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The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - DChambers - 02-27-2019

I grew up vegetarian until I was 16 years old. There are good and bad points about it. The reasons my parents raised my sister and I vegetarian was because they disagreed with the horrible treatment of animals on factory farms. Can't say I blame them, current practices are abhorrent. As of right now though there isn't much that can be done. A huge problem with being a vegetarian is it is fucking expensive to actually get the protein and nutrients you need without spending a lot of money on supplements. A lot of meat nowadays though is shot up full of hormones and is processed to hell.

I think a lot of people in society could benefit from the advice of Mike Tyson who said in an interview, "all you need to do to be in shape is eat meat, vegetables, drink water, and work out." I think that simple method is still the best!

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - dasher - 02-27-2019

Quote: (02-26-2019 11:09 PM)BlastbeatCasanova Wrote:  

I want to look young and healthy for as long as possible so I can bang young hot girls as I age out of my youth. If I could be convinced that switching to a plant-based/vegan diet would help me achieve that, I would definitely give it a shot and try and stick with it. I mean look at Steve-o, he looks pretty damn good these days. (Steve-o picture)

Quitting drugs probably helped too. From googling him to find that pic it seems he has consumed fish recently, much to the wrath of the vegan army.

OK I'm done riffing on this for the evening, everyone have a great night

I imagine the Vegan experience for a millionare (or pro bodybuilder, etc) and the Vegan experience for a regular person are very different things.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - fiasco360 - 02-27-2019

Quote: (02-26-2019 08:37 PM)BlastbeatCasanova Wrote:  

I highly doubt that there is a conspiracy/movement or a cabal sitting in a dark room plotting to remove animal products from the modern diet to keep men "weak" and "low T." First of all, the meat/dairy industries are huge money and have big lobbies that are in bed with the FDA, big pharma, etc. If anything, overconsumption of these keeps people fat and unhealthy, and thus weak and sick. Also a big cash cow (heh) for the medical profit complex.

It's not an issue of veganism being "unnatural" or humans being omnivores; the issue is massive overconsumption of animal products and the bad quality thereof. A good comparison is tobacco. Back in the early days, people didn't smoke as much, and what they did smoke was pure leaf without all the chemicals and bullshit additives that are put in cigs today that make them much more massively unhealthy. In the past people really didn't eat as much meat or animal products because it was hard to hunt the beasts, then you had to make fire to cook it, and then there wasn't really a good way to store or preserve it, etc. Obviously modern technology has fixed all this for us and loaded them up with chemicals, preservatives, oils, hormones, etc. I'd be surprised if there's not already a forum post about the state of the American diet and how a large (heh) portion of America are total fat fucks.

@PorscheGuy: to say "Here’s the problem with veganism. There’s no 100% vegan indigenous culture anywhere. Veganism as practiced now is only possible due to the modern world we live in" is kind of absurd, because it's only in this modern world that we are able to literally fly to another country overnight, or literally get in our car and drive across the country in a matter of days. Modernity and technology has changed every facet of our daily lives and while there are some decent cases against veganism I think that one is pretty weak. A lot of the stuff we do today is not "natural." That doesn't make it wrong or bad or right or good. Just some food for thought for ya [Image: smile.gif]

I've made posts in slightly-above-neutral-but-not-rabid support of veganism on this forum before only because I've had some very positive exposure to it through people I know (I personally consume animal products myself). Obviously the liberals and SJW's have given it a bad name, but I will say that I've fucked vegans and non-vegans, and the vegans ate a plant based diet always had a healthier vibe and clean smelling breath/pussies. As with anything, moderation is key

If you were to consume only animal products like steak,chicken, eggs, butter, milk and other things you would not NEARLY have the amount of issues people do now. This is disingenuous at best. The real problem lies in the massive amount of calories that comes from carbohydrate heavy foods that are cheap and mass produced.

Veganism spells a death sentence for anyone with SIBO related gut issues and often times invokes a multitude of allergic responses.

You posted a picture of a dude who had a severe drug problem - yes he cleaned up his act, grew his hair out and looks healthier. Anyone who gets off drugs and starts to watch what they eat will look better.

There are literally thousands of people out there who left veganism for a heavy meat and animal product based diet that cured a vast majority of their ailments anywhere from heart related conditions to depression.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Syberpunk - 02-27-2019

Why do vegetarians and vegans assume that we have found all the trace minerals we will ever find in meat, that are needed to be supremely healthy and just supplement the missing ones aka plugging the holes

As if there weren't new minerals and building blocks being discovered all the time in a whole chicken, a ribeye, sardines?

We may not even know what we are missing on!

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - deerhunter - 02-27-2019

it's not so complicated. Eat plenty of fish and deer etc. and let everyone else go vegan. You will be happy and who gives a you know what about them. You need real food.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Syberpunk - 02-27-2019

My father when eating dinner would jokingly when look at cabbage and potatoes "better get through the ugly stuff first", before getting to the meat "nice stuff". Now I just eat the good aka meat myself

When salad was occasionally made he called it "rabbit food".

I knew an tough old guy when I was very young he'd often eat raw liver and the like, once he said about grain and leak like foods "that's what we feed the cattle".

Its always stuck with me.

Remember they want a world where the animals can eat whatever they want but you can't, you can admire nature from a distance as you are funneled from Mega City One to Mega City Two, but never actually get involved it, walk out in it and kill your own food. We'll do it for you at a cost. Is there anything more disconnected from nature than not being ok with killing your own food? And then they us tell we are disconnected from nature. You are an animal!

I always laugh at James Cameron being all about the rainforests, and the indigneous "4th world people" in them yet he is vegan and they would laugh at as some kind of mental case that he couldn't kill his own food never mind recoil at the fact of eating of it. They laugh at him in quiet. How could you not?

If they're so great James, why eat like them, live like them?

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Solitaire - 02-27-2019

Quote: (02-26-2019 02:14 PM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Weston Price was a dentist who wrote the only book worth reading on nutrition, back in the 1920's where he travelled to unexplored parts of the world with his wife like Indiana Jones, places and people that were still untouched by modern civilization and are now mostly gone and what did he see? Perfect Hollywood smiles and wide faces, strong facial development, straight teeth, cavities were 1 in 200 as opposed to 1 in 5. Its fucking shocking.

Within a generation of intro to modern food, their health went to shit and many teeth came in crooked, whereas it hardly existed before (as described in the book along with photographic evidence)

I have seen this first-hand, as well. I'm a nurse and have done a couple of medical mission trips to the Solomon Islands (as a former Marine, can I mention the absolute chills, to my bones, as I was standing on the tarmac at Honiara Airport on Guadalcanal?). In fact, there was a British documentary team there on my first trip - you can see for yourself the toll that a Westernized diet is taking on these people. The older folk have beautiful white teeth, big smiles, but are now too often overweight and diabetic, with heart disease rampant. The younger people, eating sugary shit every day, have cavities like crazy. We took a dentist and assistant along, and dude was pulling teeth from children all day long. It's in the documentary, if anyone is curious to watch. It's about 20 minutes, on the Gallery page of the website I'd created for the foundation (full disclosure is that my ex-gf is the redheaded doctor that established the foundation, oh and I have a short cameo as well, I'm Todd the nurse [Image: angel.gif])

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - BlastbeatCasanova - 02-27-2019

^I’m working through my cup of coffee and haven’t fully woken up yet but did you just dox yourself bro? Not a super wise move in this day and age if that’s actually you

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - MOVSM - 02-27-2019

Quote: (02-26-2019 11:09 PM)BlastbeatCasanova Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2019 10:18 PM)CaptainCup Wrote:  

Agriculture, on the other hand, is maybe only 20,000 years old, and produces inferior quality protein (e.g. soy, lentils, etc.).

There is something to be said for the notion that we are designed to eat meat. From an evolutionary standpoint, I cannot foresee soy products increasing human reproductive success.


I do however think you can get sufficient protein from lentils, seitan, chickpeas, nuts, and other sources that won't cause hormonal imbalances. Thanks to the internet there are many resources on how to do this. I think a big misconception here is that being "vegan" means being healthy. This is actually not the case, as one could drink beer and eat french fries + processed food everyday and call themselves a vegan. This is why there is the normie view of the skinny-fat gross vegan "soyboy." A better term and healthier lifestyle would be "plant-based" and not involve processed foods/soy/tofu/etc.

While it may be possible to get enough protein from plants, the quality of protein matters. Plant based protein does not have as good amino acid profile as animal protein does.
Also, as you get older, the ability to absorb protein degrades, so you must have higher quality protein.

Additionally, the plants, having no active defense measures, protect themselves with toxins. STEVEN R. GUNDRY, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C. explains:


In The Plant Paradox, renowned cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry reveals that gluten is just one variety of a common, and highly toxic, plant-based protein called lectin. Lectins are found not only in grains like wheat but also in the “gluten-free” foods most of us commonly regard as healthy, including many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and conventional dairy products. These proteins, which are found in the seeds, grains, skins, rinds, and leaves of plants, are designed by nature to protect them from predators (including humans). Once ingested, they incite a kind of chemical warfare in our bodies, causing inflammatory reactions that can lead to weight gain and serious health conditions.

The science is still out, but the presence of anti-nutrients in plant-based foods must be noted.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Solitaire - 02-27-2019

Quote: (02-27-2019 09:58 AM)BlastbeatCasanova Wrote:  

^I’m working through my cup of coffee and haven’t fully woken up yet but did you just dox yourself bro? Not a super wise move in this day and age if that’s actually you

Yeah maybe I did ... but I'm all over the internet anyway. I've had my gamer nick "Solitaire" for 20 years now. I'm not sure who would give a damn that I'm posting here, in any case. Thanks for the warning, though. As long as it might only affect me, it's okay, but if someone thinks I should edit/delete, well best tell me soon! Dunno what the time limit is.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - fktax - 02-27-2019

Quote: (02-26-2019 12:44 PM)Dr Mantis Toboggan Wrote:  

My hunch is that their end goal is a society where only the elites will be allowed to/can afford to eat meat.

Even without any agendas it's going this way anyhow. Rich Chinese + Indians + the elite globally = not enough meat to go around.

My feeling is the faux meats now (which is usually more expensive than real meat) will soon be much cheaper and food for the masses of the future. A bit like how peasants in many regions used to eat seitan instead of meat (it was cheap).

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Arado - 02-28-2019

What are people's thoughts on insect protein and lab grown meat?

The current system is just not sustainable with the rising meat consumption in China and India. Do you really think that the factory farmed meat system (and the subsequent antibiotic resistance) is the ideal solution?

Other people have mentioned that meat eating is "natural." Not really - humans have continued to evolve since the arrival of agriculture and 10,000 years is plenty of time. We are no longer the same species as our caveman ancestors.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - fktax - 02-28-2019

Quote: (02-28-2019 01:41 AM)Arado Wrote:  

What are people's thoughts on insect protein and lab grown meat?

No expert here but insect protein seems pretty genius to me. Until insect activists start speaking out about insect rights. [Image: confused.gif]

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - nomadbrah - 02-28-2019

I find it very interesting that the organic and vegan movement is largely a thing with left leaning women, the same women who are very concerned about refugees and poor people around the world. Don't they realize that if we banned non-organic foods and only ate vegetables, then hundreds of millions would starve? Is this really an expression of the female intuitive psyche at work?

The consequences of organic and vegan lifestyles, would certainly mean a much less globalized world. Much less dependent on world trade. Think about how much beef, bacon and sushi is flown around the world.

I want to make an effort to only eat organic in the new year. It's healthier and it's a direct attack on globohomo food production. We can call it "patriot diet". Thank me later green industry.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Ski pro - 02-28-2019

Years ago I ready the original dr Atkins diet revolution. Bought it in a 2nd hand book store in New Zealand somewhere.

It made so much sense that I’ve disregarded all modern advice since.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - fktax - 02-28-2019

Quote: (02-28-2019 07:32 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The consequences of organic and vegan lifestyles, would certainly mean a much less globalized world. Much less dependent on world trade.
Isn't this a positive though? Brings jobs back into individual countries at all levels instead of having whole economies that are essentially 5 banks or 12 farms.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Jones - 03-01-2019

A sample of posts on another from by the master of the Carnivore diet, Owsley Stanley on the politicization (re: commercialization) of Nutrition:

"A large body of research, the sort which was used to support the low fat diet fiasco was funded by big agriculture. The important products of big ag are the mass produced, low labour cereal grains, oilseed and sugar, not animal products."

"Meat and dairy are very labour intensive, and do not give a high profit return to the primary producers, the best profit is at the end of the line- at retail, the butcher does pretty well. Thus, there is a high incentive to reduce animal fat, increase vegetable oil consumption and get people to eat grain and sugar. Similarly, the medical profession does not profit from healthy people, so there is no strong motive in the industry to support the truth.

"Although many doctors are primarily motivated to help people, still, a good income is always important. The zero carb diet is perfect for diabetics, however that would cut out the need for constant supervision by a physician, and eliminate the need for a very profitable drug, insulin. The drug industry, well known for placing profit in front of any sense of proper conduct, funds a powerful lobby to the medical profession."

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Foolsgo1d - 03-01-2019

A lot Vegans just cannot get over the fact a nice animal has to die to feed us. And dont even start with veal, that is a nuclear black pill for them.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - MOVSM - 03-01-2019

Quote: (03-01-2019 06:40 PM)Jones Wrote:  


Jones, is there a link for this?

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Rush87 - 03-02-2019

If we are playing the "climate change" game. A wheat farm has greater carbon emissions than a beef farm; not to mention the thousands of little critters killed by combine harvesters.

It is 100% political, disingenuous and eaten up by vegan faggots who have never spent a single day on a farm.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Jones - 03-02-2019

Quote: (03-01-2019 10:54 PM)MOVSM Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2019 06:40 PM)Jones Wrote:  


Jones, is there a link for this?


Quotes are from a PDF I downloaded. Here's the links:

PDF Link: The Bear's Words of Wisdom

Website with PDF Link: The Bear

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - CaptainCup - 03-02-2019

If Cory “Spartacus” Booker and Alexandria Nutcasio-Cortez are pushing vegetarianism/veganism, then these dietary choices must have usefulness to the leftist, globalist cause. Climate change arguments frequently cite meat consumption and production as a cause of carbon emissions. Whether this is correct or not, it is tied up in the climate change narrative. It doesn’t need to be correct – only to support the narrative. I’m sure a lot of left leaning people, who are vegetarians, have gotten on board with the climate change “crisis.”

Further, climate change is a global “issue” and, as such, would require centralized government programs (i.e. the Green New Deal) to address it. Many commentators have cited that the Green New Deal is just a power grab on the part of the left – an excuse to relinquish control over to the government. Add to this what was mentioned earlier about vegetarianism leading to weaker men, less testosterone, and a cheaper to feed/easier to control population. Control what people eat and you can control almost anything.

I can also see pushing vegetarianism as another serving of Cultural Marxism. Fat chicks with septum piercings are beautiful, gender is chosen, and meat eating is bad. Meat has been important in western culture (Christmas roast, Thanksgiving turkey, Easter ham, etc.) and degrading meat consumption is, in a sense, just another repudiation of the west.

So I do think pushing vegetarianism is important for the left. I would also point out that there need not be a deliberate and sinister plan to create a weak civilization of vegetarians (although this certainly could be the case). As with all cultural phenomena, the results of a particular behavior could be negative or positive to the end game of the powers that be. Negative results will lead to suppression of that behavior while positive results will lead to encouragement of the behavior. I can therefore see encouraging vegetarianism as useful in creating a pool of compliant NPC’s who are ready to relinquish control over their lives to the government.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - Fortis - 03-02-2019

I have some vegan friends and they honestly look fucking horrible from it. Many of the vegans who look good are often on TRT and other regenerative therapies that make up for their shitty diets.

Honestly, one of the youngest looking people I know is 40 but looks 25. He does Keto and has been doing it for over 10 years on and off.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - porscheguy - 03-03-2019

There’s no doubt that vegan has become part of the leftist agenda.

A prime example of vegan deterioration. Is Jenna Marbles. I’ll admit, she was always a 6 in the face, but she knew how to put herself together and turn that plain face into a solid 7. Her body was a 7/8. In 2015 she went full vegan and has since slammed into the wall. She’s got 10 million+ subscribers. She’s been doing YouTube for almost 10 years and the majority of her content is monetized. She’s one of the top 100 YouTubers. Translation: she’s raking in cash. But thanks to her vegan BS, she looks bloated and fat. She dresses like a slob because she probably lacks the energy to put herself together. And even with makeup her skin looks terrible.

The latest anti meat BS they came up with this week is “Keto Crotch.” This is an unverified claim that women on low carb/keto/carnivore diets have bad pussy odor. As I said it’s merely speculation that is not verified. But think of the message. They’re saying meat makes your pussy stink.

The Politicization of Dietary and Nutrition Advice - kosko - 03-03-2019

Quote: (03-03-2019 12:05 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

There’s no doubt that vegan has become part of the leftist agenda.

A prime example of vegan deterioration. Is Jenna Marbles. I’ll admit, she was always a 6 in the face, but she knew how to put herself together and turn that plain face into a solid 7. Her body was a 7/8. In 2015 she went full vegan and has since slammed into the wall. She’s got 10 million+ subscribers. She’s been doing YouTube for almost 10 years and the majority of her content is monetized. She’s one of the top 100 YouTubers. Translation: she’s raking in cash. But thanks to her vegan BS, she looks bloated and fat. She dresses like a slob because she probably lacks the energy to put herself together. And even with makeup her skin looks terrible.

The latest anti meat BS they came up with this week is “Keto Crotch.” This is an unverified claim that women on low carb/keto/carnivore diets have bad pussy odor. As I said it’s merely speculation that is not verified. But think of the message. They’re saying meat makes your pussy stink.

There is something to this...You are what you eat and many Keto people pack in lots of processed meats such as bacon into thier diet. Various processes and nitrate reach meats can impact body odour. Meat heavy diet in general can overall (dairy causes issues as well, as does grease heavy diets). Vegetables and fibre act is scrubbers in The body and other types of carbohydrates can help to provide better body orders. For example, spinach, pineapple, kiwi, carrots, can help improve body order and provide for nuterual body fluids. Also, water plays a huge role as you need a surplus of water to help the body piss out radicals.

Ask yourself why certain cultures have a distinct body order and just remind yourself this is primarily due to diet. The heavy grease aroma of some East Asians, the heavy tumeric aroma of some South Asians, the dairy/milk aroma or some Euro decedents, dried fish/shrimp aroma among some West Africans; all primarily diet related. You are what you eat.

You can help this all by taking internal deodorants. I personally do this as my diet is meat heavy and I battle with stress. The internal deodorants help to the point I don't have much of an odour and women make comments about my natural scent. This is coupled with veggies and lots of water as well. This helps the semen also as girls comment thst my semen tastes good.