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What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - TigerMandingo - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 01:44 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

1) They all love rules. The more stringent and dogmatic the rules the better. Application of said rules will usually be biased or flawed in some way.

I will only disagree with this point of your post, since I've worked with many dudes who are just as annoyingly obsessed with rules and "policy". But that just might be an Anglo work culture thing, with the "work ethic" and all.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Suits - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:42 PM)rpg Wrote:  

3. Fucking bosses, fucking coworkers....

To be fair, men have to be at least partly responsible for this one.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 09:22 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:42 PM)rpg Wrote:  

3. Fucking bosses, fucking coworkers....

To be fair, men have to be at least partly responsible for this one.

Yeah - but we will fuck pretty much anything. If we let loose our true nature, then we would fuck women in office like in the movie Wolf of Wallstreet.

[Image: wolf-of-wall-street-it-god-so-bad.jpg]

[Image: wolf-of-wall-street-sex.gif]

To a certain degree female sexual selection has to balance things out.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Tim in real life - 10-02-2015

Themselves, for self-inflicted causes.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Grodin - 10-02-2015

My biggest problem with women at work is taking so many sick days and trying to work from home

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - heavy - 10-02-2015

Quote: (09-30-2015 11:11 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Here's video's still image - a whole lot of nothing getting done in that room.

Also, WB, WNB, WB, WNB

[Image: oxJkB6w.png]

^^ Things not getting done.

[Image: attachment.jpg28339]   

^^ Things getting done.

So well stated Zelcorp
Quote: (10-01-2015 11:14 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2015 09:22 PM)Suits Wrote:  

To be fair, men have to be at least partly responsible for this one.

Yeah - but we will fuck pretty much anything. If we let loose our true nature, then we would fuck women in office like in the movie Wolf of Wallstreet.
To a certain degree female sexual selection has to balance things out.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - blck - 10-02-2015

Aaaaah women in the office, you can find a lot in the only place they like to hide under...

[Image: woman-hiding-under-desk.jpg]

And when they get out (usually because someone got promoted) it's just to go back to do what they do the best: Trying to find another desk to hide under

[Image: flirting-footsie.jpg]

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - TopPanda - 10-02-2015

I've just started working for a salesy type organisation in the City of London. I would say that men do well there because they have better rapport with whoever is on the other end of the phone.

Sure enough, as the other posters elude to, the women in my company seem to be doing better at rules based roles, like in compliance.

Every office I've worked in seems to have a woman who works all hours trying to compete with the men. Yet my male line manager comes in late every day, never does overtime and sure as hell never takes work home with him. His secret? He's a smooth operator.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - It_is_my_time - 10-02-2015

And just today the monthly jobs report came out.

A record 56.4 million US women are out of the work force. I think more and more women are realizing what a giant mess they made and they will do anything to get out of it. Anything other than just treating the men who love and protect them with any decency or respect what so ever.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - StrikeBack - 10-02-2015

In my work experience, it's their constant need for more "communication", i.e talking about doing work or other people doing work, instead of actually getting shit done themselves. Beyond quota filling, at a certain point and beyond, they are not needed or wanted.

Quote: (10-02-2015 04:51 PM)TopPanda Wrote:  

I've just started working for a salesy type organisation in the City of London. I would say that men do well there because they have better rapport with whoever is on the other end of the phone.

I deal with sales people from small stuff like local vendors selling me a small box of goods to 7-figures deals, and I can't remember one woman who's actually good at it. They are always so fake in their attempt to build rapport with me that I already tune out of the conversation before they try to sell me shit. Not only that, often they have no idea about the product they're selling.

Goes back to their daily habits: they never have to build rapport with men and impress men with anything other than sex (and sometimes not even that) so they don't have a clue.

Going slightly beyond sales, one thing that stands out on many occasions is their obliviousness to the simple fact that people respond to incentives. Or rather, they don't care and don't know what incentives men respond to. I know a lot of women in the entertainment industry who work as event organisers or own a small business in it. They'd try to open up a niche dating event, a social dance, a show of some sort, and obviously need men to show up to fund them (beta bux!) Usually they'd get a decent turnout from men the very first time, then nobody except some omegas and half-fags turn up subsequently. They would ask me for advice on how to attract more men to those events, and I'd respond with a question: "what incentives do men have to show up?". To date, I have not heard a single honest, direct and on-point answer to that question. It's like their brains shut down immediately when confronted with the simple answer that men go back, wallets open, to the environment with attractive women where they have been successfully hunting in the past.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-03-2015

There is a recent addendum on that topic - turns out that what has stopped some women in the work force is feminism and the sexual harassment lawsuit happy culture:


Well done, feminism. Now men are afraid to help women at work
News that men are too fearful of a trip to HR to help out their female colleagues is final proof that the gender equality project has backfired, writes Martin Daubney

Of course they sell it as "help", but it's actually more serious. Women are finding it ever harder to expect any sympathy AND what is more important - they cannot network upwards and this is a big problem. Anyone with some awareness in the corporate structure knows that it is always helpful to network with the upper management hierarchy - not only your own company but others as well. Joint dinners, joint tennis matches or golf days - even joint visits to the strip clubs or brothels are still normal in certain industries. Now those men for the life of them would never ever let women be part of that group. Any joke or any comment may be viewed as sexual harassment. So it turns out that ever more managers not only have stopped networking with women, but they don't even want to be in a room with them with closed doors.

The article also does not mention that, but the old corporate advancement ladder of fucking yourself to the top is highly diminished by lawsuit culture. Corporate America is not missing chairman Ellen Pao and their brigades of crazies.


Feminism is essentially destroying the advancement paths in senior management even more. A new book claims that male office workers are now so afraid of being on the receiving end of a sexual harassment case, they are reluctant to mentor, assist, befriend and even hold open doors for female colleagues. Crushingly, Sex & The Office suggests men now view such ordinary, decent behaviours as “too risky” – and, in what will be a bitter irony for equality campaigners – claims that, as a direct consequence, women are now failing to advance at work.


Ludicrously, Elsesser cites examples of men who have been dragged in by their HR departments for simply opening a door for a female colleague or complimenting her on a new suit. “Stories like these spread around workplaces, instilling a fear that innocent remarks will be misinterpreted,” she says.
No s**t, Sherlock!

[Image: ChivalryGettyRyanMcvay.jpg]
sexist shitlord - also you might want to lower your gaze or this will be viewed as aggravated sexual assault


A phrase involving “cake and eat it” leaps to mind – although don’t repeat it at work, as you’ll probably be frogmarched to HR for “fat shaming”.

Haha - the author the article is getting the hang of it.


The writer, Naomi Schaffer Riley, paints a depressingly familiar picture of university lecturers who won’t even close their office doors when alone with a female student.
It would be easy to dismiss this as yet more campus lunacy, yet Riley claims this rot runs to the very top of American society. And how soon before we start feeling ripples cross the Pond?
Riley cites a US National Journal survey where a male Congress aide said: “Several female aides have been barred from staffing their male bosses at evening events, driving alone with their congressman or senator, or even sitting down one-on-one in his office for fear that others would get the wrong impression.”
In a lawsuit-happy culture, where claims can seemingly be made on a 'he said/she said' basis, men are now trying to ensure their actions are always covered by a third party witness. Increasingly, they want to make sure the walls have ears – just in case something “inappropriate” is said.

This will only increase. Maybe they will open extra offices for women, so that they can feel "safe".


How sad. And, honestly, who’s got the foggiest clue about where “inappropriate” even begins these days? Holding open a door? Saying, “nice dress?” Smiling? Making eye contact?
By carrying on like this we are nurturing and mollycoddling victimhood and it is having profound impacts. Last month in Britain, “fearless feminist” barrister Charlotte Proudman publicly shamed Alexander Carter-Silk, 57, a senior solicitor, for complimenting her “stunning” LinkedIn profile picture – then claimed it was her career that had been “ruined”.

Amid this poisonous smog of mutual mistrust and, increasingly, contempt, is there any wonder men are becoming fearful of female co-workers?
Above all, Sex & The Office is proof, if any were needed, that The Great Workplace Equality Project has spectacularly backfired. Who, precisely, wins if men are terrified of lawsuits and women are falling behind as a consequence?
In this toxic, paranoid environment, women will never be trusted as advisers. They will be frozen out of networks – or, increasingly, create their own women-only networks, which on the surface promise advancement yet deep down increase gender separatism. Would the single-sex workplaces of the 1940s be safer for all?

Women don't fall behind because of it. Women are woefully incapable of competing with men in the first place.

Here a rundown of IQs - if you add mental mindset, interests etc - it will look even worse:

[Image: CQWaLGIWoAEicCJ.png]

You can bet your ass off that upper management ranks unless hereditary begin at IQs of 130 and go up. Even statistically women could never compete. But at least they have man-hating feminism on their side.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - It_is_my_time - 10-03-2015

I think most everything has been covered and covered very well here about women in the work place.

I just wanted to add one more thing. On top of everything covered here, one last thing I have noticed about working with women is how much they just naturally depend on things happening for them. Women are not problem solvers. They think they should be paid equal to men, but then the men at work solve all the problems and they get credit for it.

I don't know how many times at work I have had a woman call me up asking me about something that isn't even in my field. I want to yell at them "there is a thing called google, use it". I will simply go to google, type in their problem and can often find an answer in about 5 minutes. They found a problem and didn't even take one step to solve it.

Any time in the past, when I considered settling down and working in corporate America and raising a family, I consider the pitfalls. Lay offs, dependence on a bunch of execs who I don't know if I can trust, office politics and the soul crushing environment, and most importantly, having to work another 20 years with women.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - catoblepa - 10-03-2015

women don't have to be as hard working as men because they can get laid easily before their expiration date.
it really is that simple.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Easy_C - 10-03-2015

Quote: (10-02-2015 08:36 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

I deal with sales people from small stuff like local vendors selling me a small box of goods to 7-figures deals, and I can't remember one woman who's actually good at it. They are always so fake in their attempt to build rapport with me that I already tune out of the conversation before they try to sell me shit. Not only that, often they have no idea about the product they're selling.

That's it right there. A lot of them seem to feel that for whatever reason, that they can't just be normal and make decisions normally. Hell going back to military service the (very few) women I worked with who were capable of just relaxing and using common sense were great to have around. The majority who seemed to think they had to put on some GI Jane persona were awful.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Easy_C - 10-03-2015

Just been reading this and it's an explanation of why I don't want to work for a female manager:


Fiorina is clever and articulate, but during events like last week’s debate, it’s clear that she seems to have learned very little from her reign as a tech chief. On the campaign trail as in business, she still displays four key leadership flaws:

1. She refuses to learn from failure. Properly mastered, failure is a badge of honor for heroic leadership. People like Steve Jobs, Martha Stewart, Vanguard founder Jack Bogle, Anne Mulcahy of Xerox and Ellen Kullman of DuPont have all faced crushing adversity and rebounded from it. Walt Disney, Henry Ford and four U.S. presidents—Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Thomas Jefferson and William McKinley—all suffered bankruptcies. The difference between these people and Fiorina is that they all acknowledged their failures and learned from them, providing us with inspiring models of resilience. Fiorina thinks she can sweep obvious public facts of failure under the carpet. But what she doesn’t see is that talking about failure makes you stronger; hiding it makes you weaker. Fiorina’s denials inspire no one.

2. She plays fast and loose with highly misleading metrics, changing the goal posts by manipulating peer comparisons. Fiorina brags that she doubled revenues—but she cut value in half. She talks about doubling employment at HP when all she did was combine the employment of two huge firms—and then lay off 30,000 employees. She presents her story as rags to riches saga, from secretary to CEO, when in fact she is the daughter of a Duke University Law School dean and a federal Appeals Court judge. She just worked for a few months as a receptionist after dropping out of UCLA law school.

3. She makes irresponsible decisions. At HP, Fiorina abruptly pivoted from a strategy of chasing IT services to a splashier, but less sound strategy of ramping up in device manufacturing. While her predecessor, revered HP CEO Lew Platt, traveled coach in commercial planes, she demanded the company buy her a Gulfstream IV. More recently, her service on the Taiwan Semiconductor board indicates continued irresponsibility. Financial disclosures at the time Fiorina left the board in 2009 show that she attended just 17 percent of the company’s board meetings.

4. She is intolerant of dissent and resorts to personal attacks. Rather than address the points made by her critics—she elects to attack their character with false information, shifting the spotlight away from her. And, as much as she laid into Trump for his comments about her face, she has been known to be a queen of personal invective—even when it comes to physical appearance. She once ridiculed the music interests and appearance of a dissenting board member Walter Hewitt, son of HP’s co-founder—as well as the allegedly dowdy look of rival Senate candidate Barbara Boxer.

Read more:

I apologize for asking a question I already know the answer to on here, but.....

Is this behavior the exception to the rule, or pretty typical for female managers you've worked for/with?

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Cadders - 10-03-2015

The thing holding women back in the workplace is the same thing that is increasingly biting women in the ass in all areas of their lives.

Male disengagement.

Increasing numbers of men are treating the mass of women as they do other men at work. Which broadly means minimal interaction, no special treatment and a focus on tangible results. This is something I especially see in the younger men.

For years women have been banging on about the 'right' to work like men. Now men are enforcing the concomitant 'obligation' to work like men. They don't seem to be taking it too well.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - EvanWilson - 10-03-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:18 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Far from being empowered, it’s obvious that women are hired just to make up the diversity numbers. At my company the lower levels are packed with minority women (basically all East Asian), whereas just about all the VPs and above are white men.

There’s 7 women and 1 man in the cube in my corner of the office. Apart from me and a white fatty they’re all Chinese-American. The man is basically a woman too – he talks like a Valley Girl from a 1980’s movie. All they ever talk about out is fluffy toys, TV shows and food.

5 years ago I used to fill in staffing reports for the California government for my old job. I had to break out people by gender and level of education, but not by race. Things could have changed now. My company mentioned race when we had a re-org 2 years ago, which I found very strange.

My boss and her boss are both women, but I would say they’re very competent at their jobs. They’re both overweight so they weren’t hired for their looks.

Fluffy toys? How much can one talk about fluffy toys?

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Suits - 10-03-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:18 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

My boss and her boss are both women, but I would say they’re very competent at their jobs. They’re both overweight so they weren’t hired for their looks.

I've noticed that it's not unusual for fat women to be very competent at their jobs.

I've also seen obese women work unnecessarily hard at jobs that no one else would do for the same pay grade, usually following a period of unemployment or underemployment.

Anyone else noticed this sort of thing?

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Seadog - 10-03-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 11:28 PM)Suits Wrote:  

I've noticed that it's not unusual for fat women to be very competent at their jobs.

I've also seen obese women work unnecessarily hard at jobs that no one else would do for the same pay grade, usually following a period of unemployment or underemployment.

Anyone else noticed this sort of thing?

Absolutely, also that some of the kindest women I've met have also been from that camp. The phrase "Well she has a nice personality" came from somewhere.

Essentially it comes from the fact that most people primarily value a woman's looks, and if not blatantly, subconsciously women know that. So if they don't have that, well you better be smart/hard-working/kind or figure out something out, because no one is going to keep you around and put up with bitchiness otherwise.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - Ibagemyoutagem - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 01:44 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

If you've ever worked for or with women in authority positions in an office environment you'll notice a few things that they all have in common:

1) They all love rules. The more stringent and dogmatic the rules the better. Application of said rules will usually be biased or flawed in some way.

2) They love paperwork and mindless bureaucracy more than a third world communist pencil pusher. I'm convinced that a lot of useless paper shuffling that goes on in government and corporations is due to women middle management and human resources types.

3) They love office drama. This shit never changes.

4) They are trigger happy with lawsuits. There are a bunch of articles out there that have proven this to be true.

5) The higher up they get the more worthless and lazy they become. Fiorina the HP CEO and wannabe presidential candidate and that director of the secret service. All as useless as tits on a bull.

It's been a really long time since i've had to work with these types but I doubt it's changed much.

I can cosign this. My dad works in a senior middle management position and a new HR lady comes in who doesn't know the job yet. My dad emails her something she had to do and then goes out of his way to remind her in person. Then she does this dumb blond thing ,she doesn't take responsibility and chooses to stand her ground for no reason as if she had some ground to stand on the subject. My dad raises his voice (a bit pissed but rare ) and she files a report that my dad yelled and slammed the door . Weak shit but they had no choice but to write up my dad(first one in 28 years). Shes on poor grounds with every manager there (all guys) since its a manufacturing plant and on her way out because she doesn't produce any results which is what manufacturing field is all bout.

edit: after i finished reading the thread. The former HR lady was fat and stayed for 7 years before getting promoted in another plant, Her and my dad got along very well and he even motivated and helped her go from obese to over weight simply by going for salad for lunch every work day. She committed her self and she did it. But she did her job and did it well, pretty sure her new position puts her salary at least double.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - WalterBlack - 10-05-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 10:13 PM)EvanWilson Wrote:  

Fluffy toys? How much can one talk about fluffy toys?

Fucking hours it seems like...a lot of them are into collectible shit like Disney Tsum Tsums

[Image: 21.png?w=670&h=377&crop=1]

The women talking about this shit have CPAs, MBAs, Finance degrees etc.

I usually come into work after all the women come in and I leave before they do. I spend the least amount of time in our corner of the office and I get my stuff done. If they didn't waste literally a couple of hours a day talking about random shit they could also spend less time in the office.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - AnonymousBosch - 10-05-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 11:28 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:18 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

My boss and her boss are both women, but I would say they’re very competent at their jobs. They’re both overweight so they weren’t hired for their looks.

I've noticed that it's not unusual for fat women to be very competent at their jobs.

I've also seen obese women work unnecessarily hard at jobs that no one else would do for the same pay grade, usually following a period of unemployment or underemployment.

Anyone else noticed this sort of thing?

Seen this too many times to count.

They're hard, dedicated workers. Everyone thinks they're 'nice' and 'harmless'. They make themselves invaluable by taking on the extra work others don't want to do, and they step quietly up the ladder by doing so, usually by setting up situations where it's revealed how many others they're carrying.

Don't be fooled. They're after power. Ever so quietly, they get into positions of power over others and subvert the values of the workplace. You can learn a lot about group manipulation, setting up enemies and plausible-deniability from them.

Maybe not all fatties are like that, but most are. All Lesbians are like that. No-one hates normality more than the abnormal, so they long to redefine it normality as the outgroup.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - AnonymousBosch - 10-05-2015

Quote: (10-05-2015 02:54 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2015 10:13 PM)EvanWilson Wrote:  

Fluffy toys? How much can one talk about fluffy toys?

Fucking hours it seems like...a lot of them are into collectible shit like Disney Tsum Tsums

[Image: 21.png?w=670&h=377&crop=1]

The women talking about this shit have CPAs, MBAs, Finance degrees etc.

Confirmed. Back in the late 90's, the female university grads in the offices were obsessed with Beanie Babies. These were supposedly-educated women of 'elite' female intelligence, gushing like toddlers and creating passive-aggressive workplace schisms over competing to have either the most or the rarest of these. As usual, if it's desirable by the herd, women will find ways to sow discord over it.

[Image: 156739930_270-ty-beanie-babies-collectio...-mint-.jpg]

I always assumed this was just their barren wombs trying to tell them to put them to use.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - The Father - 10-05-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 01:44 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

If you've ever worked for or with women in authority positions in an office environment you'll notice a few things that they all have in common:

1) They all love rules. The more stringent and dogmatic the rules the better. Application of said rules will usually be biased or flawed in some way.

2) They love paperwork and mindless bureaucracy more than a third world communist pencil pusher. I'm convinced that a lot of useless paper shuffling that goes on in government and corporations is due to women middle management and human resources types.

3) They love office drama. This shit never changes.

4) They are trigger happy with lawsuits. There are a bunch of articles out there that have proven this to be true.

5) The higher up they get the more worthless and lazy they become. Fiorina the HP CEO and wannabe presidential candidate and that director of the secret service. All as useless as tits on a bull.

It's been a really long time since i've had to work with these types but I doubt it's changed much.

You've worked for some awful people.

What's Holding You Back in the Workplace? - rpg - 10-05-2015

Backstabbers, all of them. Never trust one with anything you need. Ever.