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Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Lance Blastoff - 08-07-2016


Firstly, it’s important to understand that “Asian Americans Girls” (AAGs) are an extremely diverse group and this is largely a collection of personal observations. I attempt to discriminate between my personal experience and that which is data driven.

Most preconceptions of AAGs are based on East Asians (Chinese, Korean, etc) and it’s important to consider that there are many differences within the various sub-groups of AAGs. For example, Indian Americans have extremely high rates of college degrees (over 70%), where Vietnamese, Hmong, Lao, and Cambodians are about as likely as black Americans to graduate high school. Indian-American and Filipino-American girls are extremely different culturally and physically from other Asian Americans (I have never dated one more than once), and this data sheet doesn’t really apply to them. NAAAGALT.

Finally, most of what I write applies to AAGs in their 20s and early 30s.

What Makes Asian American Girls Different

Most men with “yellow fever” are drawn to AAGs because they are perceived (an accurate set of perceptions in my estimate) as being more feminine, more traditional, slender and aging better than other groups of women. My experience is that they tend to be more affectionate, loyal and jealous than other ethnicities.

Asian Americans generally have a very different experience in the United States than other ethnic groups. Asians, by most measures, have superior levels of material success other racial groups, including whites in America. In 2010, the American made around $50k, the average Asian American $66k; Asian Americans have higher average education - 49% have a college degree vs. 29%. The average IQs of Asian Americans is around 7 points higher on average than the general population.

Accordingly, AAs overall have less of a sense of racial resentment than other groups towards whites and other races, and report experiencing less discrimination as part of their daily lives. (For example, a Pew study in 2015 reported that, in the last year 19% of Asians reported experiencing discrimination in the last year vs. 88% of blacks.) They are much more assimilationist than other non-white ethnicities. However, AAs still tend to see themselves as still “different” in many ways from other Americans. This makes AAGs more confident, and less wary of dating white men.

One important consideration for men looking to date AAGs (my assumption is that most of the readers will be non-Asian men) is that AAGs are much more hypergamous, and self-aware of their hypergamy than other groups.

In general, mature Asian women have a strong preference for educated, high income men, who own their own businesses. Research shows that entrepreneurship is highly valued among Asian women everywhere. This preference is strongest among Chinese immigrant women, but the preference is apparent in most studies of all second and third generation AAGs as well.

In studies, AAGs report having less sexual partners over their lifetime and waiting longer before having sex with their partners. On a personal note, I’ve found, as a guy with yellow fever, that most strip clubs, even in areas with high Asian American populations still have relatively few Asian dancers. An owner of a cam-girl production company told me that it’s harder to recruit AAGs than other ethnicities. That having been said, there’s been some data to suggest that AAGs have a higher incidence of STDs than whites, which may indicate that they simply are more secretive about their sluttery.

Interracial Dating and Preferences

AAGs are the only group where evidence of a strong out-group sexual preference is has been observed. (Although this is not consistently observed - some data shows a slight in-group preference, but much lower than virtually any other ethnic group.)

Multiple sources of data from online dating sources reveal that Asian-American women show a strong preference for white men among all other groups (even, generally, Asian men) and a strong aversion to dating black men. Most studies indicate that most interracial couples in the US (as a percentage) are white men and Asian women. My personal experience is that black and hispanic men can certainly enjoy success gaming AAGs, but that they face higher hurdles.

Online dating data also reveals that men of all races are most attracted to Asian women - even more so than their own. 10 years ago, this fact was largely unknown to AAGs, but no longer; They are increasingly aware of this and this has given many of them a strong/exaggerated sense of their own SMV. AAGs overall see themselves as being generally more stable, intelligent, happier and aging considerably better than other women.

The Importance of Families and Social Circles

AAGs family and social bonds are much stronger than other ethnicities. AAGs value family in a way that few other ethnicities will understand. No matter how dysfunctional a family, AAGs will care about the opinions of their parents and friends and this is an important consideration for anyone seeking a LTR with an AAG.

AAGs also are much more into group activities than other ethnicities. Where most white girls I’ve known tend to have more one-on-one relationships with friends, AAGs tend to have a larger regular social circle that gets together and engages in group activities, dating an AAG after the initial honeymoon phase will mean socializing with that group.

Caucasian parents often pride themselves on the independence of their children and often believe that any kind of financial ties into adulthood are shameful. In contrast, Asians draw great pride in supporting their children, often well into adulthood, and in children supporting their parents. It’s not uncommon for AAGs (particularly East Asians) to live with their families until they’re married and it’s extremely common for AAGs to send home a portion of their paycheck every month to their parents - even if they don’t need it, and even if it comes right back to them. Many successful AA families buy presents for their children that would be considered extravagant by most other race’s standards.

In most LTRs with AAGs, you won’t just be dating a girl, you’ll be dating her family. If you don’t have a relationship with her family (even if she can’t stand them), you are likely to have some problems as a consequence. Strike early.

In contrast, if you’re not serious about an AAG, then don’t meet her family or social circle. Being dumped by a guy she introduced to her family or friends will be humiliating to an AAG in a way it never would be to another ethnicity. It also makes getting back together after a breakup virtually impossible.

Significant Age Differences

Asian women are less sensitive to differences of age. It is much more socially acceptable for there to be significant differences in age for couples in Asia.

And while this is commonly attributed to the Asian women’s more “pragmatic attitudes” and hypergamous instincts, I think the issue goes much deeper.. In my experience is that there also seems to be a greater prevalence of the “Electra Complex” among Asian women which I, as armchair social psychologist, attribute to the contradictions of traditional Asian cultures with the modern world. This persists in the United States.

For these reasons, AAGs are more likely to date men who are older - in many cases significantly older. However, many AAGs will be sensitive to the stereotypes I mention above and may be reluctant because of concerns about the social approval of her friends and family.

Accordingly, I think that many older men may find AAGs harder to initially crack than other ethnicities, but if successful in overcoming a resistance to age differences, then they may find significant age differences easier to overcome in LTRs. I also have found that AAGs social circles are more accepting of their friends’ dating older men if they have high SMV (wealthy, handsome, etc), where this would be considered very déclassé / creepy / weird among white girls even if you’re a George Clooney.

Regional Differences, the AZN and the “Asian Bubble”

AAGs are different depending upon what region they hail from. Asian Americans are heavily concentrated in California / Hawaii and in the New York MSA. New York AAGs are very different from their West Coast counterparts. New York Asians tend to be more Chinese, more likely to be affluent, recent immigrants or from 3rd or 4th generation families and more likely to be upper middle class for those reasons. Generally these AAGs are a bit more conservative and whitewashed.

The fact that New Yorkers and East Coasters in general tend to live in higher population density areas tend to mean that they are more likely to interact with people outside of their ethnicity and are this less likely to be in an “Asian Bubble” - a fairly common term for the phenomenon in Southern California, where Asians only are friends with and interact with other Asian Americans. It’s very common for AAGs - even those who have gone to college and are 2nd and 3rd generation to have no non-Asian friends, or even coworkers. (“K-Town” in Los Angeles is the second largest Korean city outside of Seoul.) In California, there is an entire subculture referred to as “AZN” (although that term is a bit dated these days), based on nightclubs, car shows, raves, a unique cuisine, that is uniquely Asian-American.

The 14 Types of Asian Girls

Obviously, this list is not scientific and I’m sure I’m missing many somethings here. But, generally, unless you’ve spent a lot of time around AAGs, you’ll tend to misunderstand, misclassify and accordingly mis-game the girl you’re trying to get with.

The Whitewashed AAG: Typical for 2nd generation or 3rd generation girls. They’re as culturally Asian as I am European. (Not at all.) For all intensive purposes, this data sheet is irrelevant and just go to whatever applies to upper-middle class white girls.

"The ABG": The “Asian Baby Girl” Heavy makeup, colored contacts, colored or bleached hair, pierced belly button, tattoos and super sexy. Almost exclusively they’re from a Southeast Asian ancestry, first or maybe second generation. Very likely to be in an Asian bubble and usually only seen with Asian guys. Tend to favor Asian guys who have a bit of a “gangster style” or have these super beta boyfriends that worship them. Tough nuts to crack because their friends are all in an Asian bubble, and tend to treat guys like crap. (The type of game you’d probably use with a stripper is the best strategy with these girls.) Rarely outside of their neighborhood except for trips to Vegas. Usually high school educated, but not beyond that than cosmetology school. Heavily into social media - Instagram in particular. You can find them at Korean soju bars, working at vape shops, import car shows working as “models”.

Girl Next Door Asian: This is the good girl type. Love to watch Korean dramas and like cute stuff (Hello Kitty, Pokemon). Not to sexy. Not too much social media. Tend to date Asian guys, but certainly open to other races. Often college educated. Very family - oriented. Often a bit frigid. Tend to have a non-Asian circle. Most common variety on the East Coast. You’ll find her at school, work or at home with her parents on a Saturday night.

The YAPpy. The status and professionally obsessed, conservative, driven news anchor - type. Most likely to date white guys and have a preference for them, but generally open minded. Always college educated, highly competitive and obsessed with money . Usually a bit frigid. Proud of their diverse social circle, as they are about their career. Tend to subordinate everything to their professional advancement. “I want to be the youngest Managing Director at my firm, have three kids by 30 and marry a surgeon supermodel..” You’ll find her at studying, or at work. On a Saturday.

FOBs (“Fresh Off the Boat”): Two types - rich and foreign student. Rich FOBs are almost always Chinese and are here because either their family wants them to get some experience in the US or because their family is in the process of relocating their millions to America or Canada. One thing that’s really noticeable is that they have an almost (or literally) bleached color to their skin and heavy makeup. They’re not going to marry you, but they may very well fuck you because no one back home will know what they did. Poor FOBs are usually students who are trying to figure out whether they’re going to stay in America because their family is counting on them to support them after they get their education. They tend to be into white guys, but somewhat reluctant to put out because they have more of a scarcity mentality. Both types of FOBs tend to be used to Asian guys being very beta towards them. Often not terribly used to having to perform well in bed, as a consequence. (Most of the ones I’ve slept with have been shocked that girls actually swallowed cum and I’ve had to overcome some disgust at the idea. This is in contrast to your average ABG that gargles the shit.) They often have the perspective that white men are gentlemen, James Bond types when they first arrive. Play that part and you’ll do fine. Usually terrified by black and hispanic guys. You can find the rich one at the most expensive restaurant in town, eating a salad and the poor one eating turtle meat in the Asian food market.

The Geek Asian Girl: Almost always wears glasses, into subculture and entertainment, generally 2nd and 3rd generation. A sub variety of Girl Next Door. Tend to be obsessed with some kind of stupid subculture like comic books, cosplay, etc. Usually open to dating outside of their race, but also rather childlike. Look for her at comic book conventions.

The Hot Fitness Enthusiast Asian Chick: Generally 2nd or 3rd generation, very AZN and tends to be in southern california. Most AAGs don’t like to work out. This girl is obsessed with it and it’s all they do. Works out all the time and is a little TOO fit. Tends to only date Asian guys, but open to other races as long as they’re similarly obsessed with fitness. Tends to be pretty feminist. You’ll find her in yoga classes or teaching spinning.

The “Turn it up” Asian Party Celebutante: This girl loves extravagant parties, partying hard and dressing up. She’s out every weekend, constantly taking Instagram selfies and recording on Snapchat, calling girls “Baes” and “hot bitches.” Listens to a lot of mainstream House, Hip Hop and EDM and loves to dance with groups of her girlfriends. Often they’re first generation or second generation, but you wouldn’t know it because of no accent. This is the girl who’s taking photos (and retakes) with a group of 5 other hot AAGs in bandage dresses from Forever 21, with their hand on hip, head tilted with a big toothy smile in the middle of the club. Tend to date Asians, but sometimes white guys (but not “bros.”) You’ll find them at raves like EDC, pool parties in Vegas, and whatever the latest hot club is in your city. Hard to approach in clubs because they travel in packs and tend to have a “YAP” mentality regarding guys - no one they’d ever meet in a club or a rave would be good enough for them. This is often the larval stage of YAP, attending or graduated from a state university. Look for them in the VIP section.

The Hipster Asian - 2nd and 3rd generation, doesn’t care about money and is pretty whitewashed. Almost exclusively an East Coast phenomenon. This is the AAG wearing a beanie, hanging out with her camera in a coffee shop or at art school. Tends to be a bit more sweet, fun, into makeup and her appearance than her white girl counterparts, but is perpetually casual. Dates pretty much race as long as they’re tall, have some facial hair, and have a similar appreciation for irony and pseudo-intellectual humor. Very depressing when they grow up. Boring.

The Asian Sorority girl - Pretty much the AAG that’s decided she wants to be white. Pretty much acts and looks like a white girl with Asian features. Often tries a little to hard. Bleached hair mandatory, as is the perfect tan. Usually raised on some area where she was the only Asian girl in her high school. Generally college educated. Only dates white guys. You’ll find her at coastal universities and tanning salons.

The “Other AAG” - the Angry Asian Girl - Google “Suey Park”. This is the pissed-off angry blogger who’s always trying to express hostility to white people - and white men in particular. Nobody likes her. Usually grew up in an area where she was the only Asian girl and is the failed Sorority Asian or Hipster. Tends to be perpetually looking for a fight online and otherwise keeps to her close-knit crowd of SJW cat lady types.. Usually dated white guys at some point, but now she only dates Asian guys (who similarly break up with her because of her horrible personality.) She’d date a black guy, and blog endlessly about it, but what one would have her? Do you really need to know where to find her?

Urban Asian - Usually of Southeast Asian ancestry and is 2nd generation. Often raised in the hood by her Asian shopkeeper parents and in a high school which was 90% black. Only dates black guys. Basically a black girl in an Asian girl’s body. Google “Kimora Lee Simmons.”

Hip Hop Asian - Often confused with the “Urban”, this variety is almost always found exclusively in Southern California. Basically an Urban AAG that lives in an Asian bubble, but loves to dance and usually does it in some kind of competitive context. Rarely goes to the clubs. Tends to only date Asian guys.

Fashionista - Almost exclusively an East Coast phenomenon. Tends to be very serious, works in the fashion industry, is a fashion / design student, or simply is that pissed off AAG working in some expensive store with an attitude. Parents hate her because they paid $200k for an education that got her a $20k a year job. Usually DTF, but looking for a husband to lock down to help her pay or her fashion addiction and credit card debt.

Well, that was a lot more writing than I expected. I hope it was useful….

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - General Stalin - 08-07-2016

Lots of interesting data here. So do you date mostly Asian American girls? Are you Asian American yourself or a white guy?

All of your categories for different sub-groups of girls sounds awful. Like they are all a pain in the ass.

I'm a white guy and have wanted to get with an Asian girl for a little while now. What would be my best target demographic?

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Lance Blastoff - 08-07-2016

Quote: (08-07-2016 01:02 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Lots of interesting data here. So do you date mostly Asian American girls? Are you Asian American yourself or a white guy?

All of your categories for different sub-groups of girls sounds awful. Like they are all a pain in the ass.

I'm a white guy and have wanted to get with an Asian girl for a little while now. What would be my best target demographic?

Should have clarified - I'm a white guy.

I think that a lot of the sub-types are. Asian guys tend to pedestalize their women, as do a lot of white guys.

One of the things I should have posted is that most standard gaming tactics involving shifting the dynamics - disqualification, role-reversal, etc. are highly likely. Asian girls are smart, but even old school strategies that are slightly modified like "negging" are good plays on their competitive and achievement-oriented cultural attributes.

Probably the easiest to game are the girl next door types and the sorority girls. Asian girls tend to be a bit more likely to use online dating, so that may be a good place to start....

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - choichoi - 08-07-2016

It would be interesting to see a comparison with 2nd gen 3rd gen Asian chicks in other Anglosphere countries. I get the feeling that Chinese Aussie girls are a bit more down with the brown than their American sisters due to the fact that I banged one out here in Hawaii. Her friends were real cool with me putting moves on her and gave her her space. I totally excpected them to CB so that a more "eligible" white male could get at her.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - the high - 08-07-2016

You should have withheld the fob entry because for one, it's too broad to encapsulate in one paragraph (is she a Korean fob? a Japanese fob? a Chinese fob?); there's cultural differences. You can't fuck mostly Chinese fobs and extrapolate your experiences to cover all fobs. Two, this was supposed to be a datasheet on Asian-American girls.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Herr Lucifer - 08-07-2016



[the End]

That is all the datasheet you need on Asian-American girls.

Saw this flow chart online.

[Image: tumblr_mdle6y2qjM1riay7wo1_r4_1280.png]


Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Lance Blastoff - 08-08-2016

Quote: (08-07-2016 01:56 PM)choichoi Wrote:  

It would be interesting to see a comparison with 2nd gen 3rd gen Asian chicks in other Anglosphere countries. I get the feeling that Chinese Aussie girls are a bit more down with the brown than their American sisters due to the fact that I banged one out here in Hawaii. Her friends were real cool with me putting moves on her and gave her her space. I totally excpected them to CB so that a more "eligible" white male could get at her.

Chinese people in Australia are treated pretty shoddily by whites. I got pretty regular attitude in the clubs when I was with my Asian girlfriend. Australia is one of the most racist countries I've ever visited. Never really seen attitudes like that and it opened by eyes (and really, really pissed me off.)

My experience in the US (beyond the Urban Asian Girl who only dates rapper-esque black guys) is that 2nd and 3rd generation AAGs are a bit more open to dating black guys than white girls. Most of the black dudes I've known with Asian women tended to be Idris Elba - types. Never really seen a YAPpy or a Girl Next Door -type with a more urban-y black dude, but then, I don't really hang out with black guys like that....

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Lance Blastoff - 08-08-2016

Quote: (08-07-2016 08:04 PM)the high Wrote:  

You should have withheld the fob entry because for one, it's too broad to encapsulate in one paragraph (is she a Korean fob? a Japanese fob? a Chinese fob?); there's cultural differences. You can't fuck mostly Chinese fobs and extrapolate your experiences to cover all fobs. Two, this was supposed to be a datasheet on Asian-American girls.

A FOB becomes an Asian-American Girl, at least by my definition, after she lives here for a while.

But, sure LOL.... I'm sick in bed and can't bring myself to do anything productive...

In the interest of completeness.... Let me continue with my opus....

The FOB Subtype Data Sheet

The Mainland Chinese FOB: Pretty much read what I wrote above. Most FOBs are from the PRC. One thing to note - they tend to be slender and have some kind of regular workout routine - even if it's some weird kind of Tai Chi sort of thing. China is a huge country and every region has distinct cultural attributes like Europe or the US. Girls from the North tend to be plain, very tall and come from a peasant culture. Girls from Shanghai are used to being worshipped by men, and the men pride themselves on how beta they can be to the women. The high ratio of men to women as a consequence of the "one child policy" has produced an insane abundance mentality among mainland women, but this doesn't apply to Westerners. One warning - Cantonese women are crazy. Real crazy.

The Korean FOB: Korea is a developed country and most girls have grown up in a highly advanced and wealthy country. Most Korean girls in the US are going to be from fairly affluent ("High So") backgrounds. Americans in general and white guys in particular are less intriguing to most Korean women. (This can be attributed to the fact that there are a large number of US servicemen and business types in Korea, and they don't seem particularly special or rich by local standards.) The Korean High So culture is very different from the lower classes in that women are quite a bit more pedestalized than in the lower classes and meeting girls is very ritualized in Korean culture (see "Booking Clubs".)

Korean girls tend to be very into expensive designers (although more tastefully and subtly-dressed than other Asian countries), tend to prefer being pale, and are likely to work out in the gym.

Korean guys who are from High So tend to pride themselves on being suave player-types, so a non-Korean actually ends up doing a bit better if they seem a bit more aggressive. (Think James Bond.) They also tend to expect guys to be in a bit better shape. Korean guys also are perceived as being a bit immature (drinking too much, playing too many video games, etc.) Korean tend to look down on Korean American girls - who tend to be quite a bit more coquettish.

Because Korea's economy is so good and girls who marry and date non-korean guys are looked down upon by thee culture (Koreans are among the most racist people in the world), most Korean FOBs will be very likely to be thinking seriously about returning home at some point, or eventually.

Approaches are easy with Korean-American girls, but harder with Korean FOBs because they tend to be a bit shy. Look for them in high end shopping locations. Best approach is to be polite, but direct and aggressive.

Korean women (both from America and FOB) usually seem much more stable and easy-going when you are first dating, but they are extremely volatile emotionally (bipolar by western standards) and will act CRAZY when you break up. Also are insanely jealous and possessive.

The Korean diet and genetics can often produce chunkiness. A Korean girl who's slender works out or watches what she eats closely. Also, pussies like vacuum cleaners and fuck like it was their last night on Earth.

Japanese FOB: The generation who's come of age in the last 20 years in Japan has a very different view of the world than their parents. A Japanese FOB who's in the US is likely to be very experimental. While they may come off as shy and demure, this is often an act. Japanese FOBs are often freaks in bed, but they also are often a bit too freaky for my taste.

Usually they're pretty slender, but not too toned. One of the things that they seem to often have unshaven pussies - something that grosses me out.

Taiwanese FOBs: Taiwan is an interesting place as traditional Chinese culture tended to survive on Taiwan. Taiwanese girls can be from all kinds of backgrounds, but family is always important to them. A girl from Taiwan tend to be from a middle-class, but not too wealthy family. As a rule they tend to be pretty confident, and their attitudes towards sex and relationships have seemed similar to white women in my experience. But they do tend to dress a bit sexier and be a bit more fun. There do seem to be a bit more shit tests with Taiwanese girls (a cultural thing), but they aren't so much tests to be defeated, as riddles to be solved.
They rarely seem to work out, and when they do, it tends to just be to keep the weight off. Often are foodies.
My experience is that they're boring as fuck in bed.

Hong Kong FOBs: HK women have reputations for being total bitches. (Similar to Shanghainese girls.) There's not much of a premium for being non-Asian because HK is full of western guys with yellow fever and has been for 100 years. Similar to Taiwanese girls but more cosmopolitan. A HK girl is often in the US, but retains close connections to home. Very similar to 3rd generation Asian Americans in many ways, but more feminine and often more traditional in that they're looking to get married younger.
Don't really have much to say about them otherwise - I'd avoid if I were you.

Mongolian FOBs: Not a lot of Mongolians in the US, as there aren't a lot in the world. (Total global population is about 3 million.) Mongolia was part of Russia for a long time, and they hate China and being mistaken for chinese (although they tend to look very Chinese.. Or maybe the Chinese look mongolian.) Most Mongolian girls in the US will be there with plans to return home at some point, as the country has one of the world's fastest growing economies and is floating on natural resources. Close cultural and genetic connections to Kazakhs. (Yeah, that Borat movie is completely inaccurate about what Kazakhs are like.) Often speak English with thick Russian accents.
These girls tend to be very wild - drinking heavily and dancing vey provocatively in clubs. Koreans, taking steroids.... on cocaine... and vodka.
Fuck like the insane and often very promiscuous, but tend to be quiet about it. The men HATE their women with other races - particularly Chinese (much more so than even Koreans) and Mongolians are absolutely the most proud, aggressive and violent of Asians. Both the women and the men get into fights regularly and fight dirty. Women tend to be very outgoing, social and friendly. Very proud of their heritage, and tend to see Mongolians as superior to other ethnicities. Very competitive among themselves. Most western guys won't be sufficiently tough for Mongolian women, but I've seen a decent amount dating outside of their race (but they will get much more shit about it than any other race - think comments on their Facebook wall from cousins calling them a "foreigner's whore" disowning them if their seen 'in a relationship' with a white guy.)
Mongolian FOBs tend to have horrible diets and drink like fish, so they are inclined towards chubbiness. If you meet a skinny Mongolian FOB, she's probably a fitness fanatic or watches what she eats closely.

Malaysian FOBs: Malays and their Chinese minority are very different. Malaysia is a poor country and the immigrants to the US have a bit more insecurity than other Asian immigrant. As a general rule, Malay girls living in the US are looking to stay and lock down a guy. They tend to appreciate men who act like gentlemen and their acutely aware of their diminishing SMV, so their often looking to any relationship as a long term thing. Malays don't like foreigners with their women, but most Malay FOBs aren't thinking they'll ever be going back home.
Chinese Malaysians are a despised minority in their home country, and they tend to really have a scarcity mentality, but more of an insecure sense of self-worth. (Easily bruised egos.) Often are a bit mercenary in their outlook, and they usually really are into white guys.
Both Chinese Malaysians and Malays fuck with abandon and are quite slutty, but a Chinese Malaysian will want to keep it a secret from their family.

Vietnamese FOBs: Vietnam's unique history with the US means that there is a high number of Vietnamese-Americans that have been in the US for a long time and a large community of them that have been in the US for a very short period. There are also a lot of "hapa" (half-Viet) in the US as well. The Vietnamese FOBs that are first and second generation tend to be very separate from the longer-standing community (similar to the Chinese.) In Vietnamese culture, men tend to work and the women stay at home and look pretty. Most Vietnamese FOBs are looking for a meal ticket, or can be extremely mercenary in their attitudes.
Tall and slender (often, but not always), they tend not to work out, but have extremely low calorie and low fat diets (lots of "pho" - but all AAGs eat "pho"). They are sexy, cute and know how to treat a guy, but can often be very manipulative. Certainly open to dating any guys, as Vietnamese FOB guys often are lazy and unambitious, but really want a meal ticket.
Look for them in nail salons. Pretty much every nail solon on the West Coast exclusively employs Vietnamese FOBs.

Thai FOBs: Thai girls have been so extensively discussed outside of this data sheet that it seems redundant to discuss them. Suffice it to say that your average Thai FOB is a bit less sexually liberated than your typical Bangkok bar girl, and is likely in the US on a bit of a mission to do something - the Thai American community is fairly small. Thailand is a growing economy (not right now, but generally) and they tend to have close ties back home. Most Thai girls outside of their country tend to be sophisticated, sexy and constantly taking pictures for social media. They know about their reputation, so acting like you've never heard that Thai girls are slutty is a good piece of gaming advice. As Thais have a strong Buddhist-mindset, they tend to be very cool and are probably more open than other Asians to dating anyone once.

Laotian, Burmese, Cambodian, Hmong FOBs: These communities tend to be among, the most FOBby of the FOBs. Tend to keep to themselves in the US, as they come from extremely poor and backward countries. Not really my type, but the impression I get is that they're very open to dating outside of their race and very slutty. Tend to be a lot of fun at parties.

Filipino FOBs: I don't really consider Filipinos, "Asians", but really Pacific Islanders and they seem more like Central American girls to me in many ways.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Rhyme or Reason - 08-08-2016

I'm a pale white guy and I always thought I'd have an easy time with Asian chicks. That being said I've only banged 4 of them in my life. Now I know why...they value a guy's job status more than other races, which explains their lack of interest in me. The few asians I have banged came on STRONG. All were SNL's and I never heard from any of them again.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - WalterBlack - 08-08-2016

This video is very informative about Asian women.

Quote: (08-07-2016 01:56 PM)choichoi Wrote:  

It would be interesting to see a comparison with 2nd gen 3rd gen Asian chicks in other Anglosphere countries. I get the feeling that Chinese Aussie girls are a bit more down with the brown than their American sisters due to the fact that I banged one out here in Hawaii. Her friends were real cool with me putting moves on her and gave her her space. I totally excpected them to CB so that a more "eligible" white male could get at her.

Are you of Indian background? A lot of the Chinese-American women want nothing to do with Indian guys due to thirsty FOBs ruining the reputation of Indian men. If you're a western raised Indian guy, then some of them are more open to it.

I'm a British-Indian guy, and I've spent so much time Chinese-American pussy in the US, my dick speaks Mandarin.

Quote: (08-08-2016 11:24 AM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

I'm a pale white guy and I always thought I'd have an easy time with Asian chicks. That being said I've only banged 4 of them in my life. Now I know why...they value a guy's job status more than other races, which explains their lack of interest in me. The few asians I have banged came on STRONG. All were SNL's and I never heard from any of them again.

If you go the online route, just lie about what you do - they're not gonna call anybody to find out what you do...then pump and dump.

In my experience a big difference between FOBs and Asian-American girls is that FOBs almost 99% of the time will cook for you, whereas Asian-American women will cook maybe 50% of the time. I've yet to experience a white or black American woman cooking for me after I've banged her.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - MdWanderer - 08-09-2016

Quote: (08-07-2016 09:32 PM)Herr Lucifer Wrote:  



[the End]

That is all the datasheet you need on Asian-American girls.

Saw this flow chart online.

[Image: tumblr_mdle6y2qjM1riay7wo1_r4_1280.png]


Wow, so black men have a better chance with Asian girls than Asian guys do? I've always sensed that when I was in college. I saw an overwhelming amount of Asian girls with white guys, then a smattering with black men, but seeing them with Asian dudes was rare. I saw a picture of an Asian sorority's formal night when I was in college and everyone of them had a white date except for one girl (her date was Asian).

But it might be different on the West Coast. When I lived in Seattle the Asians mostly kept to their own.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - JWLZG - 08-09-2016

Quote: (08-08-2016 10:55 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

I'm a British-Indian guy, and I've spent so much time Chinese-American pussy in the US, my dick speaks Mandarin.

[Image: highfive.gif][Image: laugh2.gif]
Quote: (08-08-2016 05:23 AM)Lance Blastoff Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2016 01:56 PM)choichoi Wrote:  

It would be interesting to see a comparison with 2nd gen 3rd gen Asian chicks in other Anglosphere countries. I get the feeling that Chinese Aussie girls are a bit more down with the brown than their American sisters due to the fact that I banged one out here in Hawaii. Her friends were real cool with me putting moves on her and gave her her space. I totally excpected them to CB so that a more "eligible" white male could get at her.

Chinese people in Australia are treated pretty shoddily by whites. I got pretty regular attitude in the clubs when I was with my Asian girlfriend. Australia is one of the most racist countries I've ever visited. Never really seen attitudes like that and it opened by eyes (and really, really pissed me off.)

Guess I'm majorly fucked, then. I can't believe that half my bangs have been white Anglo-Australian girls in the 6-8 range. Maybe there is a God after all.

Quote: (08-09-2016 08:23 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Wow, so black men have a better chance with Asian girls than Asian guys do? I've always sensed that when I was in college. I saw an overwhelming amount of Asian girls with white guys, then a smattering with black men, but seeing them with Asian dudes was rare. I saw a picture of an Asian sorority's formal night when I was in college and everyone of them had a white date except for one girl (her date was Asian).

But it might be different on the West Coast. When I lived in Seattle the Asians mostly kept to their own.

My little sister, while preferring white and Hispanic dudes foremost, will consider Black dudes over Asians, as long as they're African-American or British. If her tastes are any similar to AA girls(have only met a handful), then yes; Black men will get more of a look in than their Asian brethren.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - pancakemouse - 08-09-2016

Quote: (08-09-2016 08:23 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2016 09:32 PM)Herr Lucifer Wrote:  



[the End]

That is all the datasheet you need on Asian-American girls.

Saw this flow chart online.


Wow, so black men have a better chance with Asian girls than Asian guys do? I've always sensed that when I was in college. I saw an overwhelming amount of Asian girls with white guys, then a smattering with black men, but seeing them with Asian dudes was rare. I saw a picture of an Asian sorority's formal night when I was in college and everyone of them had a white date except for one girl (her date was Asian).

But it might be different on the West Coast. When I lived in Seattle the Asians mostly kept to their own.

Why would you believe this image over actual data?

OKCupid data says Asian women rate Asian men over white men:

Scroll to 2014. It was different in 2009. Not sure what changed.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Brosemite - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-08-2016 10:55 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

This video is very informative about Asian women.

Fung Bros make catchy videos with easy to comprehend production values for short-attention span people like myself.

As an Asian guy, I shake my head at the same time because nobody downgrades the SMV for Asian males like the Fung Bros do.....

Anyways, rant for another thread...carry on

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - SuS - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-09-2016 08:45 PM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2016 10:55 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

I'm a British-Indian guy, and I've spent so much time Chinese-American pussy in the US, my dick speaks Mandarin.

[Image: highfive.gif][Image: laugh2.gif]
Quote: (08-08-2016 05:23 AM)Lance Blastoff Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2016 01:56 PM)choichoi Wrote:  

It would be interesting to see a comparison with 2nd gen 3rd gen Asian chicks in other Anglosphere countries. I get the feeling that Chinese Aussie girls are a bit more down with the brown than their American sisters due to the fact that I banged one out here in Hawaii. Her friends were real cool with me putting moves on her and gave her her space. I totally excpected them to CB so that a more "eligible" white male could get at her.

Chinese people in Australia are treated pretty shoddily by whites. I got pretty regular attitude in the clubs when I was with my Asian girlfriend. Australia is one of the most racist countries I've ever visited. Never really seen attitudes like that and it opened by eyes (and really, really pissed me off.)

Guess I'm majorly fucked, then. I can't believe that half my bangs have been white Anglo-Australian girls in the 6-8 range. Maybe there is a God after all.

Quote: (08-09-2016 08:23 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Wow, so black men have a better chance with Asian girls than Asian guys do? I've always sensed that when I was in college. I saw an overwhelming amount of Asian girls with white guys, then a smattering with black men, but seeing them with Asian dudes was rare. I saw a picture of an Asian sorority's formal night when I was in college and everyone of them had a white date except for one girl (her date was Asian).

But it might be different on the West Coast. When I lived in Seattle the Asians mostly kept to their own.

My little sister, while preferring white and Hispanic dudes foremost, will consider Black dudes over Asians, as long as they're African-American or British. If her tastes are any similar to AA girls(have only met a handful), then yes; Black men will get more of a look in than their Asian brethren.
Well on the East Coast, Asian women have an abhorrent hatred for black men with some of them even hating Asian men. I rarely, if ever, saw black men with Asian females. Even where I'm currently at in Utah, while white women are overall more cooperative, it's almost the same story with AAWs. The FOBs stick to their own (which is understandable) but the Americanized AA worship white men. In the case of the latter, I don't care how anyone takes this, but I see this as the epitome of White Supremacy. Even being black, I can get an education, a good job, and avoid being shot by cops by not acting like a goon ass thug, but I can't convince most AAW to look my way even if I do x, y, and z. This is in contrast to the opposite where I'll tip my hat to an Asian dude who successfully dates outside their race.

Even as a light-skin non-ghetto black male who makes good money, I tend to get a bad vibe from AAW even when walking pass them in public, usually with them looking at the opposite direction. A few days ago while just chilling in a park playing Pokemon Go, after briefly smiling at one of them in a group of three, I literally had them saying something in their foreign language (probably a racial slur) and giggling before immediately walking off.

I'm really starting to get a bad taste of AAW despite them being one of my preferences in women. And it seems for black men, talking about Asian females gets you shut down, confronted, and banned faster than anything, with most of the disdain being from white guys. Not to sound desperate or like I have "yellow fever", but WTF am I'm doing wrong? Do I just need to avoid eye contact with Asians in America unless I'm in a more black/Asian friendly place like Seattle or NorCal? Or would I be able to do better in Asia itself or more black friendly continents and countries like Europe, Canada, and Australia?

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - WalterBlack - 08-10-2016

Quote: (08-10-2016 12:51 PM)SuS Wrote:  

Well on the East Coast, Asian women have an abhorrent hatred for black men with some of them even hating Asian men. I rarely, if ever, saw black men with Asian females. Even where I'm currently at in Utah, while white women are overall more cooperative, it's almost the same story with AAWs. The FOBs stick to their own (which is understandable) but the Americanized AA worship white men. In the case of the latter, I don't care how anyone takes this, but I see this as the epitome of White Supremacy. Even being black, I can get an education, a good job, and avoid being shot by cops by not acting like a goon ass thug, but I can't convince most AAW to look my way even if I do x, y, and z. This is in contrast to the opposite where I'll tip my hat to an Asian dude who successfully dates outside their race.

Even as a light-skin non-ghetto black male who makes good money, I tend to get a bad vibe from AAW even when walking pass them in public, usually with them looking at the opposite direction. A few days ago while just chilling in a park playing Pokemon Go, after briefly smiling at one of them in a group of three, I literally had them saying something in their foreign language (probably a racial slur) and giggling before immediately walking off.

I'm really starting to get a bad taste of AAW despite them being one of my preferences in women. And it seems for black men, talking about Asian females gets you shut down, confronted, and banned faster than anything, with most of the disdain being from white guys. Not to sound desperate or like I have "yellow fever", but WTF am I'm doing wrong? Do I just need to avoid eye contact with Asians in America unless I'm in a more black/Asian friendly place like Seattle or NorCal? Or would I be able to do better in Asia itself or more black friendly continents and countries like Europe, Canada, and Australia?

This isn't white supremacy - I've banged many Asian-American women who refuse to Asian men and I'm not white!

Get the fuck out of Utah, and move to California. Why don't you try carpet bombing all Asian women in Utah on OKCupid and see what turns up?

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - steezyy - 08-10-2016

Disclaimer: Asian women who use online dating don't have a relationship with their father.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - El Chinito loco - 08-10-2016

Interesting data sheet and fairly accurate but I agree the FOB stuff is too simple. It's way more complex than that. You can break it down further into girls who are on study abroad, who are actual recent immigrants, and those who live bicoastal jetset lifestyles. They all act differently in my opinion.

Since this is focused more on AAG..

I'll repeat this bit I posted about before and I think it's important for anyone who wants to date Asian-American girls. The vast majority have issues with parents..more specifically serious daddy issues. This why some of them hate asian men because there's a big culture clash at home too. Traditional daddy tends end up with the most hate from these girls and they just extrapolate that to all asian males they come in contact with. Girls with daddy issues are usually more narcissistic, secretly slutty, and hypergamous in various ways. This is all true for the majority of AAG. There are ways to leverage this if your game is tight.

I feel that AAG are actually mentally weak and have more insecurities than native asian women. Very easy to manipulate emotionally.

Then of course there's a layer of wanting to fit into society by trying to "outwhite" the white girls. This is what a lot of the race based hypergamy is about too.

From my experience (as an asian male) dating AAG early in life most were the azn baby gurl types. I hung around mostly "disreputable" individuals back in high school so we had a lot of these girls hanging out with us. I was never a thug or gangbanger but since I hung out with some of these guys and the import race crew I got pussy from that pool. I also did pretty well with the latinas who were into that scene too. You'd be surprised at how NOT slutty the azn baby gurl types really are though. A lot of them stick with a couple big social circles max and date a few guys for a long time way into their 20's when they decide to drop kids with them. They tend to marry and date blue collar type guys. I almost got roped into this lifestyle myself but bailed when I went to college. Honestly looking back it wouldn't have been horrible at the time.

I've seen the facebook of azn baby gurl types I knew in the past and they have been married a real long time with kids, still maintain decent looks in their 30's, and seem to have it together. This is quite unlike the latinas and white girls I knew who melted down hard in their 30's some of which are still riding ye olde carousel.

Later in college I dated more regular AAG girls but most tended to be the professional types. I was never into the hipster asian girls or any of the scene types. From my experiences the hipster asian girls and the alt/music scene types were almost always 100% into non asian guys. If you see a girl who's into the alt music scene I can almost guarantee that her entire friends list will be white and she'll only date white.

EDM girls are different though and tend to date mostly asian and that's because it's more mainstream. There are a lot of AA's really into DJ'ing and have been hosting raves since the 90's. It's very entrenched in asian american culture.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Comte De St. Germain - 08-11-2016

Quote: (08-07-2016 12:15 PM)Lance Blastoff Wrote:  

The Hot Fitness Enthusiast Asian Chick: Generally 2nd or 3rd generation, very AZN and tends to be in southern california. Most AAGs don’t like to work out. This girl is obsessed with it and it’s all they do. Works out all the time and is a little TOO fit. Tends to only date Asian guys, but open to other races as long as they’re similarly obsessed with fitness. Tends to be pretty feminist. You’ll find her in yoga classes or teaching spinning.

Only addendum. This type is found in the South too. Think I talked about them in another thread.

Other than that. Great thread 10/10.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - MdWanderer - 08-11-2016

Quote: (08-10-2016 12:51 PM)SuS Wrote:  

Well on the East Coast, Asian women have an abhorrent hatred for black men with some of them even hating Asian men. I rarely, if ever, saw black men with Asian females. Even where I'm currently at in Utah, while white women are overall more cooperative, it's almost the same story with AAWs. The FOBs stick to their own (which is understandable) but the Americanized AA worship white men. In the case of the latter, I don't care how anyone takes this, but I see this as the epitome of White Supremacy. Even being black, I can get an education, a good job, and avoid being shot by cops by not acting like a goon ass thug, but I can't convince most AAW to look my way even if I do x, y, and z. This is in contrast to the opposite where I'll tip my hat to an Asian dude who successfully dates outside their race.

Even as a light-skin non-ghetto black male who makes good money, I tend to get a bad vibe from AAW even when walking pass them in public, usually with them looking at the opposite direction. A few days ago while just chilling in a park playing Pokemon Go, after briefly smiling at one of them in a group of three, I literally had them saying something in their foreign language (probably a racial slur) and giggling before immediately walking off.

I'm really starting to get a bad taste of AAW despite them being one of my preferences in women. And it seems for black men, talking about Asian females gets you shut down, confronted, and banned faster than anything, with most of the disdain being from white guys. Not to sound desperate or like I have "yellow fever", but WTF am I'm doing wrong? Do I just need to avoid eye contact with Asians in America unless I'm in a more black/Asian friendly place like Seattle or NorCal? Or would I be able to do better in Asia itself or more black friendly continents and countries like Europe, Canada, and Australia?

If you like Asian women, you need to either go to NYC, California, or Hawaii, no ifs, ands, or buts. You can find a small niche of white girls in places like The South or Boston where black/white dating isn't too popular that will mess with black dudes, but if you not in any of the above places for Asians you're SOL. You're from the Mid-Atlantic like I am, so your experiences mirrors mine when it comes to AAW's. I dated one in college while at Maryland but she was from New York. The local Asian chicks were unapologetically racist and in to white dudes. I even threatened to not participate in a fraternity/sorority mixer in college with an Asian sorority because of my awful experiences with them, but then I met the NY Asian girl and my attitude changed.

And you won't have much luck with them in Seattle, but for different reasons. They are more tribal in Seattle and stick with their own men, but at least they won't treat you like a second class citizen like they do in metro DC.

Leaving the country would be good too if you like Asian girls. I know your job has you in Utah but could you somehow leverage that and get over to nearby Cali? A place that has drinking laws that almost mirror a Middle Eastern country would be no place I would want to be.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - spydersuit - 04-25-2019

Any advice on Asians in the EDM scene?

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Lance Blastoff - 04-26-2019

Quote: (04-25-2019 09:57 PM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Any advice on Asians in the EDM scene?

It's pretty much the motherlode.

Saw a lot of Asian girls at EDC, Ultra, Beyond Wonderland (obviously west coast is better). At EDC, it's probably safe to assume that on any given night there would be 10-15k asian girls there.

Asian girls I saw in the VIP were mostly SBs with their silver-haired foxes, girls with their boyfriends, or prostitutes (FYI - VIP is a terrible place to pick up girls, gentlemen.)

You're most likely to find Asian girls in the 18-30 range in GA vs. VIP. Almost always, they're with a group, but those groups tend to have more girls than guys. Those groups tend to have a decent chunk of attractive asian girls, and they often attracted other hot girls to join.

What I have seen work for good-looking, dude-bro white guys (your experience may vary.):
1. Approach group. Chat with guy(s) - ask for light, share a table, or whatever.
2. Ask questions about who's up next, etc. Offer gum / candy to group. Build rapport.
3. Acting polite and not too aggressive. (Asian girls apply a lot of pressure socially. If they see her acting all slutty and letting some strange dude feel her up, it won't look good to her friends.)

What I would do (if I was a 25-35 year old white / hispanic / asian):
1. Generally build a rapport with the guys first. Largely ignore the girls.
2. Figure out which girls are single and who's the grenade.
3. Build a rapport with the single girls. Find one you have chemistry with.

I think you could safely do this cycle in 30 minute periods, almost all night, exclusively with groups of Asians at EDC LV.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - spydersuit - 04-26-2019

Thank you!

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - Tikimalore - 04-26-2019

Cheat sheet to asian girls: have blonde hair and blue eyes. field testet.

Asian-American Girls Data Sheet - MaceTyrell - 04-26-2019

Never banged an East Asian. 26 year old 6’3 light skinned black guy here in NYC. Closest I got...

Korean-American chick through social circle, in high school. Never banged. She has a kid now. Apparently single mother

Literally only one of my nearly 30 online dates (Tinder, SA) was with an Asian chick. “Hip hop dancer,” such little chemistry.

While race is surmountable, I think they are where I’ll need the biggest drop off (i.e - I’d have to have high SMV through my job/income/net worth to attract one).

Looking forward to being proven wrong.