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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Printable Version

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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - kaotic - 12-30-2016

Quote: (12-23-2016 03:34 PM)booshala Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2016 06:34 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Yep, they did that when they rounded of people of Japanese origin and shipped them to concentration camps out here.

Pennies on the dollar.

As a person of color, I'm wondering if you're saying that tongue in cheek or being completely serious. I guess facts are facts regarding the cheap pricing, but the scenario seems different as the Japanese were either legal residents or citizens at the time.

Not sure what being a person of color has anything to do with this, as I'm one also.

I was being albeit sarcastic but I was focusing more on the cheap pricing, rather than the scenario, they are indeed apples vs oranges.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 01-23-2017

The protests we see here: thread-60681.html

Are but a small prelude of things to come once the welfare for the illegals are cut off.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-23-2017

I live in an area of California with a small amount of illegals. The closest city with lots of illegals is over an hour away. Any person living in an area with lots of illegals needs to seriously think about the possibility of civil unrest in their area, especially if Trump goes to war with sanctuary cities, or cuts off funding for welfare, college loans, etc.

The real shit will hit the fan later this year if he follows through on his plans. I suspect to avoid civil unrest, Trump is going to try to do as much as possible through Congress, so that he can't be seen as the exclusive bad guy of dropping the hammer. He knows the nation is already skittish, I suspect he's going to run some Comfort Game.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dan Woolf - 01-23-2017

Quote: (12-23-2016 07:40 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

wanting to gas Jews, being a neo-Nazi, etc.

You answered your own question: by embracing it.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 01-28-2017

California politicians are apparently plotting to withhold financial transfers to Washington in retaliation for suspension of federal funds to sanctuary jurisdictions:

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-28-2017

One things for sure, the Trump administration will certainly be swamped with lawsuits. Good thing this man knows his way around a courtroom.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Foolsgo1d - 01-28-2017

Do we need to have this happen in order to move things along? California is not going to go quietly and has too many different cultures and so-called victim groups out for blood. They're in a bubble.

If we look back on history it has never been discussion that has broken a side but violence. One side must be broken physically and mentally in order to conform to what the other side wants.

When both sides have their ranks filled up and weapons available its not going to be a nice simple chat now is it?

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - MOVSM - 01-28-2017

Well, the CA national guard can be federalized and ordered to deploy to Sacramento.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - whiteknightrises - 01-29-2017

Damn so #CalExit is a thing huh

But no hate what are you guys doing besides typing.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-29-2017

#CalExit isn't happening. It is just a bunch of talk. There's no way the Federal government will let it break away. California is home to many military bases, a massive part of the economy, etc. Even if they get it on the ballot, I'd wager money it isn't going to pass (short of vote rigging, which you should never count out in California). I'm honestly not that worried, as a Californian citizen. What I really hope is that Trump sends in plenty of feds to start booting out the massive amount of illegals that are all up and down this state.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - debeguiled - 01-29-2017

Quote: (01-29-2017 01:40 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

#CalExit isn't happening. It is just a bunch of talk. There's no way the Federal government will let it break away. California is home to many military bases, a massive part of the economy, etc. Even if they get it on the ballot, I'd wager money it isn't going to pass (short of vote rigging, which you should never count out in California). I'm honestly not that worried, as a Californian citizen. What I really hope is that Trump sends in plenty of feds to start booting out the massive amount of illegals that are all up and down this state.

Zen Koan:

What is the sound of one state larping?

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Barron - 01-29-2017

Is there any plan to deport anchor baby families?
Would love to see this put into effect. It has been most abused in California, unfortunately nothing can be done about children born within US borders but men and women who became naturalized via coming here illegally and pushing out a kid on the US taxpayer's dime need to be dealt with and fast.

It's a good bet that many of the CA demonstrators are baby anchored illegals.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - RaccoonFace - 01-30-2017


USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-30-2017

Trump will singlehandedly destroy the democrat party if he can change the demographics through deporting the illegals and their families. Without this, the United States as we know it is doomed. All the marbles come down to this. We must win this one or we won't have a United States. Its that simple.

The left will fight back violently. We must be prepared. Look at how they encourage the wholesale slaughter and rape of Europe. These people are suicidal and mentally ill. Protect yourself with extreme caution and GET ARMED THE FUCK UP IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 01-31-2017

From the front page of Drudge:

Calif. To Consider Enacting Statewide Sanctuary


SACRAMENTO ( — California may prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, creating a border-to-border sanctuary in the nation’s largest state as legislative Democrats ramp up their efforts to battle President Donald Trump’s migration policies.

The legislation is scheduled for its first public hearing Tuesday as the Senate rushes to enact measures that Democratic lawmakers say would protect immigrants from the crackdown that the Republican president has promised.

Looks like the entire state of Cali is ready to rebel from Federal control.

Lot of people will die and go to prison if they try this. I don't really think they understand what they are getting into. [Image: lol.gif]

Trump has inherited the spirit of Lincoln; you do not fuck with this spirit of preserving the union.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-31-2017

For lack of a better French phrase: Trump is going to fuck some shit up in California. Seriously, these Dems are so out of touch because for years they have had unlimited power due to a veto-proof majority in Sacramento. If they honestly pull this shit, I have no doubt that Trump will send in the National Guard to arrest Jerry Brown's ass on the Capital steps, in prime-time tv, 5pm EST on a Friday just so all the media can give it maximum coverage about Trump just "attacked" California, Trump is making his first serious move as a dictator, etc. If there's one thing that's completely predictable about Trump, is that he relishes a good fight. The morons (and I do mean morons in the purest sense of the word) running this state into the ground are about to be ass-raped without any lube.

I, for one, can't wait.

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Easy_C - 01-31-2017

Why are we treating this like it's a bad thing? Short term pain will happen of course but give it ten years and the leftist cause in america will have concentrated in California and resulted in a complete collapse.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-31-2017

I prefer Federal invasion and Reconstruction. Leftists in this state need a good ass kicking to realize that they can't openly defy the Federal government on lawful orders of deportation. No more Mr. Nice Guy. There are many conservatives that are stuck in this state without any power. If the state collapses, many good people will be hurt. My own parents are elderly and aren't in a position to move anytime soon, but live in an otherwise conservative area. I say bring in the National Guard and kiss Brown's ass goodbye. Baring that, filing lawsuits will be a great start. I suspect we'll see some very soon once Sessions is confirmed.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Enoch - 01-31-2017

Quote: (01-31-2017 05:28 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Why are we treating this like it's a bad thing? Short term pain will happen of course but give it ten years and the leftist cause in america will have concentrated in California and resulted in a complete collapse.

I'm torn on this. Fundamentally I think states should have the right secede and that Lincoln was wrong to invade the South. Slavery would have ended under its own weight as technology replaced slave labor.

However I agree with above that if California tried something like this Trump would go Honest Abe on their asses.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Edmund Ironside - 01-31-2017

If California were to secede, would there be a window of time when a raiding party from, say, Nevada or Arizona could strike into California, raid, pillage, etc, without legal ramifications outside California? If so, I'd like to start a sign-up sheet for a raiding party.
I suppose as long as the US still claims ownership, that would be a bad idea. But if against all of my expectations, Calexit was allowed, I want to become a border raider.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dr. Howard - 01-31-2017

Quote: (01-31-2017 03:55 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

From the front page of Drudge:

Calif. To Consider Enacting Statewide Sanctuary


SACRAMENTO ( — California may prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, creating a border-to-border sanctuary in the nation’s largest state as legislative Democrats ramp up their efforts to battle President Donald Trump’s migration policies.

The legislation is scheduled for its first public hearing Tuesday as the Senate rushes to enact measures that Democratic lawmakers say would protect immigrants from the crackdown that the Republican president has promised.

Looks like the entire state of Cali is ready to rebel from Federal control.

Lot of people will die and go to prison if they try this. I don't really think they understand what they are getting into. [Image: lol.gif]

Trump has inherited the spirit of Lincoln; you do not fuck with this spirit of preserving the union.

We are living in a bizzaro repeat of the events that led up to the actual 1860s civil war.

South Carolina and the feds had been pissed off at each other for years and nearly came to military conflict in the 1850s. That simmered until the 1860s. This is the actual secession declaration title

"On November 9, 1860 the South Carolina General Assembly passed a "Resolution to Call the Election of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President a Hostile Act" and stated its intention to declare secession from the United States.[4]"

The final straw that caused them to secede was the election of a president that they hated! This is truly a bizzaro mirror image of events.

The actual war started when SC demanded the removal of federal troops from the state and Lincoln refused. There was a protracted standoff until someone with an itchy trigger finger fired and cannon and then it was on. It is not a stretch of the imagination to see CA demanding the removal of lets say, border services and ICE agents from the state. That sets the tension and then on violent takedown of a mexican or protestor followed by a shot sets things off.

After SC seceded some other states joined in solidarity (you bet Vermont would sign up in the current year). The next stream of secession came when Lincoln ordered troops from other states to assist in putting down the rebellion. Those states saw that as an affront to state's rights to leave the union and so joined the confederates. A bunch of other states would surely join CA if Trump actually rolled in troops to stop CA secession.

Lincoln was elected on Nov 8, SC declared their disdain for his presidency and intention to secede on Nov 9. They then actually seceded on Feb 4, April 14 was the bombardment of fort sumter and the start of the actual war.

We are literally walking in the footprints of the last civil war. That is disturbing despite my desire for Calexit to actually happen.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-31-2017

Quote: (01-31-2017 06:29 PM)Edmund Ironside Wrote:  

If California were to secede, would there be a window of time when a raiding party from, say, Nevada or Arizona could strike into California, raid, pillage, etc, without legal ramifications outside California? If so, I'd like to start a sign-up sheet for a raiding party.
I suppose as long as the US still claims ownership, that would be a bad idea. But if against all of my expectations, Calexit was allowed, I want to become a border raider.

Don't you dare try to raid my home. We're armed to the teeth better than most gun stores. [Image: biggrin.gif]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Edmund Ironside - 01-31-2017

Quote: (01-31-2017 06:38 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2017 06:29 PM)Edmund Ironside Wrote:  

If California were to secede, would there be a window of time when a raiding party from, say, Nevada or Arizona could strike into California, raid, pillage, etc, without legal ramifications outside California? If so, I'd like to start a sign-up sheet for a raiding party.
I suppose as long as the US still claims ownership, that would be a bad idea. But if against all of my expectations, Calexit was allowed, I want to become a border raider.

Don't you dare try to raid my home. We're armed to the teeth better than most gun stores. [Image: biggrin.gif]

No worries, I assume you'd be fighting as resistance so we'd just be liberating you on the way by into one of those blue areas.
Now I'm having second thoughts ... not sure if the hipster SJWs would have any plunder I would want anyway. Iphones and skinny jeans and blue hair dye?

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 01-31-2017

If true Civil War II broke out, the farest place you can be from the action is best. Any time there is a civil war in a country, it is very hard to determine factions and who is aligned with who. You're just ask likely to be shot by friendly fire as by the opposition. If civil unrest comes to our country, the best thing you can do is take a defensive position. Forget scouting for SJW hair dye, it aint worth dying over.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - spokepoker - 01-31-2017

Quote: (01-31-2017 06:38 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2017 06:29 PM)Edmund Ironside Wrote:  

If California were to secede, would there be a window of time when a raiding party from, say, Nevada or Arizona could strike into California, raid, pillage, etc, without legal ramifications outside California? If so, I'd like to start a sign-up sheet for a raiding party.
I suppose as long as the US still claims ownership, that would be a bad idea. But if against all of my expectations, Calexit was allowed, I want to become a border raider.

Don't you dare try to raid my home. We're armed to the teeth better than most gun stores. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Pfft, well sure, but don't you need to use a bullet tip to reload your ten round mags? I do love my C-mag that ejects at the press of a button. [Image: wink.gif]