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Zinc has made me a better man. - Tbone - 09-12-2012

Quote: (09-11-2012 02:06 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

I now take a lot less because I fixed my deficiency. You should NOT take zinc in mega dose for longer than you need to because minerals are not like vitamins and when you have to much of one mineral the balance of the others gets messed up. I now take 10 mg a day and in the form of Zinc liver chelate.

I am now taking something for my adrenal glands and focusing on getting them back to normal. Most westerners have weak adrenal glands. These are very important because they are what makes you want to get up and do stuff (without the aid of coffee). If you have a stressful life, do drugs, drink, have a stressful job or girl friend you probably have stressed adrenal glands. You can google adrenal fatigue symptoms for more info because there are a lot of them. Wishing wellness to all you brothers.

What are you taking? I ordered some ashwagandha because I read that it's supposed to help balance your adrenals.

Zinc has made me a better man. - Tbone - 09-12-2012


Zinc has made me a better man. - Seduction Sutra - 09-12-2012

What are you saying exactly?

Quote: (09-11-2012 11:11 PM)Fujiwara Wrote:  

the morning after a night of drinking is now like the morning after nights I don't drink.

Zinc has made me a better man. - Fujiwara - 09-12-2012

I'm saying that I would wake up and feel after effects of drinking the night before. I don't really call it a hangover (those were what I had when I first drank in college), but I definitely used to be groggy/not as sharp the next day.

I just took a zinc/copper (50/2mg) capsule as well as a fish oil geltab, with a 10oz mix of orange juice, apple cider vinegar (Braggs of course), blue agave, and water with one scoop of the RAW Organic powder foodstuff.

When I wake up in a few hours, I will feel fresh. And refreshed, not dehydrated. It's pretty much allowing me to go out during week because I no longer worryh about being too messed up the next day.

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-12-2012

Quote: (09-12-2012 12:37 AM)Tbone Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2012 02:06 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

I now take a lot less because I fixed my deficiency. You should NOT take zinc in mega dose for longer than you need to because minerals are not like vitamins and when you have to much of one mineral the balance of the others gets messed up. I now take 10 mg a day and in the form of Zinc liver chelate.

I am now taking something for my adrenal glands and focusing on getting them back to normal. Most westerners have weak adrenal glands. These are very important because they are what makes you want to get up and do stuff (without the aid of coffee). If you have a stressful life, do drugs, drink, have a stressful job or girl friend you probably have stressed adrenal glands. You can google adrenal fatigue symptoms for more info because there are a lot of them. Wishing wellness to all you brothers.

What are you taking? I ordered some ashwagandha because I read that it's supposed to help balance your adrenals.

There are a few different ways you can get your adrenals back to normal. These are the glands in the endocrine system responsible for fight or flight so we want them to be in top shape. These are also usually the first glands to go, next coming the thyroid.
I am taking a supplement called "drenamiin" by standard process... I like this company because they are tried and true and use whole organic foods. The drenamin consists of bovine adrenal and porcine adrenal exctracts. I'm taking 3 tablets a day with my first meal. It can take up to six months to get your adrenals back to normal depending on the person. I am also going to try meditation and sleep more. Holy basil is also a good supp for adrenals as well as ginseng...the higher quality the better. I go to china town and get the root chips. It keeps you warm in the winter.

If you are in a rut, don't feel like doing anything, no might be your adrenals. Coffee abuse is very bad for the adrenals. Any type of emotional stress is bad for the adrenals, whether its a death in the family, loss of a loved one, getting mad at someone in traffic for cutting you off....etc...keeping your cool is very important....if you get pissed easy it could be adrenal fatigue.

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-12-2012

Quote: (09-11-2012 10:54 PM)1bliss Wrote:  

I have been alot hornier lately. I'm not usually this horny every single day but I am lately. It's either something I'm eating everyday now (maybe greek yogurt/bananas), or the new vitamins I'm taking (which are expensive because they are made from real raw food sources), or it's the one pill of zinc I am taking every morning (I think 30mg).

I'd bet money its the zinc.

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-12-2012

Quote: (09-03-2012 07:49 AM)1bliss Wrote:  

OP it could also be something else you're doing or taking. Are you doing NoFap? Are you taking any other supp maybe? Are you doing anything in your life that's maybe putting you in a better mind state? Etc...

It was the zinc. I stopped for a week just to see and my morning woods were not the same. And I do not agree with nofap I recommend "edging" with no ejaculation. Use it or lose it.

Zinc has made me a better man. - 1bliss - 09-12-2012

I edge a lot too, feels good but I also think it's essentially the same as jacking off, because you're still giving yourself pleasure and releasing dopamine, whether you release semen or not. Also... blue balls.

I'd also like to add, on top of my good diet lately, the raw vitamins I'm taking, and the zinc, I have been actually sleeping well. I usually always slept late around 3-4am every single night, but lately I'm going to sleep at around 12-1 and getting 8 hours. That could also be why I'm feeling better and hornier.

Zinc has made me a better man. - dirtman - 09-13-2012

Quote: (09-10-2012 08:59 PM)Seduction Sutra Wrote:  

Do you take 3 mg per kg body weight? That's how much zinc is needed to achieve increase of 40% in free testosterone according to the research.

Quote: (09-10-2012 03:40 PM)dirtman Wrote:  

I don't take it every day but I do take zinc and I've had positive results energy-wise.

I'll look tonight and post here. I can't remember off the top of my head.

Zinc has made me a better man. - dirtman - 09-13-2012

Also, this is definitely worth a read. Mark's Daily Apple on Increasing Testosterone Naturally:

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-13-2012

Marksdailyapple is my shit but he doesn't know EVERYTHING... cortisol and adrenals go hand and hand though... just look at one of the comments from a very smart reader... "Mark since you are on a hormone kick, you have to discuss the pregnenalone steal and adrenal fatigue. Since we are talking about testosterone, if someone has low testosterone the quesiton is why. More times than not it is due to the pregnenalone steal. The mother hormones pregnenalone gets “stolen” to make cortisol (by progesterone) to combat stress. This process makes the pathway of pregnenalone to DHEA to the sex hormones less viable thus resulting in low testosterone and estrogens. You can lift all you want, eat all you want but if this is happening, it trumps everything else. Repairing the adrenal glands and improving the viability of the pregnenalone pathway is key to really
boosting testosterone to the right levels."

Zinc has made me a better man. - Seduction Sutra - 09-13-2012

I read Mark's Daily Apple too, I agree he doesn't know shit about hormones. The best material I have read about hormones is Mike Mahler's The Importance of Optimizing Hormones.

He perfectly teaches the connection between adrenal glands and cortisol.

Quote: (09-13-2012 06:50 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Marksdailyapple is my shit but he doesn't know EVERYTHING... cortisol and adrenals go hand and hand though... just look at one of the comments from a very smart reader... "Mark since you are on a hormone kick, you have to discuss the pregnenalone steal and adrenal fatigue. Since we are talking about testosterone, if someone has low testosterone the quesiton is why. More times than not it is due to the pregnenalone steal. The mother hormones pregnenalone gets “stolen” to make cortisol (by progesterone) to combat stress. This process makes the pathway of pregnenalone to DHEA to the sex hormones less viable thus resulting in low testosterone and estrogens. You can lift all you want, eat all you want but if this is happening, it trumps everything else. Repairing the adrenal glands and improving the viability of the pregnenalone pathway is key to really
boosting testosterone to the right levels."

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-14-2012

Seduction sutra real nice info man thanks for sharing.... did you buy his thing? I'm interested but don't want to spend the coin...He seems legit though...I'm on the path now coffee, trying to sleep 8 hrs plus every nite...and taking adrenal supplements, which in one week has me feeling more and more like a morning person...doing sprints...lifting heavy...getting sun...eating grass fed.....starting everyday with organic whey protein in filtered water....dark leafy greens...5-8 tbs of olive oil a day....coconut oil...flax seed oil....siberian ginseng from real good source...taking a liver supplement from argentina 100% grade a grass fed beef...having sex raw and not always ejaculating...etc..etc

Zinc has made me a better man. - 1bliss - 09-14-2012

I'd love more info on this Adrenal Glands thing Seduction Sutra... how does one go about to 'repair' it, because I think I might have low test

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 09:18 AM)1bliss Wrote:  

I'd love more info on this Adrenal Glands thing Seduction Sutra... how does one go about to 'repair' it, because I think I might have low test

I'm taking a supplement called drenamin to repair my adrenal fatigue. Where do you live? See if there is a holistic doctor type of chiropractor in your area who can do a muscle test on you to see if its stemming from your adrenals. My test numbers were good but it was my adrenal fatigue that was making me not care if I banged or not. All be it still getting bangs.

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-14-2012

See if you can find a siberian ginseng supplement to start...royal jelly too.

Meditation is big..I try to do the "corpse pose" when I can...really feel rested and relaxed afterwards.

The more I read on the adrenals the more I realize how under rated they are...just read that inside your mothers stomach at 7 months they are the size of your kidneys, and from the moment you are born continue to shrink until they dissapear completely when you die.

Zinc has made me a better man. - bodmon - 09-14-2012

eat brazil nuts, the selenium is mad bonerizing

Zinc has made me a better man. - Seduction Sutra - 09-14-2012

I got it from a friend of mine. I would say the course is worth the money. The following is the notes on adrenaline from his course.

Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is released in response to stress. Adrenaline released for short periods is not a big deal but becomes problematic when it is prolonged. When it is prolonged it lowers levels of LH Lutenizing hormone, which in turn lowers testosterone production.

Adrenaline receptors in abundance in stubborn fat areas: stomach hips, glutes etc. When adrenaline is sensitive we utilize energy from stubborn fat areas for stressful situations. When we are stressed too often the receptors get worn out and the brain gets the signal that you do not have enough energy stored in stubborn fat areas. Subsequently more energy is stored in stubborn fat areas when you eat.

Adrenaline is highly inflammatory and causes a subsequent increase in cortisol to drive down the inflammation.

Adrenaline resistance comes from too much stress: work, poor sleep, relationships, financial, excess caffeine consumption, stimulants like most fat burners, too much intense exercise.

Balance adrenaline by adding in more restoration activities: swimming, tai chi, chi kung, yoga, joint mobility, meditation, massages, vacations.

If you do three adrenaline workouts per week you need to do three restoration workouts per week as well.

Supplements that help with adrenaline resistance (complete with the supplements he recommends; see the links):

- Theanine: amino acid that helps with relaxation. Take 100mg two times per day. Also high in green tea.
- Reishi mushroom : modulates cortisol and helps with stress management at 500mg 2x per day.
- Rhodiola : An adaptogen that also helps with increases oxygen uptake.
- Siberian ginseng : another adaptogen and also helps the hormonal pathways go from pregnenelone to DHEA rather than to cortisol.
- B vitamins : B vitamins get depleted from too much stress. 1 tab 2-3 times per day with meals.
- Maca: 2-3 tablespoons per day: helps with adrenal health. Also helps women make more progesterone and is great for estrogen metabolism.
- Systemic enzymes; lower inflammation and helps with recovery. 2 caps three times per day in between meals.

Quote: (09-14-2012 09:09 AM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Seduction sutra real nice info man thanks for sharing.... did you buy his thing? I'm interested but don't want to spend the coin...He seems legit though...I'm on the path now coffee, trying to sleep 8 hrs plus every nite...and taking adrenal supplements, which in one week has me feeling more and more like a morning person...doing sprints...lifting heavy...getting sun...eating grass fed.....starting everyday with organic whey protein in filtered water....dark leafy greens...5-8 tbs of olive oil a day....coconut oil...flax seed oil....siberian ginseng from real good source...taking a liver supplement from argentina 100% grade a grass fed beef...having sex raw and not always ejaculating...etc..etc

Zinc has made me a better man. - Seduction Sutra - 09-14-2012

Actually this is based on Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Body, Triple Your Testosterone Protocol. Brazil nuts is just part of it.

Quote: (09-14-2012 09:49 AM)bodmon Wrote:  

eat brazil nuts, the selenium is mad bonerizing

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-14-2012

Nice seduction sutra...yeah he's on point..drenamin and adrenal complex are two really good supplements for adrenals...also ashwaganda, wheat germ oil

I especialy like the part of restorative exercises to balance I was doing met cons 3-4 times a week, sprints 1-2 a week...combined with smokin trees, having sex, and drinking on the weekends no wonder my adrenals were fatigued. Feeling better already though glad I discovered this.

no wonder I love green tea and swimming! Make sure you get organic green tea as other stuff is sprayed with pesticides.

Zinc has made me a better man. - Sanblz33 - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 09:21 AM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

I'm taking a supplement called drenamin to repair my adrenal fatigue.

How long did it take for you to notice results taking this?

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-15-2012

Right away felt a difference but it takes time I'm still not where I want to be. It can take up to 6 months. It is better than relying on prescription drugs though man. I don't trust doctors at all. Unless is an emergency I don't like modern medicine.

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-15-2012

zinc picoliante is the best form...Im going to start taking 50mg in morning and 50 mg before bed....along with high zinc diet.

great article on zinc:

Zinc has made me a better man. - MidniteSpecial - 09-15-2012

This is the good stuff right here. I take on empty stomach and it does not bother me one bit. Read the reviews!

Zinc has made me a better man. - Tbone - 09-15-2012

Damn. I ordered Source Naturals Optizinc Zinc Monomethionine 30mg...

I got it because it has copper also.