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What do we get out of Africa? - Repo - 01-25-2017


Even with stopping aid, that ignores the huge elephant (hehe) in the room. Merely stopping aid would not mean we are "leaving Africa alone". There have been plenty of Africans who have tried to stand up to corruption to some degree, and keep more of the wealth within their respective countries. These people have a history of getting wacked by strong (and sometimes foreign, looking at you France) powers. The truth is there are very powerful outside forces keeping corruption alive. Look at what happened to Gaddafi, he is one of dozens and dozens of examples. Companies and European governements routinely covertly (or overtly) interfere to keep this shitshow running. So sure, leave Africa alone by stop giving aid, but unless you stop the outside soveriegn and corporate interests interference, it will continue to be a shitshow. And the red pill truth is if there is money to be made, it won't stop. If you can believe our government does shady shit here at home, you can be assured they do way more shady shit abroad where nobody looks or cares. Sorry for spelling errors, typing on tiny phone keyboard.

What do we get out of Africa? - Mayweather - 01-25-2017

Quote: (01-25-2017 06:34 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2017 05:35 PM)armenia4ever Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2017 04:27 PM)Mayweather Wrote:  

This thread just goes to prove something I've been noticing developing in the manosphere. There's a really a seething resentment and disgust towards Africa and black folks by some. While there are many on RVF and other boards who would stand side by side to defend our interests as men regardless of whether my skin was darker than theirs or not, you can tell, there are also many who pick a clear side and shade in their arguments. As the movement becomes more mainstream I think there's going to be more and more shit like this popping up in this corner of the web.

Honestly, it's more of a reaction to the shit that's been visited upon us by uber radical POC and "minority" activists that do nothing but hate on anything "white".

While we may hope to be above their kind of vicious rhetoric, we also understand that retaliating with rhetoric of our own let's them know we won't be trifled with. On the other hand, they can use it as examples to point to as to why everything in reality is racist and against them.

Hopefully, we establish a new culture that transcends that particular identity. No idea on how and if that will ever happen in today's political climate.

What were some of the causes for the seething resentment towards black people and Africa prior to this era of political correctness?

How about before the migrant crisis?

Do you feel that today's resentment is much more righteous because of the radical minority activists?


All of these are good questions Kona. I usually avoid the politics of the forum and the specific politics section because of how quickly things can go left and people can get banned, but I'll answer in my own way.

Prior to political correctness was a more mainstream institutionalized racism, that economically and socially is still felt in many ways today. The political correctness now isn't a bunch of people realizing they want to change the way the world is, its a herd being manipulated by the elite class with the fear of being doxxed and shunned for not having the same opinions. There was a time when the elite pushed mainstream racism as a control mechanism in the west and now they realized its more conducive to push degeneracy and feelings in order to destroy the family structure quicker.

For example, whats happening right now to white families with the destruction of their families was already experimented with during colonialism and in the 1900's with the black family. It's a classic case of black utility. In prior eras we were used for our labor and now black issues are being used to fund gay rights groups like BLM and cause desired social unrest. And it's working too. Folks really think DeRay is Fred Hampton or Malcolm X, which is hilarious to me.

The migrant crisis is another case of using a group of people to achieve an outcome for the elite class. In this century ideas are fought with information and misinformation. If you can convince people that their adversaries are there friends, you can get them to slit their own throat. A lot of the people posting memes and virtue signaling without understanding the issues, don't understand that they are being used. This ties back to a lot of what I spoke about earlier with black utility. The most dangerous slaves on the plantation were the ones that wanted to be "white" or prove they weren't like the others in the field. Chris Rock has a joke that the worst cop is a black cop with a white partner. Why? Same thing as that slave who so desperately want's to other you from himself. And who's the most dangerous SJW? The one that wants to spearhead these new age causes the most, all for validation on their Facebook feed or to receive their benefits. Why? Cause when you can't get a job with a degree, can't get laid cause of gender relations and can't move out cause you have no money, all you have is your feelings and your apps.

On the migrant crisis:

A lot of guys particularly on this forum don't see that Muslims are being used. They aren't necessarily bad people, but a small portion of this group is being used to create the desired chaos Soros and co would like. Everyone's minds are so malleable in the tension and chaos that you end up with people like the OP, lashing out at those who ask questions or make comments because they don't know how to channel that into furthering a willful cause. A large portion of the people pretending to give a fuck about BLM now, would be pouring hot coffee on my grandmother in a restaurant 50 years ago when it was more socially acceptable. All those women chanting in Arabic at the women's marches would be burning Quran s in a different time. Provided I know my history and understand Islam doesn't mesh well with a lot, all this shit now is just conditioning.

While I'm not of the mindset that a 30 year old white dude today should be apologizing for what someone in his bloodline did 100 years ago or even 300 years ago, there needs to be an acknowledgement that there's a different reality when you have a different kind of skin. There aren't too many places I can go on this planet where having my skin isn't viewed in some way as a hindrance. Whether with game, professions or other aspects. A lot of the most educated dark skin dudes on this forum could tell you, that no matter how many degrees you have, how many equations you can solve to many you'll never be more than a N-I double G ... I think you get the point. People think Africa & people of its dispora should just get over what's happened but how does "just getting over it" work for all these guys that get divorced in our modern era? Or for the kids from broken home? If you follow what I'm saying you see I'm trying to draw parallels to make a point about where I feel the disconnect is in expressing ideas.

I used to be mad as hell everyday at this society because of how I felt it was holding me back and while I'm still knowledgeable of those issues, I saw how my anger was being used to get me to self destruct. Those that don't come to that same realization that are going to be the useful idiots in a possible civil war real fucking soon. Whether they defend melanin or white pride, dead is still dead.

What do we get out of Africa? - weambulance - 01-25-2017

"Stopping aid" was just an example of one way we interfere in Africa. It does no good and I'm specifically opposed to spending my tax money that way.

There's no winning with Africa. We're imperialists if we go in and force them to change, exploiters if we do what we do now, or heartless if we don't get involved and don't allow shitloads of refugees to come into our countries.

What do we get out of Africa? - Gmac - 01-25-2017

Quote: (01-25-2017 02:24 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Barack Hussein Obama

[Image: article-1299403-0A67E17C000005DC-583_634x407.jpg]

Some people don't like him though:



Simply upgrade your Obama to a pro-Trump shitposter version.


What do we get out of Africa? - booshala - 01-25-2017

I believe the Chinese have the most viable plan for a ROI in Africa. They're making the political and economic connections to the right people in power and are securing important resources like oil and minerals while alleviating some of their production surpluses and potentially growing another consumer base with African consumers. Their low-trust culture is well suited for all the bribery and corruption that goes on in Africa, so they quickly learn how to play the game there. There's also no politically correct bullshit or a lingering culture of white-guilt preventing them from shamelessly pursuing their economic/political interests. Ironically, I think it's a much more honest way of dealing with the situation than all the aid packages that the US and Europe send over.

What do we get out of Africa? - Thomas the Rhymer - 01-25-2017

I live in Africa and I'm pretty happy here. We have a lot of problems. We will solve them as time goes by. The internet is helping a lot - people are reading, communicating, exchanging ideas. The internet is democracy made manifest, and it will change the culture irrevocably. Luckily, the current political leadership is too stupid/incompetent to stop the effects of the internet, unlike the Chinese.

It would help if westerners stopped mucking things up by giving foreign aid; it breeds political corruption and destroys political incentives for providing services (why should a politician build a hospital to get votes, when Medicin San Frontiere will build one for free? as an example).

Fair trade policies would help a lot. A lot of 'free trade' agreements made with African countries were not free trade agreements at all, but dumping arrangements whereby rich countries could dump unwanted goods in African countries, which destroys any incentive to produce in the African country.

What would especially help is if western countries would stop subsidizing their farmers. Africa has a lot of food to export, but we can't compete against US and EU agricultural subsidies. Why do so-called 'capitalist' countries subsidize unprofitable farms? I have no idea, but it's part of the hypocrisy of western countries demanding laissez-faire capitalism in Africa while keeping socialist subsidy for agriculture/corporations in the west. Who is going to win in these situations? The little company starting up in Nairobi or the European juggernaut getting subsidized with taxpayer money?

It would also help to limit or stop migration out of Africa. Migration is primarily allowed to benefit the global elite through 2 means - it provides a source of cheap labour, but more importantly it is a pressure release valve that causes discontented people to flee their countries instead of fighting to improve them. This keeps corrupt governments in power, which suits the elites just fine.

Migration also steals the best and the brightest through a 'brain drain' effect. There is a reason why immigrant communities in the West are often labelled as intelligent/hard working - it's because it's often the intelligent and hardworking that are bailing out on their countries in the first place, taking the easy route of migration rather than creating change. (This is especially true of the Asian communities in the west - they are intelligent and hard working because all the stupid, lazy Asians are still back home passed out drunk in the rice paddies. In South Africa, this is true of Zimbabweans - all the guys who can actually build their country back up have left to South Africa, leaving all the useful idiots back home. Frankly, South Africa needs to rebuild our wall - we used to have one - and we need to send the migrants back but that is a different topic that I think I'll discuss elsewhere.)

So to sum up - you westerners don't get anything from Africa, and it would be helpful if you stopped interfering with Africa. Solutions to African problems must come from within Africa if they are to be sustainable and useful. Africa doesn't need the West to be a helicopter parent, or we'll never grow up.

End of ramble.

What do we get out of Africa? - Fortis - 01-26-2017

That article from Kim whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is seems to be full of vitriol. I do agree that the west should truly leave africa alone, but he seems like he has a chip on his shoulder in regards to the people.

What do we get out of Africa? - Leonard D Neubache - 01-26-2017

Africa is part of the world.

The big players aren't going to agree to simply leave certain parts of the chessboard alone on some sort of gentleman's agreement.

If you're not playing those zones then your enemies will simply take the advantage and move in.

I would love nothing more than to see a peaceful, productive and prosperous Africa, but it's not going to happen, because reasons. Nature abhors a vacuum and where there are resources going unexploited there is a vacuum. Africa likely will always therefore be a playground for rough and ready nations and corporations willing to exploit the less than aspirational tendencies of the locals.

Better then for that meddling to come in the form of aid than missiles and machine guns.

What do we get out of Africa? - weambulance - 01-26-2017

Since few here seem to be familiar with Kim du Toit--unsurprising since he went dark almost a decade ago--allow me to explain a bit about him.

He was born in Africa and lived there for decades, and spent time as a soldier. He's in I'd guess his late 60s by now though I'm not sure about that. Going from memory, I think he probably came to the US in the late 80s.

He was way ahead of almost everyone here in terms of recognizing the problems with western masculinity and the feminine imperative. He wrote the following piece in 2003:


The Pussification Of The Western Male

We have become a nation of women.

It wasn’t always this way, of course. There was a time when men put their signatures to a document, knowing full well that this single act would result in their execution if captured, and in the forfeiture of their property to the State. Their wives and children would be turned out by the soldiers, and their farms and businesses most probably given to someone who didn’t sign the document.

There was a time when men went to their certain death, with expressions like “You all can go to hell. I’m going to Texas.” (Davy Crockett, to the House of Representatives, before going to the Alamo.)

There was a time when men went to war, sometimes against their own families, so that other men could be free. And there was a time when men went to war because we recognized evil when we saw it, and knew that it had to be stamped out.

There was even a time when a President of the United States threatened to punch a man in the face and kick him in the balls, because the man had the temerity to say bad things about the President’s daughter’s singing.

We’re not like that anymore.

Now, little boys in grade school are suspended for playing cowboys and Indians, cops and crooks, and all the other familiar variations of “good guy vs. bad guy” that helped them learn, at an early age, what it was like to have decent men hunt you down, because you were a lawbreaker.

Now, men are taught that violence is bad—that when a thief breaks into your house, or threatens you in the street, that the proper way to deal with this is to “give him what he wants”, instead of taking a horsewhip to the rascal or shooting him dead where he stands.

Now, men’s fashion includes not a man dressed in a three-piece suit, but a tight sweater worn by a man with breasts.

Now, warning labels are indelibly etched into gun barrels, as though men have somehow forgotten that guns are dangerous things.

Now, men are given Ritalin as little boys, so that their natural aggressiveness, curiosity and restlessness can be controlled, instead of nurtured and directed.

And finally, our President, who happens to have been a qualified fighter pilot, lands on an aircraft carrier wearing a flight suit, and is immediately dismissed with words like “swaggering”, “macho” and the favorite epithet of Euro girly-men, “cowboy”. Of course he was bound to get that reaction—and most especially from the Press in Europe, because the process of male pussification Over There is almost complete.

How did we get to this?

In the first instance, what we have to understand is that America is first and foremost, a culture dominated by one figure: Mother. It wasn’t always so: there was a time when it was Father who ruled the home, worked at his job, and voted.

But in the twentieth century, women became more and more involved in the body politic, and in industry, and in the media—and mostly, this has not been a good thing. When women got the vote, it was inevitable that government was going to become more powerful, more intrusive, and more “protective” (ie. more coddling), because women are hard-wired to treasure security more than uncertainty and danger. It was therefore inevitable that their feminine influence on politics was going to emphasize (lowercase “s”) social security.

I am aware of the fury that this statement is going to arouse, and I don’t care a fig.

What I care about is the fact that since the beginning of the twentieth century, there has been a concerted campaign to denigrate men, to reduce them to figures of fun, and to render them impotent, figuratively speaking.

I’m going to illustrate this by talking about TV, because TV is a reliable barometer of our culture.

In the 1950s, the TV Dad was seen as the lovable goofball—perhaps the beginning of the trend—BUT he was still the one who brought home the bacon, and was the main source of discipline (think of the line: “Wait until your father gets home!”).

From that, we went to this: the Cheerios TV ad.

Now, for those who haven’t seen this piece of schit, I’m going to go over it, from memory, because it epitomizes everything I hate about the campaign to pussify men. The scene opens at the morning breakfast table, where the two kids are sitting with Dad at the table, while Mom prepares stuff on the kitchen counter. The dialogue goes something like this:

Little girl (note, not little boy): Daddy, why do we eat Cheerios?
Dad: Because they contain fiber, and all sorts of stuff that’s good for the heart. I eat it now, because of that.
LG: Did you always eat stuff that was bad for your heart, Daddy?
Dad (humorously): I did, until I met your mother.
Mother (not humorously): Daddy did a lot of stupid things before he met your mother.

Now, every time I see that TV ad, I have to be restrained from shooting the TV with a .45 Colt. If you want a microcosm of how men have become less than men, this is the perfect example.

What Dad should have replied to Mommy’s little dig: Yes, Sally, that’s true: I did do a lot of stupid things before I met your mother. I even slept with your Aunt Ruth a few times, before I met your mother.

That’s what I would have said, anyway, if my wife had ever attempted to castrate me in front of the kids like that.

But that’s not what men do, of course. What this guy is going to do is smile ruefully, finish his cereal, and then go and [bleep] his secretary, who doesn’t try to cut his balls off on a daily basis. Then, when the affair is discovered, people are going to rally around the castrating bitch called his wife, and call him all sorts of names. He’ll lose custody of his kids, and they will be brought up by our ultimate modern-day figure of sympathy: The Single Mom.

You know what? Some women deserve to be single moms.

When I first started this website, I think my primary aim was to blow off steam at the stupidity of our society.

Because I have fairly set views on what constitutes right and wrong, I have no difficulty in calling Bill Clinton, for example, a f***ing liar and hypocrite.

But most of all, I do this website because I love being a man. Amongst other things, I talk about guns, self-defense, politics, beautiful women, sports, warfare, hunting, and power tools—all the things that being a man entails. All this stuff gives me pleasure.

And it doesn’t take much to see when all the things I love are being threatened: for instance, when Tim Allen’s excellent comedy routine on being a man is reduced to a f***ing sitcom called Home Improvement. The show should have been called Man Improvement, because that’s what every single plotline entailed: turning a man into a “better” person, instead of just leaving him alone to work on restoring the vintage sports car in his garage. I stopped watching the show after about four episodes.

(“The Man Show” was better, at least for the first season—men leering at chicks, men f***ing around with ridiculous games like “pin the bra on the boobies”, men having beer-drinking competitions, and women on trampolines. Excellent stuff, only not strong enough. I don’t watch it anymore, either, because it’s plain that the idea has been subverted by girly-men, and turned into a parody of itself.)

Finally, we come to the TV show which to my mind epitomizes everything bad about what we have become: Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Playing on the homo Bravo Channel, this piece of excrement has taken over the popular culture by storm (and so far, the only counter has been the wonderful South Park episode which took it apart for the bullschit it is).

I’m sorry, but the premise of the show nauseates me. A bunch of homosexuals trying to “improve” ordinary men into something “better” (ie. more acceptable to women): changing the guy’s clothes, his home decor, his music—for f**k’s sake, what kind of girly-man would allow these simpering butt-bandits to change his life around?

Yes, the men are, by and large, slobs. Big f***ing deal. Last time I looked, that’s normal. Men are slobs, and that only changes when women try to civilize them by marriage. That’s the natural order of things.

You know the definition of homosexual men we used in Chicago? “Men with small dogs who own very tidy apartments.”

Real men, on the other hand, have big f***ing mean-ass dogs: Rhodesian ridgebacks, bull terriers and Rottweilers, or else working dogs like pointers or retrievers which go hunting with them and slobber all over the furniture.

Women own lapdogs.

Which is why women are trying to get dog-fighting and cock-fighting banned—they’d ban boxing too, if they could—because it’s “mean and cruel”. No schit, Shirley. Hell, I don’t like the idea of fighting dogs, either, but I don’t have a problem with men who do. Dogs and cocks fight. So do men. No wonder we have an affinity for it.

My website has become fairly popular with men, and in the beginning, this really surprised me, because I didn’t think I was doing anything special.

That’s not what I think now. I must have had well over five thousand men write to me to say stuff like “Yes! I agree! I was so angry when I read about [insert atrocity of choice], but I thought I was the only one.”

No, you’re not alone, my friends, and nor am I.

Out there, there is a huge number of men who are sick of it. We’re sick of being made figures of fun and ridicule; we’re sick of having girly-men like journalists, advertising agency execs and movie stars decide on “what is a man”; we’re sick of women treating us like children, and we’re really f***ing sick of girly-men politicians who pander to women by passing an ever-increasing raft of Nanny laws and regulations (the legal equivalent of public-school Ritalin), which prevent us from hunting, racing our cars and motorcycles, smoking, flirting with women at the office, getting into fistfights over women, shooting criminals and doing all the fine things which being a man entails.

When Annika Sorenstam was allowed to play in that tournament on the men’s PGA tour, all the men should have refused to play—Vijay Singh was the only one with balls to stand up for a principle, and he was absolutely excoriated for being a “chauvinist”. Bullschit. He wasn’t a chauvinist, he was being a man. All the rest of the players—Woods, Mickelson, the lot—are girls by comparison. And, needless to say, Vijay isn’t an American, nor a European, which is probably why he still has a pair hanging between his legs, and they’re not hanging on the wall as his wife’s trophy.

F**k this, I’m sick of it.

I don’t see why I should put up with this bullschit any longer—hell, I don’t see why any man should put up with this bullshit any longer.

I don’t see why men should have become feminized, except that we allowed it to happen—and you know why we let it happen? Because it’s damned easier to do so. Unfortunately, we’ve allowed it to go too far, and our maleness has become too pussified for words.

At this point, I could have gone two ways: the first would be to say, “…and I don’t know if we’ll get it back. The process has become too entrenched, the cultural zeitgeist of men as girls has become part of the social fabric, and there’s not much we can do about it.”

But I’m not going to do that. To quote John Belushi (who was, incidentally, a real man and not a f***ing woman): “Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

Well, I’m not going to quit. F**k that. One of the characteristics of the non-pussified man (and this should strike fear into the hearts of women and girly-men everywhere) is that he never quits just because the odds seem overwhelming. Omaha Beach, guys.

I want a real man as President—not Al Gore, who had to hire a consultant to show him how to be an Alpha male, and french-kiss his wife on live TV to “prove” to the world that he was a man, when we all knew that real men don’t have to do that [bleep].

And I want the Real Man President to surround himself with other Real Men, like Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft, and yes, Rice (who is more of a Real Man than those azzwipes Colin Powell and Norman Mineta).

I want our government to be more like Dad—kind, helpful, but not afraid to punish us when we [bleep] up, instead of helping us excuse our actions.

I want our government of real men to start rolling back the Nanny State, in all its horrible manifestations of over-protectiveness, intrusiveness and “Mommy Knows Best What’s Good For You” regulations.

I want our culture to become more male—and not the satirical kind of male, like The Man Show, or the cartoonish figures of Stallone, Van Damme or Schwartzenegger. (Note to the Hollywood execs: We absolutely f***ing loathe chick movies about feelings and relationships and all that feminine jive. We want more John Waynes, Robert Mitchums, Bruce Willises, and Clint Eastwoods. Never mind that it’s simplistic— we like simple, we are simple, we are men—our lives are uncomplicated, and we like it that way. We Were Soldiers was a great movie, and you know why? Because you could have cut out all the female parts, and it still would have been a great movie, because it was about Real Men. Try cutting out all the female parts in a Woody Allen movie—you’d end up with the opening and closing credits.)

I want our literature to become more male, less female. Men shouldn’t buy “self-help” books unless the subject matter is car maintenance, golf swing improvement or how to disassemble a f***ing Browning BAR. We don’t improve ourselves, we improve our stuff.

And finally, I want men everywhere to going back to being Real Men. To open doors for women, to drive fast cars, to smoke cigars after a meal, to get drunk occasionally and, in the words of Col. Jeff Cooper, one of the last of the Real Men: “to ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth.”

In every sense of the word. We know what the word “is” means.

Because that’s all that being a Real Man involves. You don’t have to become a f***ing cartoon male, either: I’m not going back to stoning women for adultery like those Muslim azzholes do, nor am I suggesting we support that perversion of being a Real Man, gangsta rap artists (those f***ing [bleep]—they wouldn’t last thirty seconds against a couple of genuine tough guys that I know).

Speaking of rap music, do you want to know why more White boys buy that crap than Black boys do? You know why rape is such a problem on college campuses? Why binge drinking is a problem among college freshmen?

It’s a reaction: a reaction against being pussified. And I understand it, completely. Young males are aggressive, they do fight amongst themselves, they are destructive, and all this does happen for a purpose.

Because only the strong men propagate.

And women know it. You want to know why I know this to be true? Because powerful men still attract women. Women, even liberal women, swooned over George Bush in a naval aviator’s uniform. Donald Trump still gets access to some of the most beautiful [bleep] available, despite looking like a medieval gargoyle. Donald Rumsfeld, if he wanted to, could f*** 90% of all women over 50 if he wanted to, and a goodly portion of younger ones too.

And he won’t. Because Rummy’s been married to the same woman for fifty years, and he wouldn’t toss that away for a quickie. He’s a Real Man. No wonder the Euros hate and fear him.

We’d better get more like him, we’d better become more like him, because if we don’t, men will become a footnote to history.

(Note the Donald Trump reference at the end. [Image: lol.gif])

Is he right about everything? No, of course not. Nobody's perfect. You can see some objective errors in the above piece, like the college rape issue. But again, it was in 2003. I doubt Mr. du Toit would cling to his misconceptions knowing what we know now.

He ran a popular website in the early to mid 2000s that was mostly focused on guns, but also music, women, interesting stories, history, etc. It was fascinating. I grew up with a masculine father and uncles, so I was no cringing pussy when I discovered his work right about at the end of high school, but his site prompted the first awakening of the fundamental personal and political philosophies I still live by today. No doubt he did the same for many other young men.

He went dark in, oh, 2008-2009ish over a sort of purity incident that was not uncommon in the gun world back then. There was some incident with some cow open carrying a gun at a children's soccer match and he criticized her for it, and loads of gunnies flipped out on him. Perhaps his pride played a part as well, it's hard to remember the details exactly. It was major drama. So he took his site off the air, and only a tiny fraction of his work remains available where others preserved certain essays in their entirety.

So criticize his attitude toward Africa if you want, but know that he is certainly not a fool, nor an inexperienced braggart. He knows which side is up and has for longer than most of us.

What do we get out of Africa? - CJ_W - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-25-2017 05:35 PM)armenia4ever Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2017 04:27 PM)Mayweather Wrote:  

This thread just goes to prove something I've been noticing developing in the manosphere. There's a really a seething resentment and disgust towards Africa and black folks by some. While there are many on RVF and other boards who would stand side by side to defend our interests as men regardless of whether my skin was darker than theirs or not, you can tell, there are also many who pick a clear side and shade in their arguments. As the movement becomes more mainstream I think there's going to be more and more shit like this popping up in this corner of the web.

Honestly, it's more of a reaction to the shit that's been visited upon us by uber radical POC and "minority" activists that do nothing but hate on anything "white".

While we may hope to be above their kind of vicious rhetoric, we also understand that retaliating with rhetoric of our own let's them know we won't be trifled with. On the other hand, they can use it as examples to point to as to why everything in reality is racist and against them.

Hopefully, we establish a new culture that transcends that particular identity. No idea on how and if that will ever happen in today's political climate.

This is the Key here, and why I get pissed off about Black Lives matter, they are just making it worse for the rest of us who ACTUALLY HAVE JOBS and OBEY THE LAW! If a lot of white people weren`t racist before all of this, they sure are leaning towards it not. The unholy alliance between black "activists" (who are just opportunists - a lot of smart black people already know this) feminism, and islamic multiculturalism has NOT gone unnoticed, unfortunately, its biologically easier to lump ALL black people in with the degenerates (easier to tell us apart) and the old racist tropes that were suppressed with the PC culture of the last 10-15 years, is enough to color the perspectives of MANY white people.

Its unfortunate, but its understandable. The world is a lot more hostile to blacks now and its OUR FAULT (black community) this time. I could go on but that would last me a few hours and pages of text. But I will say this, We have had the NAACP for MANY years, but the situation of many in the black community has gotten WORSE. If Asians can come to America, band together (Chinese/Asian trading guilds of old america) and get their shit together even more so than most white people (Chinese were used as slaves as well for a time called "Coolies") why the hell arent WE getting our shit together as black people?! The Mexicans, Thais, Brazilians etc etc have their shit together, Hell, Even the Japanese who dont even NEED to band together, do this. They have shops and businesses all around L.A. and other big cities and bring over other young Japanese people for a while to work for them while they see the city, some even become citizens! (I've met a few while I was in L.A.) It seems like we are the only race of people just not getting it. Hell, even other AFRICANS, FROM AFRICA! Get their shit together upon immigrating to the U.S. YES I know that our fathers are victims of the drug war and are in jail, but really most kids can`t learn from their parents` mistakes and figure that shit out?! I did. and it was easy:

Commit crime = go to jail
Dont commit crime. . . = dont go to jail!

Do drugs = eventually commit crime or get addicted which eventually will make you commit crime = go to jail.

Get a job = get money

Go to college = get a degree = get a job (or get a job in a foreign country like I did) = get money and get out of the ghetto forever.

I mean really this is not rocket science.

Anyway enough of me ranting. Thing is, this current wave of racism is a reaction to all of the bullshit that law abiding people have had to deal with over the past 20 years. It sucks, but thats life. I understand whats happening.

What do we get out of Africa? - captndonk - 01-26-2017

Look at their average IQ and you will understand.

What do we get out of Africa? - Meat Head - 01-26-2017

As a black African I can say, the problem with Africa is that it is full of Africans.

What do we get out of Africa? - Bluey - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 04:09 AM)Meat Head Wrote:  

As a black African I can say, the problem with Africa is that it is full of Africans.

Here in Australia I used to work security at a major university, and every now and then I'd run into a black African professor. Had some great yarns with him, but he was the first person to tell me exactly that.

Much better than the Aboriginal professor who complained to the head of security I was racist because I didn't open a door for her immediately. Imagine the temerity of me asking for ID?

What do we get out of Africa? - Vicious - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-25-2017 03:00 PM)the high Wrote:  

One word: cobalt.

We should make some cool bombs with that.

What do we get out of Africa? - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 01:32 AM)weambulance Wrote:  

He went dark in, oh, 2008-2009ish over a sort of purity incident that was not uncommon in the gun world back then.

I was a regular at his blog back in the day. He actually trashed his site once earlier because it cost him his job. He was an IT guy (computer programming) doing stuff like setting up systems like the bonus cards used at retailers.

The incident as I remember it, he got a contract (he was low on $$$ at the time) and the contract was cancelled when the client came across his blog site.

He re-launched the site a while later, explaining what happened. I think he took down the site again because of stress from his wife's failing health and he also has a son who was autistic or some level of mental retardation. He even did a pod cast with his wife for a short while, but the wife had to stop doing it because the pain meds she was on was leaving her mentally in a fog.

I see him pop up now and again in the comment section at a few blog sites.

What do we get out of Africa? - Fortis - 01-26-2017

I didn't say Kim was a fool but it's hard for me to take a man seriously when he says something of effect of "let's build a wall around a continent, give em guns and bombs and let them sort themselves out."

[Image: jordan.gif]

That said I do agree with the gist of what he's saying and something that I've said before: leave those countries the fuck alone and allow them to work out a system where they can remain stable.

What do we get out of Africa? - Mekorig - 01-26-2017

There was this travel forum were an european couple (i think they were from Holland) went in a Land Rover in the DRC from Lubumbashi (i think) to Kinsasa. These were people with some travel experience, and from their interaction with the locals, and from what they told when speaking with other western there (missioners, etc), i have little hope for the black african people.

PD: They are belgian! Here is the link to their trip:

What do we get out of Africa? - the high - 01-26-2017

This is city in Rwanda, a country where just 20 years prior had one of the worst human atrocities in the later 20th century. I think the potential is there if Africans can just sort out the corruption.

What do we get out of Africa? - rottenapple - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 02:55 PM)the high Wrote:  

This is city in Rwanda, a country where just 20 years prior had one of the worst human atrocities in the later 20th century. I think the potential is there if Africans can just sort out the corruption.

I lived there and can indeed testify that Kigali is cleaner and safer than any big city in Europe or the states. And they come from very far as you mentioned, however it must also be said that Rwanda is a typical donor baby, one of the countries that per capita received the most aid from the west. This combined with an authoritarian regime and smuggling from illegal minerals from Congo allowed for a decent level of prosperity in the country. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from Rwanda, one of the unique cases of development in the world.

What do we get out of Africa? - TigerMandingo - 01-26-2017

Kim du Toit...

Is that pronounced.....TWAT?

What do we get out of Africa? - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 03:01 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Kim du Toit...

Is that pronounced.....TWAT?

Leave out the 'T' at the end

What do we get out of Africa? - Ringo - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 12:58 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

There was this travel forum were an european couple (i think they were from Holland) went in a Land Rover in the DRC from Lubumbashi (i think) to Kinsasa. These were people with some travel experience, and from their interaction with the locals, and from what they told when speaking with other western there (missioners, etc), i have little hope for the black african people.

PD: They are belgian! Here is the link to their trip:

Great link. I'm on page 6 and can't stop reading.

Having said that... I don't get the motivation for such a trip. I'm stressed out reading it, I can't imagine living it, specially with a girl by your side. God knows what would happen if your car broke in the middle of nowhere. They've had some close calls already and it's still like Day 5.

Pros: see cool shit, have a unique travel story, enjoy great moments
Cons: death, rape, robbery, mutilation, etc.

Some people really push their luck.

What do we get out of Africa? - cascadecombo - 01-26-2017


Cons: death, rape, robbery, mutilation, etc.

Sounds like just another day in the bronx.

What do we get out of Africa? - Ringo - 01-26-2017

Quote: (01-26-2017 03:48 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  


Cons: death, rape, robbery, mutilation, etc.

Sounds like just another day in the bronx.

[Image: lol.gif] I'd take my chances!

What do we get out of Africa? - wi30 - 01-26-2017

Three pages in and nobody mentioned pirates?

[Image: somali+pirates.jpg]