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Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Rorogue - 12-20-2018

The statement above- it almost seems that appeasing the Moroccans is more important to them than their daughter's life.

Speaks to the Nihilism in the western world. No direction, no purpose, nothing to strive for, for many

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - eradicator - 12-20-2018

It would clearly take more than her daughters beheading to get her to give up the idea that rapefugees=good

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - RatInTheWoods - 12-20-2018

I want to feel sorry for them, but when I see that anti white male propaganda and entrenched western male hating anti patriarchy anger she left for me.....

Well darlin, me and my kin would have had our heads cut off defending you, and the men you choose to side with did that to you.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Aurini - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 06:27 PM)Rorogue Wrote:  

The statement above- it almost seems that appeasing the Moroccans is more important to them than their daughter's life.

Speaks to the Nihilism in the western world. No direction, no purpose, nothing to strive for, for many

Rabbit psychology. Appease the powerful enemy. Children are cheap and replaceable.

I'm not saying either of the above are true facts (neither individual Muslims nor the Islamic world is particularly formidable, nor are children cheap even with welfare) but this is their worldview nonetheless - and it's a worldview supported both my media and national policy.

Compared to White men, Muslims are formidable because they don't have as many rules placed upon them; and children are cheap because the government subsidizes it (as well as birth control, which is just another way of abandoning your child).

The fact that they can't see the truth when the violent beheading video is thrown in their face is proof enough that they're of a different reality than us. There's no getting through to people like this. For now, all we can do is allow them to become fodder to the predators they've invited into their midst.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Killian - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:19 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 03:15 PM)HD668B Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 07:03 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

It’s not only about Morocco. When my daughter goes alone from King’s Cross to Paddington I maintain continuous phone contact with her until she’s home.

People who tell girls that they can go anywhere by themselves are stupid and criminal, whether it is in Morocco or in London. Girls are weak and need to be protected. Additionally, not recognizing that Arab societies are much more violent than Scandinavian societies is even more stupid and dangerous.


Common argument I saw (even here) is that not all Moroccans or muslims are like that.

Try switching around the situation then. 2 Moroccans girls trekking around in Scandinavia getting attacked and beheaded. Does that seem like a possible scenario to you?

Yes not all muslims are like that. But currently... they are the only one capable of doing that.

I'd say a lot of non-Muslim Africans, a lot of Hindus, and a lot of South and Central Americans are capable of doing that. Basically anywhere low-IQ and relatively lawless.

I was actually surprised when i read Adios America and learned that brutal gangrapes/ rape is not only a Muslim phenomenon, but it exists anywhere which is not high iq.

Counter-jihadist must have a good PR-firm

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Ubertoaster - 12-20-2018

Rip. Truly.
While in the military I watched too many videos like this and thought I was desensitized. After getting out and not being around this, I cringe again seeing this.

That being said, I can with decent certaincy say that this was probably not their first time doing this.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - The Father - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 05:10 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

We can point our finger at the parents, at the schools, liberal media and globalist governments, but if women in their 20s need to be warned about the dangers of the third world in general and Islam in particular in this day and age, then they're fucking retarded. Write these broads off as another case of Darwinism in action. My sympathy and tolerance level for white women's stupidity have run out.

They are retarded, and it's not just women in the 20's! I saw a woman on Facebook the other day, a longtime friend who lives in Australia and is close to 50, share a post by some other feminist. The post was an article about how, no matter how slutty women dressed, they were not at all partly responsible for sexual assault but that men must simply leave them alone. And this friend, who despite being very pretty is a never-married childless cat lady (due to her unrealistic attitudes on life), shared the post and commented "YES" when sharing it.

I thought about responding that, if I parked a luxury car in the 'hood at 4am and left the keys running and the premium sound system blasting, and walked away, would i be partly responsible if the car got stolen? Of course! The person who stole it is a thief, and is primarily responsible - he broke the law and had no right to do it. But my own stupidity, ENTICING him to do it, knowing we live in a world that still has criminals, make me very much partly to blame. And its the same for these slutty broads.

And then i deleted the post before sharing it. What was the point, i thought?? None of these over-educated middle-aged women, and their cunty friends of all ages, all of whom are woefully lacking in common sense, would EVER get the point.

So yeah, we live in a world of women who can't make decisions for themselves, and need to be under the control of a man. To be fair, i think we always did, but it's only the present generation that pretends it is otherwise.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - moneyshot - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 10:42 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

The sad thing is that the extreme left will probably never process these events in a way that will make them reassess their views. There is always a rationalization they can use.


Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - infowarrior1 - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 10:48 AM)JohannesAusPrag Wrote:  

That video made me feel full with anger, not just confirming what I already know about islam but full of anger.

I want to cut those pigs slice by slice until they die after weeks of pain, its videos like this that makes me question my similar hatred for death penalties.

They do have the death penalty on the books but Right's Groups are pressuring them to put a stop to it.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Wutang - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 12:17 PM)SlickyBoy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 12:00 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Fuck. I'm sick to my stomach after watching that.

I've met Scandinavian girls like them while traveling in the Third World... mainly in SE Asia. They think they're invincible and protected because of their passports. They get into short term relationships with local men. Most Thai guys are pretty cool and just looking for the bang... but these girls are putting themselves into incredibly dangerous situations. I am a fit well traveled American and I will not hang around unknown foreign men without a couple of friends I can trust being there. Its insane a woman would put herself in such a situation.

^This. Even us guys need to be on your toes, especially in foreign lands full of desperate people who might do desperate things. Getting drunk, etc. with or around groups of people you don't know is just stupid. These girls may not have been drinking but the foolishness was off the charts.

No, it isn't. It's about foolish, feminism inspired women going to places where there is an increased likelihood of criminal assault by men who view them as disposable property. That happens to be most of the third world. They'd have been safer backpacking across China, even Nepal.

Western "men" encouraging this you-go-girl horse shit are partly responsible, particularly in the aftermath when in place of lessons learned, they provide excuses and reinforcement of stupid behavior.

Former UFC fighter Urijah Faber has a story about an incident he went through while by himself as a tourist in Indonesia. It starts with him at a bar and escalates to him chased by a horde of locals wielding hammers.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - infowarrior1 - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 04:11 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 02:44 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 01:53 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Lot of cucks want the video taken down. What do you think the world is?

That video is mild if you've seen some mexican cartel torture videos.

You need to see the world for what it is instead of what you wish it to be. It affects your judgement and decision-making if you ignore data that's available to you.

It's gore porn. It shouldn't be shared for the same reason reg. porn is frowned upon here. It scars the mind. Why do you think so many vets have PTSD? It wasn't the desert scenery and couscous.

You can be informed about an event without making it cheap evening entertainment. Also, why give SEO juice to an atrocity no doubt being celebrated on the jihadist interwebs?

The western elite want men like these to become your neighbors.

If the event becomes a banner cry for ending the muzzie/migrant invasion, then great - at least their deaths weren't in vain. That wasn't the direction of the thread though. It was more "what a bunch of dumb hoes" incel ranting.

But in any case, give the dead some respect. I really doubt the fam wants this shit being shared.

Yeah I've seen my fair share of ISIS / Mexican cartel killing films as well and a part of me wishes I never did. But another part of me knows that it has red pilled me to some extent. Maybe a compromise would be to make a mention of "hey guys you can check out the vid if you REALLY want to at such & such website" rather than post a direct link. I'm not sure. I wonder what the moderators' take would be on it.

RIP to the women. Wish they didn't have to learn this stuff the hard way. Obviously too late now.
Goes to show that the cartels, drug gangs and ISIS are the same types of people.

Only ISIS is well publicized. But they each deserve the same punishment for their crimes.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Rorogue - 12-20-2018

I was in Phi Phi island, Thailand nearly 9 years ago.
I was drunk and had a few puffs of weed to impress a Danish girl (not relevant to the story)
The buddy who I was travelling with had already gone back to the hotel to sleep.

I started feeling drowsy and left the group.

I am disoriented, and don't know where I am in relation to the hotel.

I was sitting at a food stall as I was very drowsy (was like 3am), there was a group of Thai men playing cards or something.
One was a dangerous looking guy with a long fingernail. He could see I was out of it, and he kept ogling me in a sinister way.

I get up and start walking to where I think the hotel is, but I feel even more drowsy.

Suddenly, that Thai guy grabs me and starts dragging me into the village area (where the locals stay, off the tourist path).

In my haze, I remember yelling "Help! Help!"

All I remember is these western tourists managed to get to me, and take me away from him.

I can't remember what happened right after that, but I think I 'sobered up' and remember getting back to my hotel.

Phi Phi island, mind you, is known for not being the safest place late at night. My friend in a previous trip got kicked in the head by a local Johnny Depp Pirate impersonator/entertainer.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Shemp - 12-20-2018

White Christians are also capable of grisly crimes: Ed Gein, Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy. Just to cite a few white American names familiar from when I was a teenager and interested in serial killers. Anatoly Moskvin, Anatoly Slivko, Gennady Mikhasevich, Andrei Chikatilo, Sergey Golovkin, are just a few of many Russian/Soviet serial killers.

Any aficionado of horror movies, who had seen these girls carrying on naively in the opening scenes, would have known their fate in advance, and indeed would feel a sense of satisfaction that justice has been meted out. Fools do not deserve to live long.

As for Sweden and the rest of Europe, either their culture is superior or it is not. If it is superior, then some of the immigrants will adopt that superior culture and then can help exterminate the troublemakers and useless eaters among the other immigrants, if and when "crunch time" arrives. In the past, killing masses of people was a problem because then who would do the hard physical labor? But with the rise of robots, the owners no longer need all these stupid laborers and mass extermination will be the simplest way to deal with problems. Ghetto full of criminals? Bomb the thing and kill them all. Simpler than trying to sort good from bad. If and when crunch time arrives, human life everywhere is going to be valued cheaper than ever before in history, with the exception of those with valuable technological skills. The long term prospects for violent low-IQ immigrants are not very good, in other words.

If Swedish/European culture not superior, then it deserves to die. Mother Nature is pitiless and her law is strict: survival of the fittest. Failure to reproduce (I am guilty of this failure myself) is a clear sign something is failing in a culture.

As for pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, they are liabilities anywhere you have intense sunlight. Indeed, wouldn't mind having slightly darker skin myself, given how much time I spend outdoors under intense sun. Melanin deficiency syndrome evolved mainly to allow sufficient vitamin D production from sunlight at high latitudes, but nowadays we can make vitamin D in the lab. So extinction of the melanin deficiency genes nothing to worry about, IMO.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - tomtud - 12-20-2018

The leftist liberal deflextion tactic. Ohhh a white Christian can do this too. Well yes. But stop it. It's not the same. These so called Christians who I highly doubt practise their faith do not make videos showing them killing someone and saying religious phrases.

You don't see it ever. So stop with the deflection tactics and focus on these so called religious people who did this grizzly Crime

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - beta_plus - 12-20-2018

Scandinavian Women:

Half the world wants to fuck them (except guys who know about EE, Colombia, SE Asia, etc...).
The other half wants to be them.

So they get away with every sort of bad behavior and attitude.

Until they don't.

I'm 1/2 Danish and spent most of my summers before I was 25 in Denmark with these chicks, and their naivete, arrogance from being coddled by everyone, and complete lack of self-awareness was really something to behold. My only surprise is that this does not happen more often.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Oak - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 02:12 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Details are very bad explained in all articles I have read.

I'm convinced the MM do this on purpose to prevent people from creating mental imagery of what happened so that it can be memory-holed ASAP.

The Sun described them as having 'severe neck wounds'.

I haven't watched it, but for this reason having the video out there is probably necessary since the MM simply refuse to accurately describe events involving muslims.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - beta_plus - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 10:19 PM)Oak Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 02:12 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Details are very bad explained in all articles I have read.

I'm convinced the MM do this on purpose to prevent people from creating mental imagery of what happened so that it can be memory-holed ASAP.

The Sun described them as having 'severe neck wounds'.

I haven't watched it, but for this reason having the video out there is probably necessary since the MM simply refuse to accurately describe events involving muslims.

They also refuse to hold women, especially Scandinavian women who they worship, accountable for their behavior.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - moneyshot - 12-20-2018

Draw and quarter the filth who perpetrated this horrific crime.
Bring the girls back from the dead and give them both hard backhands across the face for their stupidity, then let them go about their post-life business once again.
Find both girls' PARENTS and backhand ALL OF THEM across the face for raising their children to have such an astounding lack of self-awareness and common sense, and having the audacity to preach this to others as well.

that's just how I'd handle the situation if I had the power to do those things.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Rigsby - 12-20-2018

Rules of the forum:

7. Do not post about the following: jailbait girls, illegal crimes, p4p, gore, scat, NSFW images, or images of girls you know. Do not share images or screenshots that identify your dates or girlfriends (e.g., first names, faces, phone numbers, etc) and do not upload naked photos directly to the forum.

My bold.

It's not good form to post or link to gore from this website. There are kids that read this site, and there are also men who have seen war and more gore than you can imagine.

I get the idea. It's reality. Face it. But there is another side to this. It's not cowardice to not want to see gore or to view it. Some things should not be seen. Some things can not be unseen.

Those that pick up the pieces have to deal with people who view this stuff. In real life and on the internet. It makes no one a better man, a stronger man. Like porn, it is gratutitous. It is not necessary.

Have some 'theory of mind' OP. Please, take that link down. I assure you, I am not a cuck. And neither are any of the other men who have asked you not to post this. See rule 7. It's in place for a good reason. It's also illegal to post or directly link to this stuff in many countries.

I'm sure your motives are pure, but please realise that this stuff can push some people over the edge. Whether that is the edge they just came back from, or the edge they are just about to encounter...

On another note.

I read about a woman getting raped in Goa where that Irish backpacker got killed.

British woman, 48, is raped in Goa as she walked to her guesthouse – in same town Irish backpacker was sexually assaulted and killed last year

We did a thread about it if you remember (started by Roosh) -

Irish girl goes to India to find herself, gets raped and killed


The retardness in this thread has been through the fucking roof. I hope we can just blame it on a bit of autism. But I'm not so sure. Today, I felt ashamed to be a member of this forum. Never had that feeling before.

And not because I was called a 'cuck'.

I assure you, there are men out there reading this forum who have seen things. And they will not appreciate being called a 'cuck' either, just when they are trying to get some 'mental hygiene' going on. No one comes here for gore or porn. Please do the right thing, OP.

As for the loss of life? No one deserves that. You can call it 'karma' all you want, and maybe it is. Reap what you sow. But it's one thing to be pathologically naive and altruistic. It's another to be impotent and cynical.

Some of us just post on the internetz.

The world is watching. Never forget that. Have some decorum. Your masculinity is not in question. And this is not the place to prove it, anyway.

It's also not the place to question other member's masculinity.

It's not worth falling out over. But it's worth pointing out.

Take down the gore. Please.

And even if you don't believe in God or Jesus or Buddha or Whatever, have some good grace to realise that these were just two lost souls that did not deserve their fate. As logical as their particular outcome was...

This place is for building. For making better. Fortifying.

Remember that.

Morality and the 'high ground' is a potent perspective.

Purity in your thought will lead you a long way.

It's more disappointing to me that good men of this forum watched that link, than the fact it was posted in the first place.

The wise men, did not watch.

It's an important point.

But not one worth falling out over.

Do the right thing!

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Disco_Volante - 12-20-2018

Quote: (12-20-2018 11:37 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

The retardness in this thread has been through the fucking roof.
Sent me over the edge man
[Image: attachment.jpg40899]   

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Bienvenuto - 12-20-2018

1. The young will make mistakes ( we all did too.) What women culturally are being sold is garbage that endangers them but let's not celebrate their deaths

2. I was in Morocco in 2001 pre-9/11.

Yeah its a great country with loads of amazing stuff to see and do.

I happen to be both white and blond and have been a practising Buddhist for the last 20 years. I had just come from a Buddhist retreat with my worship-group when I visited the country.

Everybody I met in places like Casablanca and Essaouira and Marrakech wanted to know.. "Where was I from..?" "What religion was I..?"

In my naivety I would answer Buddhist and then be subjected to endless 'debate' ie: haranguing..

Basically the line of Argument was:

There are Three main religions,
Jews worship Judaism (Islam contains elements of their holy books)
White Westerners are all Christians (Islam recognises Jesus as a prophet and the Koran contains elements of their Holy Books)
Both group are misguided.
Islam is the only other 'main religion'. It is the first and last word in religious truth and superior to the other two.
Indians like Buddhism because they are demented cow worshippers and a bit of a joke, same for all other religions.

In true Muslim fashion I was treated to aggressive friendliness wherever I went meaning that I was never left alone or in peace, had men come and sit opposite me wherever I sat down (sit on my lap (?) on one occasion) poke me in the ass when I was looking at something in a Soukh or just come in a group and stand there up close and personal and blow smoke in my face to get my attention.

No smart phones/ no translate apps so just grunting, prodding me and eyeballing me.

The ones that could speak English I had to get used to being told how great Morocco and Islam were and of course I soon learnt to lie about my religion as I was lectured on the superiority of their religion/ culture.

I can tell you story after story heard in hostels from girls about sexual harassment, being grabbed/ harassed everywhere they went. One guy had a chunk bitten out of his neck by a guy in a Casablanca subway tunnel who blocked his path in the middle of the day.
None of these people reported those happenings to either the police or the media - who wouldn't be interested anyway.

Its a great country in many respects, some very smart and cultured people in some towns ===== but Jesus Christ please dont anyone tell me that "its no more dangerous than New Zealand" that's a crock of shit.

Can't find the link but there was a very posh English writer who wrote a well received book about the Marcos era in the Philippines. he lived there in the Phils pretty much incommunicado. Why? He retreated there >>>after being gang raped by 5 or so goatherds in the middle of the day in the suburban countryside in Libya in the late sixties<<<.

He blamed himself.

"In 1964, on the eve of his graduation, he won the Oxford Newdigate prize for his poem "Disease" ... At the awards ceremony he was seated between the poet Robert Graves ("who had shaving foam dried in his right ear") and Agatha Christie.
Afterwards he went to Libya to teach English at a school in an Arab neighbourhood of Tripoli. It was the spring of 1966 and the Middle East was poised for conflict with Israel in what would become the Six Day War.

Three decades later, he wrote of an appalling assault he suffered in the semi-desert outside Tripoli. Sunbathing one afternoon, he looked up to find himself surrounded by "five Bedouin pastoralists", who took turns to rape him. The article, published in 1999 in Granta magazine, was entitled "Asking For It" and questioned whether a young white male, wearing only a pair of jeans in an Arab country at a politically unsettled time, had not indeed had it coming.

Neil Belton recalls that Hamilton-Paterson had spoken to him about the rape long before the article, and was struck by his "tough-minded response" to it. And Hamilton-Paterson can still remember "the smell of sheep's grease on their robes and the sand in my mouth"."

Had it coming.. Asking for it..

Pretty much what any tourist rape victim would say on a ruined holiday in New Zealand?

Culture plays it part.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 12-21-2018

When this hoax image came of this Syrian kid washed up on a beach, no one really gave a fuck about ”showing respect to the victim” and it was extremly important that everyone got to see it and that it was shared with everyone you knew on social media.

Had it been 3 Scandinavian guys beheading two Moroccan women I’d bet it would been a huge deal and people would want the video shown in schools to remind us of the evilness of nazis.

I don’t get the point. There are already plenty of gore out there if anyone wants to see it and why not let people decide for themselves if they want to watch it?

To me it seems like this just doesn’t fit the political agenda right now.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Bienvenuto - 12-21-2018

1. Choosing to watch a gore video is a personal matter between an individual and his conscience/ intellect and forum posters can make up their own minds and also advise others not to do it/ not to tell me not to watch it, f**k you etc. Both arguments are valid IMO. ---- I don't feel like I have a dog in that particular fight.

2. Posting links to said gore videos may contravene forum rules.

I leave it up to the mods to arbitrate on that one.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - Trumpian - 12-21-2018

The message from the family is nauseating, but still ain't the time for "I told you all about the migrant problem" chest thumping.

Public opinion will sour against muslims/migrants on its own. Already is.

One of the reasons Western civilization is superior and worth preserving is because we value life - not opportunistically dance on the graves of our own dead. That's some 3rd world tier behavior frankly.

Scandanavian Girls Visit Morocco, Get Decapitated on Camera - fantome - 12-21-2018

Im against death penalty. But on this case. Would open an exception. I blame their fathers.