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Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - philosophical_recovery - 04-02-2015

Quote: (04-02-2015 12:13 AM)Icanconfirm Wrote:  

Mother of God i love this thread!

So tired of Bitches who bitch about being tired. Like what in the hell do you even do besides sucking dick and doing homework?

The fact that a man like me can't get a BJ on demand. I have to ask twice!!! What type of world is this?

Plus I hate all people and the fact that Craig always talks like an ass and can't look me in the eyes when I see him. He fucking makes me rage! All he does is talk about that mustang.. like he made it himself! WTF?? You buy a car from the dealership, you didn't design it you fuck and they are the ones
that screw you. Sure the extended warranty sounds nice, but then what? It breaks and you have to pay the deductible. That ain't me bro.

Oh and this dude from Allen High who always shows up at house parties with his shitty guitar and gets all the girls' attention.

[Image: irsDWgWxM8HSw.gif]

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Mage - 04-02-2015

1)People who stand on escalators and block the passage.

2)Militiant atheists.

3)Militiant theists.

4)People who believe they are unique or original but aren't.

5)Movies and video games that start good but finish sloppy.

6)Politically correct people.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Class-8 - 04-02-2015

When someone can't show common courtesy when dealing with others they barely know.

When a girl, or even a male responds rudely to a question.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Phoenix - 04-02-2015

- When a beer finishes earlier than I want it to.
- When people ahead of me in the queue are unjustifiably slow for a non-retarded person.
- When I'm on a bus and a passenger gets on and can't find their card. They then frantically search every pocket and drop their bag on the floor so they can rummage through the whole bag. It's a god damn credit-card sized card! Its not construction planning for the god damn Akashi Kaikyō bridge. Put it in your wallet, in a specific place, and leave it there like every other non-spastic adult.
- Watching almost any mainstream broadcast with any political content whatsoever
- When people who don't know anything about what they are talking about, talk with authority or try to help you
- Obstruction culture. The idea that people should be empowered to 'let' or 'permit' other people to do non-tortious acts, including rules that exist for the sake of someone being able to set rules.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - TheWastelander - 04-02-2015

- When I want to turn left and some moron turning right refuses to go first and tries to wave me into going. HEY IDIOT, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! I ain't risking my ride if you decide to change your mind.
- Retards who don't know how four way stops work.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Doc Rock - 04-02-2015

Few things piss me off anymore as I've learned to see the irony in most of human's actions and life's situations. The one thing that still fucking pisses me off though is the fact that my stupid, childish, incompetent parents decided to put me in this world when clearly both of them were unqualified for the job. They just put me here, fucked me up psychologically to no end and are now like "oh what happened?". Fuck'em and fuck'em twice. I don't care about any mistakes they made or are going to make, about their dumb view of the world our about their unpleasant attitudes towards life. But the one thing I will always blame them for is that they just HAD to drop condoms AND birth control pills. They also could have just made me, then given me to my grandparents or SOMEONE sane. But naw, mane they couldn't just leave me alone, they just had to also screw with my head.
And now I'm stuck here having to try to make the best of this dumb shit they put me in.

My life is one big joke because of them. And it's a joke in very black humour. Fortunately for me, that is exactly my kind of humour so I'm just gonna laugh in life's face and in their stupid faces and accomplish whatever is left possible.

Damn I'm mad. Every so often I think of it and then I feel like I'm on fire for a week until I cooled down again. At least this gives me drive to grind with dedication.

Had to get that off my chest. Thanks for the thread.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Kristoph - 04-02-2015

Bitches that brag about how they aren't feminine piss me the fuck off. Smugly telling me you can't cook or clean like it's a badge of honour makes me not want to see you again. Telling me you like playing sports instead of playing with your hair doesn't impress me, and it's probably a lie anyway. Telling me you think of yourself as 'one of the guys' doesn't impress me. I don't care how much of a special snowflake you think you are.

Dykes that think they can fight like men piss me the fuck off. Men that are weak enough to actually lose a fight to a dyke piss me the fuck off even more.

My housemates not cleaning up after themselves because 'cleaning is for women' pisses me the fuck off. Being a slob is for teenage boys not adult men, in today's world. I wish they'd at least fork out the cash for a maid if they're so set on the idea.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Nascimento - 04-02-2015

Fat bitches with yoga pants.

Fat bitches with yoga pants...

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Remington - 04-02-2015

Fat people in general disgust me. They are the plague of the earth. Look at yourself in the mirror, then look at a health magazine. Put down the fork and pick up the dumbbell.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Chevy Woonsocket - 04-02-2015

I second the disgust for fat people.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Aliblahba - 04-03-2015

It fucking pisses me off when I have to sit still for a haircut. Unless I've been drinking, then it's ok.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - WesternCancer - 04-03-2015

There's nothing that pisses me off more than retards on kijiji or Craigslist.

short list of fuckery:
not putting any info about what you're selling other than "2005 dodge" or "no major problems"
not even bothering to include the trim level, miles or even the drive train
taking upside down pictures or pictures that don't show the whole fucking car
taking an upside down picture and the car is so covered in snow all you can see are the wheels
saying they just put X amount of dollars in to justify charging a retarded amount of money for what you get
selling year old shit for 90%of the new value claiming it's hardly been used

don't even get me started on shitty titling of ads. people will just write "must see" or "wanted: for sale 92 great condition"

then there's trying to look for an apartment
no contact info
no address
some kind of bitter ass attitude or retarded shit like "no drinking or having people over" when they don't even live there
retarded charges for extra stuff
same price as a shit hole for a brand new place
no pictures or fucked pictures: blurry upside down messy place. they only show the apartment gym and one burner of the fucking stove

then there's the fucking weirdos who post pictures of themselves or their kids while trying to sell something

most of all no contact info or people who are just testing the waters

or fucks who whine about how their wife is making them sell their harley

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Bazzwaldo - 04-03-2015

Self Deprecation and those little cuntlets that don't get irony

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Vlaskiach - 04-03-2015

Dud rounds in my can of surplus 30-06.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Easy_C - 04-03-2015

People like this:

[Image: db46b4a6fc4654651f0ff4a1267767bd.jpg]

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Remington - 04-03-2015

Quote: (04-03-2015 08:53 PM)Vlaskiach Wrote:  

Dud rounds in my can of surplus 30-06.

Go to Dick's, Bass Pro, or Cabela's. Or, put more powder in your rounds when you make your own ammo.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Cobra - 04-04-2015

-People driving slow in the passing lane (left in USA).
-Girls walking too fast for me to approach effectively
-Guys that can't maintain eye contact on the street
-Chicago winter that kills day game opportunities
-People that don't want to meet after I cold call them
-People in America (mostly men) that can't dress if their life depended on it.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - RexImperator - 04-05-2015

Dodge only makes the Charger as a 4-door sedan, instead of it having 2 doors.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Roosh - 04-05-2015


-Guys that can't maintain eye contact on the street

[Image: iGDyEc1.gif]

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - TigerMandingo - 04-05-2015

Trader Joe's employees

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Aphex - 04-06-2015

People that barge in elevators before anyone gets off of it.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Medic42 - 04-07-2015

People who can't figure out the shiny lights and siren means pull to the left. Idiots who don't have their kids in car seats. Idiots who let their kids play in busy streets unsupervised. People who are to fat to walk.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Hades - 04-07-2015

Know-it-alls who are too dumb to recognize their own seemingly complete obliviousness.

Employees and/or supervisors who don't understand that they're privileged to listen to me explain something to them.

Also people who unquestioningly accept the edicts of higher-ups without recognizing that what the higher-ups are trying to do is think for them under the assumption that their underlings are incapable of making good decisions.

People who have opinions about something that they have no fucking clue about. I don't walk up to a rocket scientist at NASA and explain to them how the moon landing worked and I expect a similar courtesy from others.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - Porfirio Rubirosa - 04-07-2015

That's all for now; eventually I'll come up with a few more and make a new post.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off - RawGod - 04-07-2015

People who spout complete bullshit rather than say "I don't know".