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Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Sourcecode - 11-09-2014

All this talk about whether she is hot or not...anything about what she plans to do in office?

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - DChambers - 11-09-2014

^^ So long as she joins whatever caucus Rand Paul leads I do not care.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Engineer - 11-09-2014

The wall street journal article linked by the OP has a video with some interesting factoids, she's the daughter of a state senator, pro life, pro second amendment; also I think she has a purty mouth. WB.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Swooper - 11-09-2014

WTF? This is the peak of thirstiness. This girl is a 3 or a 4... Why is this a thread?

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - The Reactionary Tree - 11-09-2014

Hot? She's okay. A little chubby in the face.

I think this thread reeks of right-wing "you go-girlism" just because she is a Republican. Much in the same manner that GOP men fawn over Israeli/Kurdish female soldiers, Sarah Palin, or chicks with guns.

I bet if this chick were a pro-choice, feminist, sans-culottes, Neo-Marxist Democrat then the title of this thread would be "Ugly Pinko Commie 18 yr old elected to WV Legislature"

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Praetor Lupus - 11-09-2014

It's not her gender or lineage I find suspicious but her age.

What life experience can she possibly have had at 18 in the USA that will enable her to make any sort of sound judgement in politics?

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-09-2014

Quote: (11-09-2014 12:04 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

It's not her gender or lineage I find suspicious but her age.

What life experience can she possibly have had at 18 in the USA that will enable her to make any sort of sound judgement in politics?

The only argument in her favor is "she is too young to be a SJW".

I think I'll take that over Elizabeth Warren.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - sp_johnnyutah - 11-09-2014

Quote: (11-06-2014 09:01 PM)kosko Wrote:  

She is a 5 at best. All the coal filled air in WV has slowed down her development because she still has a lot of baby fat, and a young look which isn't the norm for American 18 year old girls. She looks like she is a awkward young Canadian girl who hasn't finished growing yet. Girls here develop slower so you get weird chipmunk broads like her at 18 also.

She could be a late bloomer and be hotter at 20/21 but I wouldn't bet money on it.

Thanks for the economic and environmental breakdown for this girl's appearance. She's also from a district 40 minutes north of DC and included in the DC metro map. She's further removed from coal-mining regions than Columbus or Richmond.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Jean Valjean - 05-02-2017

Quote: (11-06-2014 05:15 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

[Image: Saira-Blair-Election-012424312484.jpg]

In what universe is she hot? WNB.

More like cute than hot. But really, you can't always judge based on only a couple pictures or videos. She seems like either a 6 or 7, though. Probably closer to 6, I guess. Or 6.5? Or solid 7? Like a politician, I keep flip-flopping, as I look away and then look back.

I wonder too, does the context affect the rating? For example, suppose instead of saying, "This is a politician" someone said, "This is a girl who's been homeschooled and been part of her church choir for years, and now wants to get married, have lots of babies, and bake home-cooked meals for the family" would she have gotten a .5 ratings bump?

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Paracelsus - 05-02-2017

[Image: marty-somehow-we-were-brought-back-to-th...-thumb.jpg]

I remember Mercenary's slow metamorphosis from necroposter to conspiracy theorist, is this some stage in forum member evolution that's thus untapped?

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Jean Valjean - 05-02-2017

Quote: (05-02-2017 04:42 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

I remember Mercenary's slow metamorphosis from necroposter to conspiracy theorist, is this some stage in forum member evolution that's thus untapped?

Necroposting happens when you start researching to see if someone already covered a topic, and then you find intriguing old threads (or intriguing thread titles, anyway). I was just looking to see if there already was a Virginia politics master thread, before I posted a new one.

Alternatively, it happens when you start PMing other users and they tell you, "Yeah, there was this thread awhile back..." and then you get intrigued and go look.

Oh hey, I didn't even realize Blair had a Wikipedia article.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Conscious Pirate - 05-02-2017

There's no diluting it!


Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - TravelerKai - 05-02-2017

I wonder if she has become busted yet. Might need to look up some recent pictures.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 05-02-2017

My first thread, brought back to life! I got the full newbie roast experience on this one. I still find her attractive, but I can see how she's merely cute, not hot.

I wonder how far she's drifted left from her supposedly conservative position when she was elected?

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - TravelerKai - 05-02-2017

This picture is from 2014 allegedly, but that doesn't line up with what we had back then.

[Image: Saira-Blair-Affairs.jpg]

This picture is from Sept 2015

[Image: DSC_0699_0.jpg]

and in Feb 2016 she looked like this:
[Image: blair.jpg]

And this is from this past April:[Image: C94pDe6WsAA2FBl.jpg]

What do you guys think now? Surprisingly enough IOP has gone back to Thailand again, so he probably would not change his mind much. Samseau? Kosko? Any of you guys that called her a 4/10 that are not banned, care to revise your score?

To me I keep my previous score on her. She is awfully close to a 7, looks like Kosko was right about the baby fat. Looks like it finally melted off her bones.

She looks alot like Julia Stiles in her prime.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Cr33pin - 05-02-2017

Thats a WB from me, Cotton.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Comte De St. Germain - 05-02-2017

I bump her up to a 6. Her nose makes her look like something off Sesame Street though [Image: sad.gif]

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - TravelerKai - 05-02-2017

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:44 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Thats a WB from me, Cotton.

She isn't too far from where you are from. Next time you go home, maybe Uncle Cr33pin should head on over and go holler at her. [Image: lol.gif]

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Geomann180 - 05-02-2017

I'd fuck the remaining baby fat off her.


Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - kosko - 05-02-2017

It looks like she has a good body, her face is beat though with that nose. She would likely be good in bed as she has to overcompensate for that chipmunk face.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - cascadecombo - 05-02-2017

The face shot is a stark contrast from what I expected the body to be like. I can see why those cousin lovers in WV would elect her to office now.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Mekorig - 05-02-2017

Nice body, but the face is a bit off. Would fuck the shit out of her tough.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - ChrisGaines - 05-02-2017

Quote: (11-06-2014 06:45 AM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Her eyes, nose, and mouth look too squished into her face, or her face is too wide for her eyes/nose/mouth.
Kind of like what grown up Lena joel osmond has going on.
[Image: 154756700-e1382719211268.jpg]

Haha YES! I get that everybody has their own tastes and "hotness" is pretty subjective, but yea...WNB

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - ChrisGaines - 05-02-2017

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:37 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

She looks alot like Julia Stiles in her prime.

Then that's a DEFINITE WNB

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature - Leonard D Neubache - 05-02-2017

Gals like this are what mood lighting and doggy style were invented for.