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Player's Log / Lounge - Tinder Scientist - 03-18-2019

Quote: (03-18-2019 05:41 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

Hi ,
Another quick question for you, guys .
Have you ever had a girl that was so much into you ( a lot of signs plus mutual friends can confirm this too ) but she wouldn’t move things further because she is in a relationship ?


Player's Log / Lounge - AneroidOcean - 03-18-2019

Quote: (03-17-2019 03:33 PM)TravelingBodybuilder Wrote:  

But a picture of a hot girl that you are not banging on your instagram that is your "Friend" is a joke. You just publicly insulted yourself that you are not good enough to fuck her. And are friendzoned because you are not good enough.That is just my opinion. Maybe a woman's opinion will be different but that is mine.

Why would you share your opinion as to what YOU think when you'd see this?

The only thing relevant is whether it would work well for women and it does.

To OP:
Look no further than some of the Instagram game threads in this very forum for your answer (yes, you should have pictures of you doing interesting things and there being hot women there). You don't want to overdo it of course, but pre-selection is very powerful.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 03-18-2019

Quote: (03-11-2019 12:43 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Black Former Cheerleader- been banging for 6 months, the first few times we banged was a bit weird, I've worked her on positions and flexibility and she's alot better, she loves me dicking her down, took her anal virginity recently the only issue she's a bit skitting with the "what are we" - it boils down to us going out occasionally and making her feel like more than just a fuck buddy, not hard to do.

Looks like I spoke too soon about this girl.

She basically dropped a few lines saying "hey I want this to be a relationship at some point soon because I cant do the whole hook up for a long time thing"

Basically told her my time's spread too thing and it wouldn't be fair to her and the last thing I want to do is lead her on or hurt her.

So I left it at that, she didn't respond after I told her, I understand where we both stand.

I have no plans on reaching out to her.


MILF Trainer - we've been banging on and off for 3 years, she ended things in last June cause she wanted more and I didn't, she hit me back up in late January this year, allegedly she "never goes out" and wanted a night to meet up, we banged lat January and have been talking every since, haven't banged since, she was on her way to see me last weekend but got in accident so that's on hold - odds are we'll bang again a few times and she'll have the "what are we" question. This girl is pretty but she's a weird on for sure.

This bitch got mad because HER texts send late after I asked her if she wanted to hangout Friday. I went and got dinner with friends and hungout at their place with this latina I've been trying to get at.

I basically tried reasoning with her, bad move, I didnt apologize and told her Im done with the convo.

This isn't the first time she's pulled this bs, I'm just glad it wasn't in person this time.

I deleter her number - funny enough she's creeping my IG's after I didn't respond to her.

I've got zero interest in hitting her back up, I'm over it.


Weird Girl - We've been banging for about 6 months - she's definitely a weird one, but has a nice ass with an even nicer pussy, constantly double/triple texts me, I literally give one word answers sometimes, she's kinda mediocre personality but easy going so I'm rolling with it.

I got super drunk Saturday night and apparently texted her, had her get me fastfood at 1AM and she spent the night - I woke up not realizing she was next to me and had forgotten what I did.

I gotta be careful around this chick, she seems like she'd be a stage 5 clinger, I'm not down for that.

It sucks my roster has dropped a few girls the last 2 weeks - but whatever it is what it is.

I'm still staying off dating apps for now also - focusing on work and the gym like usual.

Player's Log / Lounge - Tinder Scientist - 03-18-2019

Kaotic sorry if you already answered this before. How do you keep these girls in a fwb situation for so many years?
The longest ones for me are usually 6 months to a year and then she usually wants to take it to the next level and bails.

Are you being completely honest with them?

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 03-18-2019

Quote: (03-18-2019 07:39 PM)Tinder Scientist Wrote:  

Kaotic sorry if you already answered this before. How do you keep these girls in a fwb situation for so many years?
The longest ones for me are usually 6 months to a year and then she usually wants to take it to the next level and bails.

Are you being completely honest with them?

I don't lie to them, but I don't go out of my way to say I'm banging other girls.

Every girl is aware I'm "doing my own thing" - we don't have titles and we're just focused on having fun.

As long as you keep a strong frame you can handle a girl for quite some time.

But like I noted - I've been more transparent in the last few months to where I'm completely fine with letting the girls go and ending things on the best possible terms.

Matter of fact right after I posted that post - the black cheerleader just hit me up.

Player's Log / Lounge - Pytonga - 03-19-2019

Quote: (03-18-2019 08:54 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

As long as you keep a strong frame you can handle a girl for quite some time.

kaotic solid info as always. How do you keep in touch with FB?
What's about texting - every day?

Just started FB with this 20s student - first date bang - plan is for next weekend. But she's texting me every day - I text back short messages trying to move to sex talk asap.

any advice?

Player's Log / Lounge - floridaboiii - 03-19-2019

I was walking down the street Friday night after going out and a woman (7 face 10 body) walks by and stares at me. She doesn't say anything but just keeps walking. I was leaving the club without a girl so I'm like what the hell.

I turn around run back and tell her she's beautiful and I want her number. She tells me I can only text her Monday through Friday. "Why?" I'm married and I have three kids. Her friends are with her and they confirm that the woman is married...

She texts me about 30 minutes after I leave her and tells me I'm beautiful and that she will keep texting me.

She has texted me everyday since Friday (yeah not too long but in the country I'm in that's a pretty fucking big deal). She tells me don't worry about her husband he will never know we are talking. I tell her she probably just wants to talk anyways and she says, "of course." (Girls will give me there number text me but make every excuse not to hangout again.) So I thought I had fucked up. Then she asks me if I can hangout with her on Thursday.

I think I might get involved in an affair lol.

Player's Log / Lounge - Rang off the Pipe - 03-19-2019

Well, here's a bit of a story I'm trying to piece together from this weekend. There were some drunk moments, so I may not remember a few of the details.

Here in Philadelphia, there's something called the Erin Express every year. You can look it up but it's basically the biggest bar crawl in the city and little short of a shit show. I normally try to avoid bar crawls but in this instance I lined up a girl to come with me. I had met this girl about 2 months prior at an event organized by our universities. We attended the same school but she didn't start until I had already graduated.

When we met, there was another guy at the same table. Both he and she were flanked by their parents, neither family knew each other and so when the parents left, we each exchanged numbers and basically formed a social circle. We later decided to meet up again and we did so twice. It was clear that I was the "alpha" of this group and didn't have to worry about that other guy (who was not even living in the city). I had full reign to organize meetings basically.

We met up twice, and it was again clear that I could control the dynamic of the group. Thus, I decided to invite this girl out with me to the bar crawl (the dude didn't drink). She agreed and we met at a bar and we started to drink. She's an Asian 6 but was born in Korea and grew up in one of the wealthier suburbs in the area (not exactly the most diverse place in the world). She then starts telling me about how she would occasionally drink a lot in college (so in my head clearly not LTR material, but certainly a plate).

She also started to ask me was about how it would be like to be a guy. I didn't entertain the question seriously and just keep teasing her, but I could sense the insecurity and cognitive dissonance already. This a girl who came from a different culture where women aren't necessarily expected to behave like a man would (unlike here in the good ol' USA). Of course, there was some light to moderate touching as I was talking to her so I didn't come off as disinterested.

We move on to other bars, and by this point there are plenty of drunk white college students (mostly) stumbling along the streets of University City. I would say we had stopped at about 4 other bars and had about 5 drinks (mostly heavier beers) between us. I did socialize with some girls and nothing really stuck although we did have a sustained conversation with this group of 3 chicks who were sitting at a table with unoccupied chairs.

When we finally get to my place, she asks some more strange questions, such as whether I date my co-workers (lol), what is was like working in the corporate world (she worked in not-profit/healthcare), and maybe a few other things. We're both somewhat wasted, listening to music, and my arm is around her back by now. I go for the kiss and she basically tries her best to put her tongue deep into my mouth (not the best kisser). She then stops and starts bringing up some ominous mentions of "her past" (perhaps alluding to relationship history) and says that I'm such a "nice guy". I disregard it and go for the makeout again, and it's once again the same manner of "kissing". She's into the makeout but won't go all the way and so she gets up, insists of giving me hugs and in a concerned way asks me if we'll meet again. I didn't respond much and just watched as she walked down the street. Shortly, thereafter I drank some water, and just fell into my bed for a good 11 hours of sleep.

I haven't texted her at all as of now, but I'm thinking to do so in the middle of next week. This is a strange situation because it involves kind of a warm lead but I'm not really sure how to proceed.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 03-20-2019

Quote: (03-19-2019 08:02 AM)Pytonga Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2019 08:54 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

As long as you keep a strong frame you can handle a girl for quite some time.

kaotic solid info as always. How do you keep in touch with FB?
What's about texting - every day?

Just started FB with this 20s student - first date bang - plan is for next weekend. But she's texting me every day - I text back short messages trying to move to sex talk asap.

any advice?

Yeah those are called maintenance texts, i don't mind texting a girl a few times a day.

BUT, I text all my girls in waves, aka when im on the shitter, waking up, in traffic, or eating lunch, Basically morning/noon/late afternoon.

Keep your messages light and funny, keep the deep convos for in person, or send her funny pics or relevant memes/ gifs to keep things lively.

Player's Log / Lounge - kaotic - 03-20-2019

Quote: (03-19-2019 09:36 PM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  


I haven't texted her at all as of now, but I'm thinking to do so in the middle of next week. This is a strange situation because it involves kind of a warm lead but I'm not really sure how to proceed.

You guys were both drinking, don't think about it too much.

Hit her up Sunday, figure out what shes up too during the weekdays, ask what her schedule is like.

If she's receptive she'll tell you her schedule, have her meet you on x day, at y time, at z place.

Game as usual.

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 03-20-2019


I had a tiny petite VNZ Latina and was about to smash. The good petite as she was very slender and you could wrap your one arm around her, and could not have weighed more than 110 pounds soaking wet, but since she is Latina, she still had a little booty. Perfect.

My jeans were in the living room which had my rubbers. I tried to be a good dude and grab one versus just pounding her raw. Rubber had fallen out of my pocket so I was fumbling looking for the gold wrapper and it took longer than expected. Too long as when I got back in she got cold and didn't want to fuck anymore.

I tried to restart things, but she had to drive her friend home. We leave to get her friend, drop her off home, and then find an after hours to go to and keep partying. I planned to restart after the after hours, but we both ended up way to drained after the fact.

She lives way the fuck in the suburbs so not even sure if we will link again.

I tell yall; I can never close these tiny petite girls - something always happens. My dick was the size of her forearm; it was like a porno style fantasy about to come true.

Of course, Monday morning QB, I should have just fucked her raw. Again, very rarely does a man get rewarded for doing good deeds.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Player's Log / Lounge - Remington - 03-22-2019

Have another date with the tall brunette I went out with last weekend. We are going out to a couple bars in her area then head back to her place. Not really into her, but it gave me something to do for this weekend.

She definitely wants to bang so I'll probably do that and leave shortly after. I don't like sleeping in other people's beds.

Still have a few girls in the pipeline. There are 4 I'm into but out of those, I'll probably only meet up with 2 as to account for being flakey. We'll see what happens.

Player's Log / Lounge - RougeNoir - 03-22-2019

Whoever believes male SMV peaks in the 30s is an idiot. I can't pay a 18 - 23 y/o to want me at Miami Spring Break. I'm in my early 30s, in shape, finances straight, game, no fame

Player's Log / Lounge - Snag87 - 03-22-2019

You need to lie about your age. I'm 31 and am claiming 25-26. I'll claim roughly 6 years younger from here on out

Player's Log / Lounge - yang2287 - 03-23-2019


Age is a pretty deal breaker these days you need a football age

Young girls are so shallow that they won't date anything higher than 3-5 years

You need to lie to get the bang

We were promised girls would bang older guys when we we young, well they lied and the world was much different back then

Player's Log / Lounge - Trent W. - 03-23-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 11:14 PM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

Whoever believes male SMV peaks in the 30s is an idiot. I can't pay a 18 - 23 y/o to want me at Miami Spring Break. I'm in my early 30s, in shape, finances straight, game, no fame

Quote: (03-23-2019 12:39 AM)yang2287 Wrote:  


Age is a pretty deal breaker these days you need a football age

Young girls are so shallow that they won't date anything higher than 3-5 years

You need to lie to get the bang

We were promised girls would bang older guys when we we young, well they lied and the world was much different back then

In my opinion, your SMV and the 18-23 y.o. demographic shouldn't be mixed. I don't think girls at that age think as far as SMV. The way I see it, they move in specific circles (school, university) and bang guys from there. Anything > 30 is outside their reality.

If we look at what raises your SMV (looks, style, status, job, economy, social circle, personality, experience(s)) they are all at a much better place when you're over 30. I don't know about you, but when I look at all of the above factors from my mid-20s and compare them to now, I see a major improvement. And objectively speaking, I get much more attention by women now than then.

Anyway, I think Mark Manson has it right in Models: if you want to get girls from a certain demographic you need to expand to that demographic. You can't get any younger, but you can start DJaying, bartending, dancing or whatever else the young girls you're after are doing. That will increase your chances.

Player's Log / Lounge - Rang off the Pipe - 03-23-2019

18-23 girls (at least in the west) are in a specific bubble. If you're older you need to exploit a specific niche to get to them. They're mostly interested in fun and heavily care about how their "friends" perceive them.

Quote: (03-22-2019 11:14 PM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

Whoever believes male SMV peaks in the 30s is an idiot. I can't pay a 18 - 23 y/o to want me at Miami Spring Break. I'm in my early 30s, in shape, finances straight, game, no fame

Edit: I just noticed this post. Spring Break is probably one of the worst scenarios to get those girls. They're around the prying eyes of their "friends" and carry the college bubble with them. Even if there are girls attracted to you, these girls don't want to tarnish their reputations by being with a stranger. When I was in Playa del Carmen last year, I ran into a few groups of college girls playing volleyball during the day. The best thing to do would probably be to build rapport this way and invite them out somewhere later. This probably would work best with all-girl groups though (and no more than 3 girls I'd imagine).

Player's Log / Lounge - tomzestatlu - 03-23-2019

Yesterday I had first social circle date in few years. It´s really something totally different after I met so many unknown girls through online/night/day game. Girlfriend of my friend was surprised that I´m single, sent my photo to her friend and that was it. I´m surprised what kind of girl I actually met. She´s very tall, slim (maybe a little bit too much), pretty face brunette. Before we even met, she texted me everyday, just because I got credit from her good friend. She doesn´t post any of her photos to social media, was to club only 3 times lifetime, talks a lot about what she loves to cook and bake and talks a lot about her dad, who was fighter jet pilot. She´s also submissive and shy. I can see she´s a lot into me.
Actually I have been kind of waiting to meet this kind of girl between all those FWB and ONS. Anyway I became used to this lonewolf lifestyle, so I guess nothing´s going to be from it or I break her heart at some moment.

I was just surprised how powerfull social circle game might be. Because my social circle is very weak when it comes to women.

Player's Log / Lounge - BroodingSea - 03-23-2019

On way home from gym saw a girl waiting for bus. Give me strong IOI. Took the car back round and asked for directions. Then asked her if she normally checks guys out so directly. Laughed and said she didn't so I asked for her number. Messaged her and she was up for it. She's just left mine. 18. Was horny as fuck. Only a 6 like but worth it for the super tight pussy.

Player's Log / Lounge - floridaboiii - 03-23-2019

My ex and i broke up close to a month ago so ive been going out more but Damnnnnnnnnnn I am going through a serious rough patch in the country that I'm in. I cannot wait to get over to Argentina (even though thats supposed to be gaming on hard mode). I have been trying to switch up my game just to see what works but i cant find a formula. The most frustrating thing is the amount of girls showing interest then flaking...

Hopefully yall have some idea of what im doing wrong...

I had a little petite chick ask me to take a picture. Take a pic and we start talking. We start dancing and making out. Get her number. First thing she sends is the heart emoji and that she loves me (normal here). I tell her she can come with me and of course she says she needs to leave with her friends.

Texting her during the week to see when we are hanging out again. She says she doesnt have any time. I dont answer. I give it three days then say whats up and she doesnt respond.... deleted her number.

This is a girl who said and i quote "sos un sueno," (youre a dream)...

While im dancing on the chick above i see another girl standing solo and kinda side eyeing whats going on. I stand next to her and eventually say whats up. I grab her number quick and go back to the other girl. This new girl texts me a little and tells me she lives by herself(good sign in the country im in). I comment on some of her pictures shes posting and she just gives me smileys. Im not patient so i ask her when i can come over. No answer. Deleted her number (longshot anyways).

Theres this woman whos number i delete almost every month... its been like four or five months. Out of nowhere she will text me hey. I always try to schedule a meetup and she always flakes. Not only does she flake but she just stops answering... last time she did that i told her that she could have just said she cant go. She apologized.

A few weeks later i see her popup in my facebook. I wait a while then accept. Ask her why she wants to follow me on IG FB but doesnt want to meet. "You live far." So once again delete and block. Bitch is retarded...

(The story above in this thread about the affair) I see a woman walking down the street after the night of dancing with the petite chick. She walks by mouth agape and we make eye contact. I keep walking but then im like what the fuck and run back. She tells me i can only text her M-F because shes married. She texts me the entire week and while we were supposed to meet up this weekend she flakes (has kids). This one i will keep in my phone and be patient with.

I keep walking and see another girl who grabbed me to dance in the club (a different one from the one above). She waves me over and im thinking hell yes i hit the jackpot. Anyways im walking all around with these fuckers and finally we sit down. The girl turns and makes out w me. I ask her where shes going and tell her to come with me. She says she needs to go with her friends of course... lol. I tell her she didnt even get my number, try to give it to her then she leaves. All that for my dick in my hand... also she never texted me.

Next night im out and im just not feeling it after the unsuccessful night before. Im sure people can pick up on it. Anyways i walk in and normally eyes turn towards me but im feeling nothing... eventually some fat chicks come up and im like what the hell. I start dancing and having fun and i feel at least 10 chicks turn and start eyeing me. So of course now i gotta go talk to them.

I start approaching and get shut down by every single fucking one lol. My approaching style isnt even anything crazy i will go up and shake their hand and ask what their name is... this one bitch i go up to turns her face away (probably the most vicious rejection ive gotten in PY). The funniest part is i went up to this girl to ask about her friend lol. I turn to the friend and tell her that i wanted to ask her friend about her and she is like, "seriously?" The friend is nice but says shes not interested or had a bf? I cant remember. Then a dude comes over and tells me the girls dont want to talk to me lol. I look at this dude like hes crazy (all im doing is standing next to the girls). He tries to dap me up and say theres no problem, i shoo him away. Its Amazing how insecure these nerds are here.

The final girl i cant remember how i approached. Anyways her friend is telling me shes really interested but the girl just doesnt seem at all interested. I dont remember taking a picture but we did. I got her number before i left. She texts me a couple days later and sends the pictures we took. Standard how are you blah blah blah... Delete her number.

The weekend before a girl saw me chilling by myself and she says lets go get you a girl. So i meet another girl we're grinding making out and she goes to leave to her hotel. Of course I try to go and you know what happens next... nothing. She gives me her number and asks if shes allowed to text me during the week. Im texting her and shes asking me why im texting her so much... so guess what... i delete her number.

While i was heading outside to meet the girl above i see a chick eyeing me on the sidewalk. I approach her and get her number and its back ro the other girl. I text this girl and she has invited me back to the club but barely texts me back past hi and how are you. Next time i will ask where shes at and try to hangout. Her number is deleted though.

One girl off tinder matched me. She tells me shes not sure why we stopped talking. We start talking again and she says next week i can come see her in her house. One day i text her saying whats up. She doesnt respond. Wait for her to invite me to her house ans of course she doesnt. Delete her number.

I know some of yall are reading this and thinking this dude is dumb why is he so impatient. I literally have a girl who has been texting me for 6 months but doesnt want to meet... i cant play with them anymore. Its also just a matter of me trying everything. Ive tried giving girls a lot of attention and they ask me why i text them so much. I had one girl i stopped texting and she told me she thought i didnt like her anymore. I had another who said, "you are malo!" (You are bad) after i stopped texting her. Feels like no matter what i am not doing the right thing.

At the end of the day all of this may just be logistics as i live almost two hours away from most of these girls and i have to try to get in their house or to a motel... but still these blowouts are killing me.

Ive been asking dudes from the country im in what im doing wrong snd they just say the girls are scared. Come on... thats ridiculous.

During rough patches what do you guys do to snap out of it? Are yall experiencing shit like this? I would rather get shut down 100 times then get these dumbass experiences im having... If you guys are wondering in about 6 months last year i hooked up with 15 or 16 chicks and maybe 1 or 2 new ones this year. Idk what changed.

Any tips about latina girls in latin America i need to hear? I kinda feel like the country im in is a weird outlier as well.

Player's Log / Lounge - Trent W. - 03-24-2019

Posting this as a self-review. If anyone puts the time into reading and giving feedback or sharing similar situations I'd appreciate it.

What do you guys do when you're on the couch making out, but not getting any physical escalation or hints to push it from her side? Where do you draw the line between sex coming naturally and pushing for it?

The story:
I was at a girl's place this Friday on our 2nd date and did not have sex. 27 y.o., tall, thin, cute face. I'd say around the 7-7,5 mark on my scale. Smart and fun personality, not crazy about her style/fashion though (hipster-ish/not so feminine/leftist matching her political views).

We had a great time the first time, really clicked humor-wise, she was invested and her attention was 100% on me. In short, how a good date should be like. When the date ended, we kissed lightly and she said she wanted to meet again. We kept in touch during the week and on Friday she told me I could go by her place.

When I arrived, she gives me a tour of the place. Even shows me her bedroom. On the date, the conversation is going great. We're having some wine, sitting on the couch, checking out Youtube, having some laughs. I let quite some time go by, a bit less than a couple of hours, but eventually I make my move and we make out. We do that for a bit and then we pause. Back to convo, hanging out, etc. This repeated itself a couple of times throughout the night.

Now this is the thing: Even though she seemed to be into the makeout, she gave me no other physical escalation. I was touching her face, her hair, putting my hands on the side of her arms but she was not reciprocating that at all. She in fact had her hand between her legs and was holding her legs closed tightly. In my head, I was still thinking it's just a matter of time until she opens up. So I did not push the escalation any further.

At some point after 4+ hours I was there, it was late and she said she has to call it a night. From that point and for the next 30' until the bus would come by, it was a bad awkward vibe. Just boring chit-chat, she would check her phone and generally show uninterested. I was in my head thinking if I can revert this somehow. Not a good state, I lost the frame there.

On my way out, I made a last effort. She gave me a long hug, we kissed on the lips (not really excitingly) and I said I have to get to the bus but staying here is intriguing. I said whatever came to my mind at that point. She had a little smile on and her response was "noted". I smiled, said good night, turned and left.

My thoughts after:
What I felt I did wrong was that I did not verbally and physically push the escalation further. I just thought that eventually the makeout would get heavier and she would do the things girls do when they are down: hug, rub, put her hand lower on me etc.

When kissing, I could tease her verbally, compliment her or tell her things to turn her on.

Another thing is that there was distance between us when not kissing. I should have told her to come closer, have my arm around her and so on.

In the end, my problem was that I took it for granted that it would happen because of all the vibing and positive signs up to that point.

What happened next:
Unusually enough, she texted me the next morning saying she fell asleep right away and did not manage to ask if I made it home alright. I gave her a 2-line funny story saying I made it, she responded and I replied back with a reference to something we had said earlier the night before.

What now?
Looking at all the hard facts, I don't think there's any way I can re-initiate right now without coming in as low value. She's most likely not going to initiate contact herself. I could let some time go by and drop a funny light-hearted message, if I am still interested.

Player's Log / Lounge - BroodingSea - 03-24-2019

What I'd do here is put a hard escalation move on. Many women in this situation are simply waiting for the man to take control. Be direct. Be confident. Tell her you find her attractive. Kiss her. Tell her you want her and lead the process. You have to roll the dice. Worst case is she doesn't want anything and makes it clear this is the case. But often in situations like this, women are waiting for the man to exercise a form of dominance and confidence. Lighten the tone, make it fun and escalate hard in that moment. Try it twice in an hour and if she still holds back treat it as no biggy. But maintain that ethos that you want her. She has to know this.

Player's Log / Lounge - kosko - 03-24-2019

Quote: (03-22-2019 11:14 PM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

Whoever believes male SMV peaks in the 30s is an idiot. I can't pay a 18 - 23 y/o to want me at Miami Spring Break. I'm in my early 30s, in shape, finances straight, game, no fame

But, I wonder that these traits that raise a man stature can also age him as well. Think about your average broke-ish 22-year-old guy who gets a little bit of money and blows it in dumb shit. Versus the well-monied early 30s guy that has everything all lined up nicely (for example you're staying in that great Airbnb with the view versus some shitty hostel).

Next, be mindful of trends and nuances, lots of trends keeping up with young girls that are on a fast lane within channels they stay in almost 24/7. For me, this is the first time, I have sounded "old" as I don't have the young slang down, I don't know 100% their music and culture tastes, and the moment I open my mouth, it can show. Being always locked into their culture, then a young girl won't think you are anything more than 3-5 years older than her still.

Also, muscles age men, for me personally I routinely get called on being *** older than I am*** and most girls say it's the muscles (and also my demeanour, I act way to chill for my good). Muscles take time to build and most young dudes are not swole at 21 as they would be at 30.

Player's Log / Lounge - HAcoreRD - 03-25-2019

I was just on the most bizarre date the other night.

So I was texting with this girl and both of us had been quite flirtatious in our exchanges and said we'd meet for wine at her place a couple of days later. On the day, we decide to meet up and start off by going to a bar, which we proceed to do and have a couple of drinks and a good chat. Afterwards, as planned all along, we go back to her place for some wine. One thing should lead to another, as usual. But nope, something else happens.

We start drinking wine and after some brief chatting she suddenly says there is this thing she wants to watch on TV. Odd, I think to myself, and start wondering whether she is perhaps nervous and wants to turn on the TV to relieve some pressure. As she begins watching, she suddenly starts acting completely uninterested in me and focuses only on the TV show, hardly even speaking to me, even during the commercial breaks. As I unsuccessfully try to distract her, I soon start thinking that she just had a complete U-turn in her mind and just wants me to leave, hence focusing so intently on the TV show. After the TV show ends she just says I should go home and that she has to get up early. I call her out and ask her what it was all about, but she just plays it down as if it was perfectly normal.

What is puzzling to me here is why she would even take me home after the bar if she wasn't interested, especially given that she lived quite some distance from the bar. I would've been perfectly contented with a rejection after the bar, but the fact that she takes me home and has me open a bottle of wine to just completely ignore me is just baffling. Anyone experienced anything similar?

Player's Log / Lounge - BroodingSea - 03-25-2019

^^^^^ she's a cocktease weirdo, mate!