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Asked for date, got rejected...maybe - Printable Version

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Asked for date, got rejected...maybe - Klasmatic - 11-06-2013

Ok, I'm fairly new to text game and while I have been pretty successful with women over the past couple years, I admittedly owe none of that success to text game. I'm usually best when I go for the same night bang, but that's not always an option.

The other night at an engagement party, I met a girl, we chatted for a couple hours, made out, and I got her number because logistics didn't allow for us to continue the interaction at my place or hers. So, I settled for the number.

At the party, she said numerous times she wants to get together during the week for drinks or something, but we know that means dick-all sometimes.

So, being the text game n00b that I am, I tried following Roosh's text guide. I like the idea of using text strictly for setting up dates, especially since I had built attraction and had enough time with her at the party to get to know her.

I texted her on Monday (2 days after party) and said "how's my bride-to-be doing today?" (we had a running joke about getting married and kids)

she responds at 5 AM the next day saying she was really busy at work and crashed early and forgot to respond. she apologized for taking so long to answer and said "have a nice day!"

not exactly an open ended comment, so I let it sit all day Tuesday without responding.

Then, today, I send her a text asking if she would be up for grabbing drinks tomorrow night. She says she has to work late and be at work at 5AM Friday (she's a trainer at a gym). That's it. No offer of alternate day or anything like that. I just get the vibe that this one is dunzo and since she didn't offer up an alternate date/time, I'm wondering if there's any way to play this besides deleting her number and moving on.

I'm usually all about deleting the number and moving on to save face, but what do I have to lose at this point? What would you do and how would you respond to this? Do any of you guys ever persist and get results or do you typically just delete number and move on? What kind of response should I send when a girl doesn't offer up an alternate time to meet?

Asked for date, got rejected...maybe - j r - 11-06-2013

If it's not a yes, it's a no. That's it. There ain't no more.

Put her on the back burner an try again in a month or so. Search the forum and you'll find plenty of good reignite texts.

Asked for date, got rejected...maybe - heavy - 11-06-2013

Don't ever ask the open ended how's you day or how's it going text. You have to lead the conversation, give her something to work with...a tease. Even then, at least in my experience, it's tough to build attraction via text. Take Klasmatic advice going forward