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Heat Wave Thread - Matt3B - 07-01-2018

I used to suffer big time in the summers in London. I'm a light sleeper so if I had the windows open I'd keep getting woken up by the plebs walking by late at night when they walked past my apartment block after drinking. I bought 2 fans to cool down the room and also to drown the noise out.

Now, I live in the countryside in a house which not only has cooler nights, but means I can have windows open both sides of the house and have the air run through, and it also be silent and dark at night. Fully recommend.

Heat Wave Thread - Teutatis - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 05:29 PM)Matt3B Wrote:  

Now, I live in the countryside in a house which not only has cooler nights, but means I can have windows open both sides of the house and have the air run through, and it also be silent and dark at night. Fully recommend.

I lived in a place like that in Portugal for awhile, it was great, now in South Florida it's closed windows and AC all year round, sucks.

Heat Wave Thread - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 07-01-2018

The past two days, I thank my central A/C every time I walk in the door.

Heat Wave Thread - IveBeenFramed - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 06:02 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

The past two days, I thank my central A/C every time I walk in the door.

When I'm at work I have it set to 79 but it's a huge difference coming in when it's 93 out...then I drop it to 74 for the night/evening.

Heat Wave Thread - IveBeenFramed - 07-01-2018

Heat Wave Thread - ShotgunUppercuts - 07-01-2018

Instead of doing the brake job in the heat i did it in the rain instead.

Heat Wave Thread - IveBeenFramed - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 06:40 PM)ShotgunUppercuts Wrote:  

Instead of doing the brake job in the heat i did it in the rain instead.

Whatever it takes to get cooled off, man. Downside of rain during a heat wave is that it cranks the humidity up to near unbearable levels.

Heat Wave Thread - IveBeenFramed - 07-01-2018

AB is making me think of all of the cool hot weather songs I can think of now...this one is for you, man.

Of course because I'm a fan of sampling, one part at 54 seconds into that. We get what I call a modern R&B classic:

That Intro track was inspired by a rap track originally....

Heat Wave Thread - debeguiled - 07-01-2018

Heat Wave Thread - aeroektar - 07-01-2018

Its been in the low 90's where I'm at in MA, I love this shit, been out playing basketball sweating my balls off everyday, lots of hot tail running around half naked, its funny seeing all the fat fucks suffer.

Heat Wave Thread - ShotgunUppercuts - 07-01-2018


Definitely.i get to see what that like again tomorrow.gonna be outside for most part of the day.

Heat Wave Thread - TravelerKai - 07-01-2018

If you are going to be silly and drink beer in 90-100+F weather, do yourself a favor and drink a wheat beer. Like a Hefeweizen type beer. Anything else and you are flirting with heat stroke danger for no good reason.

I used to be a huge beer snob, maybe worse than Suits, and never touched hefeweizen unless it was summer time. In Houston, if you drink porters and heavy ales in the heat, you could pass out from just working in your garage.

Be smart fellas..

Heat Wave Thread - Windom Earle - 07-02-2018

Everything hangs lower in the heat

Heat Wave Thread - CleanSlate - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:48 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If you are going to be silly and drink beer in 90-100+F weather, do yourself a favor and drink a wheat beer. Like a Hefeweizen type beer. Anything else and you are flirting with heat stroke danger for no good reason.

I used to be a huge beer snob, maybe worse than Suits, and never touched hefeweizen unless it was summer time. In Houston, if you drink porters and heavy ales in the heat, you could pass out from just working in your garage.

Be smart fellas..

Or wait until after sunset or a good cool-off after a rain shower before bringing that delicious strong ale to the lips. Even a light beer during a hot afternoon fucks me up for the rest of the day AND ruins the next day.

But a few pints of a good strong stout in the late evening hits the spot perfectly and I'm up by 7 am ready to tackle the following day.

Used to live in Houston and now live in SEA where the heat is prolonged.

But in some ways, Washington DC (where I grew up) is even worse than Houston or SEA because there's no sea breeze to cool things off, and it's a swamp on which hot air get trapped between the mountains and the ocean, and the humidity just builds and builds. It's oppressive as fuck during a heat wave, both day AND night.

Heat Wave Thread - morales - 07-02-2018

Definetely not a heat wave in Portugal, temperatures as we speak are roaring 20 degrees celsius and honestly I haven't felt that the summer has started here.
May was shit and so was June and usually by March/April we start going to the beach here. I guess when things are upside down when scandinavian countries are warmer than here for more than a few days

Heat Wave Thread - kuqezi - 07-02-2018

It will hit the 90s again in Boston. It's super weird since just 4 months ago it was -5 F.
I miss Albania, the mediterranian climate to my opinion is the best!
I join the folks saying stay away from alcohol during the heat, it makes things worse. Water water, plenty of water. Fruits like melons or watermelon to add liquids to your body.
Leave your AC on even if you're not in the house, so it doesn't have to catch up from 90s and bring it down to the 70s. I leave mine at 74 and it feels great inside. Avoid working out or running, the air quality is so bad your breathing would suffer, thus you won't be working out your muscles but stressing them.
Get to a pool or the beach, keep your body inside water. Take 2-3 baths a day, helps your skin breathe better.

Stay cool fellas!

Heat Wave Thread - hv123 - 07-02-2018

Sun out, gingers in.

Heat Wave Thread - redpillage - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 08:23 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Apparently both the northeastern USA and Europe are simultaneously experiencing a heat wave at the moment. This is a thread to discuss ‘whatever’ in relation to heat waves and how you deal with them, etc.

I’m feeling a bit off myself since I haven’t been able to sleep properly for the last few nights.

Dude, it's called SUMMER.

Heat Wave Thread - kaotic - 07-02-2018

(((Global Warming)))

Heat Wave Thread - 911 - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 09:19 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

If you're on your own, your day will be even purer -- it will be filled with longueurs that only a very long, very hot, very solitary summer day can contain. There isn't a better context in which to experience the passage of time as such. But make sure you have a film lined up for that almost mythical moment -- still eons away -- when the daylight finally and slowly dissolves and gives way to a hot and nasty darkness. What better than, say, a screwball comedy from 1941 called "Bedtime Story" that slakes your eyes with a black and while that just a few hours before you would not have believed was possible?

[Image: policier.jpg]

This warrants an intervention by the French Grammar Gendarmerie Lizard, it's languor, not longueur (=length in French), from the French verb languir, which means to languish.

Circulez. [Image: cool.gif]

Heat Wave Thread - Matsufubu - 07-02-2018

Get some talcum powder on your thighs and balls.

The chefs know what I'm talking about.

Us British will always complain about the weather. Whatever it is, it's too much. I think we just want 20C/68f and a bit of rain overnight to keep it a green and pleasant land. My back garden is a shambles, it's practically hay by now. Kona would neutral rep me if he ever saw it.

Heat Wave Thread - puckerman - 07-02-2018

I am back in West Virginia for my mother's funeral. I saw a clock/thermometer that said 98. I don't ever remember seeing one that hot around here.

My brother decided to cancel a graveside service because of the weather. I am handling everything in stride. I love hot weather.

Heat Wave Thread - The Lizard of Oz - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-02-2018 12:02 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 09:19 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

If you're on your own, your day will be even purer -- it will be filled with longueurs that only a very long, very hot, very solitary summer day can contain. There isn't a better context in which to experience the passage of time as such. But make sure you have a film lined up for that almost mythical moment -- still eons away -- when the daylight finally and slowly dissolves and gives way to a hot and nasty darkness. What better than, say, a screwball comedy from 1941 called "Bedtime Story" that slakes your eyes with a black and while that just a few hours before you would not have believed was possible?

[Image: policier.jpg]

This warrants an intervention by the French Grammar Gendarmerie Lizard, it's languor, not longueur (=length in French), from the French verb languir, which means to languish.

Circulez. [Image: cool.gif]

Thanks -- "languor" would be fitting here as well, but I do mean longueur. It's a literary term for a lengthy or tedious passage in text, which certain hours of a long, hot, and solitary summer day are likened to in my post.


longueur (plural longueurs)

A lengthy passage in a dramatic or literary work, especially a dull or tedious one; a period of boredom.

Heat Wave Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-03-2018

It's one of the coldest summers in Europe since a long time. The media blows out everything out of proportion just like some 3 years ago which they claimed to be UK's hottest summer - measured in one point right at the airport at noon after a Boeing has taken off next to it.

Don't buy the hype. It has snowed in Canada just 2 weeks ago. World climate is getting colder since 2016.

But of course locally you can experience normal heat waves in summer - that is not new. Those "heat waves" happened even during the ice ages.


That was June 5-10th.

So don't believe the fake news brigade - it's just summer and cooler summer overall. Not that you will notice a 0,3 degree change in a naturally hot summer region.

Heat Wave Thread - Thomas Jackson - 07-03-2018

The DC swamp is extra swampy. As a pale bastard i dont enjoy this weather, but this too shall come to pass.