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CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Icarus - 03-27-2013

Quote: (03-27-2013 06:15 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

My fake CS profile finally posted. Just a recap, I made a fake profile of an attractive young white girl and posted an open couch request in a major American city(won't name which because I know CS admins read this site) just to get an idea how many dudes are on there looking for action. I read a story about a girl going to Argentina that got invites in the triple digits. I wanted to see if CS has really become that big of a cockfest.

I also created a fake CS profile: young, hot Russian chick traveling outside of Russia. Got several messages from dudes. I will post some of them in this post, for your entertainment.

From a clueless Turkish dude who can't spell:


Hi *******, how are you? I would really like to in Russia, my faltmates were Russian when I was in Malta, they invite me,but I dont have free time to go, I am also interested in Russian Literature, Dostoyevski,Çehov, Tolstoy,Gogol, Have you evere been to Turqia?

From an experienced French dude who's a CS ambassador and has over 50 vouches and over 500 CS friends:


Поздравляю с регистрацией на Couchsurfing!
Теперь у тебя есть возможность встречать людей со всего света в путешествии или просто сидя у себя дома. Общаясь с разными людьми ты можешь прикоснуться с другим мирам, узнать новое о иноземных культурах и найти единомышленников. На CS есть много возможностей сделать это - присоеденись к группам, которые соответствуют твоим интересам, и заполни профиль, чтоб другие могли увидеть, кто ты. Обменивайся знаниями, принимай гостей и будь гостем - это уникальный опыт.
Я использую Couchsurfing уже больше двух лет и знаю на собственном "шкуре" насколько может стать интересным путешествие, если у тебя есть возможность быть гостем в чужой стране или просто встретиться с адекватными местными жетелями. И когда я возвращаюсь домой я все еще путешествую через истории моих гостей. Обмен гостеприимством это отличная штука, и общими усилиями мы можем сделать этот мир добрей и лучше.
Итак, начни сейчас!
Заполни свой профиль (, прикрепи несколько фотографий, вступай в группы (, вписывайся ( и будь активным членом CS сообщества.
Ты можешь прочитать F.A.Q. ( или написать мне если будут какие-то вопросы.

Oh, he included his skype at the end of this "heartwarming" welcome message. Are women really that stupid? I don't think so. His game is quite transparent. Interestingly, when I joined CS, I had no welcome messages from anyone, but then, I am a dude.

The best of all messages is from a seemingly deranged black French dude:


Privet *******! Kak dela? [Image: biggrin.gif]

I'll go to Russian Embassy in Paris and say: "Kakoy narouy passport?! Te ne panimaj konsul?! Ja govorjou po-rousski! Ja chernomazim rousski blyad! Ja hochou domoj! Haha [Image: biggrin.gif]

So, seriously:

I'm *********, I'm a french student in cinema school and funny and crazy traveller in all Europ haha ! I'm living in Paris (Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame church, Arch of Trimph... blabla)

I'll conquier the world, maximum funny optimist! Oh yeah ! [Image: biggrin.gif]

I writted you because during my last travel, in Lithuania, I met too much russian and Belarusian people. I like them now.
They teached me some russian words and I teached them some french words.
It was really good experience! Now I like them and their countries!

Now I want take contact with some russian people for learn little bit russian language et talk about Russia: (History, Lifestyle, Hobbies...ect)

And, when I'll go to Russia why not meet them. [Image: biggrin.gif]
I notice that you're interesting traveller and open-minded.
I like craziers adventurers people, we have just one life so we must travel, meet everybody, cultures and societies!

If you think like me don't hesite to answer me. ^^

And don't forget: The world is a book and those who don't travel read just one page...

Poka-poka *******! ^^

PS: I like too much your name. [Image: smile.gif]

So, gents, you have to respect the CS community, because CS is not a dating site!! NOT A DATING SITE, do you hear me? It's what everyone says, so it must be true.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Suits - 03-27-2013

This is awesome. I'm curious to see what direction this takes.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Alexi - 04-01-2013

I felt in love with austrian girls on couchfukking

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-01-2013

Update: The fake profile I put up now has now received 27 replies and counting. Some of them are couch invites, some are guys sending messages asking to meet up for a drink and to "hang out." Some send really short messages, some are trying to tell their whole damn life story, lol. Got offers of going on long drives in a convertible, offers to go to the swankiest clubs in town. One dude who claimed to be hedge fund manager and has a photo of his six pack abs and said "you're super cute" and to come crash in his bedroom. Some of them are completely dorks and IRTs, some seem like cool regular guys, no real pattern there. And a wide range of guys ethnically. Life must be easy to be a decent looking ("7-8") girl. Most the guys responding, I'd look at their profile and all they hosted were chics in the majority of cases. I'm led to think that if I ever wanted to travel using couchsurfing it would pretty much be useless for a guy hoping to get hosted unless the host was gay.

And it almost goes without saying, but guess how many invites came from women? Yep...ZERO.

I did this just for curiosity. When they first rolled out that invite feature, the girl would respond most the time, even if she didn't stay with me, she'd at least write back a polite note saying thanks for the invitation but she found someone else. Then I noticed after awhile they just stopped replying altogether. I see why. Abundance mentality from getting inundated with contacts by horny dudes.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - uni - 04-01-2013

the experiment is very interesting. continue it

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-01-2013


CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - JuanCantina - 04-02-2013

Quote: (04-01-2013 04:30 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  


This is a great time for my first post.

I have hosted in NYC for almost 1.5 years. But most of it was in 2011/2012. I had some great experiences, fucked some hot (and not so hot) girls and met some amazing people. I agree with the poster who said that you can't host just to fuck chicks, but if you make a life long friend so be it.

With that being said, i've seen the site decline as well. The open requests page has given way to new "poachers" (a term we so dearly use out here), swooping on their prey. Girls who are new to the site, don't even have to look for a host the old fashioned way. Granted, I have been guilty of this in the past, I hardly receive requests anymore. I have 50+ positive reviews from guys and girls.

I also want to comment about the CS Meetups. Back in 2011/2012 you could go to them and expect it to be a pretty even ratio. Now, as that article stated, it's a mega sausage fest with a lot of socially awkward foreigners.

And one more thing. I also created a fake female account, and posted something in the NYC forum. 50+ replies, 46 from guys. Yeah, the site is on a destructive spiral.

I remember the days I would get 1-2 requests a day. Now i'm lucky to get 1 per week. The real problem with couchsurfing is one guy, told his friend, who told his cousin, and before you know it.. swarm of poachers.. everywhere..

I guess we'll have to game the old fashioned way again, huh guys[Image: undecided.gif]

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-02-2013

Quote: (04-02-2013 09:59 AM)JuanCantina Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2013 04:30 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  


This is a great time for my first post.

I have hosted in NYC for almost 1.5 years. But most of it was in 2011/2012. I had some great experiences, fucked some hot (and not so hot) girls and met some amazing people. I agree with the poster who said that you can't host just to fuck chicks, but if you make a life long friend so be it.

With that being said, i've seen the site decline as well. The open requests page has given way to new "poachers" (a term we so dearly use out here), swooping on their prey. Girls who are new to the site, don't even have to look for a host the old fashioned way. Granted, I have been guilty of this in the past, I hardly receive requests anymore. I have 50+ positive reviews from guys and girls.

Poachers, I like that term. More than anything you were cockblocked by the new CS couch search algorithm. I remember the admins telling me that the algorithm is a closely guarded secret. From some observations I've made I'm almost positive that CS is trying to weed out guys who host mostly girls. Every dude I know that was killing it on there had the spigot shut off instantly about a year ago. Guys who have had an almost even balance of males and females seem to still get lots of requests. I think when the system tags you as a guy hosting too many chics you get sent to the bottom of the pile in the search ranking. Like you I used to often get multiple request a day, now it's maybe one a month from some guy.


I also want to comment about the CS Meetups. Back in 2011/2012 you could go to them and expect it to be a pretty even ratio. Now, as that article stated, it's a mega sausage fest with a lot of socially awkward foreigners.

Exactly. Same story. The meetups used to be way more balanced, and with cooler people and even some cute girls. Now every one is 90% guys who are dorky. Lots of gay dudes, beta white dudes and awkward/annoying Asian guys. And maybe two mediocre girls. I don't even bother with their meetings anymore. If a chic posts in the local forum that she's looking to hang out, every thirsty ass dude in a 50-mile radius piles on, even if it won't be a month till her arrival. You gotta wonder how bad these guys have it if they are vying for the chance to "hang out" with some chic that long in advance. It's pathetic.


And one more thing. I also created a fake female account, and posted something in the NYC forum. 50+ replies, 46 from guys. Yeah, the site is on a destructive spiral.

I remember the days I would get 1-2 requests a day. Now i'm lucky to get 1 per week. The real problem with couchsurfing is one guy, told his friend, who told his cousin, and before you know it.. swarm of poachers.. everywhere..

I guess we'll have to game the old fashioned way again, huh guys[Image: undecided.gif]

Surprisingly though, the membership ratio hasn't changed much. At least for my city. I've looked at it before and recently and it's still way more guys than girls but it was always that way. But man, the stories I've heard from guys who were on in major cities like 5 years ago, it was good times.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Cyclone - 04-02-2013

If you're in a decently major city, there's always cute couchsurfing chicks at the meetups. Maybe not at the "regular weekly meetups" (no life) but definitely at events and holidays (hello St. Paddys) you have a solid # of 7+ chicks who are down for an afterparty. At least, that's my experience [Image: wink.gif]

P.S., this is why you have to become an expat. Live in a well-known coastal town in central America, put up shop in a 1BR, have 50+ references, and surfer chicks are knockin at your door every weekend...

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Sourcecode - 04-02-2013

Not and advertisement.

Buy Day Bang. or any of Roosh's travling guides.
There is an area on sending messages to girls on CS ato get them out and get laid.

The days are warm. More girls will be signing up for SC because they plan to travel. You can find them soon.
like everyone says..If you live in a decent city. you have a good supply of both locals and tourist to try to meet.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-02-2013

Quote: (04-02-2013 04:44 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Not and advertisement.

Buy Day Bang. or any of Roosh's travling guides.
There is an area on sending messages to girls on CS ato get them out and get laid.

The days are warm. More girls will be signing up for SC because they plan to travel. You can find them soon.
like everyone says..If you live in a decent city. you have a good supply of both locals and tourist to try to meet.

I doubt it would work anymore. Cute girls on CS are being hit up left and right. With my fake girl post, not only was a I getting tons of couch invites, but dudes that just saw me logged in were hitting me up. It might as well be OKCupid on there now. Total cockfest. With thirsty ass guys competing for the chance to show around mediocre women. Don't even bother. If you want to keep a profile open just for any cool local activities and maybe occasional surfing or hosting, cool. But if you're on there solely to try and meet girls it's waste of time since there's just better more efficient ways offline if you have it together.

And the thing is, even guys that are banging regularly on there typically aren't banging high quality chics most the time. They are girls you would look past if you saw them at a club.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - JuanCantina - 04-02-2013

Quote: (04-02-2013 05:05 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2013 04:44 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Not and advertisement.

Buy Day Bang. or any of Roosh's travling guides.
There is an area on sending messages to girls on CS ato get them out and get laid.

The days are warm. More girls will be signing up for SC because they plan to travel. You can find them soon.
like everyone says..If you live in a decent city. you have a good supply of both locals and tourist to try to meet.

I doubt it would work anymore. Cute girls on CS are being hit up left and right. With my fake girl post, not only was a I getting tons of couch invites, but dudes that just saw me logged in were hitting me up. It might as well be OKCupid on there now. Total cockfest. With thirsty ass guys competing for the chance to show around mediocre women. Don't even bother. If you want to keep a profile open just for any cool local activities and maybe occasional surfing or hosting, cool. But if you're on there solely to try and meet girls it's waste of time since there's just better more efficient ways offline if you have it together.

And the thing is, even guys that are banging regularly on there typically aren't banging high quality chics most the time. They are girls you would look past if you saw them at a club.

Couldn't agree with you more. I do think for a guy trying to just get numbers and sexual experience it could still work. But now that my standards are higher, most of the girls are quite mediocore.

I actually had some success meeting girls who wanted to stay with me, but I couldn't host for whatever reason. If they didn't post on the forum, then they were far far more willing to go out.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Viata - 04-03-2013

Countries with very hot blonde girls as Slovenia, it is still almost virgin land in CS. Of course that posting a fake hot girl profile based in Los Angeles will have an invasion of hungry guys. But a hot girl from Slovenia night still be virgin and waiting and waiting

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Icarus - 04-05-2013


Looks like open couch requests will be discontinued soon. Here's what the CS CEO wrote a few hours ago:


OCR’s are pretty buried right now because we haven’t seen them perform nearly as well as personal CR’s. The new Surf/Host Engine will mostly replace them and will be in testing in dozens of cities in June.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - klosck - 04-05-2013

Here's an idea that just came to me:

1. Create fake female profile.
2. On the profile, write that you will only accept female surfers.
3. When a hottie, requests you. tell her that you are unable to, however you have a friend that might be able to....
4. Refer her to your real CS profile.

What would be needed to make this work is the fake chick's profile would have to seem legit...anyone interested in trading fake chick references?? PM me....

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-05-2013

Fake references are pretty easy to spot IMO. I'm running my fake girl profile in a different city and some dude hit me up with two fake references of hot blonde girls. One of the girl's photos is someone well known. And the fake compliments he gave himself were so over the top I couldn't stop laughing. Many of them will have only one photo too, always a big tipoff considering that attractive girls can't help but plaster their profile with cute photos of themselves. The guy also didn't have the common sense to stagger the dates these references were left. I guess it was just coincidence that the girls left the references on the exact same day, LOL. And that these girls had no friends or references but him! I couldn't help but write back and call the dude out. The dudes reply was we can meet for dinner tonight and talk about it. This shit is too funny. Some guys even write multiple times trying to convince me to stay with them or upset I didn't respond. Some thirsty ass dudes out there. Most of them are new and they're fucking CS up.

Have fun with it if you want but all this scheming to lure girls seems like a bit much when you can probably get the same or better conversion ratio on OKcupid or hitting a nearby bar and with better looking girls.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Frank Mackey - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:16 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Fake references are pretty easy to spot IMO. I'm running my fake girl profile in a different city and some dude hit me up with two fake references of hot blonde girls. One of the girl's photos is someone well known. And the fake compliments he gave himself were so over the top I couldn't stop laughing. Many of them will have only one photo too, always a big tipoff considering that attractive girls can't help but plaster their profile with cute photos of themselves. The guy also didn't have the common sense to stagger the dates these references were left. I guess it was just coincidence that the girls left the references on the exact same day, LOL. And that these girls had no friends or references but him! I couldn't help but write back and call the dude out.

Have fun with it if you want but all this scheming to lure girls seems like a bit much when you can probably get the same or better conversion ratio on OKcupid or hitting a nearby bar and with better looking girls.

It's really crazy, in Portugal the guys are acting like idiots all the time too... For example, now there is this page for each city where anyone can post wharever comes into his/her mind, and frequently girls are using it to invite ppl to go out or even to ask for couch. The guys do not even have the decency to send them a private message and revert to the girls in the main page itself, where everyone can spot them! And the messages are somtimes hilarious ("hey, you can stay at my place, as long as you go out to this latino bar with me and dance together", and crazier stuff).

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:38 PM)Frank Mackey Wrote:  

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:16 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Fake references are pretty easy to spot IMO. I'm running my fake girl profile in a different city and some dude hit me up with two fake references of hot blonde girls. One of the girl's photos is someone well known. And the fake compliments he gave himself were so over the top I couldn't stop laughing. Many of them will have only one photo too, always a big tipoff considering that attractive girls can't help but plaster their profile with cute photos of themselves. The guy also didn't have the common sense to stagger the dates these references were left. I guess it was just coincidence that the girls left the references on the exact same day, LOL. And that these girls had no friends or references but him! I couldn't help but write back and call the dude out.

Have fun with it if you want but all this scheming to lure girls seems like a bit much when you can probably get the same or better conversion ratio on OKcupid or hitting a nearby bar and with better looking girls.

It's really crazy, in Portugal the guys are acting like idiots all the time too... For example, now there is this page for each city where anyone can post wharever comes into his/her mind, and frequently girls are using it to invite ppl to go out or even to ask for couch. The guys do not even have the decency to send them a private message and revert to the girls in the main page itself, where everyone can spot them! And the messages are somtimes hilarious ("hey, you can stay at my place, as long as you go out to this latino bar with me and dance together", and crazier stuff).

Yup. I see that all the time too. Some guys will just post "hey, just sent you a message!" I'm thinking what idiots. Why even reply to her on the forum? Just send a private message. She'll see it.

If guys post replies that are too over the top the white knights in the forum will call them out with the creeper label.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Vicious - 04-05-2013

Roll call. Who wants to swap references?

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - RaulValdez739 - 04-05-2013

Let me know if anyone wants to exchange refs on CS

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Wreckingball - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 02:14 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Roll call. Who wants to swap references?

I'm up for that. Even though I just have 1 from a friend I met in Stockholm.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - klosck - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 01:16 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Fake references are pretty easy to spot IMO. I'm running my fake girl profile in a different city and some dude hit me up with two fake references of hot blonde girls. One of the girl's photos is someone well known. And the fake compliments he gave himself were so over the top I couldn't stop laughing. Many of them will have only one photo too, always a big tipoff considering that attractive girls can't help but plaster their profile with cute photos of themselves. The guy also didn't have the common sense to stagger the dates these references were left. I guess it was just coincidence that the girls left the references on the exact same day, LOL. And that these girls had no friends or references but him! I couldn't help but write back and call the dude out. The dudes reply was we can meet for dinner tonight and talk about it. This shit is too funny. Some guys even write multiple times trying to convince me to stay with them or upset I didn't respond. Some thirsty ass dudes out there. Most of them are new and they're fucking CS up.

Have fun with it if you want but all this scheming to lure girls seems like a bit much when you can probably get the same or better conversion ratio on OKcupid or hitting a nearby bar and with better looking girls.

Just hear me out for a as discussed above, the majority of hot girls on CS are bombarded by creeps looking to host them. So if your goal is to bang a hot girl via CS, then chances are very low you will get one to stay with you...I'm going to guess that hot girls oprobably prefer to stay with other girls. They won't trust guys....

This is where the fake female profile could come in handy...You make one for a girl that lives in your city. Put a lot of effort into it so it looks legit. Fill out all the bullshit that says "why you couchsurf blah blah". You could even copy and paste blurbs from a lot of different profiles. It doesn't even have to be an overly hot girl. I'd say make one with a girl who is about a 6...but choose a girl who looks classy, wearing cocktail dresses and shit...this might weed out the hippy bitches looking to stay with you.

So now,the hot russian tourist contacts this female profile because she prefers to stay with girls....When you get the request you say..."Oh, I'm sorry, but I will be out of town those dates. But I have a friend on here who does CS also. Let me know if you want me to ask them. They are nice and have a cool place..." (or something along those lines. Not sure if you should specify a gender at this point)

If the hot russian tourist bites, then you steer her towards your profile, and there you go... sure, its a little deceptive, but I think the trickery is minor. You are just finding a away to get ahead of the rest of the CS chumps...

ps. PM me your CS user name for reference trades..

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - Icarus - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 03:07 PM)klosck Wrote:  

So now,the hot russian tourist contacts this female profile because she prefers to stay with girls....When you get the request you say..."Oh, I'm sorry, but I will be out of town those dates. But I have a friend on here who does CS also. Let me know if you want me to ask them. They are nice and have a cool place..."

This may work. Or it may not work. The only way to find out is to give it a try. We follow the scientific method here: all hypotheses must undergo rigorous experimental validation.

The fake girl profile must look legit. To make that happen, one needs a network of 50 or so fake girl profiles all recommending and vouching for one another. This is too much work for one person, but not too much work for 50 people.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - speakeasy - 04-05-2013

Yeah it sounds like an interesting idea. Only thing is that the type of girl who prefers a female host may by nature be the type that's not DTF. And MANY girls on there are like that. When dudes are smashing on CS, most the time it's going to be the ones that wrote you a good personal request. I used to get those a few years ago but no more.

CouchSurfing = FuckSurfing - UnW - 04-05-2013

Quote: (04-05-2013 02:14 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Roll call. Who wants to swap references?

Sounds like a good ideA! Get in touch!