loves women more than anything and realizes that they're inferior?

I'm not trying to be a hater, but women are inferior to men. The number of societies created, great books written and great music made by men eclipses that number made by women a million fold.

Women disillusion themselves into believing that they have no power, bullshit. They don't have power in the same way that men do (in the boardroom, with the pen and with the vote), okay, but they have the vast power that comes with controlling men. They have a huge amount of power that's different from the power we have, and probably even more of it.

Ask yourself who is more powerful; the people who build the world, or the people who control the people who build the world?

Answering the original question; the best way not to become a misogynist is not to care or wrap yourself up in labels and not to trivialize your contribution. Don't think that while you're using her for sex that she isn't using you for sex/money/power/bragging rights. They're people just like we are.

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-17-2010 01:54 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I don't dislike women at all. My mother is a woman and if it weren't for her sacrifices I wouldn't be here. I just recognize women for what they are: capricious, emotionally-driven creatures that make decisions based on whatever their emotional state happens to at the moment. They aren't inferior to men, just different.

Good summary. But there are lots of fucked up women out there who make lousy partners but great mothers...its just a different relationship...but I agree with everything else, imo.

I don't think women are inferior. I'm actually in awe with how much power they actually wield, which is increasing at an almost exponential rate, and I'm in awe with the decreasing power of men in relationships and the world in general. Although, yes, I'm talking in relative terms, not in terms of who actually has more political power. However, I view the power shift, especially in relationships, as a large source of dissatisfaction for men these days...but we all knew that.

How not to become a misogynist?

Really man I've banged out 10's and 1's and you know at 32 I'm starting to notice a few things.

-You need to look for motherly material when you want to marry. Can she cook, does she care for kids, does she care for you, is she feminine compasionate, does she not try to imasculate and shit test you all the time (she will do the same to your sons if you have any) . If you have a girl that is all of those things and maybe a 5 or 6...keep her. The 10 with no skills as listed above will still have no skills when she is older and no longer a 10, but she will keep that bitch 10 mentality forever.

- Its not about superiority, its simply about the difference between sexes. Women are not logical and hard mind oriented. Women follow emotional flutters and illogical reasoning (hence game) Men need to be the dominant ones in terms of decision making, calling shots, paying bills, dishing out punishmen (in the family atleast)

How not to become a misogynist?

Rocco81, good observations. Just a few points to add:

- Check non-American women, they are more likely to have qualities listed (i.e. in most cases she can cook, is feminine and so), and while she may be 4/10 in her country, when you bring her to USA she may be 8/10 here. Keep her busy, preferably in a good/relevant social circle. For example, vast majority of my friends are married or dating EE women, and even with my American friends the man always is the one who makes the rules in the family. If you surround her with sissy couples which let the females to run the show, she'd turn to bitch in two years. Yes, maintaining LTR requires significant time investment (at least first 5-10 years), but the benefits are as significant.

- Choose personality over looks. After five years you will be much happier in relationship with a nice girl who rarely turns you on (I firmly believe this is the case with every girl after five years) than with a good looking bitch. If having sex with others is important to you, bring it up early - seems like in US a lot of girls are quite open to have an open relationship. Would also keep you competitive [Image: smile.gif]

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-17-2010 12:11 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2010 08:27 AM)mybestshot Wrote:  

See "Superman" by Eminem; even at his level, he has the same problems you just mentioned. Maybe you'll distill a solution from his lyrics and succeed where I've failed.

I loved the lyrics and the video...here's the link...


Man... I just clicked on that link and it was the edited version. Gotta listen to the dirty version... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9MRyyXeE...verified=1

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-18-2010 09:03 AM)Willy Wonka Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2010 12:11 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2010 08:27 AM)mybestshot Wrote:  

See "Superman" by Eminem; even at his level, he has the same problems you just mentioned. Maybe you'll distill a solution from his lyrics and succeed where I've failed.

I loved the lyrics and the video...here's the link...


Man... I just clicked on that link and it was the edited version. Gotta listen to the dirty version... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9MRyyXeE...verified=1

really?? there were titties all over that video, so I didn't think it was edited. i'll check out the other link..

How not to become a misogynist?

And you know what? Eminem is a genius. He hits gets it exactly right with the root of the problem. The problem is that Girls/Women want to be saved (Superman). Because they want to be saved, the man is an asset to them and nothing more. The assets true purpose is his relative ability to save them, and to make them feel good along the way. Therefore, no true love...just cultivation of the asset. Once the asset can no longer produce for them, by choice or by circumstance, there is no more 'love' for the man.

As before stated, women want what the man has to give, not to be loved. The men that aren't just after sex (ie: want to get into an ltr or get married), want love. However, its the very rare woman who knows what it is to love, and not just to cultivate their asset. Thats why nice guys (who love) are suckers, because its usually not true love thats reciprocated, only love for the asset. And yeah, their are feelings that resemble true love that are felt by the girl, for instance when she first realizes that this guy will be a good asset, or he takes her for an expensive weekend somewhere, or when he fucks her just right, but its still a love for an asset and not true selfless love and care. Although, the girl may even fool herself to beleiving she's in love. Even players rarely get true love, they just know how to better trigger the woman's 'asset alert', validation, or horny buttons.

If you find that woman who selflessly loves you, and you have any interest in settling down, keep her, because it might be a long time before you find another one...

How not to become a misogynist?

Yep three exact days before this bitch wants me to treat her like shit. Illusion gone.
Great post by VK:

How not to become a misogynist?

I have noticed a few things. Generally speaking, Guys with weak inner game hate girls. Guys with strong inner game love girls. Guys who hate girls usually don't get laid as much or as easy as guys who loves girls. Guys who love girls have learned how to communicate with girls. Guys who hate girls struggle to communicate with them.

How not to become a misogynist?

I say if you want to get love you have to give it.

Don't hate girls for being who they are. If you do you aren't going to get anywhere with them.

95% of what I say to girls might be complete bullshit, but I'm sweet as hell when I say it.

I'm exactly the opposite as Hydrogonian at the beginning of this thread. The more and more girls I fuck and have little relationships, the more I love these girls.

Just don't pay attention to their nonsense.


How not to become a misogynist?

hmmmm I dont know about hydro, but I dont hate girls at all. I have gotten VERY VERY good at the game, I just dont like it. Maybe different from Kona, I wont lie to a girl, as scar face said, I have my balls and my word and I wont break em for anyone.

I dont know how old you are Kona, but I see most of the guys on this board in their early 30's. Not that I want to settle down and get married BUT you start thinking about having a serious relationship. Its kinda sad, because for fucking, sure I can go out and get ass when I want, its fun, good times. Guys that are good with girls are used to having their cake and eating it too. Getting the best of all the worlds. Getting good with girls fucked me up in the head when I know I can shag most chicks out there, bf, married or not, by tripping the right switches and pressing the right buttons.

Maybe its just a funk I am in, time will tell.

How not to become a misogynist?

Quote: (06-19-2010 10:59 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I have noticed a few things. Generally speaking, Guys with weak inner game hate girls. Guys with strong inner game love girls. Guys who hate girls usually don't get laid as much or as easy as guys who loves girls. Guys who love girls have learned how to communicate with girls. Guys who hate girls struggle to communicate with them.

lol...I don't really think its as black and white as that. While I'm loathe to defend myself to your qualifications and indirect assessment of me, lets just say it can get much more complicated than what your making it out to be.

Although, if your just banging girls a couple of times and moving on, then I can see how you would have your perspective. I probably would to, and likely did at one time. Especially with short term relationship, your exactly right. If I just want sex from her, and I don't really know her, I don't have any feelings toward her. Love, hate, nothing. Its just a transaction, and some in the moment fun that benefits us both. It doesn't affect my emotional state in the slightest. Although, it usually confirms the fact that I've banged another slut who, if I was in a relationship with her, I couldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. But I'm fine with that, because I'm not in a relationship with her. No harm, no foul.

I dont hate her for that, i just know what the tendencies are of women with certain behaviors. When Im not in a relationship, I welcome women like that. One: because I know exactly how to exploit their wants and needs. Two: They appreciate that I don't judge them, and they have a lot of fun, as do I.

Communicating with girls and getting laid has been the least of my problems.

My perspective comes out of several long-ish term relationships spanning the past five years. The more time you put into a woman, no matter what you might tell yourself, the more power that she has, through her behavior, on your medium-term state. Including your opinion of women. Unless your not getting involved, then this is unavoidable. No matter what you say.

However, I guess it depends on how deep into the relationship that you allow yourself to get. I don't really buy into the "always stay distant" mentality, when I'm in a ltr, that the average player takes when ticking off ONS. I prefer to reap the benefits of a closer relationship, when I find a girl that I believe is worth the time, although I never kid myself into believing the relationship has any kind of permanency. I never try to own her. I just enjoy making women fall in love with me, when she's right for it, at least seemingly so at first.

But no matter how sharp my relationship game is, and how by the book my efforts are in not creating some type of dysfunctional relationship, eventually she does. There are good ones out there, but the ones that I've dated have always bored me (I'm unlucky, I don't think that good always equals boring), and every other one, who has demonstrated anything other than consistent 'good girl' behavior, has been fucked up to the point where I'm disillusioned.

It has the effect that when I now meet a new girl, I already have zero respect for her. I know what she's about, really. I know that I can most likely get her into bed quickly, often if she has a boyfriend, and even sometimes a husband. I know who she is, with probably 95% accuracy. How can I have fun when I'm bored of using women, and at the same time most women are ripe for being used?

But it even gets deeper than that. Like I said, its not black and white. Most women will only see you as a means to an end, and can even trick themselves into believing otherwise. But its always the case. They want to be saved. And in the very short term they might just want sex. Which is great. But while thats fine for ONS type game, because your both playing the game, its shitty when your trying to make a more stable existence for yourself.

I can play the game of sex vs beneficiary. And trust me, I always win that game. And I can use women. But for anything else than ONS type of game, it gets old and tiresome.

Quote: (06-20-2010 05:01 AM)clr Wrote:  

hmmmm I dont know about hydro, but I dont hate girls at all. I have gotten VERY VERY good at the game, I just dont like it. Maybe different from Kona, I wont lie to a girl, as scar face said, I have my balls and my word and I wont break em for anyone.

I dont know how old you are Kona, but I see most of the guys on this board in their early 30's. Not that I want to settle down and get married BUT you start thinking about having a serious relationship. Its kinda sad, because for fucking, sure I can go out and get ass when I want, its fun, good times. Guys that are good with girls are used to having their cake and eating it too. Getting the best of all the worlds. Getting good with girls fucked me up in the head when I know I can shag most chicks out there, bf, married or not, but tripping the right switches and pressing the right buttons.

Maybe its just a funk I am in, time will tell.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

How not to become a misogynist?

One of my favorite movies of all time, "The Mack" has a scene where one of the main pimps is kicking some real knowledge to this young blood and tells him "Anybody can control a woman's body, but the key is to control her mind." Thus, you are suppose to give bitches the Blues, not get 'em.. If whatever women do or don't do makes you depressed/bitter/hateful towards them, it that means you are still a slave for pussy and you are giving pussy way too much power. I know the feeling... I have been there. I am with G, you have to see women for what they are and learn to accept it. Furthermore, I do not look down on women promiscuity and do not understand guys obsessions to how many notches a chick has had.. I would marry a total slut who has had hundreds of cocks by the time she met me if she has all the qualities that I am looking for and makes me genuinely happy. Shiiiiit, at least I know what I am getting. Always remember, the only difference between a ho and a housewife is the sucker who believes such nonsense.

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