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The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Sosa - 02-26-2016

- you put looks above almost everything else with regards to a "marriage" candidate.

^^^^^ This[Image: blush.gif] It's well established that Ukrainian girls are obsessed with

1. Money
2. Their physical appearance
3. Marriage.

You should never consider a girl relationship material just because of her looks. Need that, chemistry, AND values.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Sosa - 02-26-2016

I don't necessarily consider this a "con", but I did notice that these girls are very combative/competitive among themselves. That is to say they talk a lot of shit about each other, especially behind each others back. It was quite amusing sometimes, lol. Any of you guys noticed this also?

-I stayed in Kiev for a month last summer, and before I got an apartment I stayed at a hostel near Kreschatyk street. During my stay I easily noticed through body language and verbal confirmation that the Ukrainian girls who worked there were really into me, but I personally did not find them overly attractive. College age girls who were very smart though.

I took them to lunch and drinks a few times, and they would tell me how their female dorm mates would consistently get jealous and hate on them because they could speak English and traveled outside of Ukraine. "We are still prettier than you", "You will not find a man because you are ugly", etc.

I scooped up this waitress at a nearby Italian restaurant that everyone at the hostel frequented. She was 19, brunette, super cute, petite, and a beautiful face. Solid 7.5. All the guys flirted with her and obviously liked her but she eventually chose me to be her bf, even though she spoke 0 english.

Clearly the girls at the hostel knew her all too well. I could sense the tension between them sometimes - I assumed it was because my girl wasn't as educated as them. She wasn't in school and had had just moved to Kiev from Donestk due to the conflict there.

The following week were in the common room getting drunk prepping to go out that night. My girl comes in, sits on my lap, gives me a passionate, pro longed kiss in front of EVERYBODY. Most definitely was trying to mark her territory, and I could only imagine that she knew the other girls there was attracted to me.

After my girl left to get ready, the other girls started swarming!

- " I don't think It's a good idea to be seeing her if it's not that serious Sosa. You are just using her for sex. You should probably tell her before she gets to attached. You don't have that much in common anyway. You should tell her soon".[Image: dodgy.gif]

The hate and manipulation was off the charts. Sheesh. These were just a couple of examples of many I experienced while I lived in Ukraine. I know all girls are like this to some extent, but I found it was amplified to the nth degree dealing with Ukrainian girls.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-26-2016

OP, are you fluent in Ukrainian, or at least Russian?

If not I think it is completely unrealistic for you to be able to understand Ukrainian culture in a meaningful way.

And if you don't understand the culture, the chances of a relationship working out with any Ukrainian woman (this one or some other) are dismal.

I think this applies not just to Ukraine but to all countries/cultures.

Whatever your motives are for seeking an LTR or marriage with a foreigner, if you are not fluent in their language (or at the least conversational and working diligently on getting fluent), your chances of having a successful and lasting relationship are dramatically lower.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Chetthebaker - 02-26-2016

I agree it sounds like this has nothing to do with the girl being from Ukraine. She basically just sounds like a borderline, or some other cluster B personality disorder. A narcissist, like so many out there.
My ex-wife (who was from the mid-West) had at least 2/3 of the negative traits OP mentioned. All of which got progressively worse over time.
One thing that particularly stuck out in the OP was that she would work for slave wages in order to keep her own hours. Just rang a bell, and not quite as textbook as some of the other red flags...

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Felix 5000 - 02-26-2016

Quote: (02-25-2016 07:20 AM)whateverfuckit Wrote:  

Quote: (02-25-2016 07:00 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

But I didn't have any game at 23-25. What you're really describing is princess syndrome. And that is not only a Ukrainian issue. That's common all over the globe.

In the most basic terms, her sense of reality is greater than yours, and you lack the skill set to break it.

There's still time.

Yup. And I don't fault OP for that. What I take issue with is him posting in Travel and trying to tell the forum how all Ukrainian women are, based on his experience with one single girl, when he puts her on a pedestal and doesn't have his shit together.

If this were posted in the Newbie section and posed as a question, not as "this is how it is" I wouldn't have said a word.

I second what OP posted. I believe his story is accurate. The gist of what he says is true. But I believe it is worth it to answer his first question.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - jimukr104 - 02-26-2016


Unfortunately, practically any woman you import into the (unfortunately) somewhat toxic and destructive social culture of the US is going to be tempted so hard upon "settling in" that it's difficult to believe they will not fall victim to all the destructive marriage/relationship stuff going on. an extent. But it can work if in right environment, and you act like Ralph from the Honeymooners. They are programmed a certain way, and the key I think, is to let the program run its course without re programming.

Many guys contribute to their wives reprogramming when they get to the West. Is it surprising? They do everything to make her FIT in like an American. Meet American friends, etc. Seems self destructive to me! Better to live in a big city with them which is full of "like minded" no conformists.

*ps my 14 yr anniversary is in a few months! Must remember to add a new padlock on the basement cellar door ;P

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - CharlesHustle - 02-26-2016

Quote: (02-26-2016 08:46 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

OP, are you fluent in Ukrainian, or at least Russian?

If not I think it is completely unrealistic for you to be able to understand Ukrainian culture in a meaningful way.

And if you don't understand the culture, the chances of a relationship working out with any Ukrainian woman (this one or some other) are dismal.

I think this applies not just to Ukraine but to all countries/cultures.

Whatever your motives are for seeking an LTR or marriage with a foreigner, if you are not fluent in their language (or at the least conversational and working diligently on getting fluent), your chances of having a successful and lasting relationship are dramatically lower.

Thanks for the advice. I agree that it is a necessity to understand the culture. Although I don't speak fluent Russian she gives me Russian lessons frequently. She considers herself a citizen of the world because she has studied many other cultures while in University. She speaks impeccable English, but I have found communication means shit. We both interpret communication differently due to the cultural differences.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Barron - 02-28-2016

Many girls I've dated in Kiev have zero loyalty. Finding an 8+ humble girl that is committed continues to be a challenge. I keep ghosting girls because I can't trust them.

After all the stupid games I have to employ to fuck them, they have the nerve to assume its all a normal process and act surprised when I suddenly stop talking to them. As if weeks of implying that they could one day up and move on is suppose to inspire love.

Its amazing how ex'ing a girl from my life can feel horrible one minute, but the next day I wakeup to peace and quiet in my apartment and happiness is restored as I resume day gaming.

I know there're a lot of beautiful and faithful girls too, I just seem to attract hoes disguised as housewives. The serach for a humble 8+ continues..

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-28-2016


That is not by any means unique to Ukraine.

It really comes down to comparative SMV, and what options both partners have. Any notions of morality really have no impact on actual outcomes. There is no such thing as a "humble" or "loyal" 8 or 9 that is going to be perfectly content being locked down in an LTR by an average status male 7 when she is bombarded with better options on a daily basis. That is a myth, a fantasy, and isn't how things work in the real world.

If you are a 7 and she is a 9, achieving loyalty is going to be difficult.

It is possible in theory, but it would take perfect game, or at least average game combined with something special like wealth/status/fame.

The best approach is to work on maximizing your own SMV through exercise, skin care, dressing well, having good social skills, etc.

And if you are looking for loyalty and an LTR, don't try for a girl more than a point above you. She will have options better than you, and she will not be loyal. It's just the way things work.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Barron - 02-28-2016

Quote: (02-28-2016 06:09 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  


That is not by any means unique to Ukraine.

It really comes down to comparative SMV, and what options both partners have. Any notions of morality really have no impact on actual outcomes. There is no such thing as a "humble" or "loyal" 8 or 9 that is going to be perfectly content being locked down in an LTR by an average status male 7 when she is bombarded with better options on a daily basis. That is a myth, a fantasy, and isn't how things work in the real world.

Disagree, look up "The busted dudes test" Ukraine is famous for it.

Quote: (02-28-2016 06:09 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

If you are a 7 and she is a 9, achieving loyalty is going to be difficult.

It is possible in theory, but it would take perfect game, or at least average game combined with something special like wealth/status/fame.

The best approach is to work on maximizing your own SMV through exercise, skin care, dressing well, having good social skills, etc.

I guess this is advice to the op

Quote: (02-28-2016 06:09 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

And if you are looking for loyalty and an LTR, don't try for a girl more than a point above you. She will have options better than you, and she will not be loyal. It's just the way things work.

A lot of guys that haven't spent much time here have a bad habit of generalizing about all the women. I have a number of students who are 8+ and are happily married, some of them even have kids. From looking at them I assumed their husbands would be rich model looking guys. Imagine my shock when I see them straddling the arm of a slovenly dressed factory worker after class.

The fact is that it does exist. However, you won't find them wandering around Khreschatyk alone during the day and you definitely won't meet them at a night club. The only chance for a foreigner to gain access to these types of girls is via a solid social circle for pre-selection. Breaking into this has been far more challenging than laying down any kind of "perfect game" for commitment. Ukrainian guys know the value of the women they hang out with and aren't interested in diluting that circle with a random foreigner, even one they might like.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-28-2016


Well, if you are talking about a "traditional" local woman who wants to be a mommy, who is likely marginally educated, possibly orthodox, who isn't socially outgoing and doesn't mix in international circles, then you are right, and this is a situation that I didn't address when I made an overly broad blanket statement about 6s or 7s not mixing with 9s absent wealth/status/fame. This traditional woman who is an exception to the rule I described is unlikely to know or maximize her real market value - her priority is on being with someone who shares her family goals, cultural values, and is already part of her limited social circle/socioeconomic group/ethnicity.

Anyway, to each his own. I have no desire for that type of relationship or woman. And it would be pretty unusual for that type of woman to end up with a foreigner.

The busted dudes test is somewhat misleading in certain circumstances, since it potentially makes some guy who might be a six think he can go to a slavic country and bang and lock down 9s. It doesn't really address the reason that a pretty girl might end up with a less attractive guy. My opinion is that, unless it is because of wealth/status/fame, it would have to be an unsocial traditional girl who doesn't want to date around or go outside her social circle /socioeconomic group/ethnicity. I don't see it as having anything to do with greater moral principals, or the idea that a super hot girl is sitting at home waiting for a man (of any nationality or physical appearance) with a big heart to show up and let her know what love is because she is humble. She may respond to kindness, but if she isn't maximizing her value, it's because she wants someone from her mini tribe.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Killer Joe - 02-28-2016

Quote: (02-25-2016 08:06 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Thank god this whateverfuckit dude got banned. He also trolled a recent "chick is pregnant, should I keep the kid" thread. I had called him out over there but a bunch of members gave him reps.

The problem with this kind of troll and primary indicator is the obnoxious attitude. OP may be misguided but not a troll. Yet whateverfuckit had to flex his keyboard muscles and wanted to feel powerful and make him feel small. What stuck out about him was that his game level in his profile was at "veteran." Yet he's going to call a member out for calling himself Alpha. Good thing is that even if he creates a new forum handles, he'll be easy to smoke out.

I disagree - I think he was a solid, promising user that spoke his mind and stood for his principles.

In that pregnancy thread there were lots of borderline feminist shaming "man-up" arguments being put forward, and of course someone had to call them out.

Although he did go too far in this thread - I think a warning would have been more appropriate .

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - 262 - 02-28-2016


I see that according to your forum profile, you've never been east of Germany?

So you're using your experience in Latin America and the West to generalize about a place you've never been to?

Edit: Here's an example of what's possible in Ukraine: thread-44711.html

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-28-2016

China, one of the countries I have been to, is east of Germany, although presumably you are referring to eastern Europe.

Anyhow, it's entirely possible that Ukraine is completely unique, that I cannot possibly know anything about it because I haven't been there, and anything I say about it is bullshit.

I don't think this is the case though, and while I do not present myself as a Ukraine expert, I think my specific knowledge from the countries I have lived in, and my general knowledge from reading, do give me some potentially valid insights into what might go on there.

People are people. There are certain traits that drive human interactions across different cultures and countries.

And when it comes to game/bangs, my take on the busted dudes test is this - it is a factor of how insular/xenophobic/racist a particular culture is. The more insular/xenophobic/racist a country, the more likely an 8 or 9, without status/fame/wealth coming into play, will end up with a busted dude, since she sticks to her mini tribe and small closed social circle. This can also vary within a particular country, typically in the classic urban/rural divide, although larger regions can go one way or the other.

About that link you posted, I read it, it is interesting and I do not feel it contradicts anything I said.

The Chinese guy who is maybe a 6, did manage to get an 8. How did he do it? Not by perfect game. Not because he found some traditional girl looking to stick to her mini tribe (he was actually probably at an ethnic disadvantage being Chinese in Ukraine). It appears to fall into the status/wealth/fame exception. It also took time, he had a rough time adjusting to Ukraine. After a prep course of 1 year, he went to a university art program, and had no life. It also sounds like his girlfriend was in high school when they met (he would have been around 20 or more and she maybe 16 at the oldest, as the article doesn't say exactly). So, he gets semi famous/high status for ping pong, and bangs and then wifes up one of his adolescent students. I give the dude credit, but I think his situation says more about him as an individual than Ukraine as a country.


During the first semester at the academy, he spent most of his time playing video games and skipping class. Mei Aicai felt he didn’t have a goal in life, and wanted to make a change. So, everyday he went to the gymnasium to play ping pong and, as a result, he made many Ukrainian friends, and his Russian also gradually improved.

Most importantly, Mei Aicai also represented the academy and won 3rd place in the Karkov University Student Competition, a first in the academy’s 100 year-old history. After winning the prize, Mei Aicai’s life entered a new era. An athletic teacher regarded him greatly, placed his picture in the school halls, and more and more Ukrainian students and teachers came to him to play ping pong.

Though ping pong, Mei Aicai even found a girlfriend, and began to work hard at his major under her encouragement. Over the next few years, Mei Aicai did well in his core studies, his Russian greatly improved, and he consistently aced his athletics.

On the Autohome BBS, Mei Aicai’s threads about his life in Ukraine have reached hundreds of thousands, even millions of views. People all relished in discussing his beautiful wife, and it was through his wife’s support that Mei Aicai started his own business.

When Ukrainian women get married, they take their husband’s name. Mei Aicai’s wife’s name is Mei Dasha and she is still attending high school. According to Ukrainian law, women can marry at the age of 17.

I mean no disrespect to people with Ukraine specific knowledge who have lived there and speak the language, I could well be wrong, but this is how I see things.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Rhyme or Reason - 02-28-2016

God damn, that whateverfuckit guy was a malicious prick. Good riddance.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Barron - 02-28-2016

Nah, no disrespect taken.

Apparently dudes can leverage status/fame from a ping pong tournament to get laid in Ukraine.

Makes total sense

[Image: troll.gif]

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-28-2016

Quote: (02-28-2016 02:59 PM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Nah, no disrespect taken.

Apparently dudes can leverage status/fame from a ping pong tournament to get laid in Ukraine.

Makes total sense

[Image: troll.gif]

I am not a troll. I don't think you are appreciating the situation. There are different levels of status. Even relatively local status/fame can make a big impact depending on the context.


Most importantly, Mei Aicai also represented the academy and won 3rd place in the Karkov University Student Competition, a first in the academy’s 100 year-old history. After winning the prize, Mei Aicai’s life entered a new era. An athletic teacher regarded him greatly, placed his picture in the school halls, and more and more Ukrainian students and teachers came to him to play ping pong.

He was a student at an art school that was a small part of a big university that had tens of thousands of students.

He had Forest Gump type ping pong skills and was the first art student to ever place 3rd in the overall university competition.

And he was Chinese. That is unusual, and gets people's attention.

You can ridicule ping pong all you want and say I'm a troll, but he did something that would have drawn a lot of attention to himself and gave him a status.

He went from video game playing asian who doesn't know our language, to ping pong expert exotic chinese guy who won something and is getting really good at our language, and is a great teacher/coach, etc.

And it was in this context that he was no doubt introduced to the hottie high school girl he ended up banging and wifing up.

To her, as a 15 or so year old high school student, he would have appeared to be a figure of authority (as a coach/elder), a man of the world and acceptable part of her culture. His fame/status/social proof is what bridged the gap between a 6 and an 8.

Anyway, that's my theory.

If you prefer to believe that the Chinese guy got the Ukrainian girl because Ukraine is some sort of busted dudes paradise full of humble 8s who fall for average guys, well, you are welcome to that theory.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - rishboy77 - 02-28-2016

Quote: (02-28-2016 03:55 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

If you prefer to believe that the Chinese guy got the Ukrainian girl because Ukraine is some sort of busted dudes paradise full of humble 8s who fall for average guys, well, you are welcome to that theory.

I have been the Kiev with a oriental guy as wing twice. He was definitely getting younger hotter girls then I expected.

The niche is smaller then the ones for Blacks, Latino's, Turks, etc but the groupie types usually are more hard core.
Some examples... the first girl he banged told him she wanted to have his kid. "She always wanted a Chinese baby". LOL
Another time he got the # a girl a hot 20 year old (he is 38) despite the fact her friends were cocking blocking the whole time and they wanted no part of hanging out with a bunch foreigners. Another time he had random people tried speaking Chinese with him on the streets and asking him where he was from.
Apparently a lot of girls are studying Cantonese or Mandarin for job opportunities abroad and jump at a chance to meet a native speak since they more rare in UA.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Rocha - 02-28-2016

Some observations on the "busted dudes" thing in Ukraine.

First of all, the "slovenly dressed factory worker" is a provider, he does a manly hard job, puts the food in the table, does all the fixing/reparations at home, helps with countless other stuff, possibly is building a second home with only his bare hands and sum he is determined in providing the best possible life he can to his family. He is not playing around like many of us, thinking about notches, game, 8s and 9s, quantity vs quality...etc. He got to have something about him, even in Ukraine, that make that woman who is above him lookwise to respect him and feel good with him. These woman know their value, she will not stay with a drunkard gopnik, at least for long.
The chinese guy on the other thread fits in this profile (though he is not bad looking) but Ukraine and Russia have high divorce rates I think because the woman expectations regarding quality of life are not met and guys get abusive or derail after the sex/passion fades or become monotonous.
Other curiosity about Ukraine and hardly mentioned, is that there is many good looking young guys with below average girls, someone would think a male 8 in looks would get easily 9s and 10s since some average/busted guys do it, but that is very far from the truth.

To the OP. Yes, Ukranian and Russian girls are mostly messed up in their heads. But that is the reason me and many others love them.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Travesty - 02-28-2016

I have almost no Europe experience.

I can say however there are always guys in the travel threads making boogeyman claims and I have no idea why.

"Don't expect to step off the plane and have 8's giving you blowjobs."

"If you can't Game at home don't come here and try it won't be different."

I think no one except 1 post trolls are expecting this. IRT especially.

The fact of the matter in places like UA(from reading) and Colombia guys with some language effort and game can easily date a plethora of more girls +1 higher with the same effort whether in a socially cold or warm relation to the girls.

I believe in any country belonging to a strong social circle and having a top active role can land you a girl +1 above what you can game cold.

So if you can easily get dates and bangs with 6's in an Anglo country and get a 7 LTR by putting a bunch of effort into social circles, both get bumped up a point in places like Colombia and Ukraine. Except you need to add the abundant pleasurable quantity of opportunity beyond just the +1 upgrade to quality in cold game & social circle.

My problem with those types of statements is they reek of a scare tactic mixed with a slight arrogance that really aren't needed and don't promote success.

I can't tell you how many Colombia posts I read before going that were much too over the top in this regard.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-29-2016


Good post Travesty.

In the end it is important to focus on what promotes success.

It is different for different guys.

There is the common factor of taking care of yourself (diet, exercise, dress, skin) and game (at least have the basics down, perfection is a lifetime pursuit).

And then there is the individual factor of "pussy paradise," which rather than a universal geographic location is a place that is different for each guy.

For some people it is Ukraine, for some people it is Spain, for others it is Thailand, etc. For some people it changes every few months or couple of years, for some people there is one place that they bond to for decades.

It is the place where you are passionate, where you want to learn the language, where you are energized by the challenges, and don't fail to appreciate the positives, and where you like the people and they like you.

This combines to give you the elusive "vibe," that energy and confidence that other people sense and are drawn to, and which makes top shelf talent open itself up to you.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - Beirut - 02-29-2016

Quote: (02-28-2016 10:54 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Some observations on the "busted dudes" thing in Ukraine.

First of all, the "slovenly dressed factory worker" is a provider, he does a manly hard job, puts the food in the table, does all the fixing/reparations at home, helps with countless other stuff, possibly is building a second home with only his bare hands and sum he is determined in providing the best possible life he can to his family. He is not playing around like many of us, thinking about notches, game, 8s and 9s, quantity vs quality...etc. He got to have something about him, even in Ukraine, that make that woman who is above him lookwise to respect him and feel good with him. These woman know their value, she will not stay with a drunkard gopnik, at least for long.
The chinese guy on the other thread fits in this profile (though he is not bad looking) but Ukraine and Russia have high divorce rates I think because the woman expectations regarding quality of life are not met and guys get abusive or derail after the sex/passion fades or become monotonous.
Other curiosity about Ukraine and hardly mentioned, is that there is many good looking young guys with below average girls, someone would think a male 8 in looks would get easily 9s and 10s since some average/busted guys do it, but that is very far from the truth.

To the OP. Yes, Ukranian and Russian girls are mostly messed up in their heads. But that is the reason me and many others love them.

I did notice that in Kiev too.

Often around the university i would see a tall guy with groomed hair and fit clothing with very average girls.

It seemed the ones who had the western pretty boy look often did the worst in terms of reverse busted dude.

Prague to me was the place where i saw the most monstrosities in terms of Busted Dude and i must say Ukraine didnt strike me as such.

Yes girls were generally a point higher than boys but nothing too shocking.

To the OP, my observations based one limited interactions and relations with Ukrainian and Russian girls:

- Language: I had a great relationship with one girl. We enjoyed eachothers company and didnt have problems throughout. But when her childhood girlfriend would come visit her, Her eyes and tongue would light up. You could tell they were sharing everything and she would communicate in a way that she was visibly unable to do with me. Language would always be a limiting factor as to how close you could really get.

- Affection: A lot of Ukrainian/Russian girls do not show affection the way you expect it. We expect the constant "i miss you"s and hugs and neediness. I found a lot of girls didnt give me that. Instead they gave me respect and a sort of "obedience" (not that im a slave master). Their "loving" affection was reserved to their mothers and sisters and girlfriends.
Perhaps this is due to many abusive male figures in her life, where the relation with males becomes one of respect and leadership, and love in the cuddly sense is reserved to other girls such as her mother.

Honestly, i liked that about them. Im a bit cold by nature, and i appreciated the honesty. This last girl i met in Kiev hasnt said "i miss you" to me after i left. She hasnt sent me our pics and been nostalgic. Shes been pretty "cold" about it, in that sense, and she had been when i was with her.

But when she strives towards seeing eachother again, i appreciate at least the honesty thats there. I know she likes me on some level, but she doesnt pretend that im her whole universe. I do the same. I like this honesty, many men would see it as manipulation or game, i see it as the reverse. An emotionally mature honesty.

On the other hand, the girl i nailed through expensive dinner+ night out keeps sending me "i miss you" "i cant wait to see you again" bla bla bla

- Age:

I know we all like younger girls. And we all will continue to like them. And date them. But honestly, when it comes to a lifelong commitment like marriage, how much does an 18 year old or whatever know about herself? about life?

How much has she been exposed to? How much has she resisted?

For most, not so much. Her character hasnt developped yet even. She doesnt even know herself.

Most sluts, materialist girls, etc... started off as the nice good girls. Men seek safety in seeking the young girl from the village whos never seen a dick or ferrari, but if shes never seen them, what credit does she have for shunning them? None.
Unless youre moving to that village yourself, theres no point in it.

And even more, never underestimate the orgies that happen in those villages. Ive heard some stories...

- Materialism:

When you like that a woman wants to stay at home, and takes care of her beauty, etc.... You should expect that the provider role is on you in this case. She couuld be a good girl when youre dating but when youre married, she just put her whole future life and that of her kids (and often her mom) in your hands. She WILL want a certain standard of living.

No girl in the entire 2016 planet will be content to sit at home and handwash your shirt. You either will tell her to get a job and pitch in, or youll have to provide her for it.
Whether her standard is reasonable or no, thats a case by case issue.

I firmly believe one shouldnt get married (actually at all) unless hes been with a girl for years. So much remains hidden and unless youve been through very difficult hardships with someone, you cannot ever be sure who they truely are.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-29-2016


Ah yes, the perfect girl is the chaste one from a small town who shuns dicks and ferraris, etc.

I have some thoughts on that - be careful what you wish for. And I am basing this on direct personal experience.

1. Girls with a very low notch count are much more likely to have low libidos.
Think about what it is like long term when you want sex once or twice a day and she is good with once or twice a week.

2. Stay at home type girls can get boring.
Think about what it is like when she likes to sleep until almost noon, and then prefers to hang around the house, instead of doing fun things like skydiving or exploring or whatever. And also when she just in general isn't outgoing.

3. Having a woman that cooks and cleans and has the submissive mentality is overrated.
My maid charges 20 euros to clean my whole place. As for food, I can cook well, but after a lot of trial and error, I now only do it 3 or 4 times a week. The money is not a factor, and most of the time it is just more interesting to go out to eat, instead of dealing with buying food, cooking it, and then clean up, the whole while by yourself in your home. Of course your village girl, who has been taught to serve her man, will not be down with that, and will only want to eat out on certain occasions, or will prefer ordering food in instead of going out around strange people.

I get along better with sluts, and have more fun. I was caught up in the whole madonna/whore mentality for a long time, thinking some women are fuck n chuck, and some women are the "good" girls.

I got my small village unicorn, and let me tell you, all that glitters isn't gold.

I am preparing to let her down gently, and go back to what feels right.

And in the future, if I go back to an LTR, it will not be with some chaste inexperienced girl.

I want a girl who craves my cock, seeks adventure and adrenaline, and loves life. I could care less if she is submissive. I want someone in tune with my personality, not someone who fits into a anarchic world view of knights and fine chaste maidens.

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - 262 - 02-29-2016

You're free to do what you want, but it turns out there was a reason virginity in women was valued for marriage:

[Image: teachman]

The cons of dating a Ukrainian women - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-29-2016


I have no idea who collected those statistics, or if they are in any way accurate or reliable.

Even if they are, which I doubt, there is a huge variation between countries and people, so statistics like that are essentially useless.

For an individual man, game + strong frame + being high value, is a much better way to increase your odds of having a successful marriage then seeking out some prude boring woman who is scared of dick.