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What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - heavy - 05-22-2015

I've never had a chic say it outright, but when hotties suggest it in their language, I've found their feminism is just a feigned attempt at not being slutty.

Women who might be LTR know their power isn't in feminism but in being feminine. They're smart enough to know they don't need to use feminism or independence for power over me.

Chics who say their a feminist or give you that vibe are either stupid or undeveloped emotionally. They don't understand their power is in being a woman, not being a feminist.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Dr. Howard - 05-22-2015

I normally just look at them sideways the entire evening like they have a booger hanging out of their nose. I haven't had the instance to run into one in a social setting in some time though, but nowadays...if I can remember I'd love to use this reply.

girl "I'm majoring in women's studies blah blah"
guy "so you're a feminist?"
girl "yes, definitely"
guy "oh good, because I'm a misogynist"

How can she respond to that? its like a preemptive agree and amplify. If she immediately stands up and slaps you in the face she'll look like a lunatic. If she has a shred of a soul she'll be able to banter with you if she doesn't at least you've immediately established that you won't be friends and you can roll the dice on debate and hate fuck. Like the 'newspeak' version of telling a girl that you're a heartbreaker, which always makes them curious.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - swuglyfe - 05-22-2015

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:27 AM)Oz. Wrote:  

Feminists light on fire when I walk by due to my strong misogynistic views

Whoa now, slow down, I'm feeling massively triggered right now.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - General Stalin - 05-22-2015

Game on as usual. A lot of girls say this because it's the party line. If she's half-way serious about it probably means she's a slut because she believes in "sexual reedom" and whatnot so she's most likely DTF. Besides, I believe actions over words with femaleseveryone.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - The Beast1 - 05-22-2015

It's important to distinguish between the:

1. Low self esteem woman using feminism to lower barrier of entries (tend to be fat).
2. The "sex positive" slut. (tend to be better looking).
3. The tow the party liner (basically any non bar slut, moderately attractive, and claims to be a democrat).

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Tytalus - 05-22-2015

It's also important to find out of she's an "internet/political activist" feminist and is really extreme, or if she's not. I know one, (average looking, a bit overweight, librarian) you know who calls herself a feminist, yet is a fairly pleasant person to be around. Doesn't dislike men, just doesn't want women treated badly because they're women. It takes some talent to argue against such a mild point in public and not look like a douche.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - vinman - 05-22-2015

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:27 AM)Oz. Wrote:  

Feminists light on fire when I walk by due to my strong misogynistic views

[Image: laugh5.gif]

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Other Barry - 05-22-2015

Quote: (05-22-2015 05:54 AM)Sooth Wrote:  

You start a business, employ her,

Bramp! Wrong answer! Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars. The correct answer is: You do not employ women, let alone a 'feminist'. They will make your life a living hell.

Case in point:

I don't want to hire women

This post was written by a feminist. Even feminists don't want to hire women.

Some choice quotes:


I am a woman, a feminist, a mother, and a passionate entrepreneur. I don’t just stand for equality – I have crashed the glass ceiling in every aspect of my life. I get extremely angry when I come across articles that insist there are gender differences that extend beyond physiology. I am fortunate to have had female role models who taught me through their own examples that I can accomplish absolutely anything I desire.



I have become profoundly tired of being a therapist and a babysitter, of being drawn into passive-aggressive mental games and into constantly questioning my own worth as a manager. I have had several women who quit to stay home to “figure out what to do next”. No, not to stay home and care for children, but to mooch of a husband or a boyfriend while soul searching (aka: taking a language class or learning a new inapplicable skill that could be acquired after work).

In the same paragraph:


Incidentally, I have not had a single male employee quit with no plan in mind.



I have had women cry in team meetings, come to my office to ask me if I still like them and create melodrama over the side of the office their desk was being placed.

But let's not forget, women are 'equal' and 'can do anything that men can do'.


My receptionist was resigning and, while in tears, she told me that although she was passionate about our brand and loved the job, she could not overcome the fact that I did not thank her for her work.

So apparently now you're supposed to 'thank' the people that you pay to be there every day for their work.


I have developed a different approach for offering constructive criticism to male and female employees. When I have something to say to one of the men, I just say it! I don’t think it through – I simply spit it out, we have a brief discussion and we move on. They even frequently thank me for the feedback! Not so fast with my female staff. I plan, I prepare, I think, I run it through my business partner and then I think again. I start with a lot of positive feedback before I feel that I have cushioned my one small negative comment sufficiently, yet it is rarely enough.

You still want to hire broads Sooth?


I am also yet to have a single male employee come to my office to give me dirt on a co-worker or share an awkward gossip-like story. My female employees though? Every. single. one.

Maybe you like gossiping with the people you've hired to do actual work?


I had no idea that the problems women faced in their workplace were often far removed from the typical inequalities feminism continues to address. It is not men who sabotage women and stump their career growth – it is women themselves!

Imagine that! Women bringing their emotional baggage into the workplace is affecting their ability to do their jobs! Crazy!

Keep in mind that this broad insisted on pulling out the usual feminst bullshit at the start of her post, saying that women are capable of the same things men are, then went ahead and posted actual examples of how women are utterly incapable of keeping up with men and justifying her decision to not hire women.

Incidetally, I know plenty of women who have started their own businesses who say the same thing - that they would never consider employing women.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Dusty - 05-22-2015

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist?

[Image: barf.gif]

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Samseau - 05-22-2015

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:52 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Come on guys. You should reply with: You're too pretty to be a feminist [Image: wink.gif]

This is a great response. Just continue to game as normal.

Follow up:

She'll be flattered and say "I know most feminists are so weird and give the movement a bad name, etc. etc."

So to take her back down off the pedestal and to continue the push/pull you then cheekily say,

"Whateva. Some people need to believe in the tooth fairy and others need to believe men and women are equal. I don't judge."

This will anger/excite/offend her. Then you follow up with a chance to physically escalate. "You don't think so? I bet you I'll crush you in a tickle contest, because men are stronger."

feminists are easy lays

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Dusty - 05-22-2015

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist?

"why is this girl carrying a mattress?"

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - catoblepa - 05-22-2015

"OMG, are you a man hater or do you have daddy issues? or both?

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Only One Man - 05-22-2015

"This should be fun"

Just use it as an opportunity to amuse yourself and possibly others around you. Don't take them seriously and light-heartedly tease them and call them out about their beliefs like you would any girl you're gaming.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - The Father - 05-22-2015

I pretty much run away.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Atlantic - 05-22-2015

Okay then we are splitting the bill

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - h3ltrsk3ltr - 05-22-2015

^ shouldn't she just straight up pay?

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Blaster - 05-22-2015

It depends on whether her appearance, presentation, and attitude are congruent with a bitter, bigoted, hateful, and/or delusional women's studies feminist or just a normal left-leaning girl who says she's a feminist the same way she says she's a fan of the Home Team even though she doesn't really follow or know much about either one. She'll bring snacks to a superbowl party (breast-cancer fundraiser) in a pink baseball cap and blue jeans (tasteful blouse and skirt) and will cheer for the Home Team (free birth control); but isn't going to spend a whole hour on a date inflicting her opinions on you and sharing dumb comments she read online (about either one).

I don't really blame single women for identifying as feminist. In many cases, to do otherwise (at least publically) would be socially difficult.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Samseau - 05-22-2015

Quote: (05-22-2015 01:59 PM)The Father Wrote:  

I pretty much run away. These women can be dangerous; they are delusional and they are the sort of women who do a lot of false allegation stuff. Just remove yourself from the situation. Its the same reaction I have when I am on the streets of a big city and some obviously deranged or drug-addled man is acting strangely: I know that NO good can come to me of this situation.

That said, it's not the ones who announce they are feminists who worry me: It's the ones who are but conceal it. I have a very real, very personal and VERY scary experience with this. Some years ago, I married a lovely, down-to-earth, happy go lucky woman. We dated for 18 months before marrying! I never heard a word about feminism or the like. This woman REALLY wanted to get married and was playing a role. But after we got married, different story: My previously happy-go-lucky girl became a one-woman grievance machine. Women were victims in every way in this country. And it turns out, not only did she belong to a feminist group in college - she actually founded the group at her college! Scary shit. Needless to say, three years later our marriage was over.

I should have seen the signs: While my girl acted sweet, they ALL act that way when they want a commitment from you. I'll bet Betty Friedan acted that way to get someone to marry her fugly ass: "Oh, all I want to do is stay home and cook and clean for you! That would make me SO happy!", ugly better probably said. But the signs were there: My girl's MOTHER was a divorced harpy feminist; she left my wife's dad when she was just a year old! A true, 1960's hippy liberal rad fem who went on to become a university professor. Daughter went to one of the most liberal colleges in the U.S. Step father was a mangina (that was her mothers way of signaling to the daughter what sort of man she should admire). Three years doesn't sound like a long time. But it can be like 3 years in prison: Every minute is hell. Especially when you thought you married a sane girl.

So it's better when they announce up front that they are cuckoo. As the saying goes in the pharma industry, where drug approvals can be a long and expensive process: "Fail early, fail cheap".

Obviously, marrying a feminist is up there with shooting heroin everyday and is practically suicide.

But for banging, things are cool as long as you never give her your full name (or real name).

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Porfirio Rubirosa - 05-22-2015

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:52 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Come on guys. You should reply with: You're too pretty to be a feminist [Image: wink.gif]

Today I approached a few girls with neon-coloured hair just to try that out. Thank God they rejected me; I don't think I'm capable of telling such lies (because the neon hair made them unattractive). [Image: wink.gif]

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Sombro - 05-22-2015

"My condolences."

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - StrikeBack - 05-23-2015

First thought: which fake name do I use today?

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - fiasco360 - 05-24-2015

lol'd at some of the responses.

It's usually when they announce it for no reason at all that I smell some trouble.

That being said I've had a few lays from attractive women who claim to be feminists, but after a few dates end up being very feminine. Just need to break down the barriers a little bit.

But fat feminists? Nope, nope, nope.

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Eskhander - 05-24-2015

Do you like cats?

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - TheFinalEpic - 05-24-2015

[Image: funny-gif-Donald-Duck-Daisy-coin-begging.gif]

What's Your First Thought When A Woman Tells You She's A Feminist? - Praetor Lupus - 05-24-2015

Depends. Is she Camille Paglia?

[Image: agree2.gif]


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