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Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - durangotang - 01-23-2019

It's not my intention here to promote the Daily Stormer in any capacity or to derail this thread by going into an analysis of black on white or white on black crime. That's not what this thread is about and can be found elsewhere. My intention was to point out the absolute absurdity of what the media is willing to ignore and promote in order to get everyone agitated. White guys smiling is a hate crime? Meanwhile, gruesome hate crimes are perpetrated daily, and will get no coverage if it goes against the narrative or fails to advance the goals of the powers that be.

It's not just against whites, by the way. This is a media who could care less about helping blacks in any meaningful way. They might make a national scandal about a racist remark, but wouldn't dare honestly cover underlying conditions that lead to problems, for example single motherhood. The mainstream media is rotten to the bone and has absolutely no interest in advancing the truth, helping society, or anything other than divide and conquer and controlling the narrative.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - robreke - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:39 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Just watched this. the interviewer is clearly biased. She asks leading questions with a subtly accusatory and shaming tint to her voice.

She's trying to shame this kid into "realizing" what he did might have been or was offensive or "insensitive" in some way.

Sandmann holds his ground pretty good. It's obvious to anyone with a working brain that you had full grown men/adults with an idealogical agenda acting in a provocative or even aggressive manner toward these kids. This Indian man goes up face to face with the kid and beats the drum in his face. He knows what he's doing.

Meanwhile, the kid just stands there and smiles.

The interviewer keeps asking him about his reaction and her whole tone is "don't you see how your actions might have been considered offensive? Don't you see how some people might have seen what you were doing is just smirking? Don't you see how this could be viewed as insensitive?"

What does she expect? He's a 16 year old boy? At that age (15 or 16) most kids are not used to direct confrontation with adults. Most kids are not going to have the life experience to properly discern what's going on or how to react: (Is this Indian guy kidding with me? Is he joining us in our cheers? Is this Indian guy being aggressive? I'm not sure what's going on, this is a grown man here. Aren't adults supposed to know best? )

When you are that age and not fully matured, dealing with idealologically possessed grown men getting up in your face is over head in terms of how to correctly act, for most kids that age. You're still a boy who has not matured yet nor knows how to properly react or behave in the face of this.

As grown men who keep up with culture and world events, most of us here would realize this Indian guy was a clown trying to troll us and could size him up pretty quickly. Maybe the kid realized this, maybe not. In either case, I thought he handled himself very well.

The interviewer should be ashamed of herself but this is NBC so no surprises there.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - MidJack - 01-23-2019

Maybe it's my autistic brain, but I can't explain any of this to my satisfaction.

1. High school students are on a political and/or religious field trip consistent with their school's Catholic affiliation. They go to a specific public location in D.C., apparently with no chaperones, to meet their bus.

2. At that location, students are accosted by hostile black psuedo-Jews and a Native American man with his friends. The Native American later disrupts a Catholic service.

3. Selective video is used by national media to character-assassinate the students. Even the Catholic diocese affiliated with the school takes part.

4. Attorneys offer to support the students and their families for free. Enormous legal advice is on tap.

5. Inexplicably, the student at the epicenter of the hate campaign promptly does a nationally televised interview with the very class of media that slandered him in the first place. Every aspect of the interview, especially the hostile interviewer, was entirely predictable.

Something is not right here, and I don't mean the cultural aspects which are well documented. I mean that either Nick Sandmann's parents have extremely poor judgment, or there is something else going on.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - debeguiled - 01-23-2019

I will clear it up for you, MidJack.

This is a story about the mistreatment of mainstream media reporters in the U.S., and nothing else.


Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - budoslavic - 01-23-2019

The Left/Liberals/Democrats/MSM have gone completely unhinged and off the rails.







Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Dusty - 01-23-2019

[Image: attachment.jpg41162]   

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - MidJack - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 07:15 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I will clear it up for you, MidJack.

This is a story about the mistreatment of mainstream media reporters in the U.S., and nothing else.


So we are at the Reverse Victim and Offender stage of DARVO.

Female behavior really is metaphysical.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Scoundrel - 01-23-2019

This fiasco represents a new level of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and is a sign that things have, in certain respects, fundamentally changed in American society.

A complete & utter non-story from the get-go, yet one which countless people were whipped into passionate hysterics over.

This event demonstrates how valid & relevant the NPC meme is. There really are large numbers of people with no internal thought process whatsoever. They don't judge things rationally or critically at all. You could show them a video of paint drying, and if the right authority figures were to tell them this represents some monstrous injustice and they ought to be outraged, by god they will.

I hope this event is preserved in psychology textbooks, and studied by experts for years to come, as a modern-day example of mass hysteria.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Isaac Jordan - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 08:33 PM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

I hope this event is preserved in psychology textbooks, and studied by experts for years to come, as a modern-day example of mass hysteria.

I remember as a kid reading about things like the Salem witch trials, or exorcisms, or trepanation, and thinking to myself man, I am SO glad I get to live in the modern world, where science and logic have finally shed light on subjects our ancestors so crudely misunderstood.

If only I had known what was to come...

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - MajorStyles - 01-23-2019

A hand-picked story, given to use by our media overlords. The result is that it has diverted attention away from other stories, such as the Yellow Vest movement or the violent crimes that occur on a daily basis: i.e. murder, kidnapping, etc. Moreover, it serves the immediate purpose of creating more in-fighting (thus diverting attention from the actual power brokers). In short, it takes control of the national conversation in a deliberative way.

500 thousand other stories could have dominated the headlines. And yet, this is the one that we've been given. Disparate American groups at one another's throats...emotions purposefully riled up. You don't need to be Alex Jones to see the manipulative underpinning of the headlines we're given.

Well done, handlers...well done.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Graft - 01-24-2019

If the country ever normalizes, Nick Sandemann will be the Rosa Parks figure of the generation of white males that were demonized by the left and mainstream media for a decade.

If the left made David Hogg (the anti gun school shooting survivor) a mini celebrity, the right could push this kid to be big too.

He'll probably make the rounds of all the talk shows too.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - vanishing_point - 01-24-2019

These heavily MSM pushed stories are rarely nothing more than new-age Kabuki theater

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - nomadbrah - 01-24-2019

I hear Joe Rogan cucked hard and is basically done as a serious counter-culture figure.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - loremipsum - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 08:10 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

I hear Joe Rogan cucked hard and is basically done as a serious counter-culture figure.

The dude knows how to host a radio show and how to keep the talk going for many hours. And that is what he mostly is, a vehicle to get the guest to talk about their views comfortably.

That's also why he has no opinion of his own and changes his views every single show. I would never trust the guy seeing how he admittedly invited his old friend Alex Jones to the show to get him drunk and show how crazy he is.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Sherman - 01-24-2019

They are finally starting to report the truth on this con man. It was so obvious to me from the video that he was a manipulative passive aggressive with a criminal mind.

Native American activist Nathan Phillips' past includes assault charge, escape from prison: report

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - JWLZG - 01-24-2019

Far from this incident being a salient milestone for the fight for white survival, the question remains: what sort of losers as teenagers would be attending an anti-abortion rally in the first place — as if they as being most likely virgins would be subject experts on the matter* — when any regular teenage boy of their age ought to be macking on chicks at house parties? The sort of teenage boy who probably wouldn't be in a position to get some until marriage, probably. [Image: idea.gif]

Before lionising this kid as some sort of totem pole for white defence, while you can hamsterise their trip as their standing up for white persecution (since when did white people have a moral claim to abortion? [Image: huh.gif] ), the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't be sacrificing a weekend to get up to eyeballs in political quagmire if they were cool enough to lead normal teenage social lives. This utter lack of coolness will assure their lack of a stake in any act leading to abortion for some time to come. [Image: biggrin.gif]

* On the other hand, attending a Catholic School, they've probably been getting enough action from their priest since kindergarten. *sniggers*

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Beyond Borders - 01-24-2019

^ Dude, who gives a shit?

The kid is an obvious dork yet "grown" people are posting shit online like he's the face of white oppression for hundreds of years, the typical societal bully, and the face they saw while they were "victimised" in school, allegedly, etc.

If anything, the fact that he's a soft nerd looking kid and a dork makes it worse in my opinion. They targeted some random white kid for nothing...And if that's a fearsome face of oppression and aggression what world exactly did they grow up in??

Meanwhile even 15 years ago as a poor white male who probably grew up harder than anyone I saw in those videos of any race I couldn't go in a low income (sometimes leaning towards high income) native American or African American crowd without confrontation, antagonization, and or heckling of some nature (always backed by numbers).

Certainly not looking for street cred or sympathy so don't get me wrong, but I was actually a kid who could throw down and the aggression still came. The hypocrisy is incredibly ugly.

Fuck these people.

And an actually half tough minority kid who lived even half the life these idiots claim they all did would eat a skinny twerp like this for breakfast.

It's not about what these kids are or aren't doing with their lives. It's about the full out war on white people and even if this kid looks soft I give him his credit for standing there the way he did and not shrinking away. Good on him.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - ChicagoFire - 01-24-2019


This thread is going to age well when Barnes blows the lid off of these media asswipes in court. Man these fools and their hate crime hoaxes....

[Image: W1N7.gif]

I tried typing in "Ali" when not logged into the Twitter search engine and his name isn't popping up. Try it.

Quote: (01-24-2019 09:49 AM)Sherman Wrote: [url=] 

They are finally starting to report the truth on this con man. It was so obvious to me from the video that he was a manipulative passive aggressive with a criminal mind.

Native American activist Nathan Phillips' past includes assault charge, escape from prison: report

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - JWLZG - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 10:02 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

^ Dude, who gives a shit? The kid is an obvious dork yet "grown" people are posting shit online like he's the face of white oppression for hundreds of years and the face they saw while they were bullied in school, allegedly, etc. If anything, the fact that he's a soft nerd looking kid and a dork makes it worse in my opinion. They targeted some random white kid for nothing...Meanwhile even 15 years ago as a poor white male who probably grew up harder than anyone on this video I couldn't go in a low income (sometimes leaning towards high income) native American or African American crowd without confrontation and heckling of some nature (always backed by numbers). Fuck these people.

Sure, he's had his face plastered all over national media, faced the threat of being doxxed, punched in the face, and worse. I do wish the kids no ill-will, and certainly it's not the sort of situation I'd wish on myself or any other 16 year old schoolboy. Whether he's been crucified as the figurehead of white patriarchy, oppression, white privelege, toxic masculinity, misogyny (?!?!), or anything else is regrettable, and all too unfair an act of random scapegoating. The fact remains that he happened to inject himself in the wrong place and wrong time; and that had he been at a house party, playing video games at a sleepover with girls, even doing his hoemwork, he'd never been in this maelstrom.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Horus - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 09:52 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Far from this incident being a salient milestone for the fight for white survival, the question remains: what sort of losers as teenagers would be attending an anti-abortion rally in the first place — as if they as being most likely virgins would be subject experts on the matter* — when any regular teenage boy of their age ought to be macking on chicks at house parties? The sort of teenage boy who probably wouldn't be in a position to get some until marriage, probably. [Image: idea.gif]

Before lionising this kid as some sort of totem pole for white defence, while you can hamsterise their trip as their standing up for white persecution (since when did white people have a moral claim to abortion? [Image: huh.gif] ), the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't be sacrificing a weekend to get up to eyeballs in political quagmire if they were cool enough to lead normal teenage social lives. This utter lack of coolness will assure their lack of a stake in any act leading to abortion for some time to come. [Image: biggrin.gif]

* On the other hand, attending a Catholic School, they've probably been getting enough action from their priest since kindergarten. *sniggers*

It's true that this kid has most likely never seen a vagina in real life. But after this incident, and now that he's famous, he'll frequently find himself feverously grasping his prayer beads and crying out in his prayers in post-bang self-flagellation "Lord give me chastity! ..... but... just not yet please God..."

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 09:52 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Far from this incident being a salient milestone for the fight for white survival, the question remains: what sort of losers as teenagers would be attending an anti-abortion rally in the first place — as if they as being most likely virgins would be subject experts on the matter* — when any regular teenage boy of their age ought to be macking on chicks at house parties? The sort of teenage boy who probably wouldn't be in a position to get some until marriage, probably. [Image: idea.gif]

Before lionising this kid as some sort of totem pole for white defence, while you can hamsterise their trip as their standing up for white persecution (since when did white people have a moral claim to abortion? [Image: huh.gif] ), the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't be sacrificing a weekend to get up to eyeballs in political quagmire if they were cool enough to lead normal teenage social lives. This utter lack of coolness will assure their lack of a stake in any act leading to abortion for some time to come. [Image: biggrin.gif]

* On the other hand, attending a Catholic School, they've probably been getting enough action from their priest since kindergarten. *sniggers*

1). It might have been a requirement. Their Catholic school probably offered extra credit of some sort if they attended (some schools require volunteer hours and this probably counts).

2). It might have been a day trip. It's an excuse to get out of town with your buddies and see the nation's capital.

3). It might have been a way to meet up with girls. Most all-boys Catholic schools have all-girls "sister schools," and I'm guessing their town's all-girls school went.

4). It might have been their beliefs. If they genuinely believe in the pro-life stance, then good for them for standing up for their beliefs.

I disagree about the "cool enough" line. This is Catholic school and the culture is different. "Cool" means who gets into the best college and to do that you have to be in good standing with the school to get letters of recommendation. This rally might have been a way to keep in the school's graces.

Just for the record, I personally lasted a year in Catholic, private school. I HATED the school, the religious teachings, and the "private school stiffs" as I called the other students. I felt like one of the Rolling Stones forced to be in "The Donnie And Marie Show" (look it up, kids!). My first thought seeing these kids was negative.

But...I put aside my own negative feelings when I saw the whole tape. Because I don't think these kids were in the wrong. I think the media/social media is our new church and these kids were wrongly victimized as New Heretics.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Beyond Borders - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-24-2019 10:12 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2019 10:02 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

^ Dude, who gives a shit? The kid is an obvious dork yet "grown" people are posting shit online like he's the face of white oppression for hundreds of years and the face they saw while they were bullied in school, allegedly, etc. If anything, the fact that he's a soft nerd looking kid and a dork makes it worse in my opinion. They targeted some random white kid for nothing...Meanwhile even 15 years ago as a poor white male who probably grew up harder than anyone on this video I couldn't go in a low income (sometimes leaning towards high income) native American or African American crowd without confrontation and heckling of some nature (always backed by numbers). Fuck these people.

Sure, he's had his face plastered all over national media, faced the threat of being doxxed, punched in the face, and worse. I do wish the kids no ill-will, and certainly it's not the sort of situation I'd wish on myself or any other 16 year old schoolboy. Whether he's been crucified as the figurehead of white patriarchy, oppression, white privelege, toxic masculinity, misogyny (?!?!), or anything else is regrettable, and all too unfair an act of random scapegoating. The fact remains that he happened to inject himself in the wrong place and wrong time; and that had he been at a house party, playing video games at a sleepover with girls, even doing his hoemwork, he'd never been in this maelstrom.

So should we tell our white children it's time to hide in the home lest they offend someone...?

And in any case do 16 year old kids usually choose their field trips? Even furthermore do we need more fathers who require their kids to follow their religious instruction and keep at least somewhat in line or do we need more fathers high fiving sons who are running around slamming random pussy?

Fact that you're an RVFer might mean you lean towards the latter side but if you want society to change at all I'd say we need more of the former. And at the least can't blame those who do.

At the least maybe we need kids who at least walk in line (go to field trips?) long enough to know when it's time to walk outside of it, which is probably a bit older than 16. I never had parental instruction myself and I can tell you right now that laissez faire is not the answer for raising children, especially these days.

And then there's this.

All these grown adults are so out of their fucking mind they're antagonizing, slandering, and now aggressively going after...dorky children. Don't care what your children are doing with their time - you may have less control over that than you think when you become a father. But no subculture should stand for that, ever. And any race or culture that would stand for it might as well hack their own balls off right now and hand them over.

So you may not support the way these naive kids live but let them be torn apart like this over nothing and it's all of us that will lose in the end.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - christpuncher - 01-24-2019

^^^The anti-cool school boy junior cuck in the making theory doesn't exactly hold up after his aggressively pro-America, no apology, fear-my-kind tweet...

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - Sherman - 01-24-2019

These boys are actually too intelligent to participate in the slut culture. Kentucky is still one of the dwindling places where the real America exists.

Covington Catholic Collegiate Boys DC stand off with Native & Black Hebrew Protesters - 911 - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:50 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2019 04:23 PM)MOVSM Wrote:  

Here's your answer:

The real question there, though:

"Are whites disproportionately victimized by crimes committed by minorities?"

While racially motivated crimes against whites definitely happen and it's undeniable that more offenders are black, this becomes the key issue if you're going to argue that there's a plague of racial violence that's being suppressed.

Of the 3,252 reported committed by whites, 87.9% are committed against other whites, with 8.1% targeting blacks.

Of the 3,262 reported committed by blacks, 17.7% are committed against whites, with over 80% targeting other blacks.

Accepting this source, while it's fair to point out that there's more interracial violence perpetrated by blacks targeting whites than vice versa, it's not exactly some tidal wave of violence like what goes on with black-on-black crime.

You can cherrypick headlines to make anything look like a crisis, but as a Puerto Rican girl I used to bang once told me, "you can crash at my place anytime, they don't rob white people here".

What you've missed here is that Blacks commit crimes at a rate far higher than Whites, about 6 times higher, if we go by your figures above (same number of crimes overall while being 12% of the population). So the fact that they target whites at more than twice the rate whites target blacks, is very significant, because it means that the rate of black on white crime is more than 12 times that of white on black.

And the real picture is probably worse, Black on White crime being severely underreported, due to the fact that nearly every large metropolitan area where most of these crimes occur are run by poverty pimp/plantation Democrat administrations, the stats have been filtered through them.

Tim Kelly, one of the best podcasters in the US, has addressed this subject in his latest show which featured Colin Flaherty, who has done some great research on this subject:

You can also download the podcast here:

This is a must-hear if you want a true picture of racial violence in the US.

If you have the stomach for it, here is compilation put together by Flaherty of black urban violence, I wouldn't recommend spending too much time looking at these graphic compilations, but you have to know about them:

PS: I agree about Stormfront, it's a pure controled opposition site that seeks to poison with a toxic nazi/1488 pill any rational interpretation of the topic of racial dynamics. People like Anglin are straight out paid shills, they;re propped up so that real hate groups like the SPLC and ADL can push their agendas.