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How Do Women Do It? - Mikan - 08-08-2016

There are a few that really do embrace the depravity much more then the others.

God bless them.

How Do Women Do It? - Leo_Decashio - 08-08-2016

Quote: (08-08-2016 02:54 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Another point to mention is that I think it might be guys who have that madonna/whore mentality that have the most trouble with "oneitis", the type who go completely off the rails and contemplate suicide when they one day discover that their LTR girl has been cheating on them. They can't cope with that feeling that rips their guts out that the "depraved shit" that their special girl has been doing all this time with them (which I would say 90% of the time usually is not truly "depraved" at all, simply the normal stuff that goes along with sex) she's suddenly doing with another dude.

But I think that's also what cultivating an "abundance mentality" and recognizing that "AWALT" (or at least close enough for government work) is about - it gives you the required self-esteem and defensive capabilities to at that point just say, in the words of Patrice O'Neal: "OH HOE, that's how it is?!" and walk away, if that's what you choose to do. It'll still probably hurt, but at least you shouldn't feel the urge to do anything stupid.

I thought about this a little more, and think XPQ22 is on the right track, but wanted to riff on things a little.

In the course of conversations with intellectual, analytical guys my age (20's), who grew up in a primarily comfortable, post-industrial environment (internet access from an early age, feminine-centric schools that placed a precedence on being obedient as opposed to creativity and healthy outlets of masculinity, etc), there is a common theme. Although we know so much about science and the natural world, we are disgusted with our natural selves, and hence, the nature of women as well. On the other hand, men who grew up in more visceral times seem not to be afflicted with this as much. Much smarter men than me have talked about this. Houellebecq has commented that the biggest taboo in our atomized, detached western society is getting old, because the unrepentant march of aging makes fools of our narcissistic desires to live naive and consequence free lives forever.

Maybe this doesn't apply to you, OP. But in any case, understanding why your feelings of disgust exist can help. For example, there are solid reasons (on an evolutionary level, as the manosphere has discussed ad nauseam) why you may feel disgust if a girl is an utter slut. That doesn't mean you're crazy. But at the same time, it's important to be reasonable. Alot of us, myself included, want a girl who likes sex, but who has sex with men they are attached to on a (relatively) deeper level. "Good" girls who are feminine and like sex in the context of a committed, loving relationship do exist, you just gotta find them, and game the $hit out of them once you have them (biology never stops, it just fades away into the background).

How Do Women Do It? - Catch 22 - 08-10-2016

Some just enjoy your load, genuinely. Others feel they're sexy like a pornstar while they're doing it. Some feel they need to do it otherwise you'll go for another "more adventurous" girl.

Who cares why? Just enjoy.

How Do Women Do It? - AneroidOcean - 08-10-2016

Why is this in a new thread and in the game section for fuck's sake? Doesn't anyone search or try to make threads in the relevant section (Everything Else).