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Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Latinopan - 12-22-2016

Quote: (12-22-2016 10:34 AM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2016 09:38 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2016 08:58 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

Trump picks Kellyanne Conway to serve as counselor to the president

She previously turned down Press Secretary position, allegedly to focus on her 4 children. I guess she wanted a more prestigious position closer to the President.


In its Thursday morning announcement, Trump’s transition team said Conway will “continue her role as a close advisor to the president and will work with senior leadership to effectively message and execute the Administration's legislative priorities and actions.”

Press Secretary is too demanding, counselor demand least time on the media.

All I want for Christmas is for based Corey Lewandowski to be named Press Secretary, then for him to promptly cut CNN, (MS)NBC, CBS out of the press pool, and Michelle Fields specifically. To satisfy crying liberals he can give credentials to someone like (very good, classic liberal news outfit.)

What I suspected was Trump will not let Kellyanne Conway go, usually once the race is over people in her position are gone, but I saw how involved she was in the transition, I said to myself:

"Trump is smart man, he knows the people who are positive to him and his goals, he wont' let Conway talent go wasted".

I was not sure what position she was going to take but I was sure she will continue working with Trump.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - ElFlaco - 12-22-2016

Quote: (12-22-2016 08:58 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

Trump picks Kellyanne Conway to serve as counselor to the president


"I would say that I don't play golf and I don’t have a mistress. So I have a lot of time that a lot of these other men don't," Conway told Maria Bartiromo Thursday on Fox Business Network.


Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - MOVSM - 01-12-2017

Thread title changed to reflect current affairs.

Also, here is actual footage of the GEN Mattis hearing, not what the lying media showed you.

[Image: Strip_Lord_Mattis_IV_web-1.jpg]

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - MOVSM - 01-12-2017

Or, not changed... Moderators, please treat previous statement as a suggestion and change at your discretion.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - LeoneVolpe - 01-19-2017

Lately, I've been using a lot of the techniques Scott Adams talks about on his blog to change the perception a libtard family member has of our next President, Donald J. Trump. Surprisingly, I've made a lot of headway when it comes to getting him more comfortable with the idea of Trump himself, but he still seems to be unusually concerned about Trump's pick for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. Admittedly, I don't know much about DeVos -- I'd be curious what some of my fellow RVF'ers think about her.

Supposedly, my relative watched about 25 minutes of her during her Senate confirmation hearing and claims she seems "shockingly ignorant."

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - MOVSM - 01-19-2017

From Instapundit:

The Shameful War On Betsy DeVos.


The controversy over the nomination of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education has been, if nothing else, clarifying. We now know that working to give poor kids more educational opportunities is considered a disqualifying offense for the Left.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Libertas - 01-19-2017

Quote: (01-19-2017 01:37 PM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Lately, I've been using a lot of the techniques Scott Adams talks about on his blog to change the perception a libtard family member has of our next President, Donald J. Trump. Surprisingly, I've made a lot of headway when it comes to getting him more comfortable with the idea of Trump himself, but he still seems to be unusually concerned about Trump's pick for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. Admittedly, I don't know much about DeVos -- I'd be curious what some of my fellow RVF'ers think about her.

Supposedly, my relative watched about 25 minutes of her during her Senate confirmation hearing and claims she seems "shockingly ignorant."

I've been using them for months (hell I wrote a damn book on this shit).

It works.

I know shit about DeVos. There was a lot of gripe about her time in Michigan but that was from liberal twitter so about as reliable as a girl telling her grandmother suddenly died in a text message.

Perry is more concerning to me. He's the only one that I can see the Democrats having a legitimate gripe about.

I don't really like Mnuchin at all as I've mentioned before. Rex Tillerson turned out to be quite impressive. A stealth star, so to speak.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 01-19-2017

Tillerson started out as an engineer at Exxon moved up to CEO. Classic American story. He was forced out as head of Boy Scouts of America for opposing gays. Dude is rock solid.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Alpharius - 01-20-2017

Devos is a shit appointee who only got the job because of the money she and her family donated. Any man with good sense would have withdrawn after failing to understand the questions being asked, much less being incapable of answering them.

"What's your take on growth vs proficiency?"
"I have heard those words before."

"This is massive multibillion dollar organization you'll be in charge of, what experience do you have running something like this?"
"I have a checking account."

"What's your experience with public schools?"
"I've driven past one or two."

I paraphrase, but some of her answers were painful to listen to. It was like listening to someone in high school that didn't do the assignment and was called on by the teacher to answer a question and is trying and failing at making it seem like they studied. That hearing made the entire administration look bad right from the get go.

She would not have been nominated if she wasn't a woman whose family has connections. She's the nail in the coffin of an already fucked up education system. I don't have a problem getting someone new in the position to shake things up because a lot of things need to be fixed, but that new person should have a vague idea of what the fuck they're doing and what the stakes are.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Samseau - 01-20-2017

Quote: (01-20-2017 04:58 PM)Alpharius Wrote:  

Devos is a shit appointee who only got the job because of the money she and her family donated. Any man with good sense would have withdrawn after failing to understand the questions being asked, much less being incapable of answering them.

"What's your take on growth vs proficiency?"
"I have heard those words before."

"This is massive multibillion dollar organization you'll be in charge of, what experience do you have running something like this?"
"I have a checking account."

"What's your experience with public schools?"
"I've driven past one or two."

I paraphrase, but some of her answers were painful to listen to. It was like listening to someone in high school that didn't do the assignment and was called on by the teacher to answer a question and is trying and failing at making it seem like they studied. That hearing made the entire administration look bad right from the get go.

She would not have been nominated if she wasn't a woman whose family has connections. She's the nail in the coffin of an already fucked up education system. I don't have a problem getting someone new in the position to shake things up because a lot of things need to be fixed, but that new person should have a vague idea of what the fuck they're doing and what the stakes are.

You're reading too much into it. She's a single-issue person. She is going to ensure children have greater choices of schools instead of being forced into districts. It should making raising families much cheaper (live in the poorer Neighborhoods and send your kids to the better schools).

As for the rest of the system - being wildly inefficient, slow, and full of political agendas - I'm not sure I want someone with "experience" leading this pile of trash.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Alpharius - 01-20-2017

Quote: (01-20-2017 05:23 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (01-20-2017 04:58 PM)Alpharius Wrote:  

Devos is a shit appointee who only got the job because of the money she and her family donated. Any man with good sense would have withdrawn after failing to understand the questions being asked, much less being incapable of answering them.

"What's your take on growth vs proficiency?"
"I have heard those words before."

"This is massive multibillion dollar organization you'll be in charge of, what experience do you have running something like this?"
"I have a checking account."

"What's your experience with public schools?"
"I've driven past one or two."

I paraphrase, but some of her answers were painful to listen to. It was like listening to someone in high school that didn't do the assignment and was called on by the teacher to answer a question and is trying and failing at making it seem like they studied. That hearing made the entire administration look bad right from the get go.

She would not have been nominated if she wasn't a woman whose family has connections. She's the nail in the coffin of an already fucked up education system. I don't have a problem getting someone new in the position to shake things up because a lot of things need to be fixed, but that new person should have a vague idea of what the fuck they're doing and what the stakes are.

You're reading too much into it. She's a single-issue person. She is going to ensure children have greater choices of schools instead of being forced into districts. It should making raising families much cheaper (live in the poorer Neighborhoods and send your kids to the better schools).

As for the rest of the system - being wildly inefficient, slow, and full of political agendas - I'm not sure I want someone with "experience" leading this pile of trash.

If her single issue was a larger part of the departments responsibilities, it wouldn't be such a concern. Her support for charter schools isn't necessarily a bonus, a lot of charter schools suck (not all, for sure, some are great).

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 01-22-2017

Looks like we can rest easy on Tillerson:


After weeks of agonizing over Rex Tillerson’s ties to Russia, John McCain and Lindsey Graham said Sunday that they will vote for President Donald Trump’s secretary of state nominee, essentially clinching approval for Tillerson.

Though Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is still holding out on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Graham and McCain’s support will allow Trump to breathe easier that Tillerson will be confirmed later on the Senate floor. Tillerson needs just a bare majority of votes to win approval, and it appears highly unlikely now that Tillerson will lose the three or more Republican votes that could have scuttled his nomination.

McCain said he was “very cautious” about voting for Tillerson, the former ExxonMobil CEO who once received an Order of Friendship award from Russian President Vladimir Putin. But the Arizona senator said that his deference to a new president combined with several private conversations with Tillerson sealed the deal.

“He talked to me a lot about his views with Russia, a lot about the events that have taken place, about … what his duties were as a head of one of the world’s largest corporations,” McCain said on ABC’s “This Week.” “Listen, this wasn’t an easy call but I also believe that when there’s doubt, the incoming president gets the benefit of doubt, and that’s the way I’ve treated every president.”

The Foreign Relations panel will vote on Tillerson’s nomination Monday, and Rubio still hasn’t decided whether to vote for Tillerson. The Florida senator said Friday that Tillerson has addressed “some” of his concerns that were brought to light at a brutal inquisition during Tillerson’s confirmation hearing, where Rubio criticized Tillerson for not coming down harder on Putin, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte and Saudi Arabia.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) both offered poor reviews of Tillerson's performance afterward. But on Sunday morning after McCain's TV appearance, he and Graham released a joint a statement saying they would back Tillerson and not buck Trump.

"Though we still have concerns about his past dealings with the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin, we believe that Mr. Tillerson can be an effective advocate for U.S. interests," they said. "The views that Mr. Tillerson has expressed, both privately and publicly during the confirmation process, give us confidence that he will be a champion for a strong and engaged role for America in the world."

It's a move that could also give Rubio room to oppose Tillerson without tanking the nomination completely, although there is enormous internal pressure from Trump's allies for Rubio to support the nomination.

But even if Rubio and the committee’s Democrats vote against Tillerson’s nomination and it receives an “unfavorable” vote in committee, GOP leaders will still bring it to the floor for a confirmation vote. And McCain and Graham’s support helps ensure that Tillerson can get the requisite 50 votes to be confirmed, unless some unexpected opposition to him surfaces.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 01-24-2017


Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 01-24-2017

From Bloomberg, "Lena Confirmed for UN Envoy as Trump Cabinet Picks Gather Steam"

The Republican-led Senate hastened its drive to install President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, as Nikki Lena was confirmed Tuesday as ambassador to the UN and committees approved three more of his nominees.
Separately on Tuesday, the Senate Banking Committee affirmed Ben Carson, a retired surgeon and 2016 Republican presidential contender, to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development on a voice vote.

Two other nominees won approval from the Senate Commerce panel, advancing to the full Senate: billionaire Wilbur Ross, a private equity investor and Trump’s pick to lead the Commerce Department, and Elaine Chao to head the Transportation Department. Chao, a former labor secretary who served eight years in President George W. Bush’s Cabinet, is married to McConnell.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - kaotic - 01-24-2017

^^^Even Pocahontas approved him? That's crazy, that's going to piss off her base.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Kona - 01-25-2017

She might be the most distinguished Nikki in history.

"Gentlemen, put your hands together for Nikki" is usually only heard in strip clubs.


Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 01-25-2017




Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Enoch - 01-28-2017

I had my doubts at first, but the best pick so far has been Mike Pence.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - budoslavic - 01-28-2017

Quote: (01-28-2017 01:12 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

I had my doubts at first, but the best pick so far has been Mike Pence.

Same...I was not sure whether if he was a good pick either. So far, I am really happy with how everything turned out. One thing for sure: there is a good balance between the two because one has political experience and inside knowledge/network connections in politics (VP Pence) and the other has business and leadership experience (President Trump). MAGA! [Image: thumb.gif]

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Vicious - 02-08-2017

Called it on Conway, she was not ready for the pressure.

Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - Praetor Lupus - 02-08-2017


Who should be in Trump's cabinet? - SamuelBRoberts - 02-08-2017

Who is left to confirm?