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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - BortimusPrime - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-02-2018 07:46 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Look - most of those demonstrations are ultimately useless and inviting disaster.

We know that Antifa gets top-down backing - often from local politicians and even the police. The other side has nothing. All of it is waiting for another Charlottesville to happen. Whether some Antifa gets beaten back here is irrelevant. It's simply no way to create real opposition and awarness. You generally lose the normies who see the violence spun any way they choose by the media. Antifa are shown as rebels while anyone to the right of Antifa is described as Nazi.

I've thought about this a lot and I almost wonder if what the normies think doesn't actually matter. Every other radical or reactionary revolution in history occurred more or less with a tiny fraction of the population radicalized and everyone else just busy keeping their heads down. The dominance of the far left these days seems to be wholly the result of a small population of them infiltrating key positions in academia, government, and the media, using those positions to act as gatekeepers and control the institutions. All the stupid cow people just parrot whatever is in vogue because they don't want to get in trouble.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-02-2018

< Fallacy of thinking in terms of revolutions. Even a casual glance shows that those revolutions were carried by a small elite-backed minority (not all of the elite, but many wealthy elite families). Even the US revolution was supported by almost all Freemasons and large contingencies in the City of London (against the wishes of the king, but he was meaningless soon after anyway).

The proles seldom count.

I agree with the Don here - movements must grow currently differently. Next time a shitlord punches an Antifasti and he falls and cracks his skull open - that will be all on the movement even if the attack was all Antifa's and the police fault for not stopping them.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - nomadbrah - 07-02-2018

Nah, these brawls are far less important now that Trump is safe and secure, with the Mueller thing behind him and scotus locked in.

I don't think they will have any lasting effect on culture, but they will do something. What that "something" is, could be up for debate. Maybe they've will turn into some sort of gang offering protection. Seems like more than a few bikers and thugs are in these patriot groups. At the very least, they may be able to allow dissident speakers some security. Remember when antifa went nuts in Berkeley over Milo?

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - godfather dust - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-02-2018 03:48 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

What a delight to see those Proud Boys or Patriots stomp antifa out.

Absolutely spectacular showing.

I'm not going to lie, I would really enjoy a melee with antifa.

And who said politics wasn't a masculine activity!

Edit: Not all antifa are soyboys, but almost all have some major malfunction. Often facial deformity or something that sets off instant distrust.

I agree 100%, to the point I would be neutral on being doxed as long as I got approached on the street by some idiot at least once a week.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - budoslavic - 07-04-2018



USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 07-06-2018

Honestly the right-wing marches are really dumb, there is nothing to gain politically and much to lose.

On a personal level, however, it's a great way for right-wing men to show themselves off and beat the shit out of antifa pussies, securing groupies on the internet.

Therefore these marches do not happen for any other reason than personal ones using politics as a cover. It's all fairly childish on both sides but I understand why it is happening.

I'm waiting for more of when the left truly loses their collective minds and starts murdering ICE officers, immigration judges, or kills Republican congressmen for real.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - EndsExpect - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 07:00 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

I'm waiting for more of when the left truly loses their collective minds and starts murdering ICE officers, immigration judges, or kills Republican congressmen for real.

Even if they did.... what would it change?

Republicans need to get off their butts and add conservatives to the list of protected classes. They need to label a huge chunk of what Secular Progressives believe as hate speech and racism... then ban it from school curriculums. Force colleges to create a safe environment without harassment or attacks for conservative students. Give them 5 months to comply then pull government funding for any college that doesn't comply. These schools won't survive without pell grants.

One step further is to do as Ben Carson suggested and make the schools hire conservative professors... and if they don't then start fining them for discrimination.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - spokepoker - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 07:00 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Honestly the right-wing marches are really dumb, there is nothing to gain politically and much to lose.

On a personal level, however, it's a great way for right-wing men to show themselves off and beat the shit out of antifa pussies, securing groupies on the internet.

Think of it as trying to grab a dangling stick while in quicksand. Do you know for sure it will save you? Or will it just break and you will sink and drown. You just grab it, and try to save yourself.
All this bullshit today, that goes against reason and the truth of things, will drown us. Grab that stick, try to swim, do something even if you don't know what the fuck to do.
That's what these men are doing, they know they are slowly drowning in quicksand and bullshit, so they are doing anything they can to save our culture and heritage from those that wish to destroy us.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-07-2018

I recommend everyone to take a quick look at this little interview with Eustace Mullins:

It will show you better what you are up against - battling it out against Antifa does not even figure in that account.

I remember this one Legionnaire-styled Alt-Right fighter gaining popularity during the Battle of Berkeley or similar encounters. It turned out that he was a radical Obama supporter just a few months before.

Kicking Antifa ass sounds like fun, but it's probably more fruitful for men to pursue Antifa girls, bang them, then convert them to conservative values.

[Image: a24xLAp_700b.jpg]

You won't beat out the mind-virus out of them. You can talk it out of them or you can fuck it out of them. She is still the pretty girl above - just joined an idiotic cult.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - RexImperator - 07-19-2018

Trump has made Los Angelenos lose their shit:

Quote:CBS-LA Wrote:

Residents of a rapidly gentrifying enclave of Los Angeles tried to shut down the grand opening of a new coffee shop, saying the owner’s support of President Donald Trump’s stance on immigrants is reason alone to want him out of the neighborhood.

On Thursday, protesters held signs and screamed at patrons in front of Asher Caffe & Lounge located at 945 S. Boyle Ave. in Boyle Heights, a traditionally Jewish neighborhood that is now predominately Latino. They say they oppose the cafe and the owner over his support of Trump’s immigration policies.

“So what’s the connection? This is what I don’t understand. I’m confused — the connection between Donald Trump and good coffee,” Israeli-born businessman Asher Shalom told CBS2 News.

The kosher cafe was set to have a grand opening on July 12, the day anti-gentrification activists were met by Los Angeles Police officers blocking the entrance.

According to Eater LA, about 30 protesters associated with the group Defend Boyle Heights (DBH) showed up to speak up against Shalom, who they called “an anti-immigrant trump loving gentryfier” in a Facebook post.

“They really intensely protested and accosted all the visitors that came to our grand opening event,” said son David.

“It was very scary,” said Shalom’s daughter Yael. “There was a lot of people protesting outside wearing masks […] and they threw a significant amount of feces at our windows.”

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - ChicagoFire - 08-01-2018


"Portland, Oregon, police refused to respond to at least two 911 emergency calls from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees inside their offices where violent protesters held week-long demonstrations."

I'm on team wait and see on this one but once Trump's terms are up and we still have this continuing it may be time to leave. Make that money now!

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - C-Note - 08-03-2018

There is another Patriot Prayer march in Portland tomorrow and the Washington Post and [/I]Guardian[/I] have published stories trying to predict that it will turn into "another Charlottesville" I guess to try to pre-frame it so that if Antifa gets its butt kicked again that it's some kind of white nationalist insurgency.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - BortimusPrime - 08-03-2018

Quote: (08-03-2018 10:48 AM)C-Note Wrote:  

There is another Patriot Prayer march in Portland tomorrow and the Washington Post and [/I]Guardian[/I] have published stories trying to predict that it will turn into "another Charlottesville" I guess to try to pre-frame it so that if Antifa gets its butt kicked again that it's some kind of white nationalist insurgency.

Sounds like the local police are going to be allowed to do their jobs this time. And speaking as a local most of the people here are fed up with having our tax money go to clean out the needle and feces strewn rat nests left behind by the antifaggots.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - ChicagoFire - 08-04-2018

People are pretty much getting hurt out in Portland.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - CynicalContrarian - 08-06-2018

The 'revolution' will not be televised..., cause it would be too embarrassing watching all these limp-wristed soy-boys flailing around...?


USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - godfather dust - 08-08-2018

Eric Clanton is free (probation, simple battery only charge not dropped.)

Normally I'd say "good lawyer" but in this case I say "crooked court.'

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - ChicagoFire - 08-10-2018

And Chicago keeps failing. The mayor can keep crying crocodile tears while the working class and unemployed put up with his nonsense. The real solution is for the mayor to step down in shame with his head down.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel: "It is unacceptable to happen in any neighborhood of Chicago. We are a better city."

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - ColSpanker - 08-10-2018

Fat Mikie Moore is at it again:
From The Guardian:
'The Oscar-winning film-maker has been focusing on the effect of the president in an attempt to shift public perception before November. “I’m finishing my movie and getting it out before the midterms because I want millions of people to get to the polls,” he said to Bill Maher in June. “We’re going to bring Trump down.”'

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - C-Note - 08-10-2018

Quote: (08-06-2018 07:29 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

The 'revolution' will not be televised..., cause it would be too embarrassing watching all these limp-wristed soy-boys flailing around...?


Looks like the police were doing a good job this time at keeping the two sides separated, so as usual frustrated commies starting throwing shit and the police bum rushed them and arrested a number of them. So, of course the next day leftist media like the Huffington Post condemned the authorities for "supporting the Nazis."

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Jaydublin - 08-10-2018

Does anyone know the names of the 2-3 threads on this forum in regards to finding new home as the USA and western word come crashing down? I can't seem to find them with search.

I feel confident enough now that there is no turning back from this path we are on and I need to begin to investigate where I will go.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Number one bummer - 08-11-2018

Quote: (08-10-2018 06:23 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

Does anyone know the names of the 2-3 threads on this forum in regards to finding new home as the USA and western word come crashing down? I can't seem to find them with search.

I feel confident enough now that there is no turning back from this path we are on and I need to begin to investigate where I will go.

I dug up 3 solid threads for you. This used to be a much more popular topic 3-5 years ago, I think Trump has staved off the idea of a total western collapse in the next few decades by showing we still have fight left. If you want to find more threads just switch search to setting to post title and search "west" "leaving" or "expat" and you will find more. A lot of good info, but it is spread out.

The family thread link I posted below is an important one to understand, and Suits does a good job detailing issues you might face. I looked into it but my degree and profession wouldn't be feasible outside the west.

How to become an expat and work for U.S. companies abroad ?

How much money to save up before leaving the West forever

Dealing With Family As A Long Term Expat

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - ChicagoFire - 08-11-2018

Thanks! I really appreciate that information!

Still you can never be sure what will happen beyond Trump or God forbid an assassination attempt connects. Some people like Chuck Johnson have connected Pence with the Koch brothers. I tried looking for a GotNews link but it seems they deleted that article. Here's another one:

Always stay proactive [Image: smile.gif]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - YossariansRight - 08-22-2018

[Image: attachment.jpg39798]   

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 09-11-2018

Some crazed lib tried stabbing a Republican candidate for Congress.



USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Emancipator - 11-06-2018

[Image: california-immigration-comic1.png?w=1000]